Educational Philosophy and Theory

(The TQCC of Educational Philosophy and Theory is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Collective obituary for James D. Marshall (1937–2021)68
Phenomenology and educational theory in conversation: Back to education itself , edited by Patrick Howard, Tone Saevi, Andrew Foran and Gert Biesta36
Serres and the university34
A teacher residency’s entanglement with time: ‘We always say we will get to it, but we never do’31
Knowledge socialism in the COVID-19 era: A collective exploration of needs, forms, and possibilities30
The ethical and educational ambiguities of teacher leadership26
Methodological frameworks for Indigenous and non-Indigenous education research students: A useful summary26
Dis-automatising (software) codification24
Humility’s role in the student voice for social justice pedagogical method23
From learning loss to learning opportunity22
Contemporary Chinese axiology oriented towards the practice of reform and opening up19
From play to self-cultivation: Contesting the opposition between Bildung and Ausbildung in language education18
Learn to become a unique interrelated person: An alternative of social-emotional learning drawing on Confucianism and Daoism18
An Irish perspective on initial teacher education: How teacher educators can respond to an awareness of the ‘absurd’15
The influence of Karl Marx’s notion of justice on Martha Nussbaum’s capabilities approach15
Dancing in the dark: A survivor’s guide to the university13
‘After Brexit and AUKUS’: Twitter-inspired collective writing on geopolitics of an emerging multipolar world12
Toward a pedagogy of humility as experience12
Guattari and Stiegler on the therapeutic object: Objet re- petit -ive a-b-c12
Coming full circle: A pamphlet on Ukraine, education and catastrophe12
Teaching dissent: Epistemic resources from Indian philosophical systems12
From the Carracci to Joseph Beuys—on the principles of dissent in art education11
Anti-Oedipus in the Anthropocene : Education and the deterritorializing machine11
A pedagogy of generosity: On the topicality of Deleuze and Guattari’s thought in the philosophy of education11
Reinventions as brightly glowing illuminations*11
Catastrophe or apocalypse? The anthropocenologist as pedagogue10
Bioinformational philosophy and postdigital knowledge ecologies, edited by Michael A. Peters, Petar Jandrić́, & Sarah Hayes, Springer, 2022, 350 pp., USD109, ISBN: 978-3-030-95006-4 (e-book)Bioinf10
Is refugee education indeed educational? The Freirean perspective to refugee education beyond humanitarian, rights, or development rationale10
Contemporary Chinese Marxism: Basic research orientations10
The Nestroy’s motto and a decolonial Wittgenstein9
Revisiting the place of philosophy with Heidegger: Being-in-academia9
Untangling pedagogical eros: Toward an erotic model of education9
Neoliberalism and early childhood education: markets, imaginaries and governance9
An ecopedagogical, ecolinguistical reading of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): What we have learned from Paulo Freire8
Spinoza: Fiction and Manipulation in Civic Education, by Johan Dahlbeck, Springer Singapore, 2021, 90 pp., USD59.85 (e-book), ISBN 978-981-16-7124-1 Spinoza: Fiction and manipulation in8
Making marks while reading, with some remarks on the challenges posed by the digital world8
Unpacking policy evaluation and measurement of creating world-class universities in China: An integrated policy analysis8
The ethics of alterity and the ethics of care in literary studies7
Beyond situational meaning: From Dewey’s aesthetic experience to sensuous abstraction for deep learning7
Philosophical reflections on modern education in Japan: Strategies and prospects7
On wounds, incompleteness, and conviviality: Notes on counter-actualising the conditions of the contemporary7
Stiegler and the task of tertiary retention: On the amateur as an educational subject7
Opening up and closing down teachers’ political dialogues: Dialectic and dialogic strategic orientations7
‘Did COVID-19 exist before the scientists?’ Towards curriculum theory now7
Academic freedom and Netflix’s ‘The Chair’: Implications for staff-student dialogue6
Flash nonfiction: Light/questioning*6
The mind and teachers in the classroom: Exploring definitions of mindfulness6
Retheorising environmental sustainability education for the Anthropocene6
“We don’t need another hero!”: Whistleblowing as an ethical organizational practice in higher education6
Non-affirmative theory of education and BildungNon-affirmative theory of education and Bildung, by Michael Uljens, Springer Cham, 2023, 377 pp., Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-031-30550-4, USD 52.60, Softcover6
Philosophy, education and visceral politics of the now6
Humility in educational philosophy and theory6
Science, power, and subjectivity: Vaccine (mandate) resistance and ‘truth telling’ in times of right-wing populism6
Named or nameless: University ethics, confidentiality and sexual harassment6
Ambiguous authority: Reflections on Hannah Arendt’s concept of authority in education6
Data justice in education: Toward a research agenda5
Power to the people: Education for social change in the philosophies of Paulo Freire and Mozi5
Time we do not have: The challenges of silence in an emancipatory, conversation-oriented curriculum5
The marionette theatre: Decentering the all too human architect5
