Environmental Science & Technology

(The median citation count of Environmental Science & Technology is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Correction to “Tissue-Specific Toxicokinetics of Aqueous Radium-226 in an Estuarine Mussel, Geukensia demissa686
Key Role of Vegetation Cover in Alleviating Microplastic-Enhanced Carbon Emissions680
Membrane Design Principles for Ion-Selective Electrodialysis: An Analysis for Li/Mg Separation370
Large-Scale Controlled Experiment Demonstrates Effectiveness of Methane Leak Detection and Repair Programs at Oil and Gas Facilities336
Efficient Catalytic Oxidation of Ethylene at 0 °C on an in Situ Carbon Modified Pt Catalyst Supported on SBA-15333
High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Screening of Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (QACs) in Dust from Homes and Various Microenvironments in South China329
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Serum of 2 to 5 year-Old Children: Temporal Trends, Determinants, and Correlations with Maternal PFAS Concentrations325
Off-Target Stoichiometric Binding Identified from Toxicogenomics Explains Why Some Species Are More Sensitive than Others to a Widely Used Neonicotinoid324
Tissue-Specific Toxicokinetics of Aqueous Radium-226 in an Estuarine Mussel, Geukensia demissa323
Surface and Groundwater Contamination, Community and Ecosystem Exposures Are the Unintentional Consequences from “Recycling” Treated Seed Products297
Firing Increases Arsenic Leaching from Ceramic Water Filters via Arsenic and Iron Phase Transformations294
Metatranscriptome Revealed the Efficacy and Safety of a Prospective Approach for Agricultural Wastewater Reuse: Achieving Ammonia Retention during Biological Treatment by a Novel Natural Inhibitor Eps292
Stable Mercury Trends Support a Long-Term Diet Shift Away from Marine Foraging in Salish Sea Glaucous-Winged Gulls over the Last Century280
Mapping Phosphorus Availability in Soil at a Large Scale and High Resolution Using Novel Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films Designed for X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy276
Spatiotemporal Variability in N-Nitrosodimethylamine Precursor Levels in a Watershed Impacted by Agricultural Activities and Municipal Wastewater Discharges and Effects of Lime Softening272
Higher Daily Air Temperature Is Associated with Shorter Leukocyte Telomere Length: KORA F3 and KORA F4261
Repair Failures Call for New Policies to Tackle Leaky Natural Gas Distribution Systems258
When Does Multiphase Chemistry Influence Indoor Chemical Fate?252
Impact of Legislation on Brominated Flame Retardant Concentrations in UK Indoor and Outdoor Environments: Evidence for Declining Indoor Emissions of Some Legacy BFRs249
Sulfate Doping Promotes Agglomeration of Calcium Fluoride Crystals241
Insight into the Role of NH3/NH4+ and NOx/NO3 in the Formation of Nitrogen-Containing Brown Carbon in Chinese Megacities237
Issue Editorial Masthead235
Water Supply Planning in the Face of Drought and Ecosystem Flows: Examining the Impact of the Bay-Delta Plan on Bay Area Water Supply235
Issue Editorial Masthead229
Correction to “Environmental Exposure to 6:2 Polyfluoroalkyl Phosphate Diester and Impaired Testicular Function in Men”215
Is the Environmental Risk of Metformin Underestimated?214
How Should We Activate Ferrate(VI)? Fe(IV) and Fe(V) Tell Different Stories about Fluoroquinolone Transformation and Toxicity Changes213
Effect of Aggregation and Molecular Size on the Ice Nucleation Efficiency of Proteins210
Real-Time Monitoring of Air Pollution Health Impacts Using Breath-Borne Gaseous Biomarkers from Rats210
Quantifying Impacts of Microcosm Mass Loss on Kinetic Constant Estimation207
Are Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs) Formed in My Cup of Tea? Regulated, Priority, and Unknown DBPs202
Promoting the Catalytic Ozonation of Toluene by Introducing SO42– into the α-MnO2/ZSM-5 Catalyst to Tune Both Oxygen Vacancies and Acid Sites201
Considerations and Opportunities for Probe Capture Enrichment Sequencing of Emerging Viruses from Wastewater200
