Engineering Fracture Mechanics

(The TQCC of Engineering Fracture Mechanics is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A comparative study of probabilistic and Non-probabilistic models for the stress intensity factors of embedded cracks196
An innovative and sustainable methodology for fatigue characterization and design157
Full-time domain rust expansion investigation and visual evaluation of reinforced concrete under synergistic protection128
Comparative experimental investigation on shale fracture propagation induced by high-temperature water and carbon dioxide110
A physics-enhanced deep learning approach for prediction of stress intensity factors in bimaterial interface cracks95
Energy storage characteristics and damage constitutive model of thermally treated granite: An experimental investigation92
Cone cracking and fragmentation of alumina plates under high-speed penetration: Experiments and modeling82
Effect of different CFRP strengthening methods on fracture parameters of concrete beam81
Fracture of multilayer soft materials79
Effect of complex stress states on creep rupture life of nickel-based superalloys: Mechanisms and modeling78
Welding process parameters and mechanical properties of carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites: Experimental and simulation analysis76
Effect of joint density on mechanical behavior of rock mass: Insight from 3D printing tests and DEM simulation74
Very-high-cycle-fatigue behaviour of ultrasonic-assisted TIG welded TC4 joints: Microcrack initiation and life prediction influenced by dislocations and oxides under shear stress74
A thermodynamically consistent phase field model for damage-healing of chemically active solids72
Uncertainties in phase-field fracture simulations of a 4-point bending experiment70
Characterisation of mode-I fracture resistance of adhesive layers with imperfections68
Dynamic crack velocity and fracture toughness in concrete using two full-field measurement techniques: Effect of free-water68
Impact crack quantification analyses in 3-D angle-interlock woven composite using image segmentation method65
Microstructure design and mechanical properties of grain-gradient graphene/aluminum composites64
Dynamic fracture analysis of the linearly uncoupled and coupled physical phenomena by the variable-node multiscale XFEM59
Uncertainty quantification of the failure assessment diagram for flawed steel components in BS 7910:201957
A digital twin approach toward unlocking elasto-plastic fatigue crack growth rates under negative load ratios57
A comparative study of creep-fatigue life prediction for complex geometrical specimens using supervised machine learning56
Invariant-based interpretation of anisotropic damage induced by cyclic loading56
Development of higher-order displacement discontinuity method to simulate fatigue crack growth in brittle materials55
Experimental investigation on concrete rock breaking performance of self-excited oscillation pulsed waterjet55
Peridynamic simulation on hydraulic fracture propagation in shale formation52
Atomistic insights into the debonding of Epoxy–Concrete interface with water presence51
Experimental study on the influencing factors of hydraulic fracture initiation from prefabricated crack tips50
Fracture behavior of SiGe nanosheets: Mechanics of monocrystalline vs. polycrystalline structure50
An oblique circular cylinder element for 3D interfacial cracks in composites49
Development of Virtual Internal Bond method based material model for Carbon fiber and its application to Carbon fiber reinforced epoxy system49
Prediction of effective cohesive parameters for mode I failure behavior of LPBF Ti-6Al-4V/CFRTP interface using meso-scale modelling49
Accurate measurement of mechanical properties of soft materials by introducing transition layers into test samples48
Fracture resistance of shape memory alloys under thermomechanical loading48
An improved life prediction strategy at elevated temperature based on pure creep and fatigue data: Classical strain controlled and hybrid stress–strain controlled creep-fatigue test46
Study on rock fracture mechanism based on the combustion and explosion characteristics of high-energy expansive agent46
Revealing the influences of strain amplitudes on hybrid stress–strain controlled creep-fatigue interaction responses for 9 %Cr steel45
An adaptive coupling of PD-CCM model involving a viscoelastic constitutive relation for quasi-brittle material dynamic failure44
