Ornithological Applications

(The median citation count of Ornithological Applications is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Are declines in insects and insectivorous birds related?49
Beyond refueling: Investigating the diversity of functions of migratory stopover events32
Neotropical ornithology: Reckoning with historical assumptions, removing systemic barriers, and reimagining the future26
Accelerating declines of North America’s shorebirds signal the need for urgent conservation action22
Drones and deep learning produce accurate and efficient monitoring of large-scale seabird colonies19
Automated bird sound classifications of long-duration recordings produce occupancy model outputs similar to manually annotated data14
Unprecedented heat mortality of Magellanic Penguins13
A large-scale experiment demonstrates that line marking reduces power line collision mortality for large terrestrial birds, but not bustards, in the Karoo, South Africa12
Bridging the research-implementation gap in avian conservation with translational ecology12
Integrating tracking and resight data enables unbiased inferences about migratory connectivity and winter range survival from archival tags11
Metabarcoding of stomach contents and fecal samples provide similar insights about Seaside Sparrow diet11
Greater Sage-Grouse nest bowls buffer microclimate in a post-megafire landscape although effects on nest survival are marginal11
North American Breeding Bird Survey status and trend estimates to inform a wide range of conservation needs, using a flexible Bayesian hierarchical generalized additive model10
Correcting parentage relationships in the endangered California Condor: Improving mean kinship estimates for conservation management9
How to include and recognize the work of ornithologists based in the Neotropics: Fourteen actions forOrnithological Applications,Ornithology, and other global-scope journals9
Experimental playback of natural gas compressor noise reduces incubation time and hatching success in two secondary cavity-nesting bird species9
Vegetation characteristics and precipitation jointly influence grassland bird abundance beyond the effects of grazing management8
White Storks nest at high densities near landfills changing stork nesting distributions in the last four decades in Central Spain8
Diet composition of reintroduced Red-and-Green Macaws reflects gradual adaptation to life in the wild8
Wildfire smoke affects detection of birds in Washington State8
Large trees and forest heterogeneity facilitate prey capture by California Spotted Owls8
Breeding success in Southern Australian Little Penguins is negatively correlated with high wind speeds and sea surface temperatures7
The Colorado River Delta and California’s Central Valley are critical regions for many migrating North American landbirds7
Declining wintering shorebird populations at a temperate estuary in California: A 30-year perspective7
Fully accounting for nest age reduces bias when quantifying nest survival7
High rates of anticoagulant rodenticide exposure in California Barred Owls are associated with the wildland–urban interface7
Eastern-breeding Lesser Yellowlegs are more likely than western-breeding birds to visit areas with high shorebird hunting during southward migration7
Highly specialized recreationists contribute the most to the citizen science project eBird7
Conspecific attraction for conservation and management of terrestrial breeding birds: Current knowledge and future research directions7
Lack of standardization in the use of road counts for surveying raptors6
Disturbed Amazonian forests support diminished breeding bird communities6
Genetic data disagree with described subspecies ranges for Seaside Sparrows on the Atlantic coast6
Barn Owls select uncultivated habitats for hunting in a winegrape growing region of California6
Combination of targeted monitoring and Breeding Bird Survey data improves population trend estimation and species distribution modeling for the Common Nighthawk6
Metapopulation connectivity retains genetic diversity following a historical bottleneck in a federally endangered seabird6
Range-wide population genetic analysis of Seaside Sparrows (Ammospiza maritima) supports at least five distinct population segments that do not align with current subspecies descriptions5
Protected areas safeguard landbird populations in central coastal California: Evidence from long-term population trends5
Irruptive White Ibis breeding is associated with use of freshwater crayfish in the coastal Everglades5
Community characteristics of forest understory birds along an elevational gradient in the Horn of Africa: A multi-year baseline5
Distribution models using semi-structured community science data outperform unstructured-data models for a data-poor species, the Plain Tyrannulet5
Urban rooftop-nesting Common Nighthawk chicks tolerate high temperatures by hyperthermia with relatively low rates of evaporative water loss5
Do metal mines and their runoff affect plumage color? Streak-backed Orioles in Mexico show unexpected patterns5
Sea ice and local weather affect reproductive phenology of a polar seabird with breeding consequences5
