Computer Physics Communications

(The median citation count of Computer Physics Communications is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
LAMMPS - a flexible simulation tool for particle-based materials modeling at the atomic, meso, and continuum scales4620
VASPKIT: A user-friendly interface facilitating high-throughput computing and analysis using VASP code3176
FeynCalc 9.3: New features and improvements356
Irvsp: To obtain irreducible representations of electronic states in the VASP195
FourPhonon: An extension module to ShengBTE for computing four-phonon scattering rates and thermal conductivity192
Integral reduction with Kira 2.0 and finite field methods156
Perturbo: A software package for ab initio electron–phonon interactions, charge transport and ultrafast dynamics139
Accelerating first-principles estimation of thermal conductivity by machine-learning interatomic potentials: A MTP/ShengBTE solution132
TB2J: A python package for computing magnetic interaction parameters124
86 PFLOPS Deep Potential Molecular Dynamics simulation of 100 million atoms with ab initio accuracy114
qvasp: A flexible toolkit for VASP users in materials simulations106
TopoAna: A generic tool for the event type analysis of inclusive Monte-Carlo samples in high energy physics experiments92
AMFlow: A Mathematica package for Feynman integrals computation via auxiliary mass flow92
DiffExp, a Mathematica package for computing Feynman integrals in terms of one-dimensional series expansions81
SPHinXsys: An open-source multi-physics and multi-resolution library based on smoothed particle hydrodynamics76
STREAmS: A high-fidelity accelerated solver for direct numerical simulation of compressible turbulent flows75
MechElastic: A Python library for analysis of mechanical and elastic properties of bulk and 2D materials69
Nonrad: Computing nonradiative capture coefficients from first principles67
LieART 2.0 – A Mathematica application for Lie Algebras and Representation Theory66
NESSi: The Non-Equilibrium Systems Simulation package58
RESPACK: An ab initio tool for derivation of effective low-energy model of material55
PyXtal: A Python library for crystal structure generation and symmetry analysis55
ElTools: A tool for analyzing anisotropic elastic properties of the 2D and 3D materials54
HP – A code for the calculation of Hubbard parameters using density-functional perturbation theory52
Interpolation of dense and sparse rational functions and other improvements in FireFly51
Libra: A package for transformation of differential systems for multiloop integrals51
FIESTA5: Numerical high-performance Feynman integral evaluation49
Fission fragment decay simulations with the CGMF code47
SudoDEM: Unleashing the predictive power of the discrete element method on simulation for non-spherical granular particles43
DLBFoam: An open-source dynamic load balancing model for fast reacting flow simulations in OpenFOAM43
ms2: A molecular simulation tool for thermodynamic properties, release 4.043
The Z1+ package: Shortest multiple disconnected path for the analysis of entanglements in macromolecular systems43
The Axial Hartree–Fock + BCS Code SkyAx43
FindBounce: Package for multi-field bounce actions42
São Paulo potential version 2 (SPP2) and Brazilian nuclear potential (BNP)42
IrRep: Symmetry eigenvalues and irreducible representations of ab initio band structures42
MagneticTB: A package for tight-binding model of magnetic and non-magnetic materials41
MultivariateApart: Generalized partial fractions40
PANNA: Properties from Artificial Neural Network Architectures39
Bayesian optimization package: PHYSBO39
PyR@TE 339
ARC 3.0: An expanded Python toolbox for atomic physics calculations39
Simple and efficient volume merging method for triply periodic minimal structures37
Pilgrim: A thermal rate constant calculator and a chemical kinetics simulator37
HiggsTools: BSM scalar phenomenology with new versions of HiggsBounds and HiggsSignals36
DREAM: A fluid-kinetic framework for tokamak disruption runaway electron simulations36
Numerical evaluation of iterated integrals related to elliptic Feynman integrals34
DFT-FE 1.0: A massively parallel hybrid CPU-GPU density functional theory code using finite-element discretization34
ELSI — An open infrastructure for electronic structure solvers33
The software design of Gridap: A Finite Element package based on the Julia JIT compiler33
PETOOL v2.0: Parabolic Equation Toolbox with evaporation duct models and real environment data33
High-fidelity multi-physics coupling study on advanced heat pipe reactor33
PArallel, Robust, Interface Simulator (PARIS)33
SpaceGroupIrep: A package for irreducible representations of space group32
