
(The median citation count of Environment is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
From Racialized Neocolonial Global Conservation to an Inclusive and Regenerative Conservation52
Environmental Justice and Transformations to Sustainability34
The Next Frontier—Human Development and the Anthropocene: UNDP Human Development Report 202032
Transitioning the Chemical Industry: The Case for Addressing the Climate, Toxics, and Plastics Crises16
One Health and the Environment: From Conceptual Framework to Implementation Science11
Collision Course: Development Pushes Amazonia Toward Its Tipping Point11
The Environmental Justice Agenda for E-Waste Management7
Green Infrastructure: Lessons in Governance and Collaboration From Tucson6
COP 26 and Sustainability Science6
Here, There, and Everywhere: How the SDGs Must Include Noise Pollution in Their Development Challenges6
Twin Disasters: Tracking COVID-19 and Cyclone Amphan’s Impacts on SDGs in the Indian Sundarbans6
Transitioning the Chemical Industry: Elements of a Roadmap Toward Sustainable Chemicals and Materials5
Wildfire Management in Chile: Increasing Risks Call for More Resilient Communities5
Nature-Based Solutions and Agroecology: Business as Usual or an Opportunity for Transformative Change?5
Animating the Carbon Cycle: How Wildlife Conservation Can Be a Key to Mitigate Climate Change4
War and the Politics of Energy and Climate Change4
Ending a Sea of Confusion: Insights and Opportunities in Sea-Level Change Communication4
The Next Steps for Valuing Nature in Decision Making4
What Do Land Acknowledgments Acknowledge?3
What Lies Ahead: How Aid for Climate Refugees Must Focus on Human Rights and Human Health3
COVID-19 in Africa: Contextualizing Impacts, Responses, and Prospects3
America’s Zero Carbon Action Plan3
Disasters, the COVID-19 Pandemic, and a Human Health Observing System3
COVID-19, Ebola, and Measles: Achieving Sustainability in the Era of Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases3
Freedom, Human Rights, Paris Agreement, and Climate Change: The German Landmark Ruling on Climate Litigation3
Making Space for Nature: Elephant Conservation in Mali as a Case Study in Sustainability2
Silver Linings: Environmental Disasters as Critical Junctures in Global Governance2
Lessons From Adaptive Responses to Super Typhoon Haiyan in Tacloban, Philippines2
Ecological Footprint Accounting: Thirty Years and Still Gathering Steam2
Climate Finance: An Overview2
The Latest IPCC Synthesis Report: What We Learned About Climate Science, and What We Learned About Ourselves2
Evaluation of the Water Policies of the Urmia Lake Basin: Has the Government Accurately Identified the Problem?2
Brazil in the Face of COVID-19: Tragedy and Political Choices2
Environmental Justice and Gentrification in New York City2
The Geopolitics of Animal Welfare2
The Promise and Peril of “Building Back Better”2
How Believing That Climate Change Is a Conspiracy Affects Skeptics’ Environmental Attitudes1
The Arctic and the World: A Historical Perspective1
Why Objective Science Does Not Resolve Environmental Policy Issues1
Loss and Damage Funding in the UN Climate Negotiations: From Dialogue to Reality1
Reducing Plastics and Other Waste in the Arctic Ocean1
Anthropocene Warnings and Connections0
Profiles in Sustainability: Joseph Heathcott, Chair of Urban and Environmental Studies at the New School, New York City, New York0
The Dasgupta Review: A Landmark Report That Will Influence Economic Theory and Practice0
Tribal Adaptation to Changing Climate in the Chugach Region, Alaska0
Review of The Untold Story of the World’s Leading Environmental Institution: UNEP at Fifty0
The Emerging Politics of Genetic Biocontrol0
Applying the Precautionary Principle to Wireless Technology: Policy Dilemmas and Systemic Risks0
Rachel Carson’s Strategies for Literary Science and Silent Spring0
Poverty and Pollution0
Review of A Better Planet: 40 Big Ideas for a Sustainable Future0
Preparing for Disasters0
COP26: How Full Is the Glass?0
COMMENTARY: Reflections on The Dasgupta Review on the Economics of Biodiversity0
Thinking and Doing Outside of the Box, Choosing Life, Precaution, and Care0
Shared Community Learning for Sustainable Outcomes0
The Climate March0
Profiles in Sustainability: Anthony Leiserowitz, Director of the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication0