Coupling effect of braided structure and thermo-oxidative aging on torsional damages of 3-D braided composite tubes44
Introducing a novel LLD-CMOD equivalence fracture model for quasi-brittle materials exposed to three-point bending44
Corrosion fatigue crack growth behavior of a structurally gradient steel for high-speed railway axles44
Fracture toughness of electron-beam-welded parts of super-thick TC4-DT Ti alloy for aeronautical use43
Fracture resistance characteristics of mild steel under mixed mode I-II loading42
Development of a damage viscoelastic model using the thick level set approach to fracture: 1D modeling and comparison to uniaxial tension stress tests on bituminous specimens42
Failure probability prediction of delamination under cyclic loading in composite laminates using cohesive interface elements41
Nonlinear mechanical response and residual tearing strength of flexible composite sheet with single edge-crack under uniaxial tension41
Effects of shear rates on the damaging behaviors of layered rocks subjected to direct shear: Insights from acoustic emission characteristics41
Experimental and numerical investigation of model I dynamic fracture toughness of 95W-3.5Ni-1.5Fe alloy using the semi-circular bend specimens41
Editorial Board41
Fracture analysis of a curved crack in a piezoelectric plane under general thermal loading40
Fracture behavior of Alumina-Tricalcium phosphate-Titania composites for bone tissue reconstruction39
A modified cyclic cohesive zone model for fatigue crack initiation prediction for mooring chain steels39
Determination of critical energy flux for filled elastomer based on global energy balance and J-Integral39
Preface: Recent advances in fracture research of materials and structures39
Interaction between a crack and a circular liquid inclusion38
Constitutive model for corrosion fatigue crack growth in 3D parts38
A peridynamic study on the effects of surface topography on rolling contact fatigue37
Force-vector state-based nonlocal lattice model for simulating cracking behaviors of quasi-brittle materials37
Fatigue crack growth behavior of 42CrMo high-strength steel with tempered sorbite/bainite microstructures: Roles of grain and constituent in microstructures36
Investigation on Beremin parameters based on the toughness scaling model36
Nanofracture of graphyne family with geometrical distortions of crack fronts36
Quantitative analysis of the effect of acidification on in-situ residual fracture openings in laboratory fracturing simulation tests35
Fracture mechanisms of additively manufactured polylactide: Effect of in vitro hydrolytic degradation35
Effects of bedding planes on the fracture characteristics of coal under dynamic loading35
The effect of high temperature on the fracture damage of loess35
Propagation regimes, transition times, and approximate universality in 2D hydraulic fracture propagation with fluid lag35
Modeling of progressive debonding of interphase- matrix interface cracks in particle reinforced composites using VCFEM35
Creep constitutive model of rock based on strength time-dependent characteristics35
Novel bi-layer beam elements for elastic fracture analysis of delaminated composite beams35
Prediction of failure of hybrid composites with ultra-thin carbon/epoxy layers using the Coupled Criterion35
Numerical simulation and experimental study on the effect of bond strength on the formability of steel/aluminum composite panels34
A novel method for the determination of the interface strength with coarse meshes for laminated composite materials34
An investigation into the influence of variable amplitude creep-fatigue loading on plasticity-induced crack closure34
Impact characteristics of rock breaking using a conical pick assisted with abrasive slurry jet34
On the significance of transition behavior in fatigue crack growth34
Fracture analysis of a non-homogeneous coating structure with dual interfaces under thermal shock33
Simulation of crack propagation in solder layer of IGBT device under temperature shock by viscoplastic phase field method33
Crack initiation and growth in 316LN stainless steel: Experiments and XFEM simulations33
A two-level nesting smoothed extended meshfree method for dynamic fracture analysis33
Mixed-mode fracture study of Mode-I + III and II + III loading conditions in AA7085 using a new fixture33
An experimental and numerical study on the translaminar fracture of cross-ply non-crimp fabric composites32
Hydraulic fracturing performance analysis by the mutual information and Gaussian process regression methods32
