Earth and Planetary Science Letters

(The TQCC of Earth and Planetary Science Letters is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
China's Chang'e-5 landing site: Geology, stratigraphy, and provenance of materials112
Young lunar mare basalts in the Chang'e-5 sample return region, northern Oceanus Procellarum98
Gondwana's interlinked peripheral orogens86
First evidence of eclogites overprinted by ultrahigh temperature metamorphism in Everest East, Himalaya: Implications for collisional tectonics on early Earth70
IMS observations of infrasound and acoustic-gravity waves produced by the January 2022 volcanic eruption of Hunga, Tonga: A global analysis67
A Neoproterozoic low-δ18O ma65
Qinghai-Tibet Plateau wetting reduces permafrost thermal responses to climate warming63
Assessing seasonal and interannual water storage variations in Taiwan using geodetic and hydrological data63
Crustal-scale wedge tectonics at the narrow boundary between the Tibetan Plateau and Ordos block61
Redox controls during magma ocean degassing58
TTG generation by fluid-fluxed crustal melting: Direct evidence from the Proterozoic Georgetown Inlier, NE Australia58
Early evolution of the solar accretion disk inferred from Cr-Ti-O isotopes in individual chondrules58
Explosivity of basaltic lava fountains is controlled by magma rheology, ascent rate and outgassing54
Global and local drivers of the Ediacaran Shuram carbon isotope excursion52
Slab dehydration in warm subduction zones at depths of episodic slip and tremor51
Geophysical and cosmochemical evidence for a volatile-rich Mars50
The micrometeorite flux at Dome C (Antarctica), monitoring the accretion of extraterrestrial dust on Earth48
Origin of volatile element depletion among carbonaceous chondrites46
A plume-modified lithospheric barrier to the southeastward flow of partially molten Tibetan crust inferred from magnetotelluric data46
An evaluation of the C/N ratio of the mantle from natural CO2-rich gas analysis: Geochemical and cosmochemical implications45
Holocene variability of East Asian summer monsoon as viewed from the speleothem δ44
The tungsten-182 record of kimberlites above the African superplume: Exploring links to the core-mantle boundary44
A disordered kinetic model for clumped isotope bond reordering in carbonates43
Short duration of Early Permian Qiangtang-Panjal large igneous province: Implications for origin of the Neo-Tethys Ocean43
The 2018-ongoing Mayotte submarine eruption: Magma migration imaged by petrological monitoring43
Geodetic imaging of shallow creep along the Xianshuihe fault and its frictional properties43
Astrochronology of the Ediacaran Shuram carbon isotope excursion, Oman42
The tilted Iceland Plume and its effect on the North Atlantic evolution and magmatism42
Towards balancing the oceanic Ni budget41
Controls on the abundance, provenance and age of organic carbon buried in continental margin sediments40
Spatio-temporal foreshock evolution of the 2019 M 6.4 and M 7.1 Ridgecrest, California earthquakes40
Magnesium isotopic fractionation during basalt differentiation as recorded by evolved magmas39
Petrochronological close-up on the thermal structure of a paleo-subduction zone (W. Alps)39
A dynamic lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary near the equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge38
Northwest Pacific-Izanagi plate tectonics since Cretaceous times from western Pacific mantle structure38
Long-lived (ca. 22–24 Myr) partial melts in the eastern Himalaya: Petrochronologic constraints and tectonic implications38
Evidence for crustal removal, tectonic erosion and flare-ups from the Japanese evolving forearc sediment provenance38
Sediment and ocean crust both melt at subduction zones38
Exploring laser ablation U–Pb dating of regional metamorphic garnet – The Straits Schist, Connecticut, USA37
Global zircon analysis records a gradual rise of continental crust throughout the Neoarchean37
Astronomically forced climate change in the late Cambrian37
Was climatic cooling during the earliest Carboniferous driven by expansion of seed plants?37
Frontal ablation and mass loss of the Patagonian icefields36
Thermobarometry of CO2-rich, silica-undersaturated melts constrains cratonic lithosphere thinning through time in areas of kimberlitic magmatism36
The stabilizing effect of high pore-fluid pressure along subduction megathrust faults: Evidence from friction experiments on accretionary sediments from the Nankai Trough36
