Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis

(The TQCC of Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Soil Salinity Research in 21st Century in Pakistan: Its Impact on Availability of Plant Nutrients, Growth and Yield of Crops76
Soil mulching and deficit irrigation effect on sustainability of nutrients availability and uptake, and productivity of maize grown in calcareous soils51
Effects of Biofertilizers and Nano Zinc-Iron Oxide on Yield and Physicochemical Properties of Wheat under Water Deficit Conditions39
Effect of Irrigation, Nitrogen Sources, and Metribuzin on Performance of Maize and Its Weeds37
Carbon Sources Application Increase Wheat Yield and Soil Fertility30
Impacts of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Rice Growth, Development, and Stress Management With a Particular Emphasis on Strigolactone Effects on Root Development27
Biochar for Improving Soil Biological Properties and Mitigating Salt Stress in Plants on Salt-affected Soils27
Soil acidification and nitrogen release following application of nitrogen fertilizers26
Boron dynamics in soil: classification, sources, factors, fractions, and kinetics24
Management of Nano-black Carbon, Phosphorous and Bio Fertilizer Improve Soil Organic Carbon and Ensilage Biomass of Soybean and Maize24
Cover Crop Complements Flue Gas Desulfurized Gypsum to Improve No-till Soil Quality24
Review on Mechanisms of Phosphate Solubilization in Rock Phosphate Fertilizer23
Silicon Compounds and Potassium Sulfate Improve Salinity Tolerance of Potato Plants through Instigating the Defense Mechanisms, Cell Membrane Stability, and Accumulation of Osmolytes23
The Effect of Sugarcane Bagasse Biochar on Maize Growth Factors in Lead and Cadmium-Polluted Soils23
Integrating Biochar, Rhizobacteria and Silicon for Strenuous Productivity of Drought Stressed Wheat21
Plant Growth-Promoting Microbes: Role and Prospective in Amelioration of Salt Stress21
Calcium and Boron Effect on Production and Quality of Autumn Potato Crop Under Chilling Temperature20
Impact of 12-year-long rice based organic farming on soil quality in terms of soil physical properties, available micronutrients and rice yield in a typic Ustochrept soil of India20
Effects of PGPR Bioinoculants, Hydrogel and Biochar on Growth and Physiology of Soybean under Drought Stress20
Adequate Fertilization, Application Method and Sowing Techniques Improve Maize Yield and Related Traits19
Effect of Application of Biochar, Poultry and Farmyard Manures in Combination with Synthetic Fertilizers on Soil Fertility and Cotton Productivity under Arid Environment19
Effects of Limited Irrigation and Nitrogen Rate on the Herbage Yield, Water Productivity, and Nutritive Value of Sorghum Silage18
Phosphate Solubilizing Microorganisms: A Review18
Application of Biogas Slurry in Combination with Chemical Fertilizer Enhances Grain Yield and Profitability of Maize (Zea Mays L.)18
Integrated Foliar Nutrients Application Improve Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Productivity under Calcareous Soils in Drylands18
Influence of different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi isolates in enhancing growth, phosphorus uptake and grain yield of soybean in a phosphorus deficient soil under field conditions18
Tillage, green manure and residue management accelerate soil carbon pools and hydrolytic enzymatic activities for conservation agriculture based rice-wheat systems17
Organic Amendments Combined with Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (Azospirillum Brasilense) as an Eco-Friendly By-Product to Remediate and Enhance the Fertility of Saline Sodic-Soils in Egy17
Assessment of Various Pedotransfer Functions for the Prediction of the Dry Bulk Density of Cultivated Soils in a Semiarid Environment16
Influence of sewage sludge application on soil properties, carrot growth and heavy metal uptake16
Effects of Limited Irrigation on Forage Yield, Nutritive Value and Water Use Efficiency of Persian Clover (Trifolium Resupinatum) Compared to Berseem Clover (Trifolium Alexandrinum)15
Root Morphological Adjustments of Crops to Improve Nutrient Use Efficiency in Limited Environments15
Biostimulant Effects of Seaweed Extract and Amino Acids On Growth, Antioxidants, and Nutrient Content of Yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.) In the Field and Greenhouse Conditions15