Heterogeneous CPU+GPU parallelization for high-accuracy scale-resolving simulations of compressible turbulent flows on hybrid supercomputers32
GroupMath: A Mathematica package for group theory calculations31
MAISE: Construction of neural network interatomic models and evolutionary structure optimization31
A variant of stabilized-scalar auxiliary variable (S-SAV) approach for a modified phase-field surfactant model31
PArthENoPE revolutions30
JAX-Fluids: A fully-differentiable high-order computational fluid dynamics solver for compressible two-phase flows30
The HepMC3 event record library for Monte Carlo event generators30
Mammography and breast tomosynthesis simulator for virtual clinical trials29
MFDFA: Efficient multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis in python29
Track finding at Belle II29
Large-scale flow simulations using lattice Boltzmann method with AMR following free-surface on multiple GPUs29
Magneto-thermal evolution of neutron stars with coupled Ohmic, Hall and ambipolar effects via accurate finite-volume simulations29
HEAPS: A user-friendly tool for the design and exploration of high-entropy alloys based on semi-empirical parameters29
SHape Analyser for Particle Engineering (SHAPE): Seamless characterisation and simplification of particle morphology from imaging data28
Three-dimensional method of characteristics/diamond-difference transport analysis method in STREAM for whole-core neutron transport calculation28
Deep learning for thermal plasma simulation: Solving 1-D arc model as an example28
BSMPT v2 a tool for the electroweak phase transition and the baryon asymmetry of the universe in extended Higgs Sectors28
UCNS3D: An open-source high-order finite-volume unstructured CFD solver27
Development of high-fidelity neutron transport code STREAM27
viewSq, a Visual Molecular Dynamics (VMD) module for calculating, analyzing, and visualizing X-ray and neutron structure factors from atomistic simulations27
GPU-acceleration of the ELPA2 distributed eigensolver for dense symmetric and hermitian eigenproblems27
Expansion by regions with pySecDec27
GraphIAST: A graphical user interface software for Ideal Adsorption Solution Theory (IAST) calculations26
WannSymm: A symmetry analysis code for Wannier orbitals26
DRalgo: A package for effective field theory approach for thermal phase transitions26
Evaluation of Feynman integrals with arbitrary complex masses via series expansions26
HighPT: A tool for high-p Drell-Yan tails beyond the standard model26
ElasTool: An automated toolkit for elastic constants calculation26
FLAME: A library of atomistic modeling environments26
Fully Geant4 compatible package for the simulation of Dark Matter in fixed target experiments26
Efficient GPU implementation of the Particle-in-Cell/Monte-Carlo collisions method for 1D simulation of low-pressure capacitively coupled plasmas26
Particlization in fluid dynamical simulations of heavy-ion collisions: The iS3D module26
FSEI-GPU: GPU accelerated simulations of the fluid–structure–electrophysiology interaction in the left heart25
Drift reduced Landau fluid model for magnetized plasma turbulence simulations in BOUT++ framework25
The LISE package: Solvers for static and time-dependent superfluid local density approximation equations in three dimensions25
ULYSSES: Universal LeptogeneSiS Equation Solver25
H-COUP Version 2: A program for one-loop corrected Higgs boson decays in non-minimal Higgs sectors24
AICON2: A program for calculating transport properties quickly and accurately24
MAXIM: Metasurfaces-oriented electromagnetic wave simulation software with intuitive graphical user interfaces24
Eilmer: An open-source multi-physics hypersonic flow solver24
Simulating low-energy neutrino interactions with MARLEY24
Elastic3rd: A tool for calculating third-order elastic constants from first-principles calculations24
Complete Lagrangian and set of Feynman rules for scalar leptoquarks23
Perturbation approach to ab initio effective mass calculations23
Quantum Self-Consistent Ab-Initio Lattice Dynamics22
Efficient, decoupled, and second-order unconditionally energy stable numerical schemes for the coupled Cahn–Hilliard system in copolymer/homopolymer mixtures22
MTASpec software for calculating the vibrational IR and Raman spectra of large molecules at ab initio level22
Automated tip functionalization via machine learning in scanning probe microscopy22
Caravel: A C++ framework for the computation of multi-loop amplitudes with numerical unitarity22
DoNOF: An open-source implementation of natural-orbital-functional-based methods for quantum chemistry22