Nucleosynthetic Pt isotope anomalies and the Hf-W chronology of core formation in inner and outer solar system planetesimals35
Hypocentral dependent shallow slip distribution and rupture extents along a strike-slip fault35
Strong shear softening induced by superionic hydrogen in Earth's inner core35
Kinematics of the ∼1000 km Haiyuan fault system in northeastern Tibet from high-resolution Sentinel-1 InSAR velocities: Fault architecture, slip rates, and partitioning34
Orbitally-paced climate change in the early Cambrian and its implications for the history of the Solar System34
Plate tectonics and mantle controls on plume dynamics34
Origin of a global carbonate layer deposited in the aftermath of the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary impact34
Origin of hydrogen isotopic variations in chondritic water and organics34
Scaling laws for the geometry of an impact-induced magma ocean34
Temperature signals of ice core and speleothem isotopic records from Asian monsoon region as indicated by precipitation δ18O34
Controls on the magmatic fraction of extension at mid-ocean ridges34
Post-depositional REE mobility in a Paleoarchean banded iron formation revealed by La-Ce geochronology: A cautionary tale for signals of ancient oxygenation34
Understanding ancient tectonic settings through detrital zircon analysis33
Was the Pamir salient built along a Late Paleozoic embayment on the southern Asian margin?33
New early oligocene zircon U-Pb dates for the ‘Miocene’ Wenshan Basin, Yunnan, China: Biodiversity and paleoenvironment33
Deep learning for laboratory earthquake prediction and autoregressive forecasting of fault zone stress33
Co-seismic rupture of the 2021, M 7.4 Maduo earthquake (northern Tibet): Short-cutting of the Kunlun fault big bend33
Petrogenetic processes at the tipping point of plate tectonics: Hf-O isotope ternary modelling of Earth's last TTG to sanukitoid transition32
Assessing the presence of volatile-bearing mineral phases in the cratonic mantle as a possible cause of mid-lithospheric discontinuities32
Deformation-enhanced recrystallization of titanite drives decoupling between U-Pb and trace elements32
Chondritic mercury isotopic composition of Earth and evidence for evaporative equilibrium degassing during the formation of eucrites32
Pulsed oxygenation events drove progressive oxygenation of the early Mesoproterozoic ocean32
Expanded lacustrine sedimentation in the Qaidam Basin on the northern Tibetan Plateau: Manifestation of climatic wetting during the Oligocene icehouse32
The 22 July 2020 M 7.8 Shumagin seismic gap earthquake: Partial rupture of a weakly coupled megathrust31
Preconditioning by sediment accumulation can produce powerful turbidity currents without major external triggers31
Partitioning riverine sulfate sources using oxygen and sulfur isotopes: Implications for carbon budgets of large rivers31
Isotopic fingerprinting of biogeochemical processes and iron sources in the iron-limited surface Southern Ocean30
Role of sulfate in the transport and enrichment of REE in hydrothermal systems30
Long-term evolution of terrestrial weathering and its link to Earth's oxygenation30
Coexisting diverse P–T–t paths during Neoarchean Sagduction: Insights from numerical modeling and applications to the eastern North China Craton30
Fault roughness controls sliding instability30
Disparities in oxygen isotopes of detrital and igneous zircon identify erosional bias in crustal rock record29
High pressure-temperature phase relations of basaltic crust up to mid-mantle conditions29
Changes in groundwater dynamics and geochemical evolution induced by drainage reorganization: Evidence from 81Kr and 36Cl dating of geothermal water in the Weihe Basin of China29
Mantle source characteristics and magmatic processes during the 2021 La Palma eruption29
Fluid mixing as primary trigger for cassiterite deposition: Evidence from in situ δ18O-δ11B analysis of tourmaline from the world-class San Rafael tin (-copper) deposit, Peru29
Metal-silicate mixing by large Earth-forming impacts29
An extended period of extremely weak geomagnetic field suggested by palaeointensities from the Ediacaran Grenville dykes (SE Canada)29
Long-term Phanerozoic sea level change from solid Earth processes29
Photochemical modelling of atmospheric oxygen levels confirms two stable states29