TP or Not TP? Successful Comparison of Two Independent Methods Validates Total Phosphorus Inference for Long-Term Eutrophication Studies197
Fe–Mn Oxides Based Multifunctional Adsorptive/Electrosensing Nanoplatforms: Dynamic Site Rearrangement for Metal Ion Selectivity195
MtDNA Copy Number in Oral Epithelial Cells Serves as a Potential Biomarker of Mitochondrial Damage by Neonicotinoid Exposure: A Cross-Sectional Study194
Air Quality and Health Implications of Coal Power Retirements Attributed to Industrial Electricity Savings in China194
Tox21-Based Comparative Analyses for the Identification of Potential Toxic Effects of Environmental Pollutants191
Critical Evaluation and Meta-Analysis of Ecotoxicological Data on Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Freshwater Species189
Impact of Biotransformation on Internal Concentrations and Specificity Classification of Organic Chemicals in the Zebrafish Embryo (Danio rerio)187
High-Throughput Single-Cell Metabolic Labeling, Sorting, and Sequencing of Active Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in the Environment187
Mapping Microplastic Movement: A Phase Diagram to Predict Nonbuoyant Microplastic Modes of Transport at the Particle Scale184
Reactivity, Pathways, and Iodinated Disinfection Byproduct Formation during Chlorination of Iodotyrosines Derived from Edible Seaweed184
Chemical Exposomics in Human Plasma by Lipid Removal and Large-Volume Injection Gas Chromatography–High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry181
Resolving Atmospheric Oxygenated Organic Molecules in Urban Beijing Using Online Ultrahigh-Resolution Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry180
Forecasting and Hindcasting PFAS Concentrations in Groundwater Discharging to Streams near a PFAS Production Facility179
Development and Evaluation of Aquatic and Terrestrial Food Web Bioaccumulation Models for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances178
Deep CCS: Moving Beyond 90% Carbon Dioxide Capture177
Burn Intensity Drives the Alteration of Phenolic Lignin to (Poly) Aromatic Hydrocarbons as Revealed by Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry (Py-GC/MS)177
Characterization of Ambient Air Quality in Selected Urban Areas in Uganda Using Low-Cost Sensing and Measurement Technologies175
Opportunities and Risks of the “Metaverse” For Biodiversity and the Environment175
Seasonal Fluctuations in Iron Cycling in Thawing Permafrost Peatlands174
Photochemical Reactions of Glyoxal during Particulate Ammonium Nitrate Photolysis: Brown Carbon Formation, Enhanced Glyoxal Decay, and Organic Phase Formation174
Mitochondria-Dependent Oxidative Stress Mediates ZnO Nanoparticle (ZnO NP)-Induced Mitophagy and Lipotoxicity in Freshwater Teleost Fish173
Seasonal Variations in Proton Binding Characteristics of Dissolved Organic Matter Isolated from the Southwest Baltic Sea171
Mobile Sources Are Still an Important Source of Secondary Organic Aerosol and Fine Particulate Matter in the Los Angeles Region170
Techno-Economic and Life Cycle Assessment of Enhanced Rock Weathering: A Case Study from the Midwestern United States168
Not All E-commerce Emits Equally: Systematic Quantitative Review of Online and Store Purchases’ Carbon Footprint168
Adsorption of Organic Compounds by Biomass Chars: Direct Role of Aromatic Condensation (Ring Cluster Size) Revealed by Experimental and Theoretical Studies167
Unique κ-Ce2Zr2O8 Superstructure Promoting the NOx Adsorption-Selective Catalytic Reduction (AdSCR) Performance of the WO3/CeZrO167
Advancing Fifth Percentile Hazard Concentration Estimation Using Toxicity-Normalized Species Sensitivity Distributions166
The Last Paper by Ron Hites. A Tale of Four Cities: Polychlorinated Biphenyls in America165
Correction to “Trends of Total Applied Pesticide Toxicity in German Agriculture”162
Characterizing the Impact of Cyanobacterial Blooms on the Photoreactivity of Surface Waters from New York Lakes: A Combined Statewide Survey and Laboratory Investigation160
