Cooperation and Conflict

(The median citation count of Cooperation and Conflict is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Emplacing the spatial turn in peace and conflict studies23
Incredibly loud and extremely silent: Feminist foreign policy on Twitter18
The visual international politics of the European refugee crisis: Tragedy, humanitarianism, borders16
International emotional resonance: Explaining transatlantic economic sanctions against Russia12
The use of humour in diplomatic tweets: The affiliative potential of ridicule12
The spatial turn, reification and relational epistemologies in ‘knowing about’ security and peace11
Speaking of hybrid warfare: Multiple narratives and differing expertise in the ‘hybrid warfare’ debate in Czechia10
Problematizing norms of heritage and peace: Militia mobilization and violence in Iraq10
Reciprocal institutional visibility: Youth, peace and security and ‘inclusive’ agendas at the United Nations9
Gendering the military past: Understanding heritage and security from a feminist perspective8
Abjection, materiality and ontological security: A study of the unfinished Church of Christ the Saviour in Pristina8
Stereotyped images and role dissonance in the foreign policy of right-wing populist leaders: Jair Bolsonaro and Donald Trump8
Societal multiplicity for international relations: Engaging societal interaction in building global governance from below8
Introduction: The international of everything7
What makes them tick: Challenging the impersonal ethos in International Relations7
Temporality and contextualisation in Peace and Conflict Studies: The forgotten value of war memoirs and personal diaries7
In defence of common values: The Finnish EU Council Presidency 20197
The unspoken red-line in Colombia: Gender reordering of women ex-combatants and the transformative peace agenda7
Conflict transition, emplaced identity and the gendered politics of scale in Solomon Islands7
When is a justice campaign over? Transitional justice, ‘overing’ and Bloody Sunday6
Regional international organizations in Africa as recipients of foreign aid: Why are some more attractive to donors than others?6
What makes strategic narrative efficient: Ukraine on Russian e-news platforms6
A processual framework for analysing liberal policy interventions in conflict contexts6
Who performs better? A comparative analysis of problem-solving effectiveness and legitimacy attributions to international organizations6
Disinformation and gendered boundarymaking: Nordic media audiences making sense of “Swedish decline”6
What’s the point of being a discipline? Four disciplinary strategies and the future of International Relations6
Rebuilding Mosul: Public opinion on foreign-led heritage reconstruction6
Challenging civil society perceptions of NATO: Engaging the Women, Peace and Security agenda5
(En)gendering post-conflict agency: Women’s experiences of the ‘local’ in Sierra Leone5
Legacies of war: Syrian narratives of conflict and visions of peace5
How can documents speak about practices? Practice tracing, the Wikileaks cables, and diplomatic culture5
State commitments and inhumane conventional weapons: An explanatory analysis of treaty ratification4
Whither European diplomacy? Long-term trends and the impact of the Lisbon Treaty4
A trans-scalar approach to peacebuilding and transitional justice: Insights from the Democratic Republic of Congo4
Spatialities of peace zones4
The pursuit of inclusion: Conditions for civil society inclusion in peace processes in communal conflicts in Kenya4
The other side of resistance: Challenges to inclusivity within civil society and the limits of international peace mediation4
Statehood and recognition in world politics: Towards a critical research agenda4
Machine guardians: The Terminator, AI narratives and US regulatory discourse on lethal autonomous weapons systems4
Normative power in the planetary organic crisis3
Delivering output and struggling for change: Tacit activism among professional transitional justice work in Sierra Leone and Kenya3
Resource mobilization in security partnerships: Explaining cooperation and coercion in the EU’s partnership with the African Union3
Constitutional inclusion in divided societies: Conceptual choices, practical dilemmas and the contribution of the grassroots in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland3
Militarization of childhood(s) in Donbas: ‘Growing together with the Republic’3
United clubs of Europe: Informal differentiation and the social ordering of intra-EU diplomacy3
Female rebels and United Nations peacekeeping deployments3
The power of uptake: Negative emotions and the (neo)liberal limits of imagination in transitions to justice and peace2
Better together? Civil society coordination during peace negotiations2
Multiplicity, the corporation and human rights in global value chains2
Driving liberal change? Global performance indices as a system of normative stratification in liberal international order2
How do the emotional and embodied experiences of international interveners influence their understanding and practice of peacebuilding?2
Rules of recognition? Explaining diplomatic representation since the Congress of Vienna2
Unbowed, unbent, unbroken? Examining the validity of the responsibility to protect2
Place, peace and security in Solomon Islands2
Climate institutions matter: The challenges of making gender-sensitive and inclusive climate policies2
Weak, immoral, naïve: Gendered representations of neutrality and the emotional politics of peace and security2
Precarious multiplicity: France, ‘foreign fighters’ and the containment of difference2
Everyday peace in the Ninewa Plains, Iraq: Culture, rituals, and community interactions2
A better foundation for national security? The ethics of national risk assessments in the Nordic region2
“This changes things”: Children, targeting, and the making of precision2
Death, emplaced security and space in contemporary Timor-Leste2
Post-colonial gaslighting and Greenlandic independence: When ontological insecurity sustains hierarchy2
How do states reminisce? Building relations through bonding narratives2
Audience, agenda setting, and issue salience in international negotiations2