Influence of Biochar on Soil Physicochemical Properties, Erosion Potential, and Maize (Zea mays L.) Grain Yield under Sandy Soil Condition15
Adsorption Kinetics and Isotherm Modeling of Lead in Calcareous Soils: Insights into Thermodynamics, Desorption, and Soil Properties14
Mechanisms and Adaptation Strategies of Tolerance to Phosphorus Deficiency in Legumes14
Phosphorus and Boron Application Optimizing Biofortification of P and Productivity of French Bean (Phaseolus vulgarisL.)14
Effects of Biochar and Compost on Soil Physical Quality Indices13
Salt Stress Induced Morphological, Anatomical and Ionic Alterations in Chickpea13
Nanofertilizers for Development of Sustainable Agriculture13
Effect of Copper Contamination on Plant Growth and Metal Contents in Rice Plant (Oryza SativaL.)13
Exogenous Zinc Induced NaCl Tolerance in Okra (Abelmoschus Esculentus) by Ameliorating Osmotic Stress and Oxidative Metabolism13
Effects of Combined Biochar and Vermicompost Solution on Leachate Characterization and Nitrogen Balance from a Greenhouse Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum) Cultivation Soil13
Effects of Biochar on Replant Disease by Amendment Soil Environment13
Does Biochar Alleviate Salt Stress Impact on Growth of Salt-Sensitive Crop Common Bean13
Maize Response to Sulfur Fertilizer in Three Iowa Soils12
Effects of Rice Husk Compost on Some Soil Properties, Water Use Efficiency and Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Yield under Greenhouse and Field Conditions12
Pigeon Manure Tea Improves Phosphorus Availability and Wheat Growth through Decreasing P Adsorption in a Calcareous Sandy Soil12
Dynamics of Soil pH after Utilization of By-products of Industrial Rock Processing as a Calcareous Material in Acid Soils12
A handbook guide to better use of nanoparticles in plants12
Effect of Silicon Fertilizer and Straw Return on the Maize Yield and Phosphorus Efficiency in Northeast China11
Forms and distribution pattern of soil Fe (Iron) and Mn (Manganese) oxides due to long-term rice cultivation in fars Province Southern Iran11
Long term effects of fertilizer and manure application on productivity, sustainability and soil properties in a rice-rice system on Inceptisols of Eastern India10
Foliar Applied Zinc and Iron Effects on Yield and Yield Components of Soybean: Determination by PCA Analysis10
Short-Term Impact of Monocultured and Mixed Cover Crops on Soil Properties, Weed Suppression, and Lettuce Yield10
Short-term effect of compost amendment on the fertility of calcareous soil and basil growth10
Can Addition of Biochar and Zeolite to a Contaminated Calcareous Soil Mitigate the Pb-toxicity Effects on Spinach (Spinacia OleraceaL.) Growth?10
Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-Sulfur and Its Impact on Growth, Yield, and Quality of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)10
Integrated Use of Biofertlizers with Organic and Inorganic Phosphorus Sources Improve Dry Matter Partitioning and Yield of Hybrid Maize10
The Effectiveness of Composted Green Waste Amended with Vermiculite and Humic Acid Powders as an Alternative Cultivation Substrate for Cornflower Cultivation10
Effects of Increasing Doses of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium on the Uptake of Other Nutrients in Sweet Cherry Trees9
Impact of Continuous Fertilization on Heavy Metals Content in Soil and Food Grains under 25 Years of Long-Term Fertilizer Experiment9
Seasonal Variation of Soil Microbial Biomass Carbon and Nitrogen as Affected by Land Use in a Mediterranean Agro Ecosystem.9
Effects of Different Biochar Amendments on Soil Enzyme Activities and Carbondioxide Emission9
Long Term Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on Dynamics of Phosphorous in an AcidInceptisolsof Tropical India9
A Proposed New Approach to Identify Limiting Factors in Assessing Land Suitability for Sustainable Land Management9
Lallemantia IbericaandLallemantia Royleana: The Effect of Mycorrhizal Fungal Inoculation on Growth and Mycorrhizal Dependency under Sterile and Non‐sterile Soils9
Response of Soil pH and Nodulation of Three Chickpea Genotypes to Biochar and Rhizobium Inoculation9