Correction to “Heat Transfer by Sweat Droplet Evaporation”159
Correction to “Effect of Adsorbed Carboxylates on the Dissolution of Boehmite Nanoplates in Highly Alkaline Solutions”157
Spectroscopic Investigation of Phosphorus Mineralization as Affected by the Calcite–Water Interfacial Chemistry157
Impact of Periodic Polarization on Groundwater Denitrification in Bioelectrochemical Systems156
Microscale Chaotic Mixing as a Driver for Chemical Reactions in Porous Media153
Metatranscriptomic Analysis Reveals the Coexpression of Hydrogen-Producing and Homoacetogenesis Genes in Dark Fermentative Reactors Operated at High Substrate Loads151
Health and Economic Consequences of Lead Exposure Associated with Products and Services Provided by the Informal Economy150
Colony-Based Electrochemistry Reveals Electron Conduction Mechanisms Mediated by Cytochromes and Flavins in Shewanella oneidensis149
Predictors of Serum Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances Concentrations among U.S. Couples Attending a Fertility Clinic148
Simulated Aquifer Heterogeneity Leads to Enhanced Attenuation and Multiple Retention Processes of Zinc148
Anthropogenic Emission Sources of Sulfate Aerosols in Hangzhou, East China: Insights from Isotope Techniques with Consideration of Fractionation Effects between Gas-to-Particle Transformations147
Issue Publication Information146
From Detection to Remediation: Analytical Science at the Forefront of Environmental Research146
Response to Comment on “EPR Evidence for Mechanistic Diversity of Cu(II)/Peroxygen Oxidation Systems by Tracing the Origin of DMPO Spin Adducts”144
Modeling the Dynamics of Mixture Toxicity and Effects of Organic Micropollutants in a Small River under Unsteady Flow Conditions143
Correction to “Empirical Evidence for the Potential Climate Benefits of Decarbonizing Light Vehicle Transport in the U.S. with Bioenergy from Purpose-Grown Biomass with and without BECCS”143
Issue Publication Information142
Issue Publication Information142
Correspondence on “Machine Learning-Assisted Identification and Quantification of Hydroxylated Metabolites of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Animal Samples”140
Issue Editorial Masthead137
Correspondence on “Assessing the Release of Microplastics and Nanoplastics from Plastic Containers and Reusable Food Pouches: Implications for Human Health”137
Traded Plastic, Traded Impacts? Designing Counterfactual Scenarios to Assess Environmental Impacts of Global Plastic Waste Trade136
Impact of Airborne Pathogen-Derived Extracellular Vesicles on Macrophages Revealed by Raman Spectroscopy and Multiomics134
The Total Mass of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) in California Cosmetics133
Total Oxidation of Light Alkane over Phosphate-Modified Pt/CeO2 Catalysts132
Chemolithotrophic Biological Nitrogen Fixation Fueled by Antimonite Oxidation May Be Widespread in Sb-Contaminated Habitats132
Storage and Distribution of Organic Carbon and Nutrients in Acidic Soils Developed on Sulfidic Sediments: The Roles of Reactive Iron and Macropores130
Coupled Mn(II) and Cr(III) Oxidation Mediated by Ascomycete Fungi129
The Historic Built Environment As a Long-Term Geochemical Archive: Telling the Time on the Urban “Pollution Clock”129
Accelerating Catalytic Oxyanion Reduction with Inert Metal Hydroxides127
Issue Publication Information127
Response to Comment on “Outside the Safe Operating Space of the Planetary Boundary for Novel Entities”126
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Issue Publication Information126
Screening and Evaluation of Children’s Sensitively Toxic Chemicals in New Mosquito Repellent Products Based on a Nationwide Investigation125
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Issue Publication Information124
Urban Farming with Enhanced Rock Weathering As a Prospective Climate Stabilization Wedge124
Integrating Thermal Analysis and Reaction Modeling for Rational Design of Pyrolytic Processes to Remediate Soils Contaminated with Heavy Crude Oil124
