
(The median citation count of Ergonomics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01.)
Effects of industrial back-support exoskeletons on body loading and user experience: an updated systematic review133
State of science: evolving perspectives on ‘human error’61
The effectivity of a passive arm support exoskeleton in reducing muscle activation and perceived exertion during plastering activities42
State of science: the future of work – ergonomics and human factors contributions to the field35
Reference values and subscale patterns for the task load index (TLX): a meta-analytic review31
What about the human in human robot collaboration?31
Methodologies for evaluating exoskeletons with industrial applications31
Smartphone-based human fatigue level detection using machine learning approaches29
Why do older people love and hate assistive technology? ‒ an emotional experience perspective25
Development and validation of a cumulative exposure shoulder risk assessment tool based on fatigue failure theory24
Contribution of ergonomics and human factors to sustainable development: a systematic literature review22
Flashing in-curb LEDs and beacons at unsignalized crosswalks and driver’s visual attention to pedestrians during nighttime22
How do pedestrians distribute their visual attention when walking through a parking garage? An eye-tracking study20
Automated vehicles that communicate implicitly: examining the use of lateral position within the lane20
Mitigating motion sickness in automated vehicles with vibration cue system20
Evaluating the effect of multi-sensory stimulations on simulator sickness and sense of presence during HMD-mediated VR experience19
Complexity theory in accident causation: using AcciMap to identify the systems thinking tenets in 11 catastrophes19
The effects of prolonged sitting, standing, and an alternating sit-stand pattern on trunk mechanical stiffness, trunk muscle activation and low back discomfort18
User discomfort while using a virtual reality headset as a personal viewing system for text-intensive office tasks18
Testing the reliability and validity of risk assessment methods in Human Factors and Ergonomics18
State of science: models and methods for understanding and enhancing teams and teamwork in complex sociotechnical systems17
Influence of neck flexion angle on gravitational moment and neck muscle activity when using a smartphone while standing17
A physiological and biomechanical investigation of three passive upper-extremity exoskeletons during simulated overhead work16
The effectiveness of ergonomics interventions in reducing upper limb work-related musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction in sonographers, surgeons and dentists: a systematic review16
Assessment of passenger long-term vibration discomfort: a field study in high-speed train environments15
The association of mobile touch screen device use with parent-child attachment: a systematic review15
Shared control versus traded control in driving: a debate around automation pitfalls14
Validation of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index (NASA-TLX) adapted for the whole day repeated measures context14
Evaluation of a passive low-back support exoskeleton (Ergo-Vest) for manual waste collection13
Activity-based flexible offices: effects on work-related outcomes in a longitudinal study13
Why human factors science is demonstrably necessary: historical and evolutionary foundations13
Task difficulty and physiological measures of mental workload in air traffic control: a scoping review13
The impact of power on health care team performance and patient safety: a review of the literature13
A systematic literature review of evidence for the use of assistive exoskeletons in defence and security use cases13
The influence of distractions of the home-work environment on mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic13
The impaired healing hypothesis: a mechanism by which psychosocial stress and personal characteristics increase MSD risk?12
Trust in artificial intelligence within production management – an exploration of antecedents12
Postural precursors of motion sickness in head-mounted displays: drivers and passengers, women and men12
Development and validation of a behavioural video coding scheme for detecting mental workload in manual assembly12
Ironies of artificial intelligence12
Resolving the differences between system development and system operation using STAMP: a road safety case study in a low-income setting11
How the characteristics of sports bras affect their performance11
Cooling efficiency of vests with different cooling concepts over 8-hour trials11
Effects of firefighting hood design, laundering and doffing on smoke protection, heat stress and wearability11
The immediate effect of the abdominal drawing-in maneuver technique on stature change in seated sedentary workers with chronic low back pain11
The Liberty Mutual manual materials handling (LM-MMH) equations11
Does standardisation improve post-operative anaesthesia handoffs? Meta-analyses on provider, patient, organisational, and handoff outcomes11
Representing two road traffic collisions in one Accimap: highlighting the importance of emergency response and enforcement in a low-income country11
Shoulder electromyography-based indicators to assess manifestation of muscle fatigue during laboratory-simulated manual handling task10
The influence of brightness combinations and background colour on legibility and subjective preference under negative polarity10
