Discrete Mathematics

(The TQCC of Discrete Mathematics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Near MDS codes from oval polynomials18
Characterizing the extremal graphs with respect to the eccentricity spectral radius, and beyond17
On the largest and least eigenvalues of eccentricity matrix of trees16
Spectral theory of Laplace operators on oriented hypergraphs16
A spectral version of Mantel's theorem16
Isolation of k-cliques II16
The spectral radius of graphs with no intersecting odd cycles14
Maxima of L-index and Q-index: Graphs with given size and diameter14
Low c-differential and c-boomerang uniformity of the swapped inverse function14
Energy and inertia of the eccentricity matrix of coalescence of graphs14
Note on sunflowers14
On a rank-unimodality conjecture of Morier-Genoud and Ovsienko14
New constructions of large cyclic subspace codes and Sidon spaces14
Weighted generalized crank moments for k-colored partitions and Andrews-Beck type congruences13
Sampling hypergraphs with given degrees13
Minimal linear codes from weakly regular plateaued balanced functions13
Complete classification of repeated-root σ-constacyclic codes of pr13
Laplacian state transfer in total graphs12
Extremal augmented Zagreb index of trees with given numbers of vertices and leaves12
The spectral radius of graphs with given independence number12
On the Tu-Zeng permutation trinomial of type (112
Proof of a Lin-Peng-Toh's conjecture on an Andrews-Beck type congruence12
On the spectral radius of graphs without a star forest11
An arithmetic criterion for graphs being determined by their generalized A-spectra11
Cyclic codes over a non-chain ring R, and their application to LCD codes11
A class of skew cyclic codes and application in quantum codes construction11
The Turán number for the edge blow-up of trees11
The A-spectral radius for path-factors in graphs11
The maximum number of paths of length four in a planar graph11
Adjacency eigenvalues of graphs without short odd cycles11
Exact rainbow numbers for matchings in plane triangulations10
On unitary Cayley graphs of matrix rings10
A context-free grammar for the e-positivity of the trivariate second-order Eulerian polynomials9
Remarks on proper conflict-free colorings of graphs9
Moore-Penrose inverses of the signless Laplacian and edge-Laplacian of graphs9
A class of two or three weights linear codes and their complete weight enumerators9
On Turán-good graphs9
Hermitian adjacency matrix of the second kind for mixed graphs9
Cover and variable degeneracy9
Finite exceptional groups of Lie type and symmetric designs8
D-index and 8
Signed graphs with maximal index8
Anti-Ramsey number of matchings in a hypergraph8
On the eccentricity matrices of trees: Inertia and spectral symmetry8
Constructing MDS Galois self-dual constacyclic codes over finite fields8
On the strong chromatic number of a random 3-uniform hypergraph8
Designing DNA codes from reversible self-dual codes over GF8
Spectral radius and [a,b]-factors in graphs8
Star-critical Ramsey numbers involving graphs with long suspended paths8
Combinatorial Nullstellensatz and DP-coloring of graphs7
A formula for enumerating permutations with a fixed pinnacle set7
Minimal hexagonal chains with respect to the Kirchhoff index7
Connectivity keeping caterpillars and spiders in 2-connected graphs7
The maximum spectral radius of wheel-free graphs7
On the anti-Ramsey numbers of linear forests7
Graphs with n7
List 3-coloring Pt7
Construction of orthogonal arrays of strength three by augmented difference schemes7
Permanental sums of graphs of extreme sizes7
Reducing the domination number of graphs via edge contractions and vertex deletions7
On the generalized A-spectral characterizations of almost α-controllable graphs7
On the chromatic number of some P5-free graphs7
Anti-Ramsey number of matchings in r-partite r-uniform hypergraphs7
Partitioning planar graphs without 4-cycles and 5-cycles into bounded degree forests7
Graphs with nullity 2c(G)+p(G)−17
An overview of graph covering and partitioning7
Local metric dimension for graphs with small clique numbers7
Upper bound for the geometric-arithmetic index of trees with given domination number7
On the existence of integer relative Heffter arrays7
On clique immersions in line graphs7
Euclidean matchings and minimality of hyperplane arrangements6
Super-simple BIBDs with block size 4 and index 76
Extremal spectral results related to spanning trees of signed complete graphs6
On the (reverse) cover cost of trees with some given parameters6
Generalized Turán number for linear forests6
The Waring’s problem over finite fields through generalized Paley graphs6
Smith Normal Form and the generalized spectral characterization of graphs6
Twin-width and generalized coloring numbers6
The DP color function of joins and vertex-gluings of graphs6
Rational points on complete symmetric hypersurfaces over finite fields6
Stabbing pairwise intersecting disks by five points6
Maximum sparse induced subgraphs of the binomial random graph with given number of edges6