The young Sun's XUV-activity as a constraint for lower CO2-limits in the Earth's Archean atmosphere29
Controls on boron isotopes in a cold-water coral and the cost of resilience to ocean acidification28
On the petrogenesis of lunar troctolites: New insights into cumulate mantle overturn & mantle exposures in impact basins28
Subcretionary tectonics: Linking variability in the expression of subduction along the Cascadia forearc28
The 2010 Haiti earthquake revisited: An acoustic intensity map from remote atmospheric infrasound observations28
Controls on the cadmium isotope composition of modern marine sediments28
Timescales of subduction initiation and evolution of subduction thermal regimes28
Copper-mineralised porphyries sample the evolution of a large-volume silicic magma reservoir from rapid assembly to solidification28
The phases of the Moon: Modelling crystallisation of the lunar magma ocean through equilibrium thermodynamics28
Breakup with benefits - hydrothermal mineral systems related to the disintegration of a supercontinent28
Multicomponent diffusion of F, Cl and OH in apatite with application to magma ascent rates28
Adakite generation as a result of fluid-fluxed melting at normal lower crustal pressures28
The fate of fluvially-deposited organic carbon during transient floodplain storage27
Can volcanism build hydrogen-rich early atmospheres?27
Westerly jet stream controlled climate change mode since the Last Glacial Maximum in the northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau27
The 2019 Ridgecrest, California earthquake sequence: Evolution of seismic and aseismic slip on an orthogonal fault system27
The deep Shumagin gap filled: Kinematic rupture model and slip budget analysis of the 2020 Mw 7.8 Simeonof earthquake constrained by GNSS, global seismic waveforms, and floating InSAR27
Transport properties of Fe-Ni-Si alloys at Earth's core conditions: Insight into the viability of thermal and compositional convection27
Calcium isotope constraints on OIB and MORB petrogenesis: The importance of melt mixing27
Competition between preslip and deviatoric stress modulates precursors for laboratory earthquakes27
Limited iodate reduction in shipboard seawater incubations from the Eastern Tropical North Pacific oxygen deficient zone27
Enhanced water loss from the martian atmosphere during a regional-scale dust storm and implications for long-term water loss27
Layered crustal azimuthal anisotropy beneath the northeastern Tibetan Plateau revealed by Rayleigh-wave Eikonal tomography27
Pushing the boundary: A calibrated Ediacaran-Cambrian stratigraphic record from the Nama Group in northwestern Republic of South Africa27
Geomorphologic exploration targets at the Zhurong landing site in the southern Utopia Planitia of Mars27
Molybdenum isotope systematics of lavas from the East Pacific Rise: Constraints on the source of enriched mid-ocean ridge basalt27
Reworking subducted sediments in arc magmas and the isotopic diversity of the continental crust: The case of the Ordovician Famatinian crustal section, Argentina26
Glacial pumping of a magma-charged lithosphere: A model for glaciovolcanic causality in magmatic arcs26
New cosmogenic nuclide burial-dating model indicates onset of major glaciations in the Alps during Middle Pleistocene Transition26
The Ca and Mg isotope record of the Cryogenian Trezona carbon isotope excursion26
Three North African dust source areas and their geochemical fingerprint26
Southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau stopped expanding in the late Miocene26
The temporal distribution of Earth's supermountains and their potential link to the rise of atmospheric oxygen and biological evolution26
Cosmogenic 10Be production records reveal dynamics of geomagnetic dipole moment (GDM) over the Laschamp excursion (20–60 ka)26
Seismic hazard of the western Makran subduction zone: Insight from mechanical modelling and inferred frictional properties26
Indian continental lithosphere and related volcanism beneath Myanmar: Constraints from local earthquake tomography26
Cryogenian interglacial greenhouse driven by enhanced volcanism: Evidence from mercury records26
Quantitative estimates of Holocene glacier meltwater variations on the Western Tibetan Plateau26
On Archean craton growth and stabilisation: Insights from lithospheric resistivity structure of the Superior Province26
Evidence for methane isotopic bond re-ordering in gas reservoirs sourcing cold seeps from the Sea of Marmara26