Differences and similarities in comfort and discomfort experience in nine countries in Asia, the Americas and Europe10
‘It’s a man’s world’: a gender-equitable scoping review of gender, transportation, and work10
Assessing the comfort of earplugs: development and validation of the French version of the COPROD questionnaire10
Effect of fatigue on muscle latency, muscle activation and perceived discomfort when exposed to whole-body vibration10
Wrist extensor muscle activity is less task-dependent than wrist flexor muscle activity while simultaneously performing moderate-to-high handgrip and wrist forces10
Acoustic comfort depends on the psychological state of the individual10
Psychological distress in Spanish airline pilots during the aviation crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and psychometric analysis of the 12-item general health questionnaire10
Effects of unreliable automation, non-driving related task, and takeover time budget on drivers’ takeover performance and workload10
Drivers’ car-following behaviours in low-illumination conditions10
The effect of footwear outsole material on slip resistance on dry and contaminated surfaces with geometrically controlled outsoles10
Normobaric hypoxia training in military aviation and subsequent hypoxia symptom recognition10
A shoe-insole to improve ankle joint mechanics for injury prevention among older adults9
The role of transactive memory systems, psychological safety and interpersonal conflict in hospital team performance9
The short-term effects of artificially-impaired binocular vision on driving performance9
Ergonomics indicators: A proposal for sustainable process performance measurement in ergonomics9
A framework for studying risk factors for lower extremity musculoskeletal discomfort in nurses9
Effects of full windshield head-up display on visual attention allocation9
The incidence of breast health issues and the efficacy of a sports bra fit and issue service in British Army recruits9
Interactive effects of task load and music tempo on psychological, psychophysiological, and behavioural outcomes during simulated driving9
Evaluation of musculoskeletal discomfort using item response theory: creation of a scale based on the self-reported pain symptoms9
The impact of a progressive sit-stand rotation exposure duration on low back posture, muscle activation, and pain development9
Assessing the female figure identification technique’s reliability as a body shape classification system9
Comparing the effect of the posture of using smartphones on head and neck angles among college students8
Reacting and responding to rare, uncertain and unprecedented events8
A retrospective analysis of the evolution of ergonomics for environmental sustainability (2011–2021)8
Occupational cold exposure is associated with neck pain, low back pain, and lumbar radiculopathy8
Working from home during lockdown: the association between rest breaks and well-being8
Visual fatigue induced by watching virtual reality device and the effect of anisometropia8
Do men and women have different musculoskeletal symptoms at the same musculoskeletal discomfort level?8
Continuous, integrated sensors for predicting fatigue during non-repetitive work: demonstration of technique in the operating room8
Mental workload variations during different cognitive office tasks with social media interruptions8
Work–family balance in the construction industry: why gender analysis matters to develop sustainable interventions8
Revisiting human-machine trust: a replication study of Muir and Moray (1996) using a simulated pasteurizer plant task8
Bra-body armour integration, breast discomfort and breast injury associated with wearing body armour8
Analysis of the external acoustic meatus for ergonomic design: part I – measurement of the external acoustic meatus using casting, scanning and rapid estimation approaches8
Physical and cognitive demands associated with police in-vehicle technology use: an on-road case study7
Effects of working posture, lifting load, and standing surface on postural instability during simulated lifting tasks in construction7
Development and evaluation of the novel postural loading on the entire body assessment7
Event-related driver stress detection with smartphones among young novice drivers7
Examining human factors and ergonomics aspects in a manufacturing organisation’s metrics system: measuring up to stakeholder needs7
Testing the reliability of accident analysis methods: a comparison of AcciMap, STAMP-CAST and AcciNet7
Analysis of the external acoustic meatus for ergonomic design: part II – anthropometric variations of the external acoustic meatus by sex, age and side in Chinese population7
Exploratory factor analysis and validity of the virtual reality symptom questionnaire and computer use survey7
Effect of trunk flexion angle and time on lumbar and abdominal muscle activity while wearing a passive back-support exosuit device during simple posture-maintenance tasks7
The business case for a healthy office; a holistic overview of relations between office workspace design and mental health7
‘My whole body is at work’: the silence of gendered body techniques in cork industry in an era of automation7
Treadmill load carriage overestimates energy expenditure of overground load carriage7
‘Over to you’: using a STAMP control structure analysis to probe deeper into the control of UK road safety at a municipal level – the case of Cambridgeshire7
Should data on gender and ethnicity inform ergonomics interventions? Lessons from four case studies7