Catastrophe memories and translation: An essay on education for endless narratives *5
The role of dissent, conflict, and open dialogue in learning to live together harmoniously5
Plasticity and education5
Democracy under threat after 2020 national elections in the USA: ‘Stop the steal’ or ‘give more to the grifter-in-chief?’5
Modesty, Confucianism, and active indifference5
Replicable quantitative psychological and educational research: Possibility or pipe dream?5
The ethical academy? The university as an ethical system5
Ameliorating educational concepts and the value of analytic philosophy of education5
Game-based tasks in a ‘speaking classroom’: Collaborative map-drawing as an agent for rhizomatic learning5
Future possible educational selves and the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics5
Affect, embodiment and place in critical literacy: Assembling theory and practice Affect, embodiment and place in critical literacy: Assembling theory and practice , edi4
The role of logic in ideological and political courses in senior high schools: An interpretation of Curriculum Standards 2020, issued by the Ministry of Education of China4
Freire and environmentalism: ecopedagogyFreire and environmentalism: ecopedagogy, by Greg W.Misiaszek, Bloomsbury, 2023, 160 pp., USD 17.95 (paperback), ISBN: 978-1-3502-9209-34
The manosphere goes to school: Problematizing incel surveillance through affective boyhood4
The emerging multipolar world order: A preliminary analysis4
China’s rise, the Asian century and the clash of meta-civilizations4
Notions of resistances and points of entry for texts formats in teacher physics education4
Colonization of all forms4
The social contract and education: Confucian viewpoints4
Back to indigeneity: The philosophy of Loób and Kapwa as education’s past and future4
Reconsidering architectural education based on Freire’s ideas in Iraqi Kurdistan4
Hybridity and national identity in post-colonial schools4
Agency, identity, power: An agentive triad model for teacher action4
Earth unbound: Climate change, activism and justice4
The real meaning of quantum mechanics*4
Education and the dislike society: The impossibility of learning in filter bubbles4
Revisiting the origin of critical thinking4
In search of a nuanced understanding of Filipino philosophy of education4
A memory bank of the future: Stiegler, education and the gesture of care4
Filipinising colonial gender values: A history of gender formation in Philippine higher education4
Nordic early childhood education policies and virulent nationalist trends4
Some thoughts on Canada’s ‘Freedom Convoy’ and the settler colonial state4
An intense calling: How ethics is essential to education4
‘If someone discovers these gentle pot-stirrings…’: An interview with Nesta Devine4
What is the value essence of “double reduction” (Shuang Jian) policy in China? A policy narrative perspective4
Eurasianism as the deep history of Russia’s discontent4
Civilizational collapse, eschatological narratives and apocalyptic philosophy4
Epistemic exploitation in education3
African higher education and decolonizing the teaching of philosophy3
Law and reproduction: Louis Althusser’s criticism of capitalist law3
Surreal economics, fiscal stimulus, and the financialization of public health: Politics of the covid-19 narrative3
Neuropower and plastic writing: Stiegler and Malabou on generative AI3
Critical reflections on the language of neoliberalism in education: Dangerous words and discourses of possibility3
Education for sustainable development in the ‘Capitalocene’3
Philosophy of Minna and moral education: Manabi that encompasses everyone3
Science, truth and conspiracy in the age of Trump3
A Confucian approach to a democratic classroom3
Epistemic injustice and indigenous education in the Philippines3
Practicing truth-telling inquiry: Parrhesia in daily lived experiences3
Paulo Freire: Voices and silences13
World-centred education: A view for the present World-centred education: A view for the present , by Gert Biesta, Routledge, 2022, 113 pp., USD48.95 (paperback), ISBN: 93
‘Global Britain’: The China challenge and Post-Brexit Britain as a ‘science superpower’3
Infanticides: The unspoken side of infantologies3
Dissenting non-dissenting: ‘Resistance through culture’3
The changing cityscape of Delhi: A study of the protest art and the site at Jamia Millia Islamia and Shaheen Bagh3
Philosophy of education in a new key: Exploring new ways of teaching and doing ethics in education in the 21st century3
Educating (for) the blossomest of blossoms: Finitude and the temporal arc of the counterfactual3
One hundred years of Chinese dialectical logic: An academic history of logic relating to contemporary Chinese Marxism3
Comparative philosophy of education: Reading Zehou Li (李泽厚)’s philosophy in a postcolonial time3
Toward an ecological view of learning: Cultivating learners in a data-driven society3
Cultural Apocalypse, Western colonial domination and ‘ the end of the world’3
The many centres of education? A plea for in-between thinking3
Semiconductors, geopolitics and technological rivalry: The US CHIPS & Science Act, 20223
A Filipino philosophy of higher education? Exploring the purpose of higher learning in the Philippines3
Ilyenkov’s ideal: Can we bank on it?3
Trumpism and the challenge of critical education3
