Comparative Politics

(The median citation count of Comparative Politics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Autocratization by Decree: States of Emergency and Democratic Decline33
Fragmentation Without Cleavages? Endogenous Fractionalization in the Brazilian Party System26
Executive Agency and State Capacity in Development: Comparing Sino-African Railways in Kenya and Ethiopia16
Women in Legislative Committees in Arab Parliaments16
Female Electability in the Arab World: The Advantages of Intersectionality14
Ex-Rebel Authority after Civil War: Theory and Evidence from Côte d'Ivoire12
Working for the Machine: Patronage Jobs and Political Services in Argentina11
Great Expectations, Great Grievances: The Politics of Citizens' Complaints in India10
Can Police Patrols Prevent Pollution? The Limits of Authoritarian Environmental Governance in China9
Not All NGOs are Treated Equally: Selectivity in Civil Society Management in China and Russia9
Adjustment Policies, Union Structures, and Strategies of Mobilization: Teacher Politics in Mexico and Argentina9
Repression Reconsidered: Bystander Effects and Legitimation in Authoritarian Regimes8
Entrenchment or Retrenchment: The Political Economy of Mortgage Debt Subsidies in the United States and Germany8
When Judges Defy Dictators: An Audience-Based Framework to Explain the Emergence of Judicial Assertiveness against Authoritarian Regimes8
Electoral Rulings and Public Trust in African Courts and Elections8
Rethinking Authoritarian Resilience and the Coercive Apparatus8
Explaining Military Responses to Protests in Latin American Democracies7
Center-Right Parties and Post-War Secondary Education6
Political Discourse and Public Attitudes toward Syrian Refugees in Turkey5
Dynamic Research Design: Iteration in Field-Based Inquiry5
Refinancing the Rentier State: Welfare, Inequality, and Citizen Preferences toward Fiscal Reform in the Gulf Oil Monarchies5
Subnational Turnover, Accountability Politics, and Electoral Authoritarian Survival: Evidence from Museveni's Uganda5
Revolution, Elite Fear, and Electoral Institutions4
Competition for Religious Authority and Islamist Mobilization in Indonesia4
Special Symposium, Collective Vigilantism in Global Comparative Perspective Introduction: Collective Vigilantism in Global Comparative Perspective4
Going Out or Opting Out? Capital, Political Vulnerability, and the State in China's Outward Investment4
Precarious Collective Action: Unemployed Graduates Associations in the Middle East and North Africa4
Performance and Promotions in an Autocracy: Evidence from Nazi Germany4
Institutions as Signals: How Dictators Consolidate Power in Times of Crisis4
Institutional Favoritism, Income, and Political Trust: Evidence from Jordan4
Explaining Subnational Regime Variation: Country-Level Factors4
Special Symposium, Collective Vigilantism in Global Comparative Perspective A Wave of Lynching: Morality and Authority in Post-Tsunami Aceh4
The Silent Militarization: Explaining the Logic of Military Members' Appointment As Police Chiefs4
Consultations and Competing Claims: Implementing Participatory Institutions in Colombia's Extractives Industries4
Democracy and the Adoption of Electoral Gender Quotas Worldwide4
Constitutional Rights and Social Welfare: Exploring Claims-Making Practices in Post-Apartheid South Africa4
Electoral Violence, Partisan Identity, and Perceptions of Election Quality: A Survey Experiment in West Bengal, India4
Special Symposium, Collective Vigilantism in Global Comparative Perspective Gender Gaps in Support for Vigilante Violence4
Taxation and Left-Wing Redistribution: The Politics of Consumption Tax in Britain and Sweden3
Party Systems and Redistribution in Democratic Latin America3
Rebuilding the Ba'thist State: Party, Tribe, and Administrative Control in Authoritarian Iraq, 1991–19963
Gendered Incentives, Party Support, and Viable Female Presidential Candidates in Latin America3
Civil Resistance in the Shadow of the Revolution: Historical Framing in Nicaragua's Sudden Uprising3
Paying to Play: How Parliamentary Candidates Fund Ruling Party Campaigns in Malawi3
Over a Barrel? Oil Busts and Petrostate Stability3
Dividing the People: The Authoritarian Bargain, Development, and Authoritarian Citizenship3
The Power of Human Rights Frames in Urban Security: Lessons from Bogotá3
Voting for a Killer: Efraín Ríos Montt's Return to Politics in Democratic Guatemala3
Special Symposium, Collective Vigilantism in Global Comparative Perspective The Political Economy of Collective Vigilantism: Comparative Evidence from Mexico2
The Puzzle of Cross-Provincial Activism in China: From Relational Dynamics to State Strategies: From Relational Dynamics to State Strategies2
Resisting Equality: Subnational State Capture and the Unequal Distribution of Inequality2
Special Symposium, Collective Vigilantism in Global Comparative Perspective Mechanics of Impunity: Vigilantism and State-Building in Indonesia2
Left Behind: Labor Unions and Redistributive Policy under the Brazilian Workers' Party2
Legal Regulation and the Juridification of Party Governance2
Why Democracy Survives Presidential Encroachments: Argentina Since 19832
Political Parties and Public Participation in Constitution Making: Legitimation, Distraction, or Real Influence?2
Threat Perception and Democratic Support in Post-Arab Spring Egypt2
Decentralization as a Political Weapon: Education Politics in El Salvador and Paraguay2
Representation and Displacement: Labor Disembedding and Contested Neoliberalism in France2
Understanding the Expansion of Latin America's New Social Welfare Regimes2
Local Electoral Institutions and the Dynamic Motivations of Ethnic Party Candidate Nominations in South Africa2
Political, Not Partisan: The Tunisian General Labor Union under Democracy2
Research Note Civil Resistance in the Streetlight: Replicating and Assessing Evidence on Nonviolent Effectiveness2
Aspirational Identity Politics and Support for Radical Reform: The Case of Post-Maidan Ukraine2
Regulatory State Building under Authoritarianism: Bureaucratic Competition, Global Embeddedness, and Regulatory Authority in China2
What Capital Wants: Business Interests and Labor Market Reform in Portugal and Spain2
State-in-Society 2.0: Toward Fourth-Generation Theories of the State2
Violence, Resistance, and Rescue during the Holocaust2
Solidarity or Distancing? How Official Status Influences Chinese Protestant Reactions to Repression2