Spinney: Post-processing of first-principles calculations of point defects in semiconductors with Python22
: A high-order discontinuous Galerkin solver for flow simulations and multi-physics applications22
udkm1Dsim – a Python toolbox for simulating 1D ultrafast dynamics in condensed matter22
Spin-1 spin–orbit- and Rabi-coupled Bose–Einstein condensate solver22
Pythonic Black-box Electronic Structure Tool (PyBEST). An open-source Python platform for electronic structure calculations at the interface between chemistry and physics21
tapir: A tool for topologies, amplitudes, partial fraction decomposition and input for reductions20
ARTEMIS: Ab initio restructuring tool enabling the modelling of interface structures20
Random Sampling High Dimensional Model Representation Gaussian Process Regression (RS-HDMR-GPR) for representing multidimensional functions with machine-learned lower-dimensional terms allowing insigh20
DMFTwDFT: An open-source code combining Dynamical Mean Field Theory with various density functional theory packages20
FeynGKZ: A Mathematica package for solving Feynman integrals using GKZ hypergeometric systems20
ALPACA - a level-set based sharp-interface multiresolution solver for conservation laws20
Numerical algorithm based on regularized equations for incompressible flow modeling and its implementation in OpenFOAM20
Coupling of an SPH-based solver with a multiphysics library20
GITR: An accelerated global scale particle tracking code for wall material erosion and redistribution in fusion relevant plasma–material interactions19
STREAmS-2.0: Supersonic turbulent accelerated Navier-Stokes solver version 2.019
GENE-X: A full-f gyrokinetic turbulence code based on the flux-coordinate independent approach19
Multi-objective optimization strategies for radiation shielding design with genetic algorithm19
A GPU-accelerated fluid–structure-interaction solver developed by coupling finite element and lattice Boltzmann methods19
Twister: Construction and structural relaxation of commensurate moiré superlattices19
Models of configurationally-complex alloys made simple19
A SModelS interface for pyhf likelihoods19
EDIpack: A parallel exact diagonalization package for quantum impurity problems19
elsepa—Dirac partial-wave calculation of elastic scattering of electrons and positrons by atoms, positive ions and molecules (New Version Announcement)19
A new code for the numerical simulation of relativistic flows on supercomputers by means of a low-dissipation scheme19
OpenSBLI: Automated code-generation for heterogeneous computing architectures applied to compressible fluid dynamics on structured grids19
FORTRESS: FORTRAN programs for solving coupled Gross–Pitaevskii equations for spin–orbit coupled spin-1 Bose–Einstein condensate18
“pyGDM” - new functionalities and major improvements to the python toolkit for nano-optics full-field simulations18
Single-step Monte Carlo criticality algorithm18
Finite spatial-grid effects in energy-conserving particle-in-cell algorithms18
Linear and nonlinear benchmarks between the CLT code and the M3D-C1 code for the 2/1 resistive tearing mode and the 1/1 resistive kink mode18
PaScaL_TDMA: A library of parallel and scalable solvers for massive tridiagonal systems18
eQE 2.0: Subsystem DFT beyond GGA functionals18
TBPLaS: A tight-binding package for large-scale simulation18
gSeaGen: The KM3NeT GENIE-based code for neutrino telescopes18
Mi3-GPU: MCMC-based inverse Ising inference on GPUs for protein covariation analysis18
Self-consistent GW method: O(N) algorithm for polarizability and self energy17
SOMAFOAM: An OpenFOAM based solver for continuum simulations of low-temperature plasmas17
ElecTra code: Full-band electronic transport properties of materials17
A general code for fitting global potential energy surfaces via CHIPR method: Direct-Fit Diatomic and tetratomic molecules17
LBfoam: An open-source software package for the simulation of foaming using the Lattice Boltzmann Method17
Extended first-principles molecular dynamics model for high temperature simulations in the Abinit code: Application to warm dense aluminum17
cij: A Python code for quasiharmonic thermoelasticity16
MFC: An open-source high-order multi-component, multi-phase, and multi-scale compressible flow solver16
A TensorFlow simulation framework for scientific computing of fluid flows on tensor processing units16
NIC-CAGE: An open-source software package for predicting optimal control fields in photo-excited chemical systems16
A Bayesian traction force microscopy method with automated denoising in a user-friendly software package16
lifex-cfd: An open-source computational fluid dynamics solver for cardiovascular applications16
