Development and Change

(The median citation count of Development and Change is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
The Wall Street Consensus218
The Re‐making of the Turkish Crisis48
Solar Power and its Discontents: Critiquing Off‐grid Infrastructures of Inclusion in East Africa36
Huawei, 5G and Security: Technological Limitations and Political Responses27
NGOs as Social Movements: Policy Narratives, Networks and the Performance of Dalit Rights in South India26
Regulating Over‐indebtedness: Local State Power in Cambodia's Microfinance Market25
Southern Discomfort: Interrogating the Category of the Global South22
Framing the Blue Economy: Placelessness, Development and Sustainability19
Derisking Developmentalism: A Tale of Green Hydrogen18
Below the Belt? Territory and Development in China's International Rise18
Diffuse Drivers of Modern Slavery: From Microfinance to Unfree Labour in Cambodia17
Bibliodiversity at the Centre: Decolonizing Open Access16
Informality and the Infrastructures of Inclusion: An Introduction15
Politics of Engagement: Gender Expertise and International Governance15
Responding to the China Challenge in Techno‐nationalism: Divergence between Germany and the United States15
From Global to Local Tea Markets: The Changing Political Economy of Tea Production within India's Domestic Value Chain14
Rethinking Social Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Worker Power, State‒Labour Relations and Intersectionality14
Beyond the Genome: Genetically Modified Crops in Africa and the Implications for Genome Editing14
From Development State to Corporate Leviathan: Historicizing the Infrastructural Performativity of Digital Platforms within Kenyan Agriculture13
Legitimating State Capital: The Global Financial Professions and the Transnationalization of Chinese Sovereign Wealth13
Introduction: The Politics of Open Access — Decolonizing Research or Corporate Capture?12
The Externalization of China's Technical Standardization Approach10
Situating Political Agronomy: The Knowledge Politics of Hybrid Rice in India and Uganda10
Global Value Chains and Intermediaries in Multi‐stakeholder Initiatives in Pakistan and India9
Give James Ferguson a Fish9
Defusing Land Disputes? The Politics of Land Certification and Dispute Resolution in Burundi8
Journal Open Access and Plan S: Solving Problems or Shifting Burdens?8
Open Access in Indonesia8
The Underside of Microfinance: Performance Indicators and Informal Debt in Cambodia8
Measuring Women's Empowerment: Gender and Time‐use Agency in Benin, Malawi and Nigeria7
What if We Selected our Leaders by Lottery? Democracy by Sortition, Liberal Elections and Communist Revolutionaries7
Defeminization, Structural Transformation and Technological Upgrading in Manufacturing7
COVID‐19 and the Unequalizing Infrastructures of Financial Inclusion in Tamil Nadu7
The European Response to Chinese Outbound Foreign Direct Investment: Introducing a Dynamic Analytical Framework7
Compelled to Compete: Rendering Climate Change Vulnerability Investable6
Emerging Sino–European Corporate Elite Networks6
The Business of Abolition: Marketizing ‘Anti‐slavery’6
COVID‐19: The Political Economy of a Global Pandemic6
Digitizing Taxation and Premature Formalization in Developing Countries6
Technologies of Authoritarian Statecraft in Welfare Provision: Contracting Services to Social Organizations6
China and European Innovation: Corporate Takeovers and their Consequences6
Double Movements and Disembedded Economies: A Response to Richard Sandbrook6
‘Aerial Silk Roads’: Airport Infrastructures in China's Belt and Road Initiative6
Where Can the Crow Make Friends? Sci‐Hub's Activities in the Library of Development Studies and its Implications for the Field6
The High Priests of Global Development: Capitalism, Religion and the Political Economy of Sacrifice in a Celebrity‐led Water Charity6
Industrial Policy and Monopoly Capitalism in Nigeria: Lessons from the Dangote Business Conglomerate6
Classification and Roundabout Production in High‐value Agriculture: A Fresh Approach to Industrialization5
COVID‐19 and the Meaning of Crisis5
Portfolios of Social Protection, Labour Mobility and the Rise of Life Insurance in Rural Central Vietnam5
