Community Development Journal

(The median citation count of Community Development Journal is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Financial subordination and uneven financialization in 21st century Africa31
Financialization, real estate and COVID-19 in the UK20
‘Sacrifice zone’: The environment–territory–place of disposable lives20
Decolonizing Climate Research and Policy: making space to tell our own stories, in our own ways18
The tree of participation: a new model for inclusive decision-making13
Striving to strengthen the ecosocial framework in social work in Finland12
Empowering women through the Self-Help Group Bank Linkage Programme as a tool for sustainable development: lessons from India10
Local community participation challenges in community-based ecotourism development in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo9
Community development and social work teaching and learning in a time of global interruption9
Territorial stigmatization in theory and practice, and its implications for community development: an introduction to the themed section6
Ethical issues in community development: setting the scene6
Through convergence and governance: embedding empowerment in community development interventions5
Sustainability of community-managed small town and rural water systems in northern Ghana: lessons from Upper West Region5
Financialization of nature and climate change policy: implications for mining-impacted Afro-Colombian communities5
There’s a time and a place: temporal aspects of place-based stigma5
Ethnography of community governance: a case of COVID-19 response of an urban slum in Bangladesh4
Enacting critical community development through anti-gentrification policy advocacy4
Keeping the baby when we throw out the bathwater: social supermarkets for community development4
Ireland’s tax games: the challenge of tackling corporate tax avoidance4
Between a rock and a hard place: State-led territorial stigmatization, informal care practices and the interstitiality of local community workers in Denmark4
Using theory-based evaluation to understand what works in asset-based community development4
An evidence cycle framework for community development initiatives4
Commons as Polanyian countermovement in neoliberal market society. A case study in Belgium3
Embedding research ethics into an international development programme: a case study of Evidence and Collaboration for Inclusive Development (ECID) in Nigeria3
Housing microfinance, saving and credit cooperatives, and community development in low-income settings in Mexico3
Towards a community-based ethical contract3
Community initiatives against Covid-19 in the United Arab Emirates3
Community based participatory governance platforms and sharing of mining benefits: evidence from Ghana3
Beyond good intentions: questioning the ‘leaving no one behind’ agenda in global development, evidence from Pakistan3
‘Stateless’ Rohingyas: persecution, displacement and complex community development3
Enabling evidence-led collaborative systems-change efforts: an adaptation of the collective impact approach3
Re-empowering into voice: experiments in organic community co-production3
TERF wars: feminism and the fight for transgender futures3
The role of educators in community resilience in natural disaster-prone communities3
Community development has been hijacked3
Post-cyclone (Aila), transforming lives and gendered relations in Bangladesh3
Social mobilization and tackling the performance of local government in rural Nepal3
COVID-19 and the counter-collective collective organizing of the cosmic right3
Corrigendum to: Decolonizing social services through community development: an Anishinaabe experience3
Rethinking the everyday domestic sphere: Palestinian women as environmentalist and anti-colonial warriors2
Searching for sustainable cities: residents’ perceptions on the implementation of sustainable cities in Malaysia2
Decolonizing social services through community development: an Anishinaabe experience2
Incorporating shared measurement in social change initiatives: benefits, challenges, and lessons learned2
The political economy of destructing essential Services in the Quest for basic services: the case of violent protest in Cato Manor2
How social profiles influence community entrepreneurs’ capacity to develop networks. A Bourdieuan perspective on Italian community co-operatives2
The ethics of food sovereignty: discourses for transformative social change and community development practices by peasant movements2
Representation, trust and ethnicity within refugee communities: the case of Darfurians in Israel2
Rethinking sustainability: recalibrating the global SDGs to align with local principles for Buen Vivir2
The capability approach (CA) and a prefigurative politics of social policy and community development2
Community development and financialization: making the connections2
Reflecting on community development research: how peer researchers influence and shape community action projects2