Dimensions of nonbinary antiprimitive BCH codes and some conjectures6
Non-zero sum Heffter arrays and their applications6
Linear sets on the projective line with complementary weights6
On linear sets of minimum size6
Badges and rainbow matchings6
Planar Turán number of intersecting triangles6
On large set plus of disjoint incomplete Latin squares6
Classification of tetravalent distance magic circulant graphs6
Antimagic orientations of graphs with large maximum degree6
Every 3-connected {K6
The inverse eigenvalue problem for linear trees6
D-magic labelings of the folded n-cube6
Optimization of eigenvalue bounds for the independence and chromatic number of graph powers5
Generalizing theorems of Nosal and Nikiforov: Triangles and quadrilaterals5
Proximity and remoteness in directed and undirected graphs5
The polynomial reconstruction problem: The first 50 years5
3-setwise intersecting families of the symmetric group5
Gain distance matrices for complex unit gain graphs5
Decomposability and co-modular indices of tournaments5
Partition identities related to the minimal excludant5
Fractional revival and association schemes5
Oriented bipartite graphs and the Goldbach graph5
Almost eulerian compatible spanning circuits in edge-colored graphs5
Some results on the spum and the integral spum of graphs5
Planar graphs without mutually adjacent 3-, 5-, and 6-cycles are 3-degenerate5
On two-weight codes5
The cyclic index of adjacency tensor of generalized power hypergraphs5
Properly colored C4<5
New infinite families of near MDS codes holding t-designs5
Investigating the discrepancy property of de Bruijn sequences5
A characterization of the family of secant lines to a hyperbolic quadric in P5
Convex lattice polygons with all lattice points visible5
Graphs in which G − N[v] is a cycle for each vertex v5
Unit gain graphs with two distinct eigenvalues and systems of lines in complex space5
On discrete Brunn-Minkowski and isoperimetric type inequalities5
Graph classes with linear Ramsey numbers5
Generalized asymptotic Sidon basis5
Spanning eulerian subdigraphs avoiding k prescribed arcs in tournamen5
On ABC Estrada index of graphs5
Odd coloring of sparse graphs and planar graphs5
The maximum spectral radius of t-connected graphs with bounded matching number5
The maximum sum of sizes of cross-intersecting families of subsets of a set5
The m-Schröder paths and 5
Partial γ-positivity for quasi-Stirling permutations of multisets5
Linear codes with few weights from weakly regular plateaued functions5
Trees with extremal numbers of k-dominating sets5
Peakless Motzkin paths with marked level steps at fixed height5
Monochromatic stars in rainbowK5
A new bound on the acyclic edge chromatic number5
1-planar graphs are odd 13-colorable5
Alternating Eulerian polynomials and left peak polynomials5
2-distance coloring of planar graphs with maximum degree 55
Subgroup regular sets in Cayley graphs5
A new criterion for almost controllable graphs being determined by their generalized spectra5
Constructing vectorial bent functions via second-order derivatives5
Finite distributive nearlattices4
DP-4-coloring of planar graphs with some restrictions on cycles4
Nowhere-zero 3-flows in Cayley graphs of order pq24
Defective DP-colorings of sparse simple graphs4
Extremal product-one free sequences and |G|-product-one free sequences of a metacyclic group4
Eigenfunctions and minimum 1-perfect bitrades in the Hamming graph4
Majorization, degree sequence and A4
Idempotents of generalized quaternion group algebras and their applications4
Some results on k-Turán-good graphs4
A note on multicolor Ramsey number of small odd cycles versus a large clique4
Addition chains, vector chains, and efficient computation4
Exponential lower bounds on the generalized Erdős–Ginzburg–Ziv constant4
Generalized Turán results for intersecting cliques4
Neighbor sum distinguishing total choosability of 1-planar graphs with maximum degree at least 244
Mass formulae for Euclidean self-orthogonal and self-dual codes over finite commutative chain rings4
New MDS EAQECCs derived from constacyclic codes over F4
Proximity and remoteness in triangle-free and C4-free graphs in terms of order and minimum degree4
Improved square coloring of planar graphs4
Clique immersions in graphs of independence number two with certain forbidden subgraphs4
Beck-type companion identities for Franklin's identity via a modular refinement4
The cubic graphs with finite cyclic vertex connectivity larger than girth4
Vertex-disjoint rainbow triangles in edge-colored graphs4
New characterizations and construction methods of bent and hyper-bent Boolean functions4
Extremal problems on k-ary trees with respect to the cover cost and reverse cover cost4
A q-analogue of the bipartite distance matrix of a nonsingular tree4
Coloring of (P5, 4-wheel)-free graphs4
Constructing 5-chromatic unit distance graphs embedded in the Euclidean plane and two-dimensional spheres4
The Turán number for the edge blow-up of trees: The missing case4
On Toeplitz codes of index t and isometry codes4
