Educational and Psychological Measurement

(The H4-Index of Educational and Psychological Measurement is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Sample Size Requirements for Simple and Complex Mediation Models71
Detecting Careless Responding in Survey Data Using Stochastic Gradient Boosting38
Evaluating Model Fit of Measurement Models in Confirmatory Factor Analysis37
A Multilevel Mixture IRT Framework for Modeling Response Times as Predictors or Indicators of Response Engagement in IRT Models23
Assessing Preknowledge Cheating via Innovative Measures: A Multiple-Group Analysis of Jointly Modeling Item Responses, Response Times, and Visual Fixation Counts22
Exploratory Graph Analysis for Factor Retention: Simulation Results for Continuous and Binary Data21
A Simulation Study on the Performance of Different Reliability Estimation Methods20
A Comparison of Reliability Estimation Based on Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Exploratory Structural Equation Models19
Robustness of Latent Profile Analysis to Measurement Noninvariance Between Profiles18
Exploration of the Stacking Ensemble Machine Learning Algorithm for Cheating Detection in Large-Scale Assessment17
KR20 and KR21 for Some Nondichotomous Data (It’s Not Just Cronbach’s Alpha)16
Is Differential Noneffortful Responding Associated With Type I Error in Measurement Invariance Testing?16
A Polytomous Scoring Approach to Handle Not-Reached Items in Low-Stakes Assessments15
Assessing the Accuracy of Parameter Estimates in the Presence of Rapid Guessing Misclassifications13