Microbial Dynamics and Nutrient Mineralization in Soil Amended with Cacao Pod and Water Hyacinth Composts: Implication for Nitrogen Fixed by Soybean9
Agronomic Biofortification of Wheat Through Proper Fertilizer Management to Alleviate Zinc Malnutrition: A Review9
Residual Soil Fertility, Nutrient Uptake, and Yield of Okra as Affected by Bioorganic Nutrient Sources9
Comparison of Low-Cost Methods for Soil Water Holding Capacity9
Nutrient assimilation and utilization in korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) seedlings exposed to exponential fertilization under contrasting spectra8
Straw Biochar-induced Modification of the Soil Physical Properties Enhances Growth, Yield and Water Productivity of Maize under Deficit Irrigation8
Changes in Soil Zinc Chemical Fractions and Improvements in Wheat Grain Quality in Response to Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria8
Effects of Organic Fertilizer Combined with Chemical Fertilizer on Nutrients, Enzyme Activities, and Rice Yield in Reclaimed Soil8
Alterations in Glutathione, Phytochelatin and Micronutrients of Corn Plants Exposed to Cadmium Stress at Different Time Periods8
Effects of Foliar Application of Selenium and Nano-Selenium on Growth, Flowering, and Antioxidant Activity of Pot Marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) Under Salinity Stress Conditions8
Silicon Can Improve Nutrient Uptake and Performance of Black Cumin Under Drought and Salinity Stresses8
Organic Fertilization Affects Growth and Yield of Potato (Cara. cv) Plants Grown on Sandy Clay Loam8
Assessment of Various Nutrient Management Technologies for Quality, Fertilizer Use Efficiency, and Economics of Ginger Production under Subtropical to Subtemperate Conditions8
A Comprehensive Method for Casein-based Assay of Soil Protease Activity8
Partial Root Zone Drying Irrigation Improves Water Use Efficiency but Compromise the Yield and Quality of Cotton Crop8
Effect of biochar rates on A-mycorrhizal fungi performance and maize plant growth, Phosphorus uptake, and soil P availability under calcareous soil conditions8
Effect of different tomato pomace compost as organic fertilizer in sweet maize crop8
Indigenous Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria and Chemical Fertilizers: Impact on Soil Health and Productivity of Capsicum (Capsicum Annuum L.) in North Western Himalayan Region8
Effects of Nano-Potassium Fertilizer on Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Soybean Under Water Deficit Conditions (Case Study: Moghan Plain, Iran)8
Green Manure and Mineral Fertilizer in Sequential Cropping: Effect on Dry Matter, Yield, Accumulation and Recovery Efficiency of Nutrients8
Phosphorus Availability Enhanced with Combine Application of Organic Amendments and Beneficial Microbes under Soybean-Wheat Cropping System8
Phytoaccumulation of Cadmium in Leafy Vegetables Grown in Contaminated Soil under Varying Rates of Compost and Phosphate Fertilizer Application7
Multivariate and Association Analyses of Quantitative Attributes Reveal Drought Tolerance Potential of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes7
Short-term Response of Chickpea Yield, Total Soil Carbon, and Soil Nitrogen to Different Tillage and Organic Amendment Regimes7
Biofertilizing Effects of Anabaena cylindrica Biomass on the Growth and Nitrogen Uptake of Wheat7
Soil nutrient and nematode community changes in response to hardwood charcoal application7
Impact of Long-term Application of Organic and Inorganic Nutrient Through Inductive cum Targeted Yield Model on Soil Physical Properties under Pearl Millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.)] –Wheat [7
Phosphorus Delivery Potential in Soil Amended with Rock Phosphate Enriched Composts of Variable Crop Residues under Wheat–Green Gram Cropping Sequence7
Comparison Quality of Interpolation Methods to Estimate Spatial Distribution of Soil Moisture Content7
Crop Yield Prediction Using Improved Extreme Learning Machine7
Efficacy of Foliar Feeding of Brassinosteroid to Improve Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality of Strawberry (Fragaria×AnanassaDuch.) Grown under Subtropical Plain7
Nitrogen and Nickel Foliar Application on Grain yield, Yield Components, and Quality of Soybean7
Effects of Biochar Rates on Yield and Nutrient Uptake of Sugar Beet Plants Grown under Drought Stress7