Analytical computation of stress intensity factor for active material particles of lithium ion batteries32
Numerical investigation of damage and ignition behaviors of PBX under punch loading32
Kinematic estimation of fracture mechanics parameter with automatic crack-tip identification32
Crack propagation in filled elastomers: 3D study of mechanisms involving the filler agglomerates31
The experimental and numerical investigation of fracture behaviour in PMMA notched specimens under biaxial loading conditions – Tension with torsion31
Flaw sensitivity of bacterial cellulose hydrogel under monotonic and cyclic loadings31
A novel three-dimensional modified Griffith failure criterion for concrete31
Strain-Based damage model for ductile tearing simulation under combined tensile and shear modes31
Criterion for void nucleation by particle debonding in metals obtained from molecular dynamics simulations31
Failure prediction of irregular arranged multi-bolt composite repair based on finite fracture mechanics model31
In-situ damage mechanism investigation and a prediction model for delamination with fibre bridging in composites31
Evaluation of T-stress in an infinite plate with double-crack under compression and shear31
On the interfacial behavior of two-dimensional decagonal quasicrystal films with an adhesive layer due to thermal misfit31
Two different phase field models of the explicit material point method for brittle dynamic fracture31
Solutions and applications of 3D elastic–plastic constraint parameters for clamped single edge notched tension (SENT) specimens30
Effect of aging temperature on energy dissipation and high-cycle fatigue properties of FV520B stainless steel30
Variations in fracture toughness of SCB granite influenced by microwave heating30
Stiffness/constraint effects in analytical flaw assessment. A technical note29
Criterion of local symmetry visualized in small eccentric single edge notched bend (E-SENB) rock specimens29
Coupling model for the gradient loading creep behavior of nickel-based single-crystal superalloys29
Determination of the residual stress in texture Cu-Ni-Si-Co alloy with HEXRD29
Mechanical behavior of CP-Ti at high strain rates and under stress triaxiality29
Microstructure-based polycrystalline finite element modeling of Inconel X-750 irradiated in a CANDU reactor29
Testing method of critical energy release rate for interfacial mode II crack29
Effect of lattice distortion and grain size on the crack tip behaviour in Co-Cr-Cu-Fe-Ni under mode-I and mode-II loading29
Effects of foreign object damage on high-cycle fatigue behavior of Inconel Alloy 690TT steam generator tubes28
Singularity analysis of linear hardening V-notch by asymptotic expansion coupled BEM28
Analyses of KOP relationship to threshold Kmax,th28
A dual-horizon peridynamic model for Reissner–Mindlin plates with arbitrary horizon sizes and shapes28
ZK61m magnesium alloy plate thickness effect on the impact characteristics of blunt projectiles experimental and numerical simulation studies28
Fracture behavior and energy efficiency of silica under a tensile load using molecular dynamics28
An experimental analysis of crack terminating perpendicular to the bimaterial interface under varying mode mixities28
Quantifying effect of overload-induced residual stress behind crack tip on fatigue crack growth28
Fracture toughness evaluation of Ni2MnGa magnetic shape memory alloys by Vickers micro indentation27
Closed form second order energy release rate in a cracked elastic beam27
Time-varying reliability analysis based on improved toughness exhaustion model and probability density evolution method to predict fatigue damage life27
Low-cycle fatigue performance and life prediction of a P/M nickel-based superalloy with artificial surface defect at elevated temperature27
Regarding fracture plane with minimum toughness and fracture anisotropy associated with elongated grain boundaries in ultra-fine-grained Cu27
Multiaxial fatigue life prediction of notched specimens based on multidimensional grey Markov theory27
Critical-distance fatigue analysis of limiting cases of ellipsoidal cavities26
Semi-analytical constitutive model of cracked plies based on linear elastic fracture mechanics26
Simulation of crack closure effect on cracked beam vibrations26
On the high fracture toughness of wood and polymer-filled wood composites – Crack deflection analysis for materials design26