EditorialChallenging conditions for academic writing and the limits of excellence through competition2
Top-down processes derail bottom-up objectives: a study in community engagement and ‘Slum-Free City Planning’2
Framing climate emergency: community development, populism and just transition2
Rooting and reaching: insights from Love Leitrim’s successful resistance to fracking in Ireland2
Ethics for educational research in regions of protracted armed conflict and crisis: a participatory community project in the Lake Chad region2
Neighbourhood opposition to relocation of people with disabilities in Lithuania: ‘fake ethics’ in the community discourse2
Ethical challenges for a community-based researcher: a case study from Bihar, India2
Learning to be ethical: the role of ethical capability in community development education2
Public art and social media: street art tourism, sociocultural agency and cultural production in contemporary Lisbon2
Overcoming barriers to social inclusion in agricultural intensification: reflections on a transdisciplinary community development project from India and Bangladesh2
Ethical challenges faced by Korean development practitioners in international community development practices1
Transnational corporations, financialization and community development in West African cocoa1
Enhancing well-being and social connectedness of rural communities through community shops1
Developing a tool for community involvement in water policy decision-making using strategic environmental assessments and serious games1
Art Activism for an Anticolonial Future: a conversation with Carlos Garrido Castellano1
‘Participation—with what money and whose time?’ An intersectional feminist analysis of community participation1
Why focusing on our strengths matters: reflections on leaving a volunteer role I actually liked1
Understanding change in traditional sustainable livelihoods: a complex socio-ecological system in an indigenous community in Mexico1
COVID-19 community pantries as community health engagement: the case of Maginhawa community pantry in the Philippines1
Community reinvestment challenges in the age of gentrification: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as a case study for wide bank lending disparities1
The role of community development in achieving health equity1
Introduction—community development in social work education: themes for a changing world1
Barbeques and shiny numbers: micro-ethical encounters in Sydney social housing estates1
Queer and trans community building in post-NALSA and post-377 India: a critical reflection1
Local community capacity building: exploring non-governmental organizations approaches in Tamil Nadu1
Beyond bridging and bonding: the role of social capital in organizations1
Populism, Democracy and Community Development1
Empowering practices in education-focused coalitions: an examination using fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis1
The roles of community health workers in understanding COVID-19-related inequities among Black pregnant women1
David Marsden—An Appreciation1
Roadmap for increasing the Congolese mining industry involvement in the local community development1
Political community resilience in declining rural areas in Finland1
A re-reading of Gandhi’s and Ambedkar’s emancipatory discourses for social action against untouchability1
Social media and (im)mobility: implications for community development1
Arts, culture and community development1
The case for a community development journal1
Everyday ethical challenges for Indian community development practitioners during the COVID-19 pandemic1
A community development story and portrayal of a phenomenological reflective practice in the social field of paediatric palliative care1
Old problems, new forms1
Erratum to: There's a time and a place temporal aspects of place based stigma1
Tourism, social networks, and community development: a case study of a coastal Vietnamese village1
Peacebuilding in Colombia from the Lens of Community and Policy0
Community schools and community development: São Paulo’s Unified Education Centres seen from the other side of the street0
The Impact Agenda: Controversies, Consequences and Challenges0
Community resilience through bottom–up participation: when civil society drives urban transformation processes0
Abortion and Democracy: Contentious Body Politics in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay0
Refocusing social work education on community work in Hong Kong: an urgent call0
The Care Manifesto. The Politics of Interdependence0
A framework for tourism value chain ownership in rural communities0
Effect of homestead land titling programme on most vulnerable Adivasis: the case of the Lodhas of West Bengal0
‘All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace’1? Information technology, in-person relationships and normative regulation in an ‘integral cooperative’0
Callampas of disaster: negotiations and struggles for the commons under forestry hegemony in Chile0
