Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society

(The TQCC of Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
PEM series 2 volume 64 issue 4 Cover and Front matter15
Peaking and interpolation by complex polynomials9
On birationally trivial families and adjoint quadrics8
PEM series 2 volume 64 issue 1 Cover and Back matter8
Some analytical properties of the matrix related to q-coloured Delannoy numbers7
Strict Faber–Krahn-type inequality for the mixed local–nonlocal operator under polarization5
Nef vector bundles on a quadric threefold with first Chern class two5
Conditions for the supersolvability of $\mathcal{F}_{S}(G)$5
Computing the fundamental group of a higher-rank graph4
A sandwich in thin lie algebras4
PEM series 2 volume 64 issue 3 Cover and Front matter4
Smooth parameterizations of power-subanalytic sets and compositions of Gevrey functions4
The abelianization of the elementary group of rank two4
PEM series 2 volume 66 issue 2 Cover and Back matter3
Baumslag–Solitar groups and residual nilpotence3
Local regularity for nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations with anisotropic weights3
PEM series 2 volume 64 issue 1 Cover and Front matter3
KSBA compactification of the moduli space of K3 surfaces with a purely non-symplectic automorphism of order four3
Structure of generalized Yamabe solitons and its applications2
Commutator length of powers in free products of groups2
PEM series 2 volume 66 issue 1 Cover and Back matter2
Massey products in the homology of the loop space of a p-completed classifying space: finite groups with cyclic Sylow p-subgroups2
On the analyticity of WLUD functions of one variable and WLUD functions of several variables in a complete non-Archimedean valued field2
Momentum maps and the Kähler property for base spaces of reductive principal bundles2
On the vanishing of the coefficients of CM eta quotients2
Reversibility of affine transformations2
Discriminant and integral basis of number fields defined by exponential Taylor polynomials2
On the representability of actions of Leibniz algebras and Poisson algebras2
On the Dales–Żelazko conjecture for Beurling algebras on discrete groups2
Algebraic cycles and Lehn–Lehn–Sorger–van Straten eightfolds2
On free subalgebras of varieties2
On the Fatou theorem for ∂̄J-subsolutions in wedges2
Self-adjoint extensions of bipartite Hamiltonians2
Exact formulae and Turán inequalities for Vafa–Witten invariants of surfaces2
Rigidity of Ext and Tor via flat–cotorsion theory2
A boundary maximum principle for stationary pairs of varifolds with fixed contact angle2
Semigroups whose right ideals are finitely generated2
Weak amenability for dual Banach algebras2
A weight-homogenous condition to the real Jacobian conjecture in2
Multiplicity and stability of normalized solutions to non-autonomous Schrödinger equation with mixed non-linearities2
Explicit calculations in an infinitesimal singular block of SLn2
Counting periodic orbits on fractals weighted by their Lyapounov exponents2
The Reidemeister spectrum of finite abelian groups2
On the low-dimensional cohomology groups of the IA-automorphism group of the free group of rank three2
Existence and non-existence results for a class of systems under concave-convex nonlinearities1
On the density of bounded bases1
Isomorphisms of quadratic quasigroups1
PEM series 2 volume 64 issue 2 Cover and Back matter1
Dirichlet vs Neumann1
A correspondence between inverse subsemigroups, open wide subgroupoids and cartan intermediate C*-subalgebras1
Structure theory and stable rank for C*-algebras of finite higher-rank graphs1
Multiple solutions for a class of quasilinear problems with double criticality1
Kernels of minimal characters of solvable groups1
Operator equalities and Characterizations of Orthogonality in Pre-Hilbert C*-Modules1
Regularity of simple nuclear realC*-algebras under tracial conditions1
PEM series 2 volume 65 issue 4 Cover and Front matter1
On the algebra of elliptic curves1
PEM series 2 volume 66 issue 3 Cover and Front matter1
An asynchronous inertial algorithm for solving convex feasibility problems with strict pseudo-contractions in Hilbert spaces1
On non-separated zero sequences of solutions of a linear differential equation – ERRATUM1
The rational homotopy type of homotopy fibrations over connected sums1
Equisingularity in pencils of curves on germs of reduced complex surfaces1
Higher-order evolution inequalities involving convection and Hardy-Leray potential terms in a bounded domain1
Strong morita equivalence for conditional expectations1
Free quotients of fundamental groups of smooth quasi-projective varieties1
A criterion for normality of analytic mappings1
Teichmüller displacement theorem on Gromov hyperbolic spaces1
PEM series 2 volume 64 issue 4 Cover and Back matter1
Common index divisor of the number fields defined by1
Positive solutions for a degenerate Kirchhoff problem1
The wigner property for CL-spaces and finite-dimensional polyhedral banach spaces – RETRACTION1
On one-dimensional local rings and Berger’s conjecture1
PEM series 2 volume 67 issue 4 Cover and Back matter1
Two theorems on balanced braces1
Some generating functions and inequalities for the andrews–stanley partition functions1
PEM series 2 volume 66 issue 4 Cover and Back matter1
A non-periodic indefinite variational problem in ℝN with critical exponent1
Proper Ehresmann semigroups1
Toward a classification of the supercharacter theories of Cp × Cp1
Projectively and affinely invariant PDEs on hypersurfaces1
PEM series 2 volume 65 issue 1 Cover and Front matter1
Truncated versions of three identities of Euler and Gauss1
Approximation numbers of composition operators on weighted besov spaces of analytic functions1
PEM series 2 volume 67 issue 1 Cover and Front matter1
FP-injective dimensions and Gorenstein homology1
On the dynamics of extensions of free-abelian times free groups endomorphisms to the completion1
The Atiyah–Patodi–Singer rho invariant and signatures of links1
Discrete restriction estimates for forms in many variables1
On class 2 quotients of linear groups1
Iterative roots of two-dimensional mappings1
Second Hankel determinant of logarithmic coefficients of inverse strongly starlike functions1
The topology of compact rank-one ECS manifolds1
Derived functors and Hilbert polynomials over regular local rings1
On Liouville theorems of a Hartree–Poisson system1
Classification of subpencils for hyperplane sections on certain K3 surfaces1
The Halász–Székely barycenter1
Lamplighter groups, median spaces and Hilbertian geometry1
Decomposability of multiparameter car flows1
Coactions and skew products for topological quivers1
Surgeries on iterated torus knots bounding rational homology 4-balls1
Ideals of equations for elements in a free group and Stallings folding1