Maritime autonomous surface ships: can we learn from unmanned aerial vehicle incidents using the perceptual cycle model?7
The effects of chlorination, thickness, and moisture on glove donning efficiency6
Effects of background noise and extraversion on reading comprehension performance6
Providing different levels of accuracy about the reliability of automation to a human operator: impact on human performance6
A review of the effects of head-worn displays on teamwork for emergency response6
Exploring the relationship between neck flexion and neck problems in occupational populations: a systematic review of the literature6
The role of employee perceptions of safety priorities on safety outcomes across organisational levels6
Effectiveness and usability of real-time vibrotactile feedback training to reduce postural exposure in real manual sorting work6
Development of Rasmussen’s risk management framework for analysing multi-level sociotechnical influences in the design of envisioned work systems6
Designing creative spaces: an experimental examination of the effect of a nature poster on divergent thinking6
Comparison of univariate and multivariate anthropometric accommodation of the northwest Mexico population6
Ergonomics training coupled with new Sit-Stand workstation implementation influences usage6
Investigating the impacts of COVID-19 on aviation safety based on occurrences captured through flight data monitoring6
Anthropometric dataset for the German working-age population using 3D body scans from a regional epidemiological health study and a weighting algorithm6
Can training trunk musculature influence musculoskeletal pain and physical performance in military police officers?6
The effects of dual-task interference on visual search and verbal memory6
Powered by virtual realities: promoting emotional recovery through technology-based recovery interventions6
Use of wearable sensors to assess patterns of trunk flexion in young and old workers in the Metalworking Industry6
A study on segmentation and refinement of key human body parts by integrating manual measurements6
Work exposures and mental and musculoskeletal symptoms in organic farming5
Using touchscreen mobile devices—when, where and how: a one-week field study5
Why cumulative loading calculated using non-weighted integration may not be suitable for assessing physical stress of the lower back: an empirical investigation of strain during lifting and lowering t5
Quantifying the qualitative: exploring epistemic network analysis as a method to study work system interactions5
Air travellers’ experiences and understanding of jetlag and perceptions of management strategies: a qualitative study5
U can’t touch this! Face touching behaviour whilst driving: implications for health, hygiene and human factors5
Using cognitive work analysis to identify competencies for human factors and ergonomics practitioners5
A method identifying key optimisation points for aircraft seat comfort 5
An online hazard prediction test demonstrates differences in the ability to identify hazardous situations between different driving groups5
Using eye movements to evaluate the effectiveness of the situation awareness rating technique scale in measuring situation awareness for smart manufacturing5
Automation complacency on the road5
The quest for the ring: a case study of a new submarine control room configuration5
Human trust in otherware – a systematic literature review bringing all antecedents together5
Ironic efficiency in automation-aided signal detection5
Impact of shift work on sleep and fatigue in Maritime pilots5
Gaming experience predicts UAS operator performance and workload in simulated search and rescue missions5
Social stress, performance after-effects and extra-role behaviour5
Trunk sway changes in professional bus drivers during actual shifts on long-distance routes5
Incident reporting in the outdoors: a systems-based analysis of injury, illness, and psychosocial incidents in led outdoor activities in Australia5
Transcranial direct current stimulation during a prolonged cognitive task: the effect on cognitive and shooting performances in professional female basketball players5
Assessment of helicopter passengers’ vibration discomfort: proposal for improvement of the ISO 2631-1 standard5
Human–robot interaction: how worker influence in task allocation improves autonomy5
The consumers’ response to product design: a narrative review5
Fitts’ law on the flight deck: evaluating touchscreens for aircraft tasks in actual flight scenarios5
The impact of repeated bouts of shiftwork on rapid strength and reaction time in career firefighters5
Integrating physiological monitoring systems in military aviation: a brief narrative review of its importance, opportunities, and risks5
Individual differences in the temporal progression of motion sickness and anxiety: the role of passengers’ trait anxiety and motion sickness history4
Auditory versus visual spatial stimulus-response mappings in tracking and discrete dual task performance: implications for human-machine interface design4
Fonts of wider letter shapes improve letter recognition in parafovea and periphery4
Establishment of a finite element model based on craniofacial soft tissue thickness measurements and stress analysis of medical goggles4
The biomechanical benefits of active sitting4
Quick coherence technique facilitating commercial pilots’ psychophysiological resilience to the impact of COVID-194
Development of a metric to evaluate the ergonomic principles of assistive systems, based on the DIN 924194
