Cooperation and Conflict

(The TQCC of Cooperation and Conflict is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Emplacing the spatial turn in peace and conflict studies20
The visual international politics of the European refugee crisis: Tragedy, humanitarianism, borders16
The spatial-relational challenge: Emplacing the spatial turn in peace and conflict studies15
Incredibly loud and extremely silent: Feminist foreign policy on Twitter14
The performance and persistence of transitional justice and its ways of knowing atrocity13
The long march through the institutions: Emerging powers and the staffing of international organizations11
Unruly wives in the household: Toward feminist genealogies for peace research10
Problematizing norms of heritage and peace: Militia mobilization and violence in Iraq10
Speaking of hybrid warfare: Multiple narratives and differing expertise in the ‘hybrid warfare’ debate in Czechia10
The use of humour in diplomatic tweets: The affiliative potential of ridicule9
Societal multiplicity for international relations: Engaging societal interaction in building global governance from below8
Reciprocal institutional visibility: Youth, peace and security and ‘inclusive’ agendas at the United Nations8
International emotional resonance: Explaining transatlantic economic sanctions against Russia8
The spatial turn, reification and relational epistemologies in ‘knowing about’ security and peace8
Gendering the military past: Understanding heritage and security from a feminist perspective8
Abjection, materiality and ontological security: A study of the unfinished Church of Christ the Saviour in Pristina7
Introduction: The international of everything7
The EU’s hegemonic interventions in the South Caucasus: Constructing ‘civil’ society, depoliticising human rights?7
Affect, practice, and change: Dancing world politics at the Congress of Vienna6
Stereotyped images and role dissonance in the foreign policy of right-wing populist leaders: Jair Bolsonaro and Donald Trump6
In defence of common values: The Finnish EU Council Presidency 20196
Regional international organizations in Africa as recipients of foreign aid: Why are some more attractive to donors than others?6
Displaced security? The relationships, routines and rhythms of peacebuilding interveners6
Disciplinary power: Text and body in the Swedish NATO debate6
The unspoken red-line in Colombia: Gender reordering of women ex-combatants and the transformative peace agenda6
Cultural heritage as status seeking: The international politics of Turkey’s restoration wave6
What makes strategic narrative efficient: Ukraine on Russian e-news platforms6
A processual framework for analysing liberal policy interventions in conflict contexts6
What makes them tick: Challenging the impersonal ethos in International Relations6
Conflict transition, emplaced identity and the gendered politics of scale in Solomon Islands6
Rebuilding Mosul: Public opinion on foreign-led heritage reconstruction6
When is a justice campaign over? Transitional justice, ‘overing’ and Bloody Sunday5
What’s the point of being a discipline? Four disciplinary strategies and the future of International Relations5
Disinformation and gendered boundarymaking: Nordic media audiences making sense of “Swedish decline”5
How can documents speak about practices? Practice tracing, the Wikileaks cables, and diplomatic culture5