
(The H4-Index of Ergonomics is 19. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Effects of industrial back-support exoskeletons on body loading and user experience: an updated systematic review144
State of science: evolving perspectives on ‘human error’67
The effectivity of a passive arm support exoskeleton in reducing muscle activation and perceived exertion during plastering activities44
State of science: the future of work – ergonomics and human factors contributions to the field36
What about the human in human robot collaboration?34
Smartphone-based human fatigue level detection using machine learning approaches32
Methodologies for evaluating exoskeletons with industrial applications32
Reference values and subscale patterns for the task load index (TLX): a meta-analytic review31
Contribution of ergonomics and human factors to sustainable development: a systematic literature review23
Mitigating motion sickness in automated vehicles with vibration cue system22
Flashing in-curb LEDs and beacons at unsignalized crosswalks and driver’s visual attention to pedestrians during nighttime22
How do pedestrians distribute their visual attention when walking through a parking garage? An eye-tracking study21
User discomfort while using a virtual reality headset as a personal viewing system for text-intensive office tasks21
Complexity theory in accident causation: using AcciMap to identify the systems thinking tenets in 11 catastrophes20
Evaluating the effect of multi-sensory stimulations on simulator sickness and sense of presence during HMD-mediated VR experience20
Automated vehicles that communicate implicitly: examining the use of lateral position within the lane20
Ironies of artificial intelligence20
The effects of prolonged sitting, standing, and an alternating sit-stand pattern on trunk mechanical stiffness, trunk muscle activation and low back discomfort19
A physiological and biomechanical investigation of three passive upper-extremity exoskeletons during simulated overhead work19
State of science: models and methods for understanding and enhancing teams and teamwork in complex sociotechnical systems19