Affective and cognitive restoration: comparing the restorative role of indoor plants and guided meditation4
Smooth and safe tram journeys: tram driver perspectives and opportunities using a haptic master controller in a virtual reality environment4
Investigating the effect of a passive trunk exoskeleton on local discomfort, perceived effort and spatial distribution of back muscles activity4
Examining the relationship between human factors related quality risk factors and work related musculoskeletal disorder risk factors in manufacturing4
Emotional experiences of service robots’ anthropomorphic appearance: a multimodal measurement method4
Inspiratory muscle training at sea level improves the strength of inspiratory muscles during load carriage in cold-hypoxia4
Effects of safety pattern, cabin ergonomics, and sleep on work-related stress and burnout of city and transit bus drivers in Lahore, Pakistan4
Designing human-AI systems for complex settings: ideas from distributed, joint, and self-organising perspectives of sociotechnical systems and cognitive work analysis4
Integration of sex and gender in interventions by students in ergonomics4
Towards better microsleep predictions in fatigued drivers: exploring benefits of personality traits and IQ4
Quantifying the uncertainty in tribometer measurements on walkway surfaces4
Effect of office chair design features on lumbar spine posture, muscle activity and perceived pain during prolonged sitting4
Applying the sustainable system-of-systems framework: wastewater(s) in a rapidly urbanising South African settlement4
The physiological demands of helicopter winch rescue in water and over land4
Enhancing component-specific trust with consumer automated systems through humanness design4
Cardiovascular response to whole-body vibration on an automobile seat4
Sustainable system of systems at work: unravelling (some of) the complexity of farmers’ transition to sustainability4
Regular and temporary occupants’ perceptions of satisfaction in tertiary education buildings4
It practically drives itself: autonomous vehicle technology, psychological attitudes, and susceptibility to risky driving behaviors4
Quantitative and qualitative workload assessment in steep terrain forest operations: fostering a safer work environment through yarder automation4
Fight or flight? Behaviour and experiences of laypersons in the face of an incipient fire4
Dark mode vogue: Do light-on-dark displays have measurable benefits to users?4
Gait initiation differences between overweight and normal weight individuals4
Lower-body muscular power and exercise tolerance predict susceptibility to enemy fire during a tactical combat movement simulation4
The role of death anxiety on marksmanship performance: a virtual reality simulator study4
Whole-body vibration exposure in unfavourable seated postures: apparent mass and seat-to-head transmissibility measurements in the fore-and-aft, lateral, and vertical directions4
Biodynamic response of seated human body to vertical and added lateral and roll vibrations4
Effect of variable priority training on police officer driving performance and workload4
Shaping the development and use of Artificial Intelligence: how human factors and ergonomics expertise can become more pertinent4
Physiological demands and physical performance determinants of a new firefighting simulation test4
Eye tracking for work-related visual search: a cognitive task analysis4
Patterns in transitions of visual attention during baseline driving and during interaction with visual–manual and voice-based interfaces4
Validation of the Revised Strain Index for Predicting Risk of Incident Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in a Prospective Cohort4
Detecting subject-specific fatigue-related changes in lifting kinematics using a machine learning approach4
Gender and work in ergonomics: recent trends4
Development of the Smart Tools Proneness Questionnaire (STP-Q): an instrument to assess the individual propensity to use smart tools4
Relationship between anxiety and monotonous task performance in response to local cooling: an experimental study in healthy young men3
Defining the lumbar and trunk-thigh neutral zone from the passive stiffness curve: application to hybrid sit-stand postures and chair design3
Forty years of Organisational Design and Management (ODAM)3
Exploring the relationships between computer task characteristics, mental workload, and computer users’ biomechanical responses3
Walking the line: balancing performance barriers and facilitators in an augmented reality mobile application for paediatric code cart training3
Proposal of guidelines to assist managers to face pressing challenges confronting Latin American universities: a complexity theory perspective3
The scope for adaptive capacity in emergency departments: modelling performance constraints using control task analysis and social organisational cooperation analysis3
An improved clothing size recommendation approach based on subdivision of female body types3
Human and machine-induced social stress and cognitive performance3
No pain, no gain? The effects of adding a pain stimulus in virtual training for police officers3
A systematic review of literature on occupational health and safety interventions for older workers3
Can increased load carriage affect lower limbs kinematics during military gait?3
Post-exercise, passive heat acclimation with sauna or hot-water immersion provide comparable adaptations to performance in the heat in a military context3