Cross-seasonal effects in the American Woodcock: Conditions prior to fall migration relate to migration strategy and implications for conservation5
Climate variation drives dynamics and productivity of a subalpine breeding bird community5
Historical racial redlining and contemporary patterns of income inequality negatively affect birds, their habitat, and people in Los Angeles, California5
Future climate change will impact the size and location of breeding and wintering areas of migratory thrushes in South America5
Large-scale supplemental feeding alters lay date and nest survival in Eastern Bluebirds but not in two species of chickadees5
Northern Bobwhite juvenile survival is greater in native grasslands managed with fire and grazing and lower in non-native field borders and strip crop fields5
U.S. National Wildlife Refuge System likely to see regional and seasonal species turnover in bird assemblages under a 2°C warming scenario5
Sixty-years of community-science data suggest earlier fall migration and short-stopping of waterfowl in North America5
Synthesis of Red-cockaded Woodpecker management strategies and suggestions for regional specificity in future management4
Passive acoustic monitoring indicates Barred Owls are established in northern coastal California and management intervention is warranted4
Year-round monitoring at a Pacific coastal campus reveals similar winter and spring collision mortality and high vulnerability of the Varied Thrush4
Interannual climate variation influences nest initiation date and nest productivity of the Red-cockaded Woodpecker at the northwestern edge of its range4
Eastern Whip-poor-will abundance declines with urban land cover and increases with moth abundance in the American Midwest4
Predation, parasitism, and drought counteract the benefits of patch-burn grazing for the reproductive success of grassland songbirds4
Dynamic occupancy models reveal Black-billed and Yellow-billed Cuckoos have high rates of turnover during the breeding season4
Colony characteristics influence nest survival of Caribbean Roseate Terns4
Low reproductive success of the endangered Iberá Seedeater in its only known breeding site, the Iberá Wetlands, Argentina4
Juvenile Northern Spotted Owls with higher mass and intermediate levels of corticosterone have greater long-term survival4
Oil and gas development does not reduce duck pair abundance in the Prairie Pothole Region4
Postrelease survival of captive-bred Egyptian Vultures is similar to that of wild-hatched Egyptian Vultures and is not affected by release age or season4
Juggling parenthood and ornithology: A full lifecycle approach to supporting mothers through the American Ornithological Society4
Breeders’ age, nest-site characteristics and climatic conditions but not density-dependent effects determine Bonelli’s Eagle breeding performance: A long-term study (2002–2021)3
N-mixture models estimate abundance reliably: A field test on Marsh Tit using time-for-space substitution3
Widespread bird species show idiosyncratic responses in residual body mass to selective logging and edge effects in the Colombian Western Andes3
Cerulean Warblers exhibit parallel migration patterns and multiple migratory stopovers within the Central American Isthmus3
Predator exclosures increase nest success but reduce adult survival and increase dispersal distance of Piping Plovers, indicating exclosures should be used with caution3
Influence of fine-scale habitat characteristics on sage-grouse nest site selection and nest survival varies by mesic and xeric site conditions3
Integrated population modeling identifies low duckling survival as a key driver of decline in a European population of the Mallard3
Drastic reduction of the population distribution of White Storks predicted in absence of landfills3
Galliform exclusion from the Migratory Bird Treaty Act has produced an alternate conservation path, but no evidence for differences in population status3
Bird–building collisions increase with weather conditions that favor nocturnal migration and with inclement and changing weather3
Avoidance of offshore wind farms by Sandwich Terns increases with turbine density3
Strong migratory connectivity indicates Willets need subspecies-specific conservation strategies3
Weak genetic structure, shared nonbreeding areas, and extensive movement in a declining waterbird3
Sequential use of niche and occupancy models identifies conservation and research priority areas for two data-poor endemic birds from the Colombian Andes3
Breeding season forest fragment size does not create negative carry-over for adult Wood Thrushes on fall migration timing or apparent annual survival3
Greater Sage-Grouse survival varies with breeding season events in West Nile virus non-outbreak years3
Tamarisk biocontrol alters bird community composition in the absence of cottonwood and willow vegetation3
Bird signs can be important for ecocultural conservation by highlighting key information networks in people–bird communities3
Meta-analysis shows that overabundant deer (Cervidae) populations consistently decrease average population abundance and species richness of forest birds3