Social Norm Change, Behavioural Approaches and the Politics of Knowledge: A Conversation between the Ivory Tower and the Field5
Crisis Narratives and the African Paradox: African Informal Economies, COVID‐19 and the Decolonization of Social Policy5
Cash Transfers, International Finance and Neoliberal Debt Relations: The Case of Post‐apartheid South Africa5
The World Bank's ‘Assault on Poverty’ as a Political Question (1968–81)5
The Effectiveness of Harnessing Human Rights: The Struggle over the Ilısu Dam in Turkey5
Upgrading in the Automotive Periphery: Turkey's Battery Electric Vehicle Maker Togg5
The Social Reproduction of Pandemic Surplus Populations and Global Development Narratives on Inequality and Informal Labour5
Targeting Social Transfers in Ethiopia's Agro‐pastoralist and Pastoralist Societies5
Open Access, Plan S and ‘Radically Liberatory’ Forms of Academic Freedom5
The Evolution of India's Industrial Labour Share and its Correlates4
Polanyi's Double Movement and Capitalism Today4
Contradictions and Crisis in the World of Work: Informality, Precarity and the Pandemic4
Everything Stays the Same while Everything Changes4
One Door Opens: Another Door Shuts?4
Negotiated Agreements, Indigenous Peoples and Extractive Industry in the Salar de Atacama, Chile: When Is an Agreement More than a Contract?4
Common Challenges for All? A Critical Engagement with the Emerging Vision for Post‐pandemic Development Studies4
Multiple Temporalities of Household Labour: The Challenge of Assessing Women's Empowerment4
The Moral Economy of Microfinance in Rural Bangladesh: Dharma, Gender and Social Change4
The Common Framework and its Discontents4
Conceptualizing, Financing and Infrastructuring: Perspectives on Open Access in and from Africa4
Financing a Global Green New Deal: Greening Capitalism or Taming Financialization for a New ‘Civilizing’ Multilateralism?4
Brazil's Bolsa Família Programme: Aspirations and Realities of Poverty Reduction and Intergenerational Change4
How Accessible are Journal Articles on Education Written by Sub‐Saharan Africa‐based Researchers?4
Black Economic Empowerment and Quota Allocations in South Africa's Industrial Fisheries4
Trajectories of Hybrid Governance: Legitimacy, Order and Leadership in India4
Unsettling the American Dream: Mobility, Migration and Precarity among Translocal Himalayan Communities during COVID‐194
Alice Amsden: A Reasoning Revolutionary in Development Economics4
Global Value Chain Participation and the Labour Share: Industry‐level Evidence from Emerging Economies4
Continuities in Transition: Ethnicity, Language and Labour Market Inequalities in Kyrgyzstan3
Unravelling the ‘P’ Word in Environment and Development3
Revisiting the Natural Resource Curse: Backward Linkages for Export Diversification and Structural Economic Transformation3
Remote (Dis)engagement: Shifting Corporate Risk to the ‘Bottom of the Pyramid’3
Security, Resilience and Participatory Urban Upgrading in Latin America and the Caribbean3
From Rebel to Humanitarian: Military Savoir Faire and Humanitarian Practice in Eastern DR Congo3
External Financial Liberalization and Macroeconomic Performance in Emerging Countries: An Empirical Evaluation of the Brazilian Case3
Financial Globalization, Local Debt Markets and New State Financial Activism in Middle‐income Countries3
Hidden in Plain Sight: Chinese Development Finance in Central and Eastern Europe3
The Rightful Share: Land and Effective Claim Making in Odisha, India3
Inequality Interactions: The Dynamics of Multidimensional Inequalities3
Why Is the Drug Trade Not Violent? Cocaine Production and the Embedded Economy in the Chapare, Bolivia3
‘Fundermediaries’ in Nairobi, Kenya: Development Partnerships in the Aid Chain3
Improvising an E‐state: The Struggle for Cash Transfer Digitalization in Mozambique3
The Social Contract and India's Right to Education3
New Multilateral Development Banks and Green Lending: Approaching Scalar Complexities in the Global South3
‘Risky Data’ for Inclusive Microinsurance Infrastructures3
Financialization for Development? Asset Making on Indigenous Land in Remote Northern Australia3