Polarity-reversal subduction zone initiation triggered by buoyant plateau obstruction26
Warm and oxidizing slabs limit ingassing efficiency of nitrogen to the mantle26
Major Early-Middle Devonian oceanic oxygenation linked to early land plant evolution detected using high-resolution U isotopes of marine limestones25
Event-dominated transport, provenance, and burial of organic carbon in the Japan Trench25
The cascading foreshock sequence of the Ms 6.4 Yangbi earthquake in Yunnan, China25
Periodic oceanic euxinia and terrestrial fluxes linked to astronomical forcing during the Late Devonian Frasnian–Famennian mass extinction25
Asian monsoon evolution linked to Pacific temperature gradients since the Late Miocene25
Combination of Δ47 and U-Pb dating in tectonic calcite veins unravel the last pulses related to the Pyrenean Shortening (Spain)25
Mercury isotope evidence for regional volcanism during the Frasnian-Famennian transition25
Bridgmanite is nearly dry at the top of the lower mantle25
On the enigmatic mid-Proterozoic: Single-lid versus plate tectonics25
Centimeter-resolution topographic modeling and fine-scale analysis of craters and rocks at the Chang'E-4 landing site25
Seismic swarms produced by rapid fluid injection into a low permeability laboratory fault25
Widespread silicic and alkaline magmatism synchronous with the Deccan Traps flood basalts, India25
Miocene to present oceanographic variability in the Scotia Sea and Antarctic ice sheets dynamics: Insight from revised seismic-stratigraphy following IODP Expedition 38225
Across-arc variations in K-isotope ratios in lavas of the Izu arc: Evidence for progressive depletion of the slab in K and similarly mobile elements25
Uniform oxygen fugacity of shergottite mantle sources and an oxidized martian lithosphere25
Thermal conductivity of Fe-bearing post-perovskite in the Earth's lowermost mantle25
The transformation of aragonite to calcite in the presence of magnesium: Implications for marine diagenesis25
Pervasive low-velocity layer atop the 410-km discontinuity beneath the northwest Pacific subduction zone: Implications for rheology and geodynamics24
Integrated magnetotelluric and petrological analysis of felsic magma reservoirs: Insights from Ethiopian rift volcanoes24
Black Sea paleosalinity evolution since the last deglaciation reconstructed from alkenone-inferred Isochrysidales diversity24
Late Triassic uplift, magmatism and extension of the northern North China block: Mantle signatures in the surface24
The metal–silicate partitioning of carbon during Earth's accretion and its distribution in the early solar system24
Chromium isotope systematics and the diagenesis of marine carbonates24
Evidence for crustal seismic anisotropy at the InSight lander site24
Degassing and gas percolation in basaltic magmas24
The role of incremental magma chamber growth on ore formation in porphyry copper systems24
Insights into hydrological drought characteristics using GNSS-inferred large-scale terrestrial water storage deficits24
Hf isotopic ratios in zircon reveal processes of anatexis and pluton construction24
A high-resolution map of Hawaiian ULVZ morphology from ScS phases24
Evaluation of shallow-water carbonates as a seawater zinc isotope archive24
Using stable isotopes to distinguish atmospheric nitrate production and its contribution to the surface ocean across hemispheres24
Rock abundance and evolution of the shallow stratum on Chang'e-4 landing site unveiled by lunar penetrating radar data24
Covariation of cross-divide differences in denudation rate and χ: Implications for drainage basin reorganization in the Qilian Shan, northeast Tibet24
Aquifer deformation and active faulting in Salt Lake Valley, Utah, USA24
The evolution of lithium isotope signatures in fluids draining actively weathering hillslopes24
Spatial distribution of 1.4-1.3 Ga LIPs and carbonatite-related REE deposits: Evidence for large-scale continental rifting in the Columbia (Nuna) supercontinent24
A short-lived oxidation event during the early Ediacaran and delayed oxygenation of the Proterozoic ocean24
The coupled Hf-Nd isotope record of the early Earth in the Pilbara Craton24
Phyllosilicate controls on magnesium isotopic fractionation during weathering of granites: Implications for continental weathering and riverine system23
Granite geochemistry is not diagnostic of the role of water in the source23