Effect of Calcium Carbonate Content on Potential Pesticide Adsorption and Desorption in Calcareous Soil7
Effects of Potassium Fertilization on Sweet Cherry Fruit (Prunus avium L.) Quality and Mineral Content7
Influence of Organic Fertilizers and Brassinosteroids on Accumulation and Uptake of as and Cd by Rice Seedlings (Oryza Sativa L.) Grown in Soil7
Comparative Efficiency of Polymer-coated Urea for Lowland Rice in Semi-Arid Tropics7
Addition of Crop Residues with Different C:N Ratios on the Release Pattern of Available Nitrogen and Sulfur in Different Soils7
Assessment of Carbon Pools and Stability of Soil Aggregates in Inceptisols of Indo-Gangetic Plains as Influenced by Seven-Year Continuous Tillage Practices Under Maize-Based Cropping System7
Analytical Methods for Iron and Zinc Quantification in Plant Samples7
Application of Slag Based Gypsum in Rice Crop and Its Effect on Growth, Yield and Nutrient Availability in Acidic, Neutral and Alkaline Soils7
Frequency of Irrigation and Boron on Growth, Yield, Water Use Efficiency and Economics of Summer Green Gram in Humid Sub-Tropical Climate7
Soil Physical Properties, Carbon dioxide Emissions and Their Relationships under Different Management Systems in Semi-arid Region of Eastern Tunisia7
Water Management and Varietal Selection Approach in Mitigation of Arsenic in Inceptisols of West Bengal, India7
Physicochemical and Nutrient Release Characteristics of a Thermochemical Organic Fertilizer Produced from Degradable Solid Waste and Its Effect on Productivity of Banana7
Effect of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Soil Amendments on Wheat Yield, Physiological Attributes and Soil Properties Grown in the Saline – Sodic Soil7
Soaking of Seedlings Roots in Humic Acid as an Effective Practice to Improve Eucalyptus Nutrition and Growth7
Maize Grain Quality as Influenced by 46 Years’ Continuous Application of Fertilizers, Farmyard Manure (FYM), and Lime in an Alfisol of North-western Himalayas7
Effect of boron fertilization on soil chemical properties, nutrients status in the soil and yield of crops under cauliflower-cowpea okra sequence in North East India6
Continuous Cropping and Fertilization on Vertical Distribution of Major Nutrients, SOC Dynamics Through FT-IR Spectroscopy and Developing Soil Quality Indices Under Sandy Clay Loam Soil6
Impact of Low Molecular Weight Organic Acids on Soil Phosphorus Release and Availability to Wheat6
Isolation and Characterization of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria and Effect of Growth and Nutrient Uptake of Maize Under Pot and Field Conditions6
The Effect of Different Fertilizer Sources on Soil Nutritional Status and Physiological and Biochemical Parameters of Cone Flower (Echinacea purpureaL.)6
Effect of Magnesium Silicate Nanocomposites Coating of Phosphate Fertilizer on the Availability and Plant Uptake of Phosphorus6
Influence of Tillage and Organic Amendments on Terrace Soil Bio-physico-Chemical Properties and Carbon Sequestration Index6
Integrated Nutrient Management in Maize-Cowpea Intercropping System Is an Attractive Option to Improve the Fodder Productivity and Quality6
Compost and Non-Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixers to Reduce Inorganic-N Rates for Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffaL.)6
Methods and Approaches - Soil Quality Indexing, Minimum Data Set Selection & Interpretation - A Critical Review6
Ionomic Analysis of Spring Wheat Grain Produced in Kazakhstan and Russia6
Estimating Quantity of Date Yield Using Soil Properties by Regression and Artificial Neural Network6
Enhancing Calcareous and Saline-Sodic Soils Fertility by Increasing Organic Matter Decomposition and Enzyme Activities: An Incubation Study6
Accumulation of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium in Various Stages of Hybrid Maize (Zea maysL.) as Affected by Different Levels of NPK in Silty Clay Loam Soil of Nepal6
Sulfur Fractions, Distribution and Sorption Characteristics in Some Soils of Ogun State, Southwestern Nigeria6
Effects of Seed Microbial Inoculant on Growth, Yield, and Nutrition of Durum Wheat (Triticum Durum L.)6
Soil Sampling Strategies for the Characterization of Spatial Variability Under Two Distinct Land Uses6
