Education and Urban Society

(The median citation count of Education and Urban Society is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Reviewers for 202012
An Integrated Development Model of TIE for Ethnic Towns in China: The Case of Pengshui11
Challenges of Urban Educators in Implementing State Standards for Students with Disabilities10
Families, Resources, and Community: Illuminating the Structures of Culturally Relevant Education in an Urban Early Childhood Center10
Construction and Validation of the Perception of Attention to Diversity Scale (PADS)9
Faith-Driven Gentrification and Displacement in Education in Israeli Urban Neighborhoods9
Navigating Student Motherhood in a Precarious Urban Context: Perspectives from Higher Education in Uganda9
Socio-Spatial Differentiation of Chinese Shadow Education Activities During its Peak Period: A Case Study of Dalian Urban Area8
Revisiting the Multi-Tiered System of Supports Framework: An Important Mechanism for Realizing Equitable Education in Urban Schools8
Bridging the Gap: Exploring Urban High-Needs Teachers’ Perceptions of Online Teaching Readiness and the Digital Divide8
After the Virus: Disaster Capitalism, Digital Inequity, and Transformative Education for the Future of Schooling8
Teacher Mobility from “Starter School” to “Forever School”: The Impact on Urban Schools and Students8
How to Reform Without Reforming: School District Racial Composition and Pennsylvania’s “Fair” Funding Formula7
Diversifying Neighborhoods, Diversifying Schools? The Relationship Between Neighborhood Racial Change and School Segregation in New York City7
“I Do Not Speak as Freely”: Gendered Views on Campus Carry at a Research University7
The TEA Evaluation Toolkit: Assessing Transdisciplinary, Experiential, and Adaptive Learning and Teaching in Urban Design Studios6
Stakeholders’ Views on Parental Involvement in the Schooling of Children in an Urban School: A Case Study6
Three Parameters of Urban K-8 Education During Pre- and Post-Covid-19 Restrictions: Comparison of Students of Slums, Tin-Sheds, and Flats in Bangladesh6
Exploring the Role of Family-School Partnerships in School Choice5
A Meta-Analysis: The Association Between Relational Parental Involvement and Student and Parent Outcome Variables5
Are Deficit Perspectives of Black and Brown Students Grounded in Empirical Data? Investigating the Myths of “Urban Education” Through Parent Satisfaction5
Social Disorganization, Community Engagement, and Public High School Performance5
Development of Online Professional Development for Teachers: Understanding, Recognizing and Responding to Bullying for Students with Disabilities4
Commanding the Class in a Foreign Tongue: The Influence of Language Proficiency and Intercultural Competence on Classroom Leadership4
College Learning From Classrooms to the Internet: Adoption of the YouTube as Supplementary Tool in COVID-19 Pandemic Environment4
“It Doesn’t Matter Who Sees Them”: A Case Study of an Effective White Educator Working in a Multicultural Urban High School4
Teachers and Parents at Odds: Results From a Survey on a Dual Language Program Implementation4
Coordinator and Young Adult Perceptions in Attracting and Retaining Chicago Youth in Out-of-School Time Programming4
The Transformative Capacity of Baltimore’s Community Schools: Limits and Possibilities in a Spatially Unjust Urban Context for Black Communities4
Psychosocial and Educational Vulnerability of Overweight Children from Urban Schools4
Men Don’t Ask for Directions: Gendered Social Capital and the Path to College at an Urban High School4
Today’s Civil Rights Fight: What’s Math Got to Do With It?4
The Unintended Consequences of VAM: Excluding Latinx Social Studies Topics3
“How has Your City Changed?” Using Project-Based Learning to Teach Sociology of Education3
Exploring the Impact of School Factors on Expectations to Complete Post Secondary Education Among Black Girls3
Emotional Pedagogy in Blind Students at School and Museum from the Systematic Review3
Satisfaction Levels, Communication Situations, and Difficulties Encountered by University Students Regarding Distance Education3
From Being System-Involved to Changing the System: Infiltrating the System3
Putting the Self in Self-Efficacy: Personal Factors in the Development of Early Teacher Self-Efficacy3
School Credentials: A Matter of Educational Sector, School and Urban Locality’s Socio-Economic Contexts3
When I Think of Home: Black Families Supporting Their Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic3
A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship between Cannabis, Opiates, Cocaine, Heroin, or other Illegal Drug Use and Student Academic and Behavioral Outcomes3
Student Experience Outcomes in Racially Integrated Schools: Looking Beyond Test Scores in Six Districts3
Social Capital and First-Generation College Students: Examining the Relationship Between Mentoring and College Enrollment3
Excluding Whom? Race, Gender, and Suspension in High School3
Urban Teen Summit: A Community and School Collaboration for Developing Student Leaders of Color3
Equity-Centered Instructional Adaptations in High-Poverty Schools3
Educating Latinx and African American Students in Charter Schools: A Comparative Study from Chicago2
A Comparison of IHEs and Non-IHEs as Anchor Institutions and Lead Agents of Promise Neighborhoods Projects2
Examining Civic Outcomes Between 2- and 4-Year Colleges: A Case Study of Two Postsecondary Institutions2
Information Without Guidance: Managing the College Search Process in Urban Schools2
Enhancing School Appeal: How Experiential Marketing Influences Perceived School Attractiveness in the Urban Context2
Perspective and Suitable Research Area in Public Research—Patent Analysis of the Czech Public Universities2