Mountain building, mantle convection, and supercontinents: revisited23
The quartz α↔β phase transition: Does it drive damage and reaction in continental crust?23
Linking surface deformation to thermal and mechanical magma chamber processes23
Arrest of the Mw 6.8 January 24, 2020 Elaziğ (Turkey) earthquake by shallow fault creep23
Hydrothermal alteration associated with the Chicxulub impact crater upper peak-ring breccias23
Late Ediacaran paleogeography of Avalonia and the Cambrian assembly of West Gondwana23
Long-term evolution of a plume-induced subduction in the Neotethys realm23
Diffusion anisotropy of Ti in zircon and implications for Ti-in-zircon thermometry23
A quantitative framework for global variations in arc geochemistry23
Evolution of the early to late Archean mantle from Hf-Nd-Ce isotope systematics in basalts and komatiites from the Pilbara Craton23
Rise and fall of the Acadian altiplano: Evidence for a Paleozoic orogenic plateau in New England23
Ancient refractory asthenosphere revealed by mantle re-melting at the Arctic Mid Atlantic Ridge23
Oceanic anoxia and extinction in the latest Ordovician23
Controls by rheological structure of the lithosphere on the temporal evolution of continental magmatism: Inferences from the Pannonian Basin system23
Decoupled oxygenation of the Ediacaran ocean and atmosphere during the rise of early animals22
Local melt contamination and global climate impact: Dating the emplacement of Karoo LIP sills into organic-rich shale22
The competing effects of terrestrial evapotranspiration and raindrop re-evaporation on the deuterium excess of continental precipitation22
A short-lived 26Al induced hydrothermal alteration event in the outer solar system: Constraints from Mn/Cr ages of carbonates22
Constraints on Archean crust recycling and the origin of mantle redox variability from the δ44/40Ca – δ18O – fO2 signatures of cratonic eclogites22
Detrital rutile tracks the first appearance of subduction zone low T/P paired metamorphism in the Palaeoproterozoic22
Mineral inclusions are not immutable: Evidence of post-entrapment thermally-induced shape change of quartz in garnet22
Assessing the role of clay and salts on the origin of MARSIS basal bright reflections22
Distinct magma evolution processes control the formation of porphyry Cu–Au deposits in thin and thick arcs22
Meso- to nano-scale evidence of fluid-assisted co-seismic slip along the normal Mt. Morrone Fault, Italy: Implications for earthquake hydrogeochemical precursors22
On the provenance of the Chang'E-5 lunar samples22
Shale and pyrite Re-Os ages from the Hornby Bay and Amundsen basins provide new chronological markers for Mesoproterozoic stratigraphic successions of northern Canada22
Birth of the Pearl River at 30 Ma: Evidence from sedimentary records in the northern South China Sea22
Overlapping slabs: Untangling subduction in NW South America through finite-frequency teleseismic tomography21
Clay minerals affect calcium (magnesium) carbonate precipitation and aging21
The essential bioactive role of nickel in the oceans: Evidence from nickel isotopes21
Deglaciation of Pope Glacier implies widespread early Holocene ice sheet thinning in the Amundsen Sea sector of Antarctica21
Charge injection into the atmosphere by explosive volcanic eruptions through triboelectrification and fragmentation charging21
Post-collisional batholiths do contribute to continental growth21
Earth's accretion inferred from iron isotopic anomalies of supernova nuclear statistical equilibrium origin21
Drainage basin dynamics during the transition from early to mature orogeny in Southern Taiwan21
Ultrahigh-pressure peridotites record Neoarchean collisional tectonics21
Partial melting of ultrahigh-pressure eclogite by omphacite-breakdown facilitates exhumation of deeply-subducted crust21
Elasticity of hydrous ringwoodite at mantle conditions: Implication for water distribution in the lowermost mantle transition zone21
Electrical resistivity imaging of continental United States from three-dimensional inversion of EarthScope USArray magnetotelluric data21
Discharge rate of explosive volcanic eruption controls runout distance of pyroclastic density currents21
Zirconium isotopic composition of the upper continental crust through time21
Development of the Leeuwin Current on the northwest shelf of Australia through the Pliocene-Pleistocene period21
