Ecological Monographs

(The median citation count of Ecological Monographs is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Predictive performance of presence‐only species distribution models: a benchmark study with reproducible code292
Scientists' warning on climate change and insects183
A guide to state–space modeling of ecological time series119
Cross validation for model selection: A review with examples from ecology68
Influence of climate, soil, and land cover on plant species distribution in the European Alps65
From competition to facilitation and mutualism: a general theory of the niche62
Thoughts on the evolution and ecological niche of diatoms54
Applying the structural causal model framework for observational causal inference in ecology34
The magnitude, direction, and tempo of forest change in Greater Yellowstone in a warmer world with more fire32
Higher metabolic plasticity in temperate compared to tropical lizards suggests increased resilience to climate change31
Host neighborhood shapes bacterial community assembly and specialization on tree species across a latitudinal gradient27
Measurement and analysis of interspecific spatial associations as a facet of biodiversity26
Latitudinal embryonic thermal tolerance and plasticity shape the vulnerability of oviparous species to climate change26
Lessons learned from a long‐term irrigation experiment in a dry Scots pine forest: Impacts on traits and functioning25
A critical comparison of integral projection and matrix projection models for demographic analysis25
Reevaluating trophic discrimination factors (Δδ13CandΔδ15N) for diet reconstruction25
Maintenance of high diversity in mechanistic forest dynamics models of competition for light24
Ecological and behavioral mechanisms of density‐dependent habitat expansion in a recovering African ungulate population23
The promise and the perils of resurveying to understand global change impacts23
Synthesizing the effects of individual‐level variation on coexistence22
Remotely detected aboveground plant function predicts belowground processes in two prairie diversity experiments21
Widespread variation in stable isotope trophic position estimates: patterns, causes, and potential consequences21
Solving the fourth‐corner problem: forecasting ecosystem primary production from spatial multispecies trait‐based models20
Resolving the consequences of gradual phenotypic plasticity for populations in variable environments20
Soil biogeochemistry across Central and South American tropical dry forests19
Trade‐offs affect the adaptive value of plasticity: stronger cannibal‐induced defenses incur greater costs in toad larvae19
Chemical disturbance cues in aquatic systems: a review and prospectus18
Intraspecific trait variability is a key feature underlying high Arctic plant community resistance to climate warming18
Hierarchical drivers of cryptic biodiversity on coral reefs17
Multi‐trophic metacommunity interactions mediate asynchrony and stability in fluctuating environments17
Temporal shifts in avian phenology across the circannual cycle in a rapidly changing climate: A global meta‐analysis17
Partitioning the effects of plant diversity on ecosystem functions at different trophic levels17
Cumulative impacts across Australia’s Great Barrier Reef: a mechanistic evaluation16
Energy landscape analysis elucidates the multistability of ecological communities across environmental gradients16
Intrinsic traits, social context, and local environment shape home range size and fidelity of sleepy lizards16
Local endemism and ecological generalism in the assembly of root‐colonizing fungi16
Spatiotemporal dynamics of abiotic and biotic properties explain biodiversity–ecosystem‐functioning relationships16
Combined influence of food availability and agricultural intensification on a declining aerial insectivore16
Scale‐dependent diversity–biomass relationships can be driven by tree mycorrhizal association and soil fertility15
Trait‐based inference of ecological network assembly: A conceptual framework and methodological toolbox15
Age‐related breeding success in little penguins: a result of selection and ontogenetic changes in foraging and phenology15
Interaction of hydric and thermal conditions drive geographic variation in thermoregulation in a widespread lizard15
Targeted predator defenses of sponges shape community organization and tropical marine ecosystem function15
Autopolyploidy‐driven range expansion of a temperate‐originated plant to pan‐tropic under global change15
Tree symbioses sustain nitrogen fixation despite excess nitrogen supply14
Macroevolution of defense syndromes in Ficus (Moraceae)14
Multispecies integrated population model reveals bottom‐up dynamics in a seabird predator–prey system14
Translocation experiment reveals capacity for mountain pine beetle persistence under climate warming14
Of wolves and bears: Seasonal drivers of interference and exploitation competition between apex predators14
Long‐term biodiversity trajectories for pest‐managed ecological restorations: eradication vs. suppression14
Wildcards in climate change biology14
Rarefaction and extrapolation with beta diversity under a framework of Hill numbers: The iNEXT.beta3D standardization13
Sea otter population collapse in southwest Alaska: assessing ecological covariates, consequences, and causal factors13
Allometry of behavior and niche differentiation among congeneric African antelopes13
The geographic footprint of mutualism: How mutualists influence species' range limits13
El Niño and marine heatwaves: Ecological impacts on Oregon rocky intertidal kelp communities at local to regional scales13
Environmental drivers of biseasonal anthrax outbreak dynamics in two multihost savanna systems13
Evolution of increased competitive ability may explain dominance of introduced species in ruderal communities13