Fourier continuation method for incompressible fluids with boundaries16
Fast and robust algorithm for energy minimization of spin systems applied in an analysis of high temperature spin configurations in terms of skyrmion density16
On a novel fully-decoupled, linear and second-order accurate numerical scheme for the Cahn–Hilliard–Darcy system of two-phase Hele–Shaw flow16
FluTAS: A GPU-accelerated finite difference code for multiphase flows16
PyCSP: A Python package for the analysis and simplification of chemically reacting systems based on Computational Singular Perturbation16
The MolSSI Driver Interface Project: A framework for standardized, on-the-fly interoperability between computational molecular sciences codes16
qeirreps: An open-source program for Quantum ESPRESSO to compute irreducible representations of Bloch wavefunctions16
DeepBHCP: Deep neural network algorithm for solving backward heat conduction problems16
OptiSMOKE++: A toolbox for optimization of chemical kinetic mechanisms16
Soft and transferable pseudopotentials from multi-objective optimization15
Non-linear eigenvalue problems with GetDP and SLEPc: Eigenmode computations of frequency-dispersive photonic open structures15
FeynMaster: A plethora of Feynman tools15
Optimized cycle basis in volume integral formulations for large scale eddy-current problems15
VELAS: An open-source toolbox for visualization and analysis of elastic anisotropy15
KLIFF: A framework to develop physics-based and machine learning interatomic potentials15
DensityTool: A post-processing tool for space- and spin-resolved density of states from VASP15
ana_cont: Python package for analytic continuation15
A new field solver for modeling of relativistic particle-laser interactions using the particle-in-cell algorithm15
Tropical Feynman integration in the Minkowski regime15
Numerical scattering amplitudes with pySecDec14
REvolver: Automated running and matching of couplings and masses in QCD14
Efficient numerical scheme for a new hydrodynamically-coupled conserved Allen–Cahn type Ohta–Kawaski phase-field model for diblock copolymer melt14
Procrustes: A python library to find transformations that maximize the similarity between matrices14
Parallel finite-element codes for the simulation of two-dimensional and three-dimensional solid–liquid phase-change systems with natural convection14
HiPACE++: A portable, 3D quasi-static particle-in-cell code14
Calculation of 1D and 2D densities in VMD: A flexible and easy-to-use code14
Comparative study of state-of-the-art matrix-product-state methods for lattice models with large local Hilbert spaces without U(1) symmetry14
py-fmas: A python package for ultrashort optical pulse propagation in terms of forward models for the analytic signal14
CONUNDrum: A program for orbital-free density functional theory calculations14
nuSQuIDS: A toolbox for neutrino propagation14
TripleK: A Mathematica package for evaluating triple-K integrals and conformal correlation functions14
OpenFSI: A highly efficient and portable fluid–structure simulation package based on immersed-boundary method14
Anisotropic fluid dynamical simulations of heavy-ion collisions14
SimpleBounce: A simple package for the false vacuum decay14
mbsolve: An open-source solver tool for the Maxwell-Bloch equations14
Chemical Kinetics Bayesian Inference Toolbox (CKBIT)14
Dynamic load balancing with enhanced shared-memory parallelism for particle-in-cell codes14 A Python program for simulation and data analysis in photoemission tomography14
The Monte Carlo Program KKMC, for the Lepton or Quark Pair Production at LEP/SLC Energies—Updates of electroweak calculations13
GPU-accelerated simulations of quantum annealing and the quantum approximate optimization algorithm13
Axially-deformed solution of the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov equations using the transformed harmonic oscillator basis (IV) hfbtho (v4.0): A new version of the program13
AMMCR: Ab initio model for mobility and conductivity calculation by using Rode Algorithm13
A generalized external circuit model for electrostatic particle-in-cell simulations13
PARCE: Protocol for Amino acid Refinement through Computational Evolution13
WanTiBEXOS: A Wannier based Tight Binding code for electronic band structure, excitonic and optoelectronic properties of solids13
A quasi-static particle-in-cell algorithm based on an azimuthal Fourier decomposition for highly efficient simulations of plasma-based acceleration: QPAD13
An implicit particle-in-cell model based on anisotropic immersed-finite-element method13
ADAQ: Automatic workflows for magneto-optical properties of point defects in semiconductors13
