Critical Quarterly

(The TQCC of Critical Quarterly is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Solitude, Psychological Science and the Cold War Imagination2
Introduction: Solitudes Past and Present2
Escaping the Magic Kingdom: Berger, Bacon, and the Pinocchio Problem1
Pronouns: we/us/our1
Keywords: Decolonise1
The Humanities and the University: a Brief History of the Present Crisis1
Reality Television’s ‘Open Lie’1
John Berger, Time Traveller1
Jean ‘Binta’ Breeze Claimed Madness, Rainbow and Song1
Friendship’s Death at Cannes, July 20211
Defined As1
The Buffer of Hedges1
Waiting for the Rainbow: Poems1
Prediction Machines1
Tower House1
Notes on contributors1
On the ‘Hitchslap’1
Issue Information0
Curious George0
Issue Information0
That Funny Money‐Man: A Hundred Years of Harmonium0
The Art of Precarity0
Living in a World of Pain0
Issue Information0
‘Redeeming the body’: Embodiment and the ‘other’ in the work of Marion Milner0
Putin ~ Culture: Introduction0
‘Cucumber sandwiches that repeated’: Loneliness and melancholia in Elizabeth Taylor's Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont0
Criticizing Sondheim0
The shaping of character: The classics as a remedy for cultural despair in Victorian England0
An Irish Childhood in the City of London0
Notes on Contributors0
Notes on contributors0
Introduction: Marion Milner: Modernism, Politics, Psychoanalysis0
‘Too Straight’ for Fiction: Christopher Hitchens and No One Left to Lie To0
‘Shut Your Eyes and See’: Time, Ekphrasis and Enargeia in James Joyce's Ulysses0
‘No Hip Muffs’: female ageing in Doris Lessing’s fiction and correspondence0
Issue Information0
Issue Information0
The Challenge of Ambivalence: Hitchens on Orwell0
Bowing to a Cloud0
To the Anxious Humanities Scholar0
Can History be a Science?0
Notes on contributors0
First, Catch Your Peasant: A Critical History of the Peasantry in British Food Writing via John Berger, Elizabeth David and Patience Gray0
Mrs Gulliver's Travels: Minor‐Character Elaboration in Theory and Practice0
Introduction: Peripheral Europes0
Christopher Hitchens and ‘The Press as Opposition’0
Theorising from the European South: Italy, Racial Evaporations, and the Black Mediterranean0
Lessing's Early Letters: A Prolific Personal Voice0
Notes on contributors0
Censorship in Russian Cinema: Ten Years of ‘Work‐in‐Progress’0
Reading Closely with Your Voice: Under Milk Wood on the Radio, in the Afterlife0
‘A reasonably sheltered position’: Marion Milner, David Jones, and the location of art writing0
Issue Information0
Atheism in the Grand Scheme of Things0
Editorial, CQ 64.10
Caspar David Friedrich and Iconographies of Religious Feeling0
‘Action […] real and effective’: Marion Milner and ‘Expressive Action’0
Beyond the Barbershop: Berger, Turner and the Inner World0
Gothic and Racism – A Review0
‘Art Isn’t Easy’: Making Music al Theatre in Sunday in the Park with George0
Editorial: ‘Doris Lessing at 100: The Writer’s Quest’0
Producing Terence Davies—A short memoir0
On Data, Media, and the Deconstruction of the Administrative State0
Crossing of Crossings0
A Surface Reading of Vladimir Nabokov0
Parsing Time in the Lyric0
What is Amateur Film?0
‘Comrade Doris’: Lessing’s correspondence with the Foreign Commission of the Board of Soviet Writers in the 1950s0
Berger in Picasso’s Red Period0
Good Times, Bad Times0
Notes on contributors0
Issue Information0
Aphorism as Narrative Method: Assessing John Berger's G.0
John Berger’s Knowledge, or Listening in to the Voice of the (Female) Image0
Afterword to the Critical Quarterly Special Issue ‘Peripheral Europes’0
Notes on contributors0
Issue Information0
‘I Can’t Breathe’0
Five Poems0
Metaphors of Transcendence in John Berger’s A Seventh Man0
Errata to ‘Parsing Time in the Lyric’0
A Psychoanalysis of Milk: The Case of Alfred Hitchcock0
Thirty Years with Mark Cousins0
On Moving Showstoppers: Stephen Sondheim’s ‘I’m Still Here’, There and Everywhere0
A Line around a Think0
Falling in Love with Everyone: Lessing’s Letters to Smithie at the Keep, University of Sussex0
The Sweet Shop and the Toy Shop: Consumption, Sign and Play in the Confectionery Industry0
Habeas Corpus? Cultural Keywords, Statistical Keywords, and the Role of a Corpus in their Identification0