More than mortality: Consequences of human activity on migrating birds extend beyond direct mortality3
Population viability analysis informs Western Grasswren translocation: Multi-population sourcing of 112 founder individuals needed to meet success criteria2
Controlling trapping, overgrazing and invasive vegetation is key to saving Java’s last population of the Black-winged Myna2
Genetic structure in the nonbreeding range ofrufaRed Knots suggests distinct Arctic breeding populations2
The desert exploiter: An overabundant crow species exhibits a neighborhood diffusion pattern into the southern region of Israel2
Marbled Murrelets prefer stratified waters close to freshwater inputs in Haida Gwaii, British Columbia, Canada2
Lead, trash, DDE, and young age of breeders linked to lower fertility in the first two decades of reintroduction for critically endangered California Condors in California2
Offspring of translocated individuals drive the successful reintroduction of Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse in Nevada, USA2
Spatially explicit Bayesian hierarchical models improve estimates of avian population status and trends2
Increasing perceived predation risk through playbacks reduces Red-winged Blackbird abundance in agriculture late in the breeding season2
Range-wide habitat use of the Harpy Eagle indicates four major tropical forest gaps in the Key Biodiversity Area network2
Using foraging range and colony size to assess the vulnerability of breeding seabirds to oil across regions lacking at-sea distribution data2
Avian botulism is a primary, year-round threat to adult survival in the endangered Hawaiian Duck on Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i, USA2
Six principles for working effectively with landowners to advance bird conservation2
Natal forest fragment size does not predict fledgling, pre-migration or apparent annual survival in Wood Thrushes2
Golden Eagle dietary shifts following wildfire and shrub loss have negative consequences for nestling survivorship2
High-intensity short-duration grazing during spring is not an effective habitat management tool for Northern Bobwhites in Colorado2
Sensitivity of multiple vital rates for Ruffed Grouse in the Upper Great Lakes Region2
Tall, heterogeneous forests improve prey capture, delivery to nestlings, and reproductive success for Spotted Owls in southern California2
Integrating multiple data sources improves prediction and inference for upland game bird occupancy models2
The spatiotemporal properties of artificial feeding schemes influence the post-fledging movement of Egyptian Vultures2
Woody plant encroachment reduces density of most grassland specialists in a desert grassland but has limited influence on nest survival2
Fecundity and density dependence can be estimated from mark–recapture data for making population projections2
Dispersal patterns of the endangered Crested Ibis suggest high breeding densities drive natal dispersal2
A near-range plant invasion homogenizes riparian vegetation but leads to more productive bird communities2
Global positioning system (GPS) and platform transmitter terminal (PTT) tags reveal fine-scale migratory movements of small birds: A review highlights further opportunities for hypothesis-driven resea2
Surrounding landscape, habitat and hybridization dynamics drive population structure and genetic diversity in the Saltmarsh Sparrow2
Climate change is predicted to reduce sympatry among North American wood-warblers2
Decolonizing bird knowledge: More-than-Western bird–human relations2
Temporal factors and distance to human settlement affect nest survival of the endangered Yellow-headed Parrot in Belize, Central America1
Two listeners detect slightly more birds than a single listener when interpreting acoustic recordings1
Improving the language of migratory bird science in North America1
Differential seasonal avoidance of anthropogenic features and woody vegetation by Lesser Prairie-Chickens1
Weak evidence of carry-over effects of overwinter climate and habitat productivity on spring passage of migratory songbirds at a northern stopover site in Ontario1
Prevalence and diversity of malaria parasites (genus Plasmodium) in the imperiled Saltmarsh Sparrow are greater at northern sites1
Age-structured model reveals prolonged immigration is key for colony establishment in Gentoo Penguins1
Small translocations of endangered Gallinula galeata sandvicensis (Hawaiian Common Gallinule) may be sufficient to generate a viable reintroduced population1
Is green the new black? Black-backed Woodpecker vital rates do not differ between unburned and burned forests within a pyrodiverse landscape1
Citizen science photographs indicate different timing and location use of migrating adult and juvenile Whimbrels1
Demographic declines over time and variable responses of breeding bird populations to human footprint in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Alberta, Canada1
Future sea-level rise in northwest Mexico is projected to decrease the distribution and habitat quality of the endangered Calidris canutus roselaari (Red Knot)1