Every planar graph with girth at least 5 is (1,9)-colorable4
On the maximum number of distinct intersections in an intersecting family4
Basis criteria for generalized spline modules via determinant4
Connectivity keeping paths in k-connected bipartite graphs4
On quasi-strongly regular graphs with parameters (n4
Two new classes of permutation trinomials over F4
On the maximal number of elements pairwise generating the symmetric group of even degree4
A proof of the fermionic theta coinvariant conjecture4
Eulerian pairs and Eulerian recurrence systems4
An enumeration of 1-perfect ternary codes4
Choosability with union separation of triangle-free planar graphs4
Proof of a conjecture on the spectral radius condition for [a,b]-factors4
Enumerating symmetric and asymmetric peaks in Dyck paths4
Solvable conjugacy class graph of groups4
Fairest edge usage and minimum expected overlap for random spanning trees4
On Wegner’s inequality for axis-parallel rectangles4
Cycles on a multiset with only even-odd drops4
On flag-transitive automorphism groups of 2-designs4
Solving linear equations in a vector space over a finite field4
The group Cp44
The firefighter problem on polynomial and intermediate growth groups4
Large cycles in random generalized Johnson graphs4
Resistance distance and Kirchhoff index of the Q-vertex (or edge) join graphs4
A gentle introduction to the differential equation method and dynamic concentration4
Super-simple group divisible designs with block size 4 and index λ = 7,84
Cubic graphical regular representations of PSU3(q)4
The maximum number of 10- and 12-cycles in a planar graph4
Existence of 4-GDDs with at most 50 points and 4-GDDs of types 6 3 and 9 34
Turán and Ramsey numbers in linear triple systems4
Anti-Ramsey numbers for trees in complete multi-partite graphs4
Complete circular regular dessins of coprime orders3
An (increasing) sequence of lower bounds for the spectral radius and energy of digraphs3
Classes of graphs without star forests and related graphs3
Ramsey numbers of several K, and a large K,3
Recoloring graphs of treewidth 23
Galois self-dual extended duadic constacyclic codes3
Combinatorial explanation of the weighted Wiener (Kirchhoff) index of trees and unicyclic graphs3
Pushable chromatic number of graphs with degree constraints3
Platonic solids, Archimedean solids and semi-equivelar maps on the sphere3
On the lower bound for the length of minimal codes3
Hadamard matrices of order 36 formed by codewords in some ternary self-dual codes3
The reconstruction conjecture for finite simple graphs and associated directed graphs3
Clique dynamics of locally cyclic graphs with δ ≥ 63
Gallai-Ramsey numbers for fans3
On the neighborhood complex of s3
An extension of the rainbow Erdős-Rothschild problem3
On the automorphism groups of Lunardon-Polverino scattered linear sets3
Janko sporadic groupJ3
On the smallest positive eigenvalue of bipartite unicyclic graphs with a unique perfect matching3
On the forcing matching numbers of prisms of graphs3
On graphs with exactly one anti-adjacency eigenvalue and beyond3
Rectangular Heffter arrays: a reduction theorem3
Cohen–Macaulayness of a class of graphs versus the class of their complements3
A note on distinguishing trees with the chromatic symmetric function3
Finite cubic graphs admitting a cyclic group of automorphism with at most three orbits on vertices3
Hat chromatic number of graphs3
Algorithms for q-ary error-correcting codes with limited magnitude a3
Cops and robbers on 2K2-free graphs3
A simple explanation for the “shuffling phenomenon” for lozenge tilings of dented hexagons3
On the smallest trees with the same restricted U-polynomial and the r3
Planar graphs without specific cycles are 2-degenerate3
On the sum of sizes of overlapping families3
The (3,3)-colorability of planar graphs without 4-cycles and 5-cycles3
Orthogonal colourings of Cayley graphs3
On the volume of projections of the cross-polytope3
Saxl Conjecture for triple hooks3
The q-log-concavity and unimodality of q-Kaplansky numbers3
Extremal problems and results related to Gallai-colorings3
Self-dual codes over F53
Locating-dominating sets: From graphs to oriented graphs3
Exact hyperplane covers for subsets of the hypercube3
A note on a pair of orthogonal orthomorphisms of cyclic groups3
Injective coloring of graphs revisited3
Connectivity keeping caterpillars and spiders in bipartite graphs with connectivity at most three3
Signed bipartite circular cliques and a bipartite analogue of Grötzsch's theorem3
The 2-partially distance-regular graphs such that their second largest local eigenvalues are at most one3
Perfect state transfer on bi-Cayley graphs over abelian groups3
On Tutte polynomial expansion formulas in perspectives of matroids and oriented matroids3
Bounds and constructions for multilength variable-weight optical orthogonal codes3
A Catlin-type theorem for graph partitioning avoiding prescribed subgraphs3
Maxima of the Q-index: Forbidden a fan3
The k-apex trees with minimum augmented Zagreb index3
The path minimises the average size of a connected induced subgraph3