Compositio Mathematica

(The TQCC of Compositio Mathematica is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Back stable Schubert calculus26
Parity duality for the amplituhedron19
Canonical bases arising from quantum symmetric pairs of Kac–Moody type17
Universal two-parameter ?-algebra and vertex algebras of type ?(2, 3, …,N)16
Branching laws for classical groups: the non-tempered case16
An arithmetic count of the lines on a smooth cubic surface12
Geometric consistency of Manin's conjecture12
The logarithmic Picard group and its tropicalization11
Generic rank of Betti map and unlikely intersections10
On dualizability of braided tensor categories10
A bimodule description of the Hecke category10
The integral Hodge conjecture for two-dimensional Calabi–Yau categories10
Monoidal abelian envelopes9
Malle's conjecture for for8
On the construction of tame supercuspidal representations8
On -local8
Higher preprojective algebras, Koszul algebras, and superpotentials7
Diagrams in the mod p cohomology of Shimura curves7
K-theory of valuation rings7
Flops and spherical functors7
Mixed Ax–Schanuel for the universal abelian varieties and some applications7
On the Kawamata–Viehweg vanishing theorem for log del Pezzo surfaces in positive characteristic6
Birational boundedness of low-dimensional elliptic Calabi–Yau varieties with a section6
On the distribution of rational points on ramified covers of abelian varieties6
A uniform treatment of Grothendieck's localization problem6
Sup-norms of eigenfunctions in the level aspect for compact arithmetic surfaces, II: newforms and subconvexity6
The Hanna Neumann conjecture for surface groups6
Hecke action on the principal block6
Rank 3 quadratic generators of Veronese embeddings6
Derived categories of hyper-Kähler manifolds: extended Mukai vector and integral structure6
Automorphy lifting for residually reducible -adic Galois representations, II6
Dimensional reduction in cohomological Donaldson–Thomas theory5
A new upper bound for sets with no square differences5
Bökstedt periodicity and quotients of DVRs5
Rigidity of the mod 2 families Seiberg–Witten invariants and topology of families of spin 4-manifolds5
The localization theorem for framed motivic spaces5
Simply laced root systems arising from quantum affine algebras5
Equivariant -absorption theorem for exact groups5
Equidistribution of Hodge loci II5
Singular units and isogenies between CM elliptic curves5
Classification of irreversible and reversible Pimsner operator algebras5
The level of distribution of the Thue–Morse sequence5
Poisson boundaries of II1 factors5
Residual categories for (co)adjoint Grassmannians in classical types5
The explicit Zelevinsky–Aubert duality5
Exponential mixing of frame flows for convex cocompact hyperbolic manifolds5
Schiffer variations and the generic Torelli theorem for hypersurfaces4
Formality conjecture for minimal surfaces of Kodaira dimension 04
Specialization for the pro-étale fundamental group4
The flow tree formula for Donaldson–Thomas invariants of quivers with potentials4
On the étale cohomology of Hilbert modular varieties with torsion coefficients4
Depth-graded motivic multiple zeta values4
Brauer groups and Galois cohomology of commutative ring spectra4
The symplectic isotopy problem for rational cuspidal curves4
L-functions of GL2n: p-adic properties and non-vanishing of twists4
Stable homotopy refinement of quantum annular homology4
Galois symmetries of knot spaces4
The strong Suslin reciprocity law4
Reductions of abelian surfaces over global function fields3
Volume function and Mahler measure of exact polynomials3
The Baum–Connes conjecture localised at the unit element of a discrete group3
Instantons and Bar-Natan homology3
The monodromy of unit-root F-isocrystals with geometric origin3
On monic abelian cubics3
Intersection theory of nefb-divisor classes3
Successive minima and asymptotic slopes in Arakelov geometry3
Towards Vorst's conjecture in positive characteristic3
Mirabolic Satake equivalence and supergroups3
Arithmetic purity of strong approximation for semi-simple simply connected groups3
Enough vector bundles on orbispaces3
Wiles defect for Hecke algebras that are not complete intersections3
The essential dimension of congruence covers3
Fast growth of the number of periodic points arising from heterodimensional connections3
The categorified Grothendieck–Riemann–Roch theorem3
Locality of relative symplectic cohomology for complete embeddings3
Fields of moduli and the arithmetic of tame quotient singularities3
De Rham–Witt sheaves via algebraic cycles3
Positivity of Hodge bundles of abelian varieties over some function fields3
On distributivity in higher algebra I: the universal property of bispans3
On the derived category of the Iwahori–Hecke algebra3
The Hodge bundle, the universal 0-section, and the log Chow ring of the moduli space of curves3
Quadratic Chabauty for modular curves: algorithms and examples3
A support theorem for Hilbert schemes of planar curves, II3
Embedding spheres in knot traces3
Symmetrisation and the Feigin–Frenkel centre3
Infinitesimal structure of the pluricanonical double ramification locus2
Higher semiadditive algebraic K-theory and redshift2
Obstruction theory and the level n elliptic genus2
Lagrangian configurations and Hamiltonian maps2
On Lipschitz normally embedded complex surface germs2
Logarithmic growth filtrations for -modules over the bounded Robba ring2
Reciprocity sheaves and logarithmic motives2
The Poisson spectrum of the symmetric algebra of the Virasoro algebra2
Stability in the homology of Deligne–Mumford compactifications2
A Harder–Narasimhan stratification of the -Grassmannian2
Families of rational curves on holomorphic symplectic varieties and applications to 0-cycles2
Moduli of surfaces in2
Perfect points on curves of genus 1 and consequences for supersingular K3 surfaces2
Faltings height and Néron–Tate height of a theta divisor2
Wall-crossings and a categorification of K-theory stable bases of the Springer resolution2
A -adic monodromy theorem for de Rham local systems2
On automorphisms and splittings of special groups2
Newton non-degenerate -constant deformations admit simultaneous embedded resolutions2
Diagonal quartic surfaces with a Brauer–Manin obstruction2
On p-adic uniformization of abelian varieties with good reduction2
Period sheaves via derived de Rham cohomology2
Functorially finite hearts, simple-minded systems in negative cluster categories, and noncrossing partitions2
Minimal rational curves on generalized Bott–Samelson varieties2
BCOV invariant and blow-up2
The pentagram map, Poncelet polygons, and commuting difference operators2
On the Rouquier dimension of wrapped Fukaya categories and a conjecture of Orlov2
Big principal series, -adic families and -invariants2
The spectral p-adic Jacquet–Langlands correspondence and a question of Serre2
Weight filtrations on Selmer schemes and the effective Chabauty–Kim method2
BPS invariants from p-adic integrals2
Conformal blocks for Galois covers of algebraic curves2
Fundamental local equivalences in quantum geometric Langlands2