Crack propagation at the interface between viscoelastic and elastic materials26
Numerical investigation of fracture interference effects on multi-fractures propagation in fractured shale26
Fatigue failure criterion of materials with static constitutive curve as the limit value26
On the applicability of rate-dependent cohesive zone models in low-velocity impact simulation25
Fatigue limit evaluation via infrared thermography for a high strength steel with two strength levels25
An enhanced lattice beam element model for the numerical simulation of rate-dependent self-healing in cementitious materials25
Experimental evaluation of cohesive laws components of mixed-mode I + II fracture characterization of cortical bone25
A validated approach for probabilistic structural integrity design code implementation25
Plasticity damage self-consistent model incorporating stress triaxiality and shear controlled fracture mechanisms – Model verification and validation25
Fracture behavior of shale containing two parallel veins under semi-circular bend test using a phase‐field method24
Editorial Board24
A simple and efficient implementation of localizing gradient damage method in COMSOL for fracture simulation24
Experimental investigation on Mode I crack growth and damage mechanism of sandstone subjected to cyclic loading24
High resolution and real-time measurement of 2D fatigue crack propagation using an advanced digital image correlation24
Determination of singular and higher order non-singular stress for angularly heterogeneous material notch24
An experimental-numerical screening method for assessing environmentally assisted degradation in high strength steels24
A fractal crazing constitutive model of glassy polymers considering damage and toughening24
Tension-shear extension criteria used in PFC2D to reveal a brittle failure of rock bridges in rock slopes with stepped joints24
Application of strain energy based approach for evaluation of fatigue crack growth retardation effect under random overload24
Extended Powell–Sabin finite element scheme for linear elastic fracture mechanics24
Influence of the material inhomogeneity effect on the crack growth behavior in fiber and particle reinforced composites24
Response characteristics of acoustic emission signal and judgment criteria for different fracture modes24
An analytical model for thermoelastic crack problems in a strip incorporating convective heat transfer between lateral surfaces and ambient environment24
A nodal-based Lagrange multiplier/cohesive zone approach for three-dimensional dynamic crack simulations of quasi-brittle materials23
Determination of fracture parameters for propellant/liner interface affect zone through measuring J-integral23
Assessing fracture toughness of vintage and modern X65 pipeline steels under in situ electrochemical hydrogen charging using advanced testing methodology23
Prefabricated crack propagation in translucent alumina ceramic sheets during flame thermal shock23
Elastic field for a blunt crack represented by a parabolic cavity in a generally anisotropic elastic material23
Extraction of crack closure component from threshold stress intensity23
An experimental fracture mechanics study of the combined effect of hydrogen embrittlement and loss of constraint23
Using acoustic emission technique for structural health monitoring of laminate composite: A novel CNN-LSTM framework23
Fatigue integrity analysis of a howitzer cannon by using a fracture mechanics approach23
Effect of crack interaction and friction on the dynamic strength of rock-like materials with many cracks23
A new interpretation of mode I interlaminar fracture in layered materials23
Vibration and fatigue crack growth of a ferromagnetic and rectangular cracked plate subjected to a transverse magnetic field23
Crowbar Loading-A New Test Technique to Characterize Interfacial Delamination23
An elastic-constant stress cohesive zone model for an orthotropic piezoelectric actuator adhesively bonded to a substrate23
Optimization of the essential work of fracture method for characterization of the fracture resistance of metallic sheets23
Effect of natural defects on the fracture behaviors and failure mechanism of basalt through mesotesting and FDEM modeling23
Large deformation and crack propagation analyses of hydrogel by peridynamics22
A novel non-linear peridynamic model for quasi-brittle materials under cyclic loading22
A method for modelling arbitrarily shaped delamination fronts with large and distorted elements22