A contribution to Paulo Freire’s theory and practice: The ‘Cultural Extension Service/University of Recife’ (1962–64)3
Rethinking political socialization in schools: The role of ‘affective indoctrination’3
Materialism as a fatal strategy: Jean Baudrillard’s critical path of modernity3
Trust, distrust, and testimonial injustice3
James (J.C.) Walker: Philosopher of Education – The celebration of a life3
Diasporicity and intercultural dialectics in Muslim education: Conceptualizing a minorities curriculum (Minhaj Al-Aqalliyyat)3
Misunderstanding vaccine hesitancy: A case study in epistemic injustice3
Rousseau’s lawgiver as teacher of peoples: Investigating the educational preconditions of the social contract3
Towards a philosophy of education built on fragile parts: Technological rationality and knowledge of pathos3
The early origins of neoliberalism: Colloque Walter Lippman (1938) and the Mt Perelin Society (1947)3
Exploring Filipino philosophy of education3
‘Dance with shackles on’: Navigating critical thinking in English language classrooms during COVID-19 and beyond3
Why apply yinyang philosophy in mixed methods research: Harmony perspectives from ancient Chinese culture3
“The unbearable lightness of being” a post-industrial learner: Contemporary capitalism, education and critique3
The Travails of Trumpification3
Reflections on informal logic in China2
On the public pedagogy of conspiracy: An EPAT collective project2
Philosophy of education in Taiwan: Retrospect and prospect2
Experiments in negentropic knowledge: Bernard Stiegler and the philosophy of education II2
‘They just say so!’ Second language teaching and the acquisition of certainties2
The traumatic aspect of naming: Psychoanalysis and the Freirean subject of (class) antagonism2
Insufficient and inadequate democracy? Exploring coloniality and possibilities for the teaching of slavery in Europe2
Open science in China: Openness, economy, freedom & innovation2
The China-threat discourse, trade, and the future of Asia. A Symposium2
Book review as method: Writing philosophical autoethnography2
Cultural Marxism, British cultural studies, and the reconstruction of education2
Inverted Odysseys: Adventure and homecoming in the global subrogation of women’s care work in Jose Y. Dalisay’s Soledad’s Sister2
Harmonious coexistence and ceaseless nourishment: The Sinicized Marxist concept of development2
The feminist research-creation pedagogies of BIPOC women’s cultural counter-mapping: Ecological learning through interrelationality, geontology, and cardinal ethics2
The sex or the head? Feminine voices and academic women through the work of Hélène Cixous2
Global citizenship education and peace education: Toward a postcritical praxis2
The lived experience of actor training: Perezhivanie - A literature review2
‘No single way takes us to our different futures’: An interview with Liz Jackson2
Learning in nature: An amplified human rights-based framework2
Education for people-yet-to-come: Imaginary projects in the Anthropocene2
Using inquiry-based dialogues to explore controversial climate change issues with secondary students: An example from Norway2
Knowledge-ing as a response-able practice in the Anthropocene: Re-turning (to) the research events like an earthworm2
Human rights education as a human right – A logical analysis based on Kanger’s theory of rights2
Treat me as a place: On the (onto)ethics of place-responsive pedagogy2
International education within ASEAN and the rise of Asian century2
Becoming a subject in learning: Student freedom, agency, and subjectivity2
Twitter and the aphoristic (re)turn in thought, knowledge and education2
Ecopedagogy: Freirean teaching to disrupt socio-environmental injustices, anthropocentric dominance, and unsustainability of the Anthropocene2
Teachers taking spiritual turns: A practice-centred approach to educators and spirituality via Michel Foucault2
Salutations: An epilogue in letters2
On the curation of negentropic forms of knowledge2
Freire 2.0: Pedagogy of the digitally oppressed2
Who’s in control? Learner autonomy in relation to personal autonomy and the situated self2
Repurposing field analysis for a relational and reflexive sociology of Chinese diasporas2
Reef pedagogy: A narrative of vitality, intra-dependence, and haunting2
Understanding colonialism and fostering a decolonizing emancipatory education through Paulo Freire2
Values education: From the perspective of Marxist ontology2
From the Archimedean point to circles in the sand—Post-sustainable curriculum and the critical subject2
The tendency of educational thought of “the ancient studies” in the Edo Confucianism: A focus on the thought differences between Ito Jinsai and Ogyu Sorai2
Islam, education and radicalism in Indonesia: Instructing piety2
Free speech and democracy in Palestinian universities: A call for parrhesiastic speech2
Spiritual education for a post-capitalist society2
On significative exergy: Toward a logomachics of education2
Experiences of Indigenous (Māori/Pasifika) early career academics2
Exploring the type-based vocational education system: Insights from China2
Revisiting Rancière’s ‘radical democracy’ for contemporary education policy analysis2
Bernard Stiegler and aesthetic technê2
Bodily-awareness-in-reflection: Advancing the epistemological foundation of post-simulation debriefing2
Toward a non-economistic understanding of higher education as a public and private good for the public good2