‘Neighborhood residents cannot afford homeownership’: the limitations of community development on Latino enclaves0
Tomorrow’s communities: lessons for community-based transformation in the age of global crises0
Conceptualizing the carceral state in contemporary India0
Correction to: Sustainability assessment of community-based enterprises in selected fragile and conflict-affected areas in the Southern Philippines0
Constructive resilience in response to oppression: the strategy of Bahá’ís in Iran0
Living our values in research and practice0
Facilitating assets-based development in rural communities through service-learning0
What does community do? Reconsidering community action on the Toronto Islands using assemblage theory0
The significance of plus-development through sport: the practices and neoliberal politics of attracting participants to corporate sport-for-development0
Rohingya refugee resettlement as a community of practice0
Precarious life in a heartless world: COVID-19 and the gender transgressive Shivashaktis in Southern India0
The financialization of community development: the role of social finance0
Young People, Radical Democracy and Community Development0
Estate Regeneration and Its Discontents: Public Housing, Place and Inequality in London0
Risk and resilience: exploring the potential of LGBTQ third sector and academic partnership0
Contesting carceral logic: towards abolitionist futures0
Social infrastructure, community organizations, and friendship formation: a scoping review0
The Short Guide to Community Development, 3rd Edition0
Academia on the edge0
Revitalizing community empowerment: harnessing the synergy of faith-based NGOs and Laverack’s domain approach0
Building communities of health: the experience of European social clinics0
University ‘dude walls’ must fall0
Co-Creation in Theory and Practice: Exploring Creativity in the Global North and South0
‘We can no longer fill prisons with men and cemeteries with women’: exploring carceral and abolitionist feminist discourses on gendered violence in Albania and Kosovo through photo elicitation0
The power to act: dissecting distinctive elements of power and ownership in community organizing in England and Wales0
The Political Economy of Conflict and Violence against Women0
Strengthening community empowerment initiatives as a route to greater equity: an English case study0
Community-based paralegals to build just societies: insights from a legal empowerment project in Pakistan0
Peacebuilding, conflict and community development0
Hope under Neoliberal Austerity—Responses from Civil Society and Civic Universities0
Classic texts ‘How I became a socialist’ by William Morris0
Community development as a key element in social work education and practice in Spain0
Collective impact: lessons from the American democratic tradition0
Punishment, communities and assemblages0
Non-binary genders: navigating communities, identities and healthcare0
A Freirean understanding of the Venezuelan crisis in Trinidad and Tobago0
EditorialEditorial 56 (2)0
Let This Radicalize You: Organizing and the Revolution of Reciprocal Care0
‘We kept having this internal conflict around the language of handout and hand-up’: independent living philosophy and rural disability services during the COVID-19 pandemic0
When nothing works: from cost of living to foundational liveability0
Just transitions0
Learning from the history of community development0
Adapting to climate change in char land: investigating community-led initiatives in Bangladesh0
Sports clubs’ role in community capacity development—illustrations from the Swedish sports movement0
Caring for place: community development in rural England0
Lifeways of families in coffee-growing territories: vulnerability and response capacity0
Embedding community development approaches in local systems to address health inequalities: a scoping review0
Too hot to handle? The democratic challenge of climate change0
Correction to: Callampas of disaster: negotiations and struggles for the commons under forestry hegemony in Chile0
The politics of ward committees in enhancing community development through democratic participation in the perspective of structuration0
Abolition and the renewal of community: from carceral feminism to collective self-determination0
Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Cities: Global Perspectives0
Brittle bonds: queer relationalities in literary and cinematic forms in India0
Migration and making of non-heteronormative households and families: lived experiences of cisgender women partners of trans men in Bengaluru0
Deployment and development of community wealth building in Canadian mid-sized cities0
Too Close to Ignore: Australia’s Borderland with Papua New Guinea and Indonesia0
Sustainability assessment of community-based enterprises in selected fragile and conflict-affected areas in the Southern Philippines0
‘Do no harm’: mass supervision and the ruse of carceral humanism0