Modal analysis of electromagnetic resonators: User guide for the MAN program13
On the performance of a highly-scalable Computational Fluid Dynamics code on AMD, ARM and Intel processor-based HPC systems13
Arbitrarily high-order structure-preserving schemes for the Gross–Pitaevskii equation with angular momentum rotation13
The multi-dimensional Hermite-discontinuous Galerkin method for the Vlasov–Maxwell equations13
Slow manifolds of classical Pauli particle enable structure-preserving geometric algorithms for guiding center dynamics13
MCBTE: A variance-reduced Monte Carlo solution of the linearized Boltzmann transport equation for phonons13
PyLCP: A Python package for computing laser cooling physics13
QTRAJ 1.0: A Lindblad equation solver for heavy-quarkonium dynamics13
Strategies for particle resampling in PIC simulations13
High performance implementations of the 2D Ising model on GPUs12
NEMOH: Open-source boundary element solver for computation of first- and second-order hydrodynamic loads in the frequency domain12
NTMpy: An open source package for solving coupled parabolic differential equations in the framework of the three-temperature model12
SWANLOP: Scattering waves off nonlocal optical potentials in the presence of Coulomb interactions12
NeatIBP 1.0, a package generating small-size integration-by-parts relations for Feynman integrals12
KSSOLV 2.0: An efficient MATLAB toolbox for solving the Kohn-Sham equations with plane-wave basis set12
REST-for-Physics, a ROOT-based framework for event oriented data analysis and combined Monte Carlo response12
Rethinking the ill-posedness of the spectral function reconstruction — Why is it fundamentally hard and how Artificial Neural Networks can help12
Deep learning approach to Hubble parameter12
JAX-FEM: A differentiable GPU-accelerated 3D finite element solver for automatic inverse design and mechanistic data science12
libdlr: Efficient imaginary time calculations using the discrete Lehmann representation12
Issues in the numerical modelling of positive ion extraction12
Development of the General Bateman Solution using fractional calculus: A theoretical and algorithmic approach12
Hybrid simulation of energetic particles interacting with magnetohydrodynamics using a slow manifold algorithm and GPU acceleration12
ARGES – Advanced Renormalisation Group Equation Simplifier12
Special unitary particle pusher for extreme fields12
TORCWA: GPU-accelerated Fourier modal method and gradient-based optimization for metasurface design11
The lifetime of micron scale topological chiral magnetic states with atomic resolution11
The LisbOn KInetics Monte Carlo solver11
Heterogeneous Multi-Rate mass transfer models in OpenFOAM®11
Hibridon: A program suite for time-independent non-reactive quantum scattering calculations11
De-noising drift chambers in CLAS12 using convolutional auto encoders11
Boundaries of the amplituhedron with amplituhedronBoundaries11
SporTran: A code to estimate transport coefficients from the cepstral analysis of (multivariate) current time series11
Elastic neutron scattering models for NCrystal11
Chirally factorised truncated conformal space approach11
A high-efficient strain-stress method for calculating higher-order elastic constants from first-principles11
LeptonInjector and LeptonWeighter: A neutrino event generator and weighter for neutrino observatories11
A GPU-accelerated fast multipole method based on barycentric Lagrange interpolation and dual tree traversal11
Multi-GPU implementation of a time-explicit finite volume solver using CUDA and a CUDA-Aware version of OpenMPI with application to shallow water flows11
Integrating state of the art compute, communication, and autotuning strategies to multiply the performance of ab initio molecular dynamics on massively parallel multi-core supercomputers11
picFoam: An OpenFOAM based electrostatic Particle-in-Cell solver11
MyElas: An automatized tool-kit for high-throughput calculation, post-processing and visualization of elasticity and related properties of solids11
Efficient second-order semi-implicit finite element method for fourth-order nonlinear diffusion equations11
MAELAS: MAgneto-ELAStic properties calculation via computational high-throughput approach11
PyFocus – A Python package for vectorial calculations of focused optical fields under realistic conditions. Application to toroidal foci10
BORAY: A ray tracing code for various magnetized plasma configurations10
Polarized NLO EW e+<10
A new software implementation of the Oslo method with rigorous statistical uncertainty propagation10
pyerrors: A python framework for error analysis of Monte Carlo data10