Long-Term Organic Amendment Application Improves Soil Fertility Status, Nutrient Accumulation and Crop Productivity Under Rice-Wheat Cropping System6
Vertical distribution of different pools of soil organic carbon under long-term fertilizer experiment on rice-wheat sequence in mollisols of North India6
Irrigation Systems, Fertigation and Mulch: Effects on the Physical, Chemical and Biological Attributes of the Soil with Banana Crop in Northeastern Brazil6
Straw Mulching Improves Soil Fertility and Productivity of Water Spinach (Ipomoea AquaticaForsk.) Under Plastic Tunnel6
Root Dipping, Foliar and Soil Application of Zinc Increase Growth, Yields, and Grain Zinc in Rice (Oryza sativaL.) Grown in Moderate Zinc Soil of Inceptisol Order6
Effect of Date Biochar Pyrolyzed at Different Temperature on Physiochemical Properties of Sandy Soil and Wheat Crop Response6
Effect of different biochar application rates on soil organic carbon in the semi-arid Loess Plateau, China6
A Simple, Affordable, Do-It-Yourself Method for Measuring Soil Maximum Water Holding Capacity6
Synergistic Fertilizers Improved Chemical Properties of Soil in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Field6
Fertilizer-N Application and Rice Straw Incorporation Impacts on Crop Yields, Potassium Use Efficiency and Potassium Fractions in a Rice–wheat Cropping System6
Hydrus-1D for Simulating Potassium Transport in Flooded Paddy Soils6
Effects of Different Rates of Sugarcane Biochar on Amelioration of Adverse Salinity Effects in Calcareous Clay Soil6
Organic Manure Management Increases Soil Microbial Community Structure and Diversity in the Double-cropping Rice Paddy Field of Southern China6
Growth, Seed Yield and Quality of Soybean as Affected by Integrated Fertilizer Managements and Zeolite Application5
Modeling of Soil Sand Particles Using Spectroscopy Technology5
Acidity and Aluminum Speciation in Biochar Amended Tropical Soils5
Assessing the impact of water treatment residuals and rice straw compost on soil physical properties and wheat yield in saline sodic Soil5
Effect of Foliar Molybdenum Application on Seed Quality of Soybean Cultivars5
Impact of Cover Crop on Nutrient Losses in an Upland Soil5
Soil Organic Carbon Pools and Indices in Surface Soil: Comparing a Cropland, Pasture, and Forest Soil in the Central Appalachian Region, West Virginia, U.S.A5
Impact of Different Doses of Phosphorus Fertilizer Application on Wheat Yield, Soil-Plant Nutrient Uptake and Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics5
Maize (Zea mays L.) Production from Co-application of Biogas Slurry with Chemical Fertilizer and Effects on Soil Quality in a Semi-arid Region of South Africa5
Effects of Various Fertilizers and Different Nitrogen Doses on Pumpkin Seed and Plant Water Consumption5
Effect of Soil Compaction and Application of Lime and Gypsum on Soil Properties and Yield of Soybean5
Developing Soil Quality Indices for different crop rotations of Deltaic Inceptisol regions of India5
Evaluating effect of cover crops on runoff, soil loss and soil nutrients in an Indian arid region5
Response to Application and Tissue Diagnosis of Boron Deficiency and Toxicity in Maize5
Nano-Black Carbon Improve Phosphorus Uptake, and Sustain Soil and Plant Health Under Biodynamic Agriculture5
Citrus Residue Enhances the Effectiveness of Beef Cattle Manure Improving the Phosphorus Availability in Acidic Andisol5
Appraisal of Spatial Distribution of Degraded Lands Using Geo-spatial Techniques5
Eight-year Continuous Tillage Practice Impacts Soil Properties and Forms of Potassium under Maize-based Cropping Systems inInceptisolsof Eastern India5
Limitation Due to Nutritional Deficiency and Excess in Sugarcane Using the Integral Diagnosis and Recommendation System (DRIS) and Nutritional Composition Diagnosis (CND)5
Characterization of Spatial Variability of Micro Nutrients in Soils: Classical Vs. Geo-Statistical Approach5
Review: Performance of Biochar under Diminish Water Stress in Plants5
The Effect of Periodic Irrigation and Different Amounts of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield and Yield Components of Rice5
Spinach (Spinaciaoleracea) Nutritional Responses to Selenium Application5
Nitrogen Fertilizers and Volatilization of Ammonia, Carbonic Gas Emissions and Urease Activity5
