
(The TQCC of Ethics is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Blake, Michael. Justice, Migration, and Mercy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. Pp. 280. $35.00 (cloth).22
Front Matter21
Index to Volume 13216
Cooperative Activity, Shared Intention, and Exploitation13
:Moderate Conservatism: Reclaiming the Center12
:Normative Reasons: Between Reasoning and Explanation8
:The Scope of Consent8
From the Editors7
:On the Temporality of Emotions: An Essay on Grief, Anger, and Love7
Law, ‘Ought’, and ‘Can’7
Index to Volume 1317
:Bias: A Philosophical Study7
Notes on Contributors6
Front Matter6
:The Range of Reasons: In Ethics and Epistemology6
:Democratic Law6
Front Matter5
Brownlee, Kimberley. Being Sure of Each Other: An Essay on Social Rights and Freedoms. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. 256. $50.00 (cloth).5
Hall, Edward. Value, Conflict, and Order: Berlin, Hampshire, Williams, and the Realist Revival in Political Theory. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2020. Pp 256. $40.00 (paper).5
Notes on Contributors5
Notes on Contributors5
:The Main Enterprise of the World: Rethinking Education4
:Corruption and Global Justice4
:The Well-Ordered Republic4
Táíwò, Olúfẹmi O. Reconsidering Reparations. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. Pp. 280. $33.99 (cloth).4
:The Epistemology of Protest: Silencing, Epistemic Activism, and the Communicative Life of Resistance4
From the Editors4
Can Relative Prioritarianism Accommodate the Shift?4
:The Long Arc of Legality: Hobbes, Kelsen, Hart3
:Spying through a Glass Darkly: The Ethics of Espionage and Counter-intelligence3
:Subjects of Intergenerational Justice: Indigenous Philosophy, the Environment and Relationships3
:Poverty, Solidarity, and Poor-Led Social Movements2
:The Rules of Rescue: Cost, Distance, and Effective Altruism2
Front Matter2
Index to Volume 1332
The Particularist Challenge to Kantian Ethics2
Sinclair, Neil. Practical Expressivism: A Metaethical Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. Pp. 320. $105.00 (cloth).2
Notes on Contributors2
Race beyond Our Borders: Is Racial and Ethnic Immigration Selection Always Morally Wrong?2
:Getting Things Right: Fittingness, Reasons, and Value1
Impermissible yet Praiseworthy1
:Virtue Ethics for the Real World: Improving Character without Idealization1
:Fundamentals of Criminal Law: Responsibility, Culpability, and Wrongdoing1
Ghostwritten Lives: Autonomy, Deference, and Self-Authorship1
Can You Do Harm to Your Fetus? Pregnancy, Barriers, and the Doing/Allowing Distinction1
:The Open Society and Its Complexities1
The Norm Shift Theory of Punishment1
Front Matter1
:Just Shelter: Gentrification, Integration, Race, and Reconstruction1
:The Police Identity Crisis: Hero, Warrior, Guardian, Algorithm1
On the Offense against Fanaticism1
Non-Realist Cognitivism, Truthmaking, and Ontological Cheating1
:Exploitation as Domination: What Makes Capitalism Unjust1
Mistakes in the Moral Mathematics of Existential Risk1
Responsibility Skepticism and Strawson’s Naturalism1
The Past 110 Years: Historical Data on the Underrepresentation of Women in Philosophy Journals1
Oppressive Double Binds1
:Confucian Constitutionalism: Dignity, Rights, and Democracy1
:Desire as Belief: A Study of Desire, Motivation, and Rationality1
:The State0
Notes on Contributors0
Collective Actions, Individual Reasons, and the Metaphysics of Consequence0
:Outsourcing Duty: The Moral Exploitation of the American Soldier0
:Rational Rules: Towards a Theory of Moral Learning0
The Necessity of ‘Need’0
Intersectionality without Fragmentation0
Tiberius, Valerie. Well-Being as Value Fulfillment: How We Can Help Each Other to Live Well. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. Pp. 240. $35.00 (cloth).0
How Does Stalking Wrong the Victim?0
Agency and Varieties of Felt Necessity0
Tenenbaum, Sergio. Rational Powers in Action: Instrumental Rationality and Extended Agency. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. Pp. 272. $60.00 (cloth).0
In Defense of Fanaticism0
:Pornography: The Politics of Legal Challenges0
What’s Unjust about Structural Injustice?0
Intrapersonal Arguments for the Repugnant Conclusion0
:Perpetrator Disgust: The Moral Limits of Gut Feelings0
Brogaard, Berit. Hatred: Understanding Our Most Dangerous Emotion. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. 432. $24.95 (cloth).0
McPherson, David. Virtue and Meaning: A Neo-Aristotelian Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. Pp. 230. $99.99 (cloth).0
:Mind in Nature: John Dewey, Cognitive Science, and a Naturalistic Philosophy for Living0
Jimenez, Marta. Aristotle on Shame and Learning to Be Good. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. Pp. 224. $70.00 (cloth).0
:Bound by Convention: Obligation and Social Rules0