Interspecific differences in microhabitat use expose insects to contrasting thermal mortality12
Urbanization mediates the effects of water quality and climate on a model aerial insectivorous bird12
Disease‐mediated nutrient dynamics: Coupling host–pathogen interactions with ecosystem elements and energy12
Secondary forest succession buffers extreme temperature impacts on subtropical Asian ants12
Abiotic and biotic drivers of tree trait effects on soil microbial biomass and soil carbon concentration12
Rethinking biodiversity patterns and processes in stream ecosystems12
Upwelling and the persistence of coral‐reef frameworks in the eastern tropical Pacific12
Wing transparency in butterflies and moths: structural diversity, optical properties, and ecological relevance11
Water and nitrogen shape winter annual plant diversity and community composition in near‐urban Sonoran Desert preserves11
Accidental epiphytes: Ecological insights and evolutionary implications11
Climate‐driven thermal opportunities and risks for leaf miners in aspen canopies11
Biogeographic history and habitat specialization shape floristic and phylogenetic composition across Amazonian forests11
Toward a “modern coexistence theory” for the discrete and spatial10
Static environments with limited resources select for multiple foraging strategies rather than conformity10
Partner fidelity and environmental filtering preserve stage‐specific turtle ant gut symbioses for over 40 million years10
Do Nearctic hover flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) engage in long‐distance migration? An assessment of evidence and mechanisms10
Evaluating thermal performance of closely related taxa: Support for hotter is not better, but for unexpected reasons10
Parasites in kelp‐forest food webs increase food‐chain length, complexity, and specialization, but reduce connectance10
Keystone predation: trait‐based or driven by extrinsic processes? Assessment using a comparative‐experimental approach9
Complex multi‐predator effects on demographic habitat selection and community assembly in colonizing aquatic insects9
Climate warming may weaken stabilizing mechanisms in old forests9
The cost of ectoparasitism in Cliff Swallows declines over 35 years9
Demography and dispersal at a grass‐shrub ecotone: A spatial integral projection model for woody plant encroachment9
Rainfall, neighbors, and foraging: The dynamics of a population of red harvester ant colonies 1988–20199
Stable pollination service in a generalist high Arctic community despite the warming climate9
Phylogenetic relatedness, functional traits, and spatial scale determine herbivore co‐occurrence in a subtropical forest9
Using a demographic model to project the long‐term effects of fire management on tree biomass in Australian savannas8
Climate change expected to improve digestive rate and trigger range expansion in outbreaking locusts8
Stable Isotope Trajectory Analysis (SITA): A new approach to quantify and visualize dynamics in stable isotope studies8
Causes and consequences of pair‐bond disruption in a sex‐skewed population of a long‐lived monogamous seabird8
Resilience and alternative stable states after desert wildfires8
Imprints of latitude, host taxon, and decay stage on fungus‐associated arthropod communities7
Experimental repatriation of snowshoe hares along a southern range boundary reveals historical community interactions7
Lessons from four decades of monitoring vegetation and fire: maintaining diversity and resilience in Florida’s uplands7
Off‐host survival of blacklegged ticks in eastern North America: A multistage, multiyear, multisite study7
Underlying geology and climate interactively shape climate change refugia in mountain streams7
Metapopulation regulation acts at multiple spatial scales: Insights from a century of seabird colony census data7
Reproductive effort and terminal investment in a multispecies assemblage of Amazon electric fish7
From microbes to mammals: Pond biodiversity homogenization across different land‐use types in an agricultural landscape6
Climate drove the fire cycle and humans influenced fire occurrence in the East European boreal forest6
Quantifying eco‐evolutionary contributions to trait divergence in spatially structured systems6
A replicated study on the response of spider assemblages to regional and local processes6
Species interactions across trophic levels mediate rainfall effects on dryland vegetation dynamics6
Does restoring apex predators to food webs restore ecosystems? Large carnivores in Yellowstone as a model system6
Estimation of pollen productivity and dispersal: How pollen assemblages in small lakes represent vegetation6
Defining, estimating, and understanding the fundamental niches of complex animals in heterogeneous environments6
Holocene lake phosphorus species and primary producers reflect catchment processes in a small, temperate lake6
Visual trail following in colonial seabirds: theory, simulation, and remote observations5
Numerical response of predator to prey: Dynamic interactions and population cycles in Eurasian lynx and roe deer5
Temporal dynamics of range expander and congeneric native plant responses during and after extreme drought events5
Seasonality of pollinators in montane habitats: Cool‐blooded bees for early‐blooming plants5
Assessing risk for butterflies in the context of climate change, demographic uncertainty, and heterogeneous data sources5
Sapling growth gradients interact with homogeneous disturbance regimes to explain savanna tree cover discontinuities5
Metapopulation dynamics of multiple species in a heterogeneous landscape5
Ecological dynamic regimes: Identification, characterization, and comparison5
Drivers of contrasting boreal understory vegetation in coniferous and broadleaf deciduous alternative states5