Imaginaries of Soy and the Costs of Commodity‐led Development: Reflections from Argentina3
Reparations as a Rightful Share: From Universalism to Redress in Distributive Justice3
Peasant Production in India: How the ‘Need Economy’ Facilitates Accumulation3
Geographies of Monetary Exclusion in Kenyan Slums: Financial Inclusion in Question3
Labour Formalization and Inequality: The Distributive Impact of Labour Formalization in Latin America since 20002
‘If You Fall, Stand Up Again’: The Moral Nature of Financial Literacy in the Global South2
The Price (and Costs) of Macroeconomic Stability in Peru: Some Lessons on the Implications of FDI‐driven Growth2
Multistakeholder Partnerships for Development and the Financialization of Development Assistance2
Thai Labour NGOs during the ‘Modern Slavery’ Reforms: NGO Transitions in a Post‐aid World2
Humanizing Security through Action‐oriented Research in Latin America2
Old Cycles and New Vulnerabilities: Financial Deregulation and the Argentine Crisis2
The Return of Debt Crisis in Developing Countries: Shifting or Maintaining Dominant Development Paradigms?2
‘Start from the Garden’: Distribution, Livelihood Diversification and Narratives of Agrarian Decline in Papua, Indonesia2
Turkey in Turbulence: Heterodoxy or a New Chapter in Neoliberal Peripheral Development?2
The Financialization of Coffee, Cocoa and Cotton Value Chains: The Role of Physical Actors2
The Wind from the East: China and European Economic Development2
Rethinking the Affirmative Value, Politics and Materiality of Waste on the Urban Periphery2
The Fracking Frontier in the United States: A Case Study of Foreign Investment, Civil Liberties and Land Ethics in the Shale Industry2
Sustainable Development Frontiers: Is ‘Sustainable’ Cocoa Delivering Development and Reducing Deforestation?2
Outsourcing the Business of Development: The Rise of For‐profit Consultancies in the UK Aid Sector2
Falling through the Cracks: Digital Infrastructures of Social Protection in Ecuador2
Politics as Negotiation: Changing Caste Norms in Rural India2
On the Character and Causes of Inequality in Latin America2
Taiwan's COVID‐19 Response: The Interdependence of State and Private Sector Institutions2
The Virus, the Dollar, and the Global Order: The COVID‐19 Crisis in Comparative Perspective2
Open Access and Academic Freedom: Teasing Out Some Important Nuances2
Pandemic Effects: COVID‐19 and the Crisis of Development in the Middle East2
Ghana's Debt Crisis and the Political Economy of Financial Dependence in Africa: History Repeating Itself?2
Local Currency Bond Markets in Africa: Resilience and Subordination1
China's Market Reform Debate1
Unpicking Precarity: Informal Work in Eastern India's Coal Mining Tracts1
On Broker Exploitation and Violence: From Madalali to Cartel Bosses in the Food Aid Resale Economy of Tanzanian Refugee Camps1
Issue Information1
John Loxley: Radical Academic Activist1
A Gendered Counter‐archive: Mining and Resistance in Morocco1
Agency and Structure in Militarized Conservation and Armed Mobilization: Evidence from Eastern DRC's Kahuzi‐Biega National Park1
Green Growth and the Balance‐of‐payments Constraint1
Misaligned Social Policy? Explaining the Origins and Limitations of Cash Transfers in Sudan1
The Green Energy Transition and Peripheral City Development in China: Towards a Local Eco‐developmental State1
Evidence for a YETI? A Cautionary Tale from South Africa's Youth Employment Tax Incentive1
Social Relations, Gender and Empowerment in Economic Development: Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur1
Food Sovereignty and the Struggle for Socio‐economic Justice in North Africa1
‘Plant, Sleep, Pick’: Ambivalent Smallholder Market Engagement and Inclusive Value Chains in Northwest Nepal1
Chronicles of Debt Crises Foretold1
An Alternative View of Sri Lanka's Debt Crisis1
Real‐estate Boom, Commodification and Crises of Social Reproductive Institutions in Rural China1
Iran's Feminist School in the Diaspora: Dynamics of Decline and Demobilization1
Victoria Chick's Keynes in Time1
Formalization and its Discontents: Conceptual Fallacies and Ways Forward1
Social Reproduction, Ecological Dispossession and Dependency: Life Beside the Río Santiago in Mexico1