Radzik, Linda, with Christopher Bennett, Glen Pettigrove, and George Sher. The Ethics of Social Punishment: The Enforcement of Morality in Everyday Life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 0
:Liberalism and Distributive Justice0
The Morality of Gossip: A Kantian Account0
Imagining in Oppressive Contexts, or What’s Wrong with Blackface?0
Why We Should Not Worry about the Triviality of Normative Supervenience0
:Imagining the End: Mourning and Ethical Life0
Two Concepts of Competition0
:Rights and Their Limits: In Theory, Cases, and Pandemics0
Moral Nihilism—So What?0
Utils and Shmutils0
The Best Available Parent0
:Organizations as Wrongdoers: From Ontology to Morality0
:The Space Between: How Empathy Really Works0
:Dear Prudence: The Nature and Normativity of Prudential Discourse0
Olson, Kristi A. The Solidarity Solution: Principles for a Fair Income Distribution. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. 240. $74.00 (cloth).0
:Social Goodness: The Ontology of Social Norms0
Notes on Contributors0
Navigating Uncertainty about Sentience0
Moral Worth and Moral Belief0
:Unruly Women: Race, Neocolonialism, and the Hijab0
Schwenkler, John. Anscombe’s “Intention”: A Guide. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. Pp. 272. $24.95 (paper).0
:Failures of Forgiveness: What We Get Wrong and How to Do Better0
Notes on Contributors0
Essentializing Language and the Prospects for Ameliorative Projects0
Discounting Small Probabilities Solves the Intrapersonal Addition Paradox0
Mind Independence versus Mind Nongroundedness: Two Kinds of Objectivism0
Notes on Contributors0
:Nietzsche’s Immoralism: Politics as First Philosophy0
Spontaneous Freedom0
A Standing Asymmetry between Blame and Forgiveness0
Notes on Contributors0
:The Grounds of Political Legitimacy0
Blumenthal-Barby, Jennifer S.. Good Ethics and Bad Choices: The Relevance of Behavioral Economics for Medical Ethics. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2021. Pp. 264. $45.00 (paper).0
Freedom and Viruses0
Condemnatory Disappointment0
:Fichte’s Moral Philosophy0
:Being Good in a World of Need0
:Ethics in the Gray Area: A Gradualist Theory of Right and Wrong0
Aesthetic Injustice0
:The Right to Do Wrong: Morality and the Limits of Law0
Impartial Evaluation under Ambiguity0
:Authority, Cooperation, and Accountability0
:Immigration and Freedom0
:Fair Opportunity and Responsibility0
McMullin, Irene. Existential Flourishing: A Phenomenology of the Virtues. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. Pp. 254. $105.00 (cloth).0
:How to Do Things with Emotions: The Morality of Anger and Shame across Cultures0
Won’t Somebody Please Think of the Parents?0
Fischer, Bob. The Ethics of Eating Animals: Usually Bad, Sometimes Wrong, Often Permissible. New York: Routledge, 2019. Pp. 204. $160.00 (cloth).0
:Emotion as Feeling towards Value: A Theory of Emotional Experience0
:Disability Through the Lens of Justice0
:Agents of Change: Political Philosophy in Practice0
Papish, Laura. Kant on Evil, Self-Deception, and Moral Reform. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. Pp. 280. $90.00 (cloth).0
“Adding Up” Reasons: Lessons for Reductive and Nonreductive Approaches0
Cooperation: With or without Shared Intentions0
Front Matter0
:The Rationality of Love0
Promises, Intentions, and Reasons for Action0
:Healthy Eating Policy and Political Philosophy: A Public Reason Approach0
Manuscript Reviewers for 20210
Philosophy as a Way of Life0
Lippert-Rasmussen, Kasper. Making Sense of Affirmative Action. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. 296. $65.00 (cloth).0
:Philosophy for Public Health and Public Policy: Beyond the Neglectful State0
Notes on Contributors0
Cassam, Quassim. Extremism: A Philosophical Analysis. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis, 2021. Pp. 254. $24.95 (paper).0
:The Beam and the Mote: On Blame, Standing, and Normativity0
:Kantian Ethics, Dignity and Perfection0
Manuscript Reviewers for 20200
:Pragmatist Quietism: A Meta-ethical System0
The Point of Promises0
Brunero, John. Instrumental Rationality: The Normativity of Means-Ends Coherence. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. 240. $70.00 (cloth).0
Notes on Contributors0
Epistemic Coercion0
The Wrong of Lying and the Good of Language: A Reply to “What’s the Good of Language?”0
Quong, Jonathan. The Morality of Defensive Force. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. 240. $70.00 (cloth).0
The Right to Be Forgotten and the Value of an Open Future0
Theunissen, L. Nandi. The Value of Humanity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. 176. $50.00 (cloth).0
Lying, Misleading, and Fairness0
Front Matter0
:Gender-Critical Feminism0
“A Woman First and a Philosopher Second”: Relative Attentional Surplus on the Wrong Property0
Front Matter0
The Source of Responsibility0
:Real Forgiveness0
:Against Capital Punishment0