Long Term Effect of Organic, Inorganic and Integrated Nutrient Management on Phosphorous Dynamics under Different Cropping Systems of Typic Ustochrept Soil of India5
Effects of Fertilization on Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Wheat and Rice with Straw Return5
Split Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer for Optimum Yield of Durum Wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. Durum) at Central Ethiopia5
Modification in the Composting Environment through Additives5
Determination of Critical Concentrations of Boron in Soils and Plants of Cauliflower (Brassica oleraceavar. botrytis L.) Using a Polynomial Equation5
Simple and Multivariate Linear Regression Models for pH Conversion Between Measurement Techniques5
A phosphocompost amendment enriched with PGPR consortium enhancing plants growth in deficient soil5
Study on Prediction Model of Soil Nutrient Content Based on Optimized BP Neural Network Model5
Long-term Fertilization with Liquid Cattle Manure Leaves Legacy Nutrients, but not Organic Carbon and Has No Effect on Soil Microbial and Physical Properties a Year after Last Application5
The Comparison of DSSAT-CERES and AquaCrop Models for Wheat Under Water–Nitrogen Interactions5
Physiological and Morphological Characteristics of Drought-Stressed Chenopodium quinoa Willd, as Affected by Proline and Ascorbic Acid5
Effects of salinity, growth condition, and soil type on shoot dry matter of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) – a meta-analysis5
UV-visible Spectroscopy as a New Tool to Predict the Bioactivity of Humic Fragments Induced by Citric/ Oxalic Acids on Eucalyptus Nutrition and Growth4
Association of Root and Leaf Silicon Application Decreases the C/Si Ratio, Increasing Carbon Gain and Dry Mass Production in Peanut Plants4
Zincated Nanoclay Polymer Composite (ZNCPC): Effect on DTPA-Zn, Olsen-P and Soil Enzymatic Activities in Rice Rhizosphere4
Barley Growth and Metals Accumulation in Salt-affected Mudflat Amended by Sewage Sludge4
Impact of Silicon on Chemical Properties of Drainage Water from Lettuce Following Determination of Proper Cultivar and Light Spectrum4
Long-Term Effect of Various Organic and Inorganic Nutrient Sources on Rice Yield and Soil Quality in West Coast India Using Suitable Indexing Techniques4
Effects of Some Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) on Growth and Nutrition of Apple Cv. “Braeburn” under High Lime Soil Condition4
Root System of Jatropha curcas Provides Resistance and Strength to the Soil4
Seasonal Progression in Nutrition Density of Mandarin Cultivars and Their Relationship with Dry Matter Accumulation during Fruit Development Period4
Using Portable X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Inexpensive and Quick Determination of Micronutrients in Barley Shoots4
Response of Olive Trees to Different Boron Application in Izmir and Mugla Province of Turkey4
Cowpea Root Growth under Water Availability and Co-inoculation with Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria4
Effects of Liquid Urea Application Frequency on the Growth and Grain Yield of Corn (Zea mays L.)4
Copper-Crop Relationships in Maize Cropping System as Influenced by Coal Application and Magnetization of Cu-Contaminated Irrigation Water4
Soybean Seed Analysis as a Nutritional Diagnostic Tool4
Studies on Growth and Yield Response of Jatropha curcas Plant on Fly Ash Amended Soil4
Crop Residue and Potassium Management on Crop and Soil Properties of Maize and Wheat in No-tillage Systems4
Effect of Nano Carbon and Nano Calcium Carbonate Application on Soil Nutrient Dynamics in Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)4
The Microwave Induced Plasma with Atomic Emission Spectrometry (MP–AES) as a Tool for Determination of Plant Available Nutrients in Ammonium lactate Extraction Solution4
Classification and Total Carbon Determination of the Soils Using RGB Digital Images Combined with Machine Learning4
Response of Late Valencia Sweet Orange (Citrus Sinensis (L.) Osbeck) to Fertilization on Acrisols of the Semi-Deciduous Forest Agro-Ecological Zone of Ghana4
Carbon Dioxide Flux of Conventional and Slow or Controlled Release Nitrogen Fertilizers in Coffee Crop4
Silicon Status in Soils and Their Benefits in Crop Production4