The Politics of Cleaning in Doris Lessing’s 1980s Realist Fiction: The Diary of a Good Neighbour (1983) and The Good Terrorist (1985)0
‘In That Other Voice’: Doris Lessing’s Ironic ‘Return to Realism’ in the 1980s0
‘The Ladies Who Lunch’, Again and Again0
From The Far Side of Paradise0
The London Consortium and Me: Memoir of an Experiment in Doctoral Education0
The Clinch0
Notes on contributors0
A Letter on Decolonising the curriculum0
Notes on contributors0
Issue Information0
Decisions to leave: a semi‐fictional essay0
Issue Information0
‘To Save a Likeness’: Berger on Drawing & Resemblance0
Streaming: The World of Endless Amusement0
The Boilerplate World0
Bills of Mortality: Poems0
Syntax as Punishment: Joy Williams’s Reckonings0
Politics, Letters and the Novel of Ideas: Doris Lessing's Archive0
‘Yours truly saying with an invisible voice’: W. S. Graham's Smalltalk0
Creative critique0
Christopher Hitchens: Let's Riot On0
Notes on contributors0
The London Consortium: a Select Bibliography0
Cathedral of Power: Battersea Power Station in Dystopian Visual Culture0
Sondheim’s Puzzles0
Between desire and uncertainty: Tomorrow Sex Will be Good Again by Katherine Angel0
Issue Information0
The Rescue Plot: Maritime Encounter and the Borders of Europe0
Doris Lessing’s Documentary Speculations on Futures Past0
Sondheim and Weidman’s unintended trilogy0
CRIQ 62:5 – Abstracts0
‘It might as well be Stephen’ essays in appreciation of Sondheim0
Chapters from an Abandoned History of English Literature0
The Success of The Success and Failure of Picasso0
My back door to Sondheim0
Russia's New Patriotic Tresh0
Foreswearing the Anthropocence0
Witch Hunt0
In the Bargain Bin0
Affliction’s Lonely Hour0
Macro‐Historicism and Micro‐History in Contemporary Russian Cinema0
Six Moscow Yarns0
T.S. Eliot, Post‐War Geopolitics and ‘Eastern Europe’0
Oh, Mr Hitchens!0
2021: How Film Festivals and Women Will Defeat COVID‐190
‘A problem to be faced about history’: Marion Milner on holiday0
Laura Marcus (7 March 1956–22 September 2021)0
Poland's Other Pope: Re‐appreciating Maria Janion0
Unfinished interview with Terence Davies0
Lessing's Legacy Explored Through Her Personal Archive0
Athwart Culture: The Putin Power Vertical0
‘Notebook Literature’: Virginia Woolf and Marion Milner0
The Ecstasy of Messaging: Coleridge's Natural Telegraphy0
Notes on contributors0
Alfred and Emily (2008): Speculation in the Aftermath of Empire0
Do You Speak Franglais? The hotchpotch of languages in Henry V0
Issue Information0
Editorial: Distant Voices/Still Lives0
From Hard Slavic Endings to Making Things Possible: The Political in Saša Stanišić's Prose0
Sri Lanka0
Notes on Contributors0
Stress: A Keyword for Today?0
The Real Age of Newspapers: Hitch, the Vanity Fair Years0
Poetic Licentiousness and the Destitutions of High Culture0
Issue Information0
‘It is money we are looking for’0
So What: Musings about the Method0
On vernacular capitalist‐iconic‐democratic‐neoliberal‐concrete‐territorial‐automotive assemblages: Gods in the Time of Democracy by Kajri Jain0
Notes on contributors0
‘The Unconscious was Another Word for Inspiration’: Adam Phillips on Marion Milner0
Gull Island0
Assault on Freedom0
Berger and the Disappointment of Zoos0
Dear Hitch0
Key Tendencies of Auteur Cinema in the Putin Era or Sleep, Dear Country!0
The Solitary Mind in the Anatomy of Melancholy0
Neither Centre nor Periphery: Rethinking Postcoloniality through the Perspective of Eastern Europe0
Beyond Theory of the Lyric0
Triviality, Materiality and Synchronicity in the Lessing Archive0
A Revolution of the Screw: Peripheralising Europe0
The London Consortium Courses, 1996–20120
Lyric Over‐Hearing: Wordsworth’s Intent to Steal0
Living with Sondheim0
‘A poet of human nature’: Marion Milner’s William Blake0
The Golden Notebook: a masterpiece among its Isms0
‘We Talked about Solitude’: Katherine Mansfield, Virginia Woolf, and Affective Bonding0
Nice Is Different Than Good0
At Last Someone is Saying It0
Calling Out0
Capitalism and autocracy0
Learning to Look: Berger’s Lessons0
List of illustrations0
On growing up with ‘America’0
Avant‐Garde Difficulty and the Shape of Claudia Rankine's Poetic Career0
Issue Information0
“It’s Fucking Obvious!”0
The London Consortium: a Personal History0
Notes on contributors0
Issue Information0
A fortunate Man: The Story of a Country Doctor0