Administering Discipline: An Examination of the Factors Shaping School Discipline Practices2
Enlightenment of China’s University Teachers’ Entrepreneurial Awareness for Entrepreneurship Education2
Does the Expert-based Collective Advising Mechanism Promote Educational Equity? Experience from China2
Am I Safe at My Educational Place? Creating Secure and Sustainable Urban Learning Spaces Through Green Infrastructure and Ecological Education2
School Effectiveness Factors and Student Achievement: A Longitudinal Study in an Urban School District2
Barriers to Increasing Teacher Diversity: The Need to Move Beyond Aspirational Legislation2
Multiple Factors Drive the Development of Scientific Thinking in Urban Primary School Students of China: FsQCA Analysis Based on the Ecological Systems Theory2
The Role of Adolescent Anxious Mood, Marijuana Use, and Locus of Control in the School to Prison Pipeline2
How to Promote Social Entrepreneurship on Urban Education? An Active Learning Implementation2
Expressions of Authentic Voice: Urban High School Students’ Perceptions of Teaching as a Career Choice While Participating in a Pipeline Program for Aspiring Teachers of Color2
When Day Comes We Ask Ourselves, Where Can We Find Light in This Never-Ending Shade? An Introduction to Time for Change2
Research on the Growth Experience of Presidents and Scientific Research Performance of Top Universities in China2
A Case Study: A Novice Teacher’s Mentoring Experiences the First Year and Beyond2
Five Important Parental Involvement Variables that Affect Young Children’s Mathematical Achievements: A Comparative Study2
Implementation of Trauma-Informed Care in a Urban School District2
Revisiting, Reframing and Recovering Learning Loss: An Arched Impression on Primary Education During Covid Epoch2
Educational Leaders and Their Impact on African American Alternatively Certified Male Teacher’s Educational Self-Efficacy2
“We’ve Been Forgotten”: First-Hand Perspectives on Teacher Leaders and Teacher Leadership in Urban Schools2
Urban Educator Preparation Program: Assessing Preservice Teachers’ Preparedness for Inclusive Education2
How Can Schools Increase Students’ Hopefulness Following the Pandemic?2
A Cross-National Examination of Teachers’ Multicultural Self-Efficacy: Can Multicultural Education in Initial Teacher Education and Professional Development Make a Difference?2
Educators’ Beliefs and Perceptions of Implementing Restorative Practices1
Criticalizing Teacher Perceptions of Urban School Climate: Exploring the Impact of Racism and Race-Evasive Culture in a Predominantly White Teacher Workforce1
Closing Achievement Gaps: Examining the Roles of School Background and Process1
Support Perceived by Children and Youth During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Spain1
Reviewers for 20211
Negotiating Power within School Structures1
Future Orientation as a Moderator of Bullying Victimization and School Outcomes: Comparing Heterosexual and Sexual Minority Urban African American Adolescents1
Educational Social Enterprise and the Wicked Problem of Creativity and Literacy1
Incoming! Spatial Enrollment Competition between Charter Schools and Traditional Public Schools1
The Integration of 21st-Century Skills in Science: A Case Study of Canada and the USA1
The Impact of Star Teacher Characteristics on Teacher Selection and Retention in Urban High Poverty Schools: A Qualitative Analysis1
Successes and Failures of the University-Community Partnership: A Case Study of Imbali Semi-Rural Settlement1
Lifting as You Climb: Social Capital Development Through Aspirational Peer Mentoring1
The Future Ready Lab: Maintaining Students’ Access to Internships during Times of Crisis1
“I Want to Advocate for Our Kids”: How Community-Based Organizations Broker College Enrollment for Underrepresented Students1
Stoking the Flames: A Community Cultural Wealth Analysis of Black Parents’ Engagement in an Empowerment Organization1
What Empowers Teachers to Become Social Justice-Oriented Change Agents? Influential Factors on Teacher Agency toward Culturally Responsive Teaching1
Satisfaction, Preparedness, and Implementation: Teacher Culture and Climate in Magnet School Conversions1
Expanding after School Program Access for Vulnerable Students: Examining the Efficacy of Federal Policy and Funding1
Leading Equitable Distance Education During Times of Crisis1
Community-Based Educational Leadership in Principal Preparation: A Comparative Case Study of Aspiring Latina Leaders1
The National School Lunch Program and Healthy Eating: An Analysis of Food Selection and Consumption in an Urban Title I Middle School1
Leadership Preparation and the Career Paths of Black Principals1
Book Review: Frown Upside Down, a Book Review of Black Boy Smile1
ACALETICS® and Predicting Mathematics Achievement With Racially Diverse and Economically Disadvantaged Students1
A Critical Civic Praxis Approach to Empowering Urban Youth Leaders in a Community-Based Organization1
Urban Principal Autonomy and the Goldilocks Dilemma: Considering the Nature and Limits of Principal Power in New York City1
Is a One-Way English Immersion Teaching Approach Equitable to Those Chinese Non-English Major Students from Rural Areas?1
School Transit and Accessing Public School in Detroit1
A “Participatory School” in Iran: A Bottom-Up Learning Approach in a Top-Down Education System1
Urban-Rural Differences under the Context of China’s Political Textbook System: Student Perspectives1
Reform at the Intersection of Loose Coupling and Pedagogic Modalities: The Case of Hong Kong1
Potential Racial Threat on Student In-School Suspensions in Segregated U.S. Neighborhoods1
SEL in Context: School Mobility and Social-Emotional Learning Trajectories in a Low-Income, Urban School District1