Predicting Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor Performance Using Flow-Cytometry-Derived High and Low Nucleic Acid Content Cells123
Lipid Metabolites as Potential Regulators of the Antibiotic Resistome in Tetramorium caespitum123
Aquatic Toxicity Calculation of Mixtures: A Chemical Activity Approach Incorporating a Bioavailability Reduction Concept123
Consumption in Non-Pastoral Regions Drove Three-Quarters of Forage–Livestock Conflicts in China123
Determinants of Microbial-Derived Dissolved Organic Matter Diversity in Antarctic Lakes123
Disproportionately High Contributions of 60 Year Old Weapons-137Cs Explain the Persistence of Radioactive Contamination in Bavarian Wild Boars121
Chemical Imaging of Pharmaceuticals in Biofilms for Wastewater Treatment Using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry121
Assessment of Serum Concentrations of 12 Aldehydes in the U.S. Population from the 2013–2014 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey120
Sustaining Irrigation Supplies through Immobilization of Groundwater Arsenic In Situ119
Low-Cost Hourly Ambient Black Carbon Measurements at Multiple Cities in Africa119
Theoretical Kinetic Isotope Effects in Establishing the Precise Biodegradation Mechanisms of Organic Pollutants118
Materials Challenges in the Electric Vehicle Transition118
Unreported VOC Emissions from Road Transport Including from Electric Vehicles118
Facilely Fabricated Single-Site Ptδ+–O(OH)x– Species Associated with Alkali on Zirconia Exhibiting Superior Catalytic Oxidation Reactivity118
Chaotic Transport of Solutes in Unsaturated Porous Media117
Ozone Loss on Painted Surfaces: Dependence on Relative Humidity, Aging, and Exposure to Reactive SVOCs117
Land-Use Decisions Have Substantial Air Quality Health Effects117
Unified Metallic Catalyst Aging Strategy and Implications for Water Treatment117
Superoxide Photoproduction from Wetland Plant-Derived Dissolved Organic Matter: Implications for Biogeochemical Impacts of Plant Invasion117
Insight into the Mechanism and Kinetics of the Heterogeneous Reaction between SO2 and NO2 on Diesel Black Carbon under Light Irradiation117
Issue Publication Information115
Issue Editorial Masthead114
Rebuttal to Correspondence on “Suspect and Nontarget Screening for Contaminants of Emerging Concern in an Urban Estuary”114
Issue Editorial Masthead112
Rebuttal to Correspondence: “Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Implementation: How the Amended Law Has Failed to Protect Vulnerable Populations from Toxic Chemicals in the United States”112
Issue Editorial Masthead111
Comment on “High Production, Low Information: We Need To Know More About Polymeric Flame Retardants”110
Addition and Correction to Renaissance for Phage-Based Bacterial Control109
ES&T’s Best Papers of 2020109
Issue Editorial Masthead109
Issue Publication Information108
Issue Editorial Masthead108
Issue Publication Information108
Correction to “Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance (PFAS) Transport from Groundwater to Streams near a PFAS Manufacturing Facility in North Carolina, USA”108
Issue Editorial Masthead107
Nature-Based Solution to Eliminate Cyanotoxins in Water Using Biologically Enhanced Biochar106
Monolith or Powder: Improper Sample Pretreatment May Mislead the Understanding of Industrial V2O5–WO3/TiO2 Catalysts Operated in Stationary Resources105
Kinetic and Mechanistic Considerations of the Photosensitized Transformation of Chlorine in Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter Solutions under Simulated Solar Irradiation105
Semirational Design Strategy To Enhance the Thermostability and Catalytic Activity of Cytochrome P450 105D7 for the Degradation of the Pharmaceutically Active Compounds: Diclofenac104
Embedding Mixed Sorbents in Binder: Solid-Phase Microextraction Coating with Wide Extraction Coverage and Its Application in Environmental Water Analysis104
Dissolved Organic Matter Contains Ketones Across a Wide Range of Molecular Formulas104
Identification of Novel Organophosphate Esters in Hydroponic Lettuces (Lactuca sativa L.): Biotransformation and Acropetal Translocation104