A capability approach to evaluating the social impact of music residencies and touring in remote Australia0
Community Engagement and Investment0
Social construction of migrant identities: everyday life of Bangladeshi migrants in West Bengal0
Learning to work in certain ways: bureaucratic literacies and community-based volunteering in the Philippines0
Against the commons: a radical history of urban planning0
An orderly curriculum for a messy field? Classroom-field tensions in community organization in India0
Who’s at the table: an exploration of community-based food security initiatives and structures in a north-central Canadian context0
Implementation of community-based rehabilitation in Colombia in mental health: barriers, facilitators, and purposes0
Cities and communities beyond COVID-19: how local leadership can change our future for the better0
Corrigendum to: “This place means freedom to me” needs-based engagement with marginalised migrantMuslim women in London0
Peer power: how drug user groups navigate harm reduction in Surrey, British Columbia and resist the carceral state0
In search of strategies for rural revitalization in China: Puhan’s approach to sustainable community development0
‘Doctors advised to take medicines to remove these thoughts’: the violence and violations in sexual mental health care in community mental health programmes in Kerala0
Exploring the impact of combining women’s empowerment through village savings and loans associations with men’s sensitization on gender equity on socio-economic, maternal, and children’s health outcom0
Empowering emerging leaders: a model public planning academy0
Wearing their heart on a wall: the World’s Biggest Comic0
‘Come as you are’: place attachment to Islamic third spaces in the United States0
The struggle for land by indigenous groups: from conflict to cooperation in Kasepuhan Ciptagelar, Indonesia0
Familialization of the ‘deviant’: a hindrance to queer community building?0
Engendering Democracy in Africa: Women, Politics and Development0
From self-help to self-advocacy for people with disadvantages: narrating problems through Japanese community radio0
What’s (in) a CBO? Analyzing community representation in the Kenyan aid chain0
Community development via performing art: considering a community theatre intervention0
Reproducing poverty through participation: examining the constraints of community development strategies in fostering empowerment and social change0
Community development and health promotion in contemporary policy: results from an action-research project in bologna (Italy)0
‘Suddenly I was with my people’: two South African choirs contributing to community development0
‘I know how to live from what the hill gives’: biocultural uses, tensions and partial reconstructions around the common goods of the Cerro Caracol urban park0
Environmentalism from the margins: interviews with scholar-activists0
Listening and learning for public engagement with research0
Queerious communities: building writing centres in Indian universities0
Sustainable development of community-supported STEM-learning ecosystems in rural areas of the United States0
‘It’s nice that we can do that too’: investigating transgender persons' negotiations with identity and community questions in Indian science institutions0
‘Finding their voice’: exploring female adolescents’ perspectives and experiences of a youth leadership programme0
Empowering older adults through community work: a review of the social work field in the past decade0
Community Work and Adult Education in Staveley0
Rekindling Democracy: A Professional’s Guide to Working in Citizen Space0
Restorative justice in Brazil: does it provide a place for community involvement and a path to penal abolition?0
Correction to: The gift and the giving: reciprocity in international aid and development in Timor-Leste0
Unruly bodies (of knowledge): influencing Irish abortion policy through evidence-based abortion activism0
Does community development work? Stories and practice for reconstructed community development in South Africa0
Conceptualizing cross-sectoral partnership building in two small central Appalachian towns0
Implementability: a taxonomy of community development approaches0
The Impact of Community Work: How to Gather Evidence0
A community-based study to set the policy agenda for the well-being of 2GSBTQ+ men in Ontario, Canada0
Age grade association: a non state actor in the sustainability of community development projects in Southeast, Nigeria0
Hazard Mitigation Training for Vulnerable Communities: A K.A.P.S. (Knowledge, Attitude, Preparedness, Skills) Approach0
Liveable lives: living and surviving LGBTQ equalities in India and the UK0
Untangling ‘identity’ and ‘identity politics’: an interview with Marie Moran0
Evaluation in Small Development Non-profits: Deadends, Victories, and Alternative Routes0
Academic publishing and the privilege of a platform0
Editorial 57 (2)0
The gift and the giving: reciprocity in international aid and development in Timor-Leste0