Front Matter0
:Morality and Epistemic Judgement: The Argument from Analogy0
Index to Volume 1340
Consequentialists Must Kill0
Don’t Stop Believing (Hold onto That Warm Fuzzy Feeling)0
Notes on Contributors0
Hunt, Lester H. The Philosophy of Henry Thoreau: Ethics, Politics, and Nature. New York: Bloomsbury, 2019. Pp. 184. $115.00 (cloth).0
Amnesia and Punishment0
:Green Light Ethics: A Theory of Permissive Consent and Its Moral Metaphysics0
The Balancing View of Ought0
Notes on Contributors0
:Exploitation, Ethics and Law: Violating the Ethos of the Doctor-Patient Relationship0
Risk Attitudes and Justifiability to Each0
:Justice and Egalitarian Relations0
Notes on Contributors0
:A Wild West of the Mind0
:Naturally Free Action0
The Demands of Necessity0
:What’s Wrong with Lookism? Personal Appearance, Discrimination, and Disadvantage0
Manuscript Reviewers for 20230
A Potential Perspective for Potential Perspectivism—Reply to Fassio0
:Saving Animals, Saving Ourselves: Why Animals Matter for Pandemics, Climate Change, and Other Catastrophes0
:Being Guilty: Freedom, Responsibility, and Conscience in German Philosophy from Kant to Heidegger0
:Norms and Necessity0
Binding the Self: The Ethics of Ulysses Contracts0
Is Conceptual Inflation a Problem for a Theory of Institutional Racism?0
Cherry, Myisha. The Case for Rage: Why Anger Is Essential to Anti-racist Struggle. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. Pp. 224. $19.95 (cloth).0
Attraction, Aversion, and Asymmetrical Desires0
:Feeling Like It: A Theory of Inclination and Will0
:Elucidating Law0
Front Matter0
From the Editors0
Front Matter0
Kurth, Charlie. The Anxious Mind: An Investigation into the Varieties and Virtues of Anxiety. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2018. Pp. 264. $35.00 (cloth).0
From the Editor0
:Choosing Well: The Good, The Bad, and the Trivial0
Relevance and Nonbinary Choices0
Front Matter0
Why Parents’ Interests Matter0
The Problem with Prisons0
Strict Moral Answerability0
:Strokes of Luck: A Study in Moral and Political Philosophy0
Notes on Contributors0
:The Afterlife of Race: An Informed Philosophical Search0
:Responsible Citizens, Irresponsible States: Should Citizens Pay for Their States’ Wrongdoings?0
Not What I Agreed To: Content and Consent0
Individualist Theories and Interpersonal Aggregation0
:The Philosophy of Envy0
Ross, Stephanie. Two Thumbs Up: How Critics Aid Appreciation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2020. Pp. 256. $45.00 (cloth).0
Racism as Civic Vice0
Moreau, Sophia. Faces of Inequality: A Theory of Wrongful Discrimination. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. 276. $99.00 (cloth).0
Goldberg, John C. P., and Zipursky, Benjamin C. Recognizing Wrongs. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2020. Pp. 392. $45.00 (cloth).0
Relational Equality and Immigration0
:Sustaining Democracy: What We Owe to the Other Side0
Sandel, Michael J. The Tyranny of Merit: What’s Become of the Common Good? New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2020. Pp. 288. $28.00 (cloth).0
:George Orwell: The Ethics of Equality0
Tadros, Victor. To Do, to Die, to Reason Why: Individual Ethics in War. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. 352. $70.00 (cloth).0
What Does the Best Available Parent View Require?0
Demoralizing Trust0
:Liberal Freedom: Pluralism, Polarization, and Politics0
Leiter, Brian. Moral Psychology with Nietzsche. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. Pp. 224. $65.00 (cloth).0
:Morality and Socially Constructed Norms0
Boonin, David. Dead Wrong: The Ethics of Posthumous Harm. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. Pp. 224. $72.00 (cloth).0
Would Adopting Triple-Blind Review Increase Female Authorship in Interdisciplinary Journals? A Comment on Hassoun et al.0
Front Matter0
Front Matter0
Aggregation and Self-Sacrifice0
Back to Class: From Equality of Educational Opportunity to Social Equality0
:Duty to Self: Moral, Political, and Legal Self-Relation0
Moral Experience: Perception or Emotion?0
Consequentialism and the Agent’s Point of View0
:The Roots of Normativity0
Impermissible Altruism: A Response to Pummer0
:The Right to Higher Education: A Political Theory0
Aggregation and Reductio0
:Grief: A Philosophical Guide0
Manuscript Reviewers for 20220
Agency (and Order) in Mental Disorder0
Front Matter0
Delston, Jill B. Medical Sexism: Contraception Access, Reproductive Medicine, and Health Care. London: Lexington Books, 2019. Pp. 360. $115.00 (cloth).0
Norcross, Alastair. Morality by Degrees: Reasons without Demands. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. 176. $50.00 (cloth).0
By Convention Alone: Assignable Rights, Dischargeable Debts, and the Distinctiveness of the Commercial Sphere0
Notes on Contributors0
:The Movement for Black Lives: Philosophical Perspectives0