Identifying Key Sources for Air Pollution and CO2 Emission Co-control in China103
Mapping the Terrain for Pathogen Persistence and Proliferation in Non-potable Reuse Distribution Systems: Interactive Effects of Biofiltration, Disinfection, and Water Age103
Microplastic Particles Contain Ice Nucleation Sites That Can Be Inhibited by Atmospheric Aging103
Emerging Plasticizers in South China House Dust and Hand Wipes: Calling for Potential Concern?103
Issue Publication Information102
Reaction of HOCl with Wood Smoke Aerosol: Impacts on Indoor Air Quality and Outdoor Reactive Chlorine102
Reconstruction of the Sources and Their Contributions to 129I in Northern Xinjiang, China102
The Prevalence of Marine Lipophilic Phycotoxins Causes Potential Risks in a Tropical Small Island Developing State101
Non-negligible Toxicity to Fish in the Early Life Stages Triggered by Aqueous Leachate of Takeaway Plastic Containers100
Controlling In Planta Gold Nanoparticle Synthesis and Size for Catalysis100
Seasonal Differences and Grazing Pressure Alter the Fate of Gold Nanoparticles in a Microcosm Experiment100
Impact of Climate on Soil Organic Matter Composition in Soils of Tropical Volcanic Regions Revealed by EGA-MS and Py-GC/MS100
Beyond the Tailpipe: An Outdated Flammability Standard Leads to Organohalogen Flame Retardant Exposures inside Cars99
Tethered balloon system and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Reveal Increased Organonitrates Aloft Compared to the Ground Level99
Correction to “Probing the Thermodynamics of Biomagnification in Zoo-Housed Polar Bears by Equilibrium Sampling of Dietary and Fecal Samples”99
Rebuttal to Correspondence on “Mortality Pattern of Poecilus cupreus Beetles after Repeated Topical Exposure to Insecticide─Stochastic Death or Individual Tolerance?”’98
Protective Strategy to Boost the Stability of Aminated Graphene in Fenton-like Reactions98
Hazardous Spills at Retired Fertilizer Manufacturing Plants Will Continue to Occur in the Absence of Scientific Innovation and Regulatory Enforcement98
Obscured Contribution of Oxygenated Intermediate-Volatility Organic Compounds to Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Gasoline Vehicle Emissions98
Performance of Continuous Emission Monitoring Solutions under a Single-Blind Controlled Testing Protocol97
Long-Term In-Use NOx Emissions from London Buses with Retrofitted NOx Aftertreatment97
Metabolic Disrupting Effects of Polychlorinated Biphenyls Revealed by Long-Term Temporal Variations of Lipids in Detritivorous Fish from the Rio de la Plata Basin96
Enhancing Phosphorus Release from Sewage Sludge in Anaerobic Digestion via Thermal Hydrolysis Pretreatment: Insights from Phosphorus Speciation and Molecular Biological Pathways96
Climate vs Energy Security: Quantifying the Trade-offs of BECCS Deployment and Overcoming Opportunity Costs on Set-Aside Land96
Long-Term Source Apportionment of Ammonium in PM2.5 at a Suburban and a Rural Site Using Stable Nitrogen Isotopes96
Source contributions and drivers of physiological and psychophysical cobenefits from major air pollution control actions in North China95
Four Years of Active Sampling and Measurement of Atmospheric Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Oxygenated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica95
Untargeted Metabolomics Analyses and Contaminant Chemistry of Dreissenid Mussels at the Maumee River Area of Concern in the Great Lakes95
Stochastic Framework for Addressing Chemical Partitioning and Bioavailability in Contaminated Sediment Assessment and Management95
Anthropogenic Chloroform Emissions from China Drive Changes in Global Emissions94
Homologue Composition of Technical Chlorinated Paraffins Used in Several Countries over the Last 50 Years─SCCPs Are Still Out There94
Substantial Reduction in Particulate Matter Air Pollution across Europe during 2006–2019: A Spatiotemporal Modeling Analysis93
Process-Specific Effects of Sulfate on CaCO3 Formation in Environmentally Relevant Systems93