Corruption Undermines Justice in Clean Energy Transitions0
Environmental Procedures at the FCC: A Case Study in Corporate Capture0
At 78 Degrees North0
Signs for All to See 10
Profiles in Sustainability: Daniel Bresette, President of Environmental and Energy Study Institute0
Profiles in Sustainability0
Advancing New Technology and Policy to Manage Methane in This Decisive Decade0
The Power of Art0
The Climate Change Art of K.A. Colorado0
Review of The Blessings of Disaster: The Lessons That Catastrophes Teach Us and Why Our Future Depends on It0
Global Ambition and Local Action Through Dialogue0
21.8 Million People Inside the Most Effective Pollution Exposure Chamber0
Success of 30 × 30 COP-16 Depends on Valuing Nature0
Nuclear Weapons and Sustainability: Can We Have Both?0
The Arctic Depends on Cooperation0
Review of Time, Progress, Growth and Technology: How Humans and the Earth are Responding0
Review of Solving the Climate Crisis—Frontline Reports From the Race to Save the Earth Solving the Climate Crisis—Frontline Reports From the Race to Save the EarthJohn J0
Unforced Errors in Public Policy Can Lead to Forced Pollution Exposures—Putting the Health of All Urban Breathers First0
Reframing Sustainability in the Emergent Age0
Profiles in Sustainability: William Ripple, Distinguished Professor of Ecology, Oregon State University0
Profiles in Sustainability: Fedele Bauccio, CEO and Cofounder of Bon Appétit Management Company0
Profiles in Sustainability: The Hon. Justice Brian J. Preston, FRSN SC FAAL, Chief Judge of the Land and Environment Court of New South Wales0
Forest Defenders: Explaining the Violent Politics of Illegal Logging in Romania0
Repositioning Sustainability0
The Persistence of COVID-19 and Inequities in the U.S. Experience0
Missed Warnings of Climate Change: We Should Have Noticed0
Not Paying Attention0
Youth Perspective: Youth in Climate Change Policy in Uganda0
This Moment—and Others0
Review of The Three Ages of Water: Prehistoric Past, Imperiled Present, and a Hope for the Future The Three Ages of Water: Prehistoric Past, Imperiled Present, and a 0
From Global Traumas Toward a Better Phase of Modernity?0
Fostering Holistic Ambitions in the Face of Growing Difficulty0
People and Walrus on St. Lawrence Island, Alaska0
Profiles in Sustainability: Saleem Ali, Blue and Gold Distinguished Professor of Energy and the Environment, University of Delaware0
The History of Climate Change0
So Near and Yet So Far0
Moving to a New Age of Water0
Profiles in Sustainability: James Mwangi, Founder of Climate Action Platform Africa0
Time to Call on Pricing0
Alaĝum Kanuux̂, the Heart of the Ocean0
On a “Just” Transition0
Life in the Anthropocene0
Between Evidence and Action: Challenges in Addressing the Institutional Gaps Unveiled by the Dasgupta Review0
Review of Water Lands: A Vision for the World’s Wetlands and Their People0
Review of The Octopus in the Parking Garage—A Call for Climate Resilience0
Satoyama Landscapes as Ecological Mosaics of Biodiversity: Local Knowledge, Environmental Education, and the Future of Japan’s Rural Areas0
The Murmuring of Silence0
Empowering Indigenous Peoples and Valuing Their Knowledge0
Wasting or Saving Lives: The Power of Chemicals and Laws0
The Bill Ripple Effect0
The Pragmatist’s Guide to ESG0
A Balancing Act: Tracking Japan’s Energy Transition in the Age of COVID-190
Seeking a Quiet Ocean0
Response to Steven Kolmes0
Why Protests Matter0
My World, My Narrative: Youth Momentum and the Future of the Environment0
Perspectives From the Anthropocene0
Profit Over People: Killing a Tribal Movement Against Corporate Mining in India0
Tomorrow Is Here0
The Papal Plea0
An Appreciation of Margaret Benner Smidt — In the Red Queen’s World0
An Assessment of Germany’s Remaining CO 2 Budget: Can Germany Still Afford to Destroy Villages to Burn More Coal?0
Beginning Sustainability Journeys0
Environment Readership Survey0
Profiles in Sustainability: Judith Preston, Chairperson of the Board at John Mac Foundation; Centre for Environmental Law, Macquarie Law School0
Nuclear in Our Lives0
Migrant Women: Trapped in the Vicious Circle of Harassment and Inequality0
A Mark, a Yen, a Buck, or a Pound0
Climate Negotiations Season Returns, External Influences Multiply, and the World Faces Environmental Default0
China’s Due Diligence Legislation for Environmental Governance on Transnational Corporations: History and Future0