A constraint correction method based on use of a single test specimen22
Numerical investigation on spall fracture in metallic materials due to laser shock peening via phase field approach to fracture22
A microstructure-based constitutive model for creep rate and damage of oxide dispersion strengthened high-entropy alloy22
An improved peridynamic model for mechanical behavior of steel-concrete interface22
Investigating the effects of steel strength and tensile overload level on fatigue crack growth performance22
Experimental analysis and prediction of CFRP delamination caused by ice impact22
Growth characteristics of stress corrosion cracking in high-strength 7075 aluminum alloy in sodium chloride solutions22
Creep life modelling of nickel-based single crystal superalloy DD6 with MCrAlY coating22
Peridynamics thermomechanical coupling simulation of damage in engineered cementitious composite-concrete bonding specimens under high temperature22
A higher-order asymptotic solution for 3D sharp V-notch front tip fields in creeping solids22
Energy release rate in bimaterial specimens tested in pure modes I and II22
Stress intensity factors for external corrosions and cracking of buried cast iron pipes21
Shear interfacial fracture of strain-hardening fiber-reinforced cementitious composites and concrete: A novel approach21
Numerical analysis on failure of sheet metals with non-ordinary state-based peridynamics21
The energy dissipation during fatigue crack growth in metallic materials21
Corrosion fatigue behavior and life prediction of railway axle EA4T alloy steel with artificial indentation21
Effect of surface elasticity on transient elastic field around a mode-III crack-tip under impact loads21
Statistical learning of small data with domain knowledge --- sample size- and pre-notch length- dependent strength of concrete21
Influence of moisture content and intermediate principal stress on cracking behavior of sandstone subjected to true triaxial unloading conditions21
In-situ experimental and numerical investigation on fatigue crack growth in perfluorosulfonic-acid membrane with overloading effect21
Fatigue strength and life assessment of L-PBF 316L stainless steel showing process and corrosion related defects21
Thermomechanical fatigue and fracture behaviours of welded joints at various temperatures21
Experimental characterization and phase-field modeling of anisotropic brittle fracture in silicon21
Numerical modelling of brittle fracture using lattice particle method with applications to fluid structure interaction problems via SPH coupling21
Analysis of the fully-reversed creep-fatigue behavior with tensile-dwell periods of superalloy DZ445 at 900 °C21
Prediction of load-CMOD curves for HMA mixtures at intermediate temperatures subjected to mixed mode loading21
Fatigue crack growth behavior of titanium with oxygen impurities: Experiments and modeling21
Capturing fracture initiation and crack propagation of car windshields21
Simulation of cracking processes of the rectangular cavern surrounding rock based on a continuum–discontinuum method20
Mode-I fracture crack growth behaviors of 3-D angle interlock woven composites under low-velocity wedge-loaded impact20
Characterization of fracture toughness for surface-modified layer of 18CrNiMo7-6 alloy steel after carburizing heat treatment by indentation method20
Biaxial behaviour of concrete and its failure mechanics under quasi-static and dynamic loading: A numerical study20
Experimental and numerical investigation on ballistic penetration performance of TC4-Al3Ti layered composites by hot rolling20
An adaptive SBFEM based on a nonlocal macro/meso damage model for fracture simulation of quasibrittle materials20
Vibration fatigue of film cooling hole structure of Ni-based single crystal turbine blade: Failure behavior and life prediction20
Plasticization-assisted slow crack growth modeling of high-density polyethylene20
The microscopic mechanism of size effect in silica-particle reinforced silicone rubber composites20
Quantitative characterization of crack propagation behavior under the action of stage-by-stage fracturing induced by SC-CO2 fluid20
Tearing fracture of poly(lactic acid) (PLA)/ poly(butylene succinate-co-adipate) (PBSA) cast extruded films: Effect of the PBSA content20
Experimental and numerical investigation on the failure behaviors of laminates with various shaped cutouts under tensile loading20
Coupling effects of loading rate and temperature on mode I dynamic fracture characteristics of ductile cast iron20