Long-Term Monitoring of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) in Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins (Sousa chinensis) from the Pearl River Estuary Reveals High Risks for Calves due to Maternal Exp93
Exposure to Contemporary and Emerging Chemicals in Commerce among Pregnant Women in the United States: The Environmental influences on Child Health Outcome (ECHO) Program93
Differential Adsorption of Dissolved Organic Matter and Phosphorus on Clay Mineral in Water-Sediment System92
Internal Dynamics and Metabolism of Mercury in Biota: A Review of Insights from Mercury Stable Isotopes92
In-Furnace Control of Arsenic Vapor Emissions Using Fe2O3 Microspheres with Good Sintering Resistance92
Swellable Array Strategy Based on Designed Flexible Double Hypercross-linked Polymers for Synergistic Adsorption of Toluene and Formaldehyde92
Molecular-Weight-Dependent Degradation of Plastics: Deciphering Host–Microbiome Synergy Biodegradation of High-Purity Polypropylene Microplastics by Mealworms92
Liquid Hydrogen: A Mirage or Potent Solution for Aviation’s Climate Woes?92
A New Electron Shuttling Pathway Mediated by Lipophilic Phenoxazine via the Interaction with Periplasmic and Inner Membrane Proteins of Shewanella oneidensis MR-192
Estimation of Transport Parameters of Perfluoroalkyl Acids (PFAAs) in Unsaturated Porous Media: Critical Experimental and Modeling Improvements91
3D Quantification of Pore Networks and Anthropogenic Carbon Mineralization in Stacked Basalt Reservoirs91
Nitrifying Microorganisms Linked to Biotransformation of Perfluoroalkyl Sulfonamido Precursors from Legacy Aqueous Film-Forming Foams91
Sulfidation of Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron by Sulfide: The Dynamic Process, Mechanism, and Role of Ferrous Iron90
Generational Specific Recruitment of Arsenic- and Antimony-Reducing Microorganisms in Plant Root-Associated Niches for Adapting to Metalloid-Metal Pollution90
Turbid Waters and Clearer Standards: Refining Water Quality Criteria for Coastal Environments by Encompassing Metal Bioavailability from Suspended Particles90
Interactions of Potential Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals with Whole Human Proteome Predicted by AlphaFold2 Using an In Silico Approach89
Diving into the Depths: Uncovering Microplastics in Norwegian Coastal Sediment Cores89
Unveiling the Presence of Short- and Medium-Chain Chlorinated Paraffins in the Hadal Trenches of the Western Pacific Ocean89
Nonadditive Cytotoxicity in Select Disinfection Byproducts and Disinfected Secondary Effluents89
What is the Difference between Conventional Drinking Water, Potable Reuse Water, and Nonpotable Reuse Water? A Microbiome Perspective89
Isotopic Constraints on Sources and Transformations of Nitrate in the Mount Everest Proglacial Water88
Rapid and Highly Selective Fe(IV) Generation by Fe(II)-Peroxyacid Advanced Oxidation Processes: Mechanistic Investigation via Kinetics and Density Functional Theory88
Neurotoxic Effects of Mixtures of Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) at Environmental and Human Blood Concentrations88
Assessment and Comparison of Early Developmental Toxicity of Six Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances with Human Embryonic Stem Cell Models87
Multiple Sulfur Isotopic Evidence for Sulfate Formation in Haze Pollution87
Precise Cation Separations with Composite Cation-Exchange Membranes: Role of Base Layer Properties87
Fostering a Holistic Understanding of the Full Volatility Spectrum of Organic Compounds from Benzene Series Precursors through Mechanistic Modeling87
Issue Editorial Masthead87
Issue Editorial Masthead86
The 2024 Outstanding Achievements in Environmental Science & Technology Award - The Asia Pacific Region86
Sunlight Inactivation of Enveloped Viruses in Clear Water86
Marine and Anthropogenic Bromopyrroles Alter Cellular Ca2+ Dynamics of Murine Cortical Neuronal Networks by Targeting the Ryanodine Receptor and Sarco/Endoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+-86
Issue Publication Information85