Genetic monitoring of the Critically Endangered Araripe Manakin reveals low diversity and declining effective population size1
Invasion dynamics of the European Collared-Dove in North America are explained by combined effects of habitat and climate1
Characterizing juvenile dispersal dynamics of invasive Barred Owls: Implications for management1
Eastern Whip-poor-wills have larger nonbreeding home ranges in areas with more agriculture and forest fragmentation1
Habitat edges influence the distribution of nest predators for Seaside Sparrows, but not nest placement or success1
Rapid growth of the Swainson’s Hawk population in California since 20051
Lipid metabolites index habitat quality for Canvasbacks on stopover areas during spring migration1
Managed logging negatively affects the density and abundance of some dry forest specialist bird species of northeastern Brazil1
Positive correlation between Ammospiza caudacuta (Saltmarsh Sparrow) capture and productivity supports use of a novel rapid assessment monitoring protocol1
Bird predation and landscape context shape arthropod communities on broccoli1
Upland Sandpipers select for later time since fire and experience high nest survival in grasslands managed with patch-burn grazing1
Woodpeckers in the city: Abundances are highest in large green spaces with complex understories1
Caught out in the cold: Anas platyrhynchos (Mallard) survival decreased during an extreme climatic event1
Christmas Bird Count data are a reliable harvest-independent index for Ruffed Grouse monitoring in the eastern United States1
Preferred nesting habitat of the slow-breeding Superb Lyrebird is rare and was disproportionately impacted by Australia’s “Black Summer” megafires (2019–2020) within a World Heritage Area1
Census counts of Common Murres adjusted for timing of breeding are more accurate than counts based on calendar dates1
Surf Scoters use deeper offshore waters during nocturnal resting periods in the Salish Sea of Washington and British Columbia1
Poor reproductive performance of Least Terns after tropical cyclones in Mississippi, USA suggests delayed nesting seriously reduces colony productivity1
Illegal shooting of protected nongame birds along power lines coincides with places and times of peak legal recreational shooting1
Empirical and simulation data reveal a lack of avoidance of wind turbines by Gyps fulvus (Griffon Vulture)1
Species-specific ecological traits, phylogeny, and geography underpin vulnerability to population declines for North American birds1
Turkey Vulture survival is reduced in areas of greater road density1
Beach recreationists perceive a lack of knowledge about shorebirds’ needs as a constraint to walking around shorebird flocks1
Passive acoustic monitoring provides predictable and reliable underestimates of population size and longevity in wild Savannah Sparrows1
Similar post-fledging behavior observed in wild and reintroduced juvenile Bonelli’s Eagle in two Mediterranean islands1
The once-invisible legacy of Elizabeth L. Kerr, a naturalist in the early 20th century, and her contributions to Colombian ornithology1
Brood parasitism of Hooded Warblers by Brown-headed Cowbirds: Severe impact on individual nests but modest consequences for seasonal fecundity and conservation1
Survival of juvenile Florida Scrub-Jays is positively correlated with month and negatively correlated with male breeder death1
Despite short-lived changes, COVID-19 pandemic had minimal large-scale impact on citizen science participation in India1
Tufted Puffins exhibit low levels of genetic differentiation among breeding colonies in North America1
Avian hatching failure rates did not increase during the last century, although species of high conservation concern appear particularly susceptible to factors leading to reproductive failure1
Nonbreeding distributions of four declining Nearctic–Neotropical migrants are predicted to contract under future climate and socioeconomic scenarios1
Nest traits and major flooding events influence nest survival of Emperor Geese while regional environmental variation linked to climate does not1
Multi-scale nest survival analysis suggests new cavities improve nest success for the Green-barred Woodpecker, but not the Campo Flicker, in a threatened woodland of Argentina1
Low Kirtland’s Warbler fledgling survival in Wisconsin plantations relative to Michigan plantations1
Teak plantations are complementary habitat for the Green Peafowl movement within the fragmented Bago Yoma range, south-central Myanmar1
Reintroduced Oriental Stork survival differed by mitochondrial DNA haplotype1
Experimental reduction of a primary nest predator fails to decrease nest predation rates of sagebrush songbirds1
Abundance models of endemic birds of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, northern South America, suggest small population sizes and dependence on montane elevations1
Henslow’s Sparrow shows positive response to prescribed fire rotation1
Survival estimates and hunter outreach are priorities for the collaborative harvest management of Emperor Goose in Alaska1