Potassium Available to Corn Plants Extracted by Ammonium Acetate, Ammonium Chloride, Mehlich-1 and Mehlich-3 Solutions in Southern Brazilian Soils4
The Efficiency of Stabilized Fertilizers in Reducing Ammonia Loss Is Influenced by Liming Method4
Interactions between Water Evaporation and Surface Cracking in NaCl-Induced Homogeneous Silt Loam and Sand4
Subsoiling Affecting Soil Quality Parameters and Sugarcane Yield in Multiratooning System in Subtropical India4
A Simple Gravimetric Methodology to Determine Soil Particle Density4
Using Soil P Tests and P-Sorption Index to Predict P Requirement for Cassava Grown in Tropical Upland Sandy Soils4
Response of Long-Term Application of Fertilizers and Manure on P Pools in Inceptisols4
Effects of Biostimulants and Fertilization on Nutrient Uptake by Grass and Composition of Soil Pore Water Versus 0.01 M CaCl2 Soil Extracts4
Tuber Yield and Physiological Characteristics of Potato Under Irrigation and Fertilizer Application4
Site-Specific Fertilizer Nitrogen Management in Less and High N Responsive Basmati Rice Varieties Using Newly Developed PAU-Leaf Colour Chart4
Distribution of Organic Carbon Fractions in Soil Aggregates and Their Contribution to Soil Aggregate Formation of Paddy Soils4
Prediction of Saffron Yield Based on Soil Properties Using Artificial Neural Networks as a Way to Identify Susceptible Lands of Saffron4
Nutritional Status Assessment of Pistachio Orchards in Qazvin Plain, Iran4
Mineralization of Nitrogen Forms in Soil Cultivated with Yellow Melon under Organic and Mineral Fertilization4
Translocation of Nitrate in Rice Rhizosphere and Total Nitrogen Uptake Improvement under Interactive Effect of Water and Nitrogen Supply4
Characterization of the Microstructural Properties of Saline-Alkali Soils in the Yellow River Delta, China4
Rotation of Triticale and Sweet Sorghum Improves Saline-Alkali Soil and Increases Productivity in a Saline Soil4
Integrated Nutrient Management Fostered Economic Yield and Bioactive Principle of Medicinal Herb (Cassia angustifolia Vahl.) in Saline Soil of Semi-Arid Region of Western India4
The Effect of Tillage, Organic Matter and Mycorrhizal Fungi on Efficiency and Productivity Use of Nutrients in Maize4
Evaluation of forage potential of tropical grasses under different potassium application times4
Nutrient Uptake by Soybean Plants in Succession of Cover Crops in Northeast of Brazil4
Phosphorous Use Efficiency and Its Requirement for Aloe Vera Cultivated on Silty Loam Soils4
Assessment of the Potassium Supplying Capacity of Coastal Entisols and Inceptisols under Intensive Cropping and Fertilization4
Effect of Three Microbial Fertilizer Carriers on Water Infiltration and Evaporation, Microbial Community and Alfalfa Growth in Saline-alkaline Soil4
Influence of Biochar Application on Morpho-Physiological Attributes of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) and Soil Properties4
Changes of Soil Water–Stable Aggregates after Rice–Crawfish Rotation in Low-lying Paddy Fields: A Case Study in Jianghan Plain of China4
Effect of Different Planting Techniques and Puddling Methods on Soil Properties, Growth, Yield, and Grain Quality Characteristics of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)4
Digital Mapping of Soil Fertility for Some Agricultural Lands by Using Fuzzy-AHP (FAHP) Techniques and GIS in Highly Calcareous Soil, Southwest Iran4
Mineral and Fermentative Profile of Forage Sorghum Irrigated with Brackish Water4
Impact of NPK Enriched Bio-Compost on Rice Yield and Sustainability of Nutrients in Sandy Loam Soils of India4
Assessment of Zinc, Boron, and Iron Foliar Application on Wheat Yield and Yield Components Under Drought Stress4
Agronomic Performance and Nutrient Content of Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) in Different Semi-Arid Locations4
Spatiotemporal Investigation of Soil Salinity Using Geospatial Techniques: A Case Study of Tehsil Toba Tek Singh4
Crop Residue Burning: Is It a Boon or a Bane?4
Boron- A Critical Element for Fruit Nutrition4
RZWQM Simulation of Soil Moisture and Maize Yield in Newly Cultivated Land with Different Soil Bulk Density4
Spatial Fertilizer Recommendation Mapping Based on Soil Test Crop Response Equations for Important Crops Using GIS and GPS.4