Mechanism Study of Organic Sulfur Hydrogenation over Pt- and Pd-Loaded Alumina-Based Catalysts85
Henry’s Law Constants and Indoor Partitioning of Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds85
Quantifying Regional Methane Emissions in the New Mexico Permian Basin with a Comprehensive Aerial Survey85
Nanoscale Agrochemicals for Crop Health: A Key Line of Attack in the Battle for Global Food Security85
Screening Allergenic Potencies of Skin-Contact Products Using the Human-Derived THP-1 Cell Activation Test85
Accounting for Cloud Nucleation Activation Mechanism of Secondary Organic Matter from α-Pinene Oxidation Using Experimentally Retrieved Water Solubility Distributions85
Integrated Biological Risk and Cost Model Analysis Supports a Geopolitical Shift in Ballast Water Management85
Determination of Urban Formaldehyde Emission Ratios in the Shanghai Megacity84
Chronic Exposure to Secondary Organic Aerosols Causes Lung Tissue Damage84
Implications of Free and Occluded Fine Colloids for Organic Matter Preservation in Arable Soils83
Enzyme-Catalyzed Hydrogen–Deuterium Exchange between Environmental Pollutants and Enzyme-Regulated Endogenous Metabolites83
The Greatest Opportunity for Green Stormwater Infrastructure Is to Advance Environmental Justice82
Issue Publication Information82
Spatiotemporal Expansion of Algal Blooms in Coastal China Seas82
Correction to “Beyond the Lab: Early Career Researchers May Find Purpose through Policy, Advocacy, and Public Engagement”82
Correction to Fluorine Mass Balance and Suspect Screening in Marine Mammals from the Northern Hemisphere82
Several Small or Single Large? Quantifying the Catchment-Wide Performance of On-Site Wastewater Treatment Plants with Inaccurate Sensors82
Issue Publication Information82
Correction to “Statistical Approaches to Study Exposome-Health Associations in the Context of Repeated Exposure Data: A Simulation Study”81
Comment on “Censoring Trace-Level Environmental Data: Statistical Analysis Considerations to Limit Bias”81
Correction to “Anthropogenic-Driven Alterations in Black Carbon Sequestration and the Structure in a Deep Plateau Lake”81
Comment on “Maternal Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Thyroid Hormones, and DIO Genes: A Spanish Cross-sectional Study”: Predictability of Multiple Imputations for Large Amounts of Missing Data81
Toxicity of Weathered Sediment-Bound Dilbit to Early Life Stages of Zebrafish (Danio rerio)81
Correction for “Contribution of N-Nitrosamines and Their Precursors to Domestic Sewage by Greywaters and Blackwaters”81
Evaluation of the Environmental Fate of a Semivolatile Transformation Product of Ibuprofen Based on a Simple Two-Media Fate Model81
Issue Editorial Masthead81
Paper-Based Devices As a New Tool for Rapid and on-Site Monitoring of “Superbugs”81
Solubility and Thermodynamic Investigation of Meta-Autunite Group Uranyl Arsenate Solids with Monovalent Cations Na and K80
Multiphase Reactions between Organic Peroxides and Sulfur Dioxide in Internally Mixed Inorganic and Organic Particles: Key Roles of Particle Phase Separation and Acidity80
Issue Publication Information80
Targeting Metal Impurities for the Detection and Quantification of Carbon Black Particles in Water via spICP-MS80
Enhancing Aqueous Chlorate Reduction Using Vanadium Redox Cycles and pH Control80
Modeling the Formation of Organic Compounds across Full Volatility Ranges and Their Contribution to Nanoparticle Growth in a Polluted Atmosphere79
Thin-Film Composite Membranes for Hydrogen Evolution with a Saline Catholyte Water Feed79
Thyroid Endocrine Disruption and Mechanism of the Marine Antifouling Pollutant 4,5-Dichloro-2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one78
Congener Variation of Genetic Dependent-Developmental Toxicology in Two Emerging Classes of Dioxin-like Compounds78
Neurotransmitter Metabolism in Arsenic Exposure-Induced Cognitive Impairment: Emerging Insights and Predictive Implications78
Multicriteria Suitability Index for Prioritizing Early-Stage Deployments of Wastewater-Derived Fertilizers in Sub-Saharan Africa78