
(The TQCC of Daedalus is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The Racialization of “Illegality”81
The Turing Trap: The Promise & Peril of Human-Like Artificial Intelligence64
Human Language Understanding & Reasoning59
The Unceasing Significance of Colorism: Skin Tone Stratification in the United States52
Latinos & Racism in the Trump Era48
Do Large Language Models Understand Us?36
Toward a Theory of Justice for Artificial Intelligence33
Immigration, Race & Political Polarization26
Automation, AI & Work21
A Golden Decade of Deep Learning: Computing Systems & Applications19
Status Threat: Moving the Right Further to the Right?17
Trust in Medicine, the Health System & Public Health16
Rethinking AI for Good Governance16
The Legal Status Divide among the Children of Immigrants15
Public Health Approaches to Reducing Community Gun Violence15
Fifty Years of Declining Confidence & Increasing Polarization in Trust in American Institutions14
Asian Americans, Affirmative Action & the Rise in Anti-Asian Hate14
Water Scarcity & Health in Urban Africa13
Administrative Law in the Automated State11
Getting AI Right: Introductory Notes on AI & Society10
The Bipartisan Origins of White Nationalism9
From Anti-Government to Anti-Science: Why Conservatives Have Turned Against Science9
Searching for Computer Vision North Stars8
AI, Great Power Competition & National Security8
Urban Struggles over Water Scarcity in Harare7
Race, Legal Status & Social Mobility7
Rethinking Language Barriers & Social Justice from a Raciolinguistic Perspective7
Artificial Intelligence, Humanistic Ethics7
Trust in Elections7
Distrust of Artificial Intelligence: Sources & Responses from Computer Science & Law7
Video Games & the Novel6
Planetary Humanities: Straddling the Decolonial/Postcolonial Divide6
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: Africa's Water Tower, Environmental Justice & Infrastructural Power6
Criminalizing Migration6
Africa's Living Rivers: Managing for Sustainability5
Democracy & Distrust in an Era of Artificial Intelligence5
American Trust in Science & Institutions in the Time of COVID-195
The Effects of Violence on Communities: The Violence Matrix as a Tool for Advancing More Just Policies5
Organic Reformations in Richard Powers's The Overstory5
The Moral Economy of High-Tech Modernism5
Immigration & the Origins of White Backlash5
The Curious Case of Commonsense Intelligence5
Patients Are Humans Too: The Emergence of Medical Humanities4
Water for Bongo: Creative Adaptation, Resilience & Dar es Salaam's Water Supply4
The Foundational Lawlessness of the Law Itself: Racial Criminalization & the Punitive Roots of Punishment in America4
Replacing Bureaucrats with Automated Sorcerers?4
Ghana's Akosombo Dam, Volta Lake Fisheries & Climate Change4
Asian American Racialization & Model Minority Logics in Linguistics4
Everyday Experiences of Water Insecurity: Insights from Underserved Areas of Accra, Ghana4
Water Security in Africa in the Age of Global Climate Change4
Refusing “Endangered Languages” Narratives4
Signs Taken for Wonders: AI, Art & the Matter of Race4
Non-Human Words: On GPT-3 as a Philosophical Laboratory4
The Science of Implicit Race Bias: Evidence from the Implicit Association Test3
Indigenous Historical Trauma: Alter-Native Explanations for Mental Health Inequities3
Cahora Bassa Dam & the Delusion of Development3
The Positive Humanities: A Focus on Human Flourishing3
Some Costs & Benefits of Cost-Benefit Analysis3
The Discontents of Truth & Trust in 21st Century America3
Specific Sources of Trust in Generals: Individual-Level Trust in the U.S. Military3
Developmental & Ecological Perspective on the Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma & Violence3
Multi-Agent Systems: Technical & Ethical Challenges of Functioning in a Mixed Group3
Due Process & the Theater of Racial Degradation: The Evolving Notion of Pretrial Punishment in the Criminal Courts3
The Uncertain Future of Administrative Law3
Liberatory Linguistics3
Supply Chains & Working Conditions During the Long Pandemic: Lessons for a New Moral Political Economy?3
Young Children & Implicit Racial Biases2
Moral Firms?2
Networked Trust & the Future of Media2
The State of the Humanities circa 20222
Black Womanhood: Raciolinguistic Intersections of Gender, Sexuality & Social Status in the Aftermaths of Colonization2
Violence, Criminalization & Punitive Excess2
Religious Studies & the Imagined Boundaries of the Humanities2
Governance for Human Social Flourishing2
Addressing Linguistic Inequality in Higher Education: A Proactive Model2
The Moral Dimension of AI-Assisted Decision-Making: Some Practical Perspectives from the Front Lines2
Introduction: How Mental Health Matters2
Language on Trial2
Beyond the Survival of the Global Humanities2
If We Succeed2
The Innovative State2
Seeing Guns to See Urban Violence: Racial Inequality & Neighborhood Context2
“When the Cruiser Lights Come On”: Using the Science of Bias & Culture to Combat Racial Disparities in Policing2
Linguistic Profiling across International Geopolitical Landscapes2
The Surge of Young Americans from Minority-White Mixed Families & Its Significance for the Future2
Inventing “the White Voice”: Racial Capitalism, Raciolinguistics & Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies2
Legislative Capacity & Administrative Power Under Divided Polarization2
“From So Simple a Beginning”: Species of Artificial Intelligence2
Identity Group Stratification, Political Economy & Inclusive Economic Rights2
Language & Social Justice in the United States: An Introduction2
Mobilizing in the Interest of Others2
Artificially Intelligent Regulation2
“Trauma Makes You Grow Up Quicker”: The Financial & Emotional Burdens of Deportation & Incarceration2
Automation, Augmentation, Value Creation & the Distribution of Income & Wealth2
Governing Data: Relationships, Trust & Ethics in Leveraging Data & Technology in Service of Humanitarian Health Delivery2
The Structuring Work of Algorithms2
American Gun Violence & Mental Illness: Reducing Risk, Restoring Health, Respecting Rights & Reviving Communities2