Enhanced ocean connectivity and volcanism instigated global onset of Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) ∼94.5 million years ago21
Restricted lithospheric extrusion in the SE Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from anisotropic Rayleigh-wave tomography21
Anomalously low aftershock productivity of the 2019 M 8.0 energetic intermediate-depth faulting beneath Peru21
Embryos of TTGs in Gore Mountain garnet megacrysts from water-fluxed melting of the lower crust21
Bioturbation feedbacks on the phosphorus cycle21
A-type granites in space and time: Relationship to the supercontinent cycle and mantle events21
A novel tool to untangle the ecology and fossil preservation knot in exceptionally preserved biotas20
Fill, flush or shuffle: How is sediment carried through submarine channels to build lobes?20
Magmatic chlorine isotope fractionation recorded in apatite from Chang'e-5 basalts20
Inverse methods for consistent quantification of seafloor anoxia using uranium isotope data from marine sediments20
3He evidence for fluid transfer and continental hydration above a flat slab20
Global receiver function observations of the X-discontinuity reveal recycled basalt beneath hotspots20
The influence of crustal recycling on the molybdenum isotope composition of the Earth's mantle20
Mg isotope evidence for restriction events within the Paleotethys ocean around the Permian-Triassic transition20
Oblique subduction and mantle flow control on upper plate deformation: 3D geodynamic modeling20
Terrestrial organic carbon age and reactivity in the Yellow River fueling efficient preservation in marine sediments20
Contribution of continental subduction to very light B isotope signatures in post-collisional magmas: Evidence from southern Tibetan ultrapotassic rocks20
Along-strike variations in intermediate-depth seismicity and arc magmatism along the Alaska Peninsula20
A tale of two domes: Neogene to recent volcanism and dynamic uplift of northeast Brazil and southwest Africa20
A unique Saturnian impactor population from elliptical craters20
Mantle sources and magma evolution in Europe's largest rare earth element belt (Gardar Province, SW Greenland): New insights from sulfur isotopes20
A lithospheric-scale thrust-wedge model for the formation of the northern Tibetan plateau margin: Evidence from high-resolution seismic imaging20
Clay Li and Nd isotopes response to hydroclimate changes in the Changjiang (Yangtze) basin over the past 14,000 years20
Paleoclimate model-derived thermal lapse rates: Towards increasing precision in paleoaltimetry studies20
Earth's oldest hotspot track at ca. 1.8 Ga advected by a global subduction system20
Isotopic disequilibrium of Cu in marine ferromanganese crusts: Evidence from ab initio predictions of Cu isotope fractionation on sorption to birnessite20
Determining key upstream convection and rainout zones affecting δ18O in water vapor and precipitation based on 10-year continuous observations in the East Asian Monsoon region20
Mg-Ba-Sr-Nd isotopic evidence for a mélange origin of early Paleozoic arc magmatism20
Novel watermass reconstruction in the Early Mississippian Appalachian Seaway based on integrated proxy records of redox and salinity20
The nature, timescale, and efficiency of riverine export of terrestrial organic carbon in the (sub)tropics: Insights at the molecular level from the Pearl River and adjacent coastal sea20
Shock impedance amplified impact deformation of zircon in granitic rocks from the Chicxulub impact crater19
Sea level fingerprints and regional sea level change19
Absolute dating of the L-chondrite parent body breakup with high-precision U–Pb zircon geochronology from Ordovician limestone19
Biomarker-based quantitative constraints on maximal soil-derived brGDGTs in modern lake sediments19
High-pressure experimental constraints of partitioning behavior of Si and S at the Mercury's inner core boundary19
Carbon partitioning between metal and silicate melts during Earth accretion19
Aluminum and hydrogen partitioning between bridgmanite and high-pressure hydrous phases: Implications for water storage in the lower mantle19
Transformation of protodolomite to dolomite proceeds under dry-heating conditions19
Obliquity-forced aquifer-eustasy during the Late Cretaceous greenhouse world19
On the scale dependence in the dynamics of frictional rupture: Constant fracture energy versus size-dependent breakdown work19
Scaling properties of seismicity and faulting19