Analysis method for revealing human and organisational factors of occupational accidents with movement disturbance (OAMDs)3
Shoulder moments and angles during single and combined manual material handling tasks3
Women’s wrist and elbow at work: analysis of acute injuries and cumulative trauma disorders to improve ergonomics in female-dominated activities3
Sex differences in perceived discomfort during seated static posture holding3
Developing a simulation tool to quantify biomechanical load and quality of care in nursing3
A predictive model to quantify joint torques and support reaction forces when using a smartphone while standing with support3
The accumulation of, and associations between, nurses’ activity levels within their shift in the emergency department3
‘There’s good and bad’: parent perspectives on the influence of mobile touch screen device use on prenatal attachment3
A method for increasing 3D body scanning’s precision: Gryphon and consecutive scanning3
Quantifying the effectiveness of a passive trunk-support exosuit at reducing erector spinae muscle fatigue during a quasi-static posture maintenance task3
Reducing failures in daily medical practice: Healthcare failure mode and effect analysis combined with computer simulation3
Association of anthropometric characteristics of law enforcement officers with perceived ratings of fit, comfort, and pain in the use of body armor3
The impact of an active and passive industrial back exoskeleton on functional performance3
Cardiac autonomic responses to different tasks in office workers with access to a sit-stand table – a study in real work setting3
Usability testing of three visual HMIs for assisted driving: How design impacts driver distraction and mental models3
Can occupational health professionals successfully apply the Goldilocks Work Paradigm in a simulated work redesign?3
Visual and steering behaviours during lane departures: a longitudinal study of interactions between lane departure warning system, driving task and driving experience3
Exploring the importance of a usable and emotional product design from the user’s perspective3
Effects of heat load and hypobaric hypoxia on cognitive performance: a combined stressor approach3
Analysis of sagittal spinal alignment at the adolescent age: for furniture design3
A parametric modeling of adult body shape in a supported seated posture including effects of age3
Exposures to select risk factors can be estimated from a continuous stream of inertial sensor measurements during a variety of lifting-lowering tasks3
Wider is better but sharper is not: optimizing the image of camera-monitor systems3
Effects of variations in the tragus expansion angle on physical comfort for in-ear wearables3
Use of an inflatable mat to reduce body discomfort development when performing computer work at a standing desk3
Understanding user behaviour in activity-based offices3
Severity of slouched posture during smartphone use is associated with the musculoskeletal discomfort, daily usage, and school year among adolescents3
Comparing an augmented reality navigation display to an electronic map for military reconnaissance3
Weighted vests in CrossFit increase physiological stress during walking and running without changes in spatiotemporal gait parameters3
The compatibility of exoskeletons in perioperative environments and workflows: an analysis of surgical team members’ perspectives and workflow simulation3
Subjective discomfort analysis of human body in semi-supine posture caused by vertical sinusoidal vibration3
Evaluating adaptiveness of an active back exosuit for dynamic lifting and maximum range of motion3
Dynamic interaction between the human body and the seat during vertical vibration: effect of inclination of the seat pan and the backrest on seat transmissibilities3
Healthcare worker choice and low back force between self-chosen and highest bed height when boosting a patient up in bed3
Exposure to hypoxia impairs helicopter pilots’ awareness of environment3
To automate or not to automate: advocating the ‘cliff-edge’ principle3
A preliminary study to identify data needs for improving fit of hand and wrist orthosis using verbal protocol analysis3
Participatory ergonomics: What works for whom and why? A realist review3
Multiple outcome interactions in healthcare systems: a participatory outcome mapping approach3
Effects of environmental illumination and screen brightness settings on upper limb and axial skeleton parameters: how do users adapt postures?3
Measured effects of workload and auditory feedback on remote pilot task performance3
The risk-taking behavioural intentions of pilots in adverse weather conditions: an application of the theory of planned behaviour2
Understanding trust calibration in automated driving: the effect of time, personality, and system warning design2
Exploring the physiological benefits of carrying a suspended backpack versus a traditional backpack2
Comparison of two different cooling systems in alleviating thermal and physiological strain during prolonged exercise in the heat2
Anthropometrics and body composition predict performance during a simulated direct-fire engagement2
“It helps and it doesn’t help”: maternal perspectives on how the use of smartphones and tablet computers influences parent-infant attachment2
Creating safe environments: optimal acoustic alarming of laypeople in fire prevention2
“Simulation of medical goggles to stop airborne transmission of viruses: computational fluid dynamics in ergonomics”2
Interaction between physical demands and job strain on musculoskeletal symptoms and work performance2