Fracture behaviour of reaction-bonded silicon carbide-boron carbide using digital image correlation20
Crack deflection and crack paths in anisotropic aluminum alloy AA7010-T7452: Uncertainties and stochastic aspects20
Multiple edge cracks in a coated semi-infinite medium due to non-Fourier thermal shock20
Mechanical properties and healing efficiency of 3D-printed ABS vascular based self-healing cementitious composite: Experiments and modelling20
A microstructure-based modeling of delayed hydride cracking in Zr-2.5Nb pressure tube material20
Classical fatigue theory informed phase-field model for high-cycle fatigue life and fatigue crack growth20
Fatigue crack growth in functionally graded materials using an adaptive phase field method with cycle jump scheme20
Dynamic response and constitutive model for coal-rock composite material subjected to impact loading20
Uniaxial constitutive models for wood under cyclic compression loads with varying loading orientations19
Effect of loading waveform on the blasting crack propagation mechanism in single-hole and dual-hole blasting19
Application of the 3D DEM in the modelling of fractures in pre-flawed marble specimens during uniaxial compression19
Test method for fracture toughness GIC based on ubiquitiform theory19
Modified Williams’ crack tip solution including crack face pressure19
Effect of printing speed on tensile and fracture behavior of ABS specimens produced by fused deposition modeling19
A strain gage technique for measuring the mode II stress intensity factors19
Study on the failure mechanism in shale-sand formation based on hybrid finite-discrete element method19
Determination of SIFs and T-stress using an over-deterministic method based on stress fields: Static and dynamic19
Fatigue strength of rebars embedded in concrete—A numerical approach19
Fatigue crack propagation in carbon steel using RVE based model19
The importance of plasma paste boriding parameters for thickness, nanomechanical properties, residual stress distribution and fracture toughness of layers produced on Nimonic 80A-alloy19
Correlation of load drop and crack initiation criteria in fatigue life experiments of metallic materials19
A finite element implementation of phase-field approach of fracture for nonlinear solid shells including inelastic material behavior19
Synthesis, characterization, and modelling the behavior of in-situ ZrO2 nanoparticles dispersed epoxy nanocomposite19
Adaptive phase-field modeling of brittle fracture using a robust combination of error-estimator and markers19
Deep learning-based planar crack damage evaluation using convolutional neural networks19
Roadway fracture mechanism investigation subjected to static and blast loading under different lateral pressure coefficients19
Mixed-mode fracture analysis of CORC cables with double-edge cracks under tension and torsion19
Experimental study on mode I fracture characteristics of compacted bentonite clay19
Extension of the GISSMO fracture model for thin-walled structures under combined tensile and bending loads18
Effects of defects on fatigue behavior of TC17 titanium alloy for compressor blades: Crack initiation and modeling of fatigue strength18
Development and verification of interfacial fracture energy simulation methodology for porous stacked thin films18
A strain transmissibility-based analysis approach for operational modal of concrete dam under nonstationary excitation18
Development of Johnson-Cook-Distinct Lattice Spring Model and its application in projectile penetration into metal targets18
Simulation of ductile-to-brittle transition combining complete Gurson model and CZM with application to hydrogen embrittlement18
Failure modeling of concrete: A peri-dynamical approach with bond-based correspondence to bi-scalar damage model18
A rate-dependent crack bridging model for dynamic fracture of CNT-reinforced polymers18
Coupling algorithm of cavity expansion theory and finite element for penetrating reinforced concrete18
Crack growth stabilization in the eccentric three-point end-notched flexure test of solid wood using side-grooved samples18
Experimental study on fracture properties of heat-treated granite in I-II mixed mode suffered from water and liquid nitrogen cooling methods18
A unified estimation method for gear fatigue P-S-N curves and fatigue limits based on ensemble learning and data augmentation18
Fracture behavior and fracture surface smoothness of rock-like model subjected to axial decoupling spherical charging18