Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis

(The median citation count of Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Application of Solid Waste From Industry in Pasture, as a Destination Alternative60
Strategies for Improving Cowpea Grain Yield in the Eastern Amazon: Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Phosphorus Nutrition, and Molybdenum Seed Enrichment43
Effects of Straw Biochar on Heavy Metal Cu in Soil Under Different Conditions33
Augmentation of Plant Growth Attributes, Soil Physico-Chemical Properties and Microbial Population in Custard Apple cv. Balanagar in Response to Azospirillum brasilense and Vermicompost Applica30
The Effectiveness of Composted Green Waste Amended with Vermiculite and Humic Acid Powders as an Alternative Cultivation Substrate for Cornflower Cultivation28
Soil Phosphorus in an Integrated Crop-livestock System under Anticipated Phosphates Fertilization24
Growth Analysis in Sugarcane Ratoon Crop as Influenced by Potassium Nutrition in Subtropical India24
Timing and Splitting of Nitrogen Application to Increase Tef (Eragrostic Tef (Zucc.) Trotter) Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency at Central Highlands of Ethiopia24
Effect of Microbial Enriched Arecahusk Compost on Growth and Yield Attributes of Maize inTypic Rhodustalfof Southern Transitional Zone of Karnataka23
Synergistic Fertilizers Improved Chemical Properties of Soil in Wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) Field23
Does Biochar Alleviate Salt Stress Impact on Growth of Salt-Sensitive Crop Common Bean21
Does Turbulent-flow Conditioning of Irrigation Water Influence Soil Chemical Processes: II. Long-term Soil and Crop Study20
Slow Release of Urea Through Highly Porous Biodegradable Materials Derived from Natural Polysaccharides19
Climatic Analysis, Soil Site Suitability Evaluation and Soil Organic Carbon Stock Studies on Major Grape-Growing Soils in the Southern Karnataka, India19
GIS Based Spatial Prediction of Major Nutrient Status of Soils at Farm Scale for Site Specific Crop Management18
Biofertilizing Effects of Anabaena cylindrica Biomass on the Growth and Nitrogen Uptake of Wheat18
Influence of different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi isolates in enhancing growth, phosphorus uptake and grain yield of soybean in a phosphorus deficient soil under field conditions18
Effect of Different Levels of Surface Application of Sorghum Residue under Minimum Tillage on Crop Yields and Sustainable Yield Index of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) and Cowpea (Vig18
Role of Thermal Exposure in Extraction of Plant Available Silicon from Neutral, Acidic and Alkaline Soils17
Cowpea and Mungbean Response to Co-Inoculation of Bradyrhizobium and Azospirillum and Molybdenum Application in Sandy Soil17
Studies on Growth and Yield Response of Jatropha curcas Plant on Fly Ash Amended Soil15
Regenerating Potential of Dual Purpose Rapeseed (Brassica Napus L.) as Influenced by Decapitation Stress and Variable Rates of Phosphorous15
Long Term Effect of Different Levels of Surface Crop Residue Application on Hydrolyzable and Non-Hydrolyzable Nitrogen Fractions in Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor (L.) Moench) – Cowpea (Vigna Ungu15
Determination of Cation Exchange Capacity of Calcareous Soils: Comparison of Summation Method and Direct Replacement Method14
Effect of Irrigation with Industrial Wastewater and Gypsum Amendments on Heavy Metal in Soil and Black Cumin (Nigella sativa L.) Seed14
Copper-Crop Relationships in Maize Cropping System as Influenced by Coal Application and Magnetization of Cu-Contaminated Irrigation Water14
Influence of Integrated Nutrient Management on Fractions of Zinc and Its Uptake by Indian Spinach (Beta vulgaris L.)14
Adequate Fertilization, Application Method and Sowing Techniques Improve Maize Yield and Related Traits13
Effect of Mixing Ratios of Rice Husk Ash and Coco Coir on the Improvement of Green Waste Compost as a Substrate for Cucurbitaceae Seedlings13
Direct Titration Method for Lime Requirement Estimates of Ultisols in Southeastern Vietnam13
Evaluation of Sorghum Emergence and Grain Yield Response to Seeding Density and Plant Spacing Attained Using the OSU Hand Planter13
The Effects of Mycorrhiza and Seaweed Applications on Seedling Growth Parameters: Tomato and Pepper13
Tuber Yield and Physiological Characteristics of Potato Under Irrigation and Fertilizer Application13
Nutrient uptake and Accumulation Patterns in Banana cv. Rasthali (AAB) with respect to Dry Matter Production at Critical Growth Stages12
Electrochemical Properties of Latosols with Different Mineralogies12
Effects of Seed Microbial Inoculant on Growth, Yield, and Nutrition of Durum Wheat (Triticum Durum L.)12
Developmental Fruit Quality Based Clustered Normalized Maturity Index Can Ensure Proper Harvesting Time of Ber12
Determination of Critical Concentrations of Boron in Soils and Plants of Cauliflower (Brassica oleraceavar. botrytis L.) Using a Polynomial Equation10
Effects of Vermicompost and Salinity on Proctor Optimum Water Content, Maximum Dry Bulk Density and Consistency of a Sandy Clay Loam Soil10
Effects of Applying Sewage Sludge Treated with Amendments on Soil Chemical Properties10
Advances in Agricultural Technology: A Review of Slow-Release Nanofertilizers and Innovative Carriers10
Synergistic Influence of Sulphur and Boron Fertilization on Enhancing the Productivity of Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) and Nutrient Status in Subtropical Acidic Soil of Assam, India10
Long Term Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on Dynamics of Phosphorous in an AcidInceptisolsof Tropical India10
Total and Extractable Micronutrients in Tropical Acid Soils of Lampung, Indonesia9
Impact of Organic Vegetable System on Soil Organic Matter Pools and CO 2 Emission in the Tropical Region9
Influence of Nitrogen Fertilization on Quality Parameters and Heat Use Efficiency of Basmati Rice9
The Importance of Soil Microorganisms in Regulating Soil Health9
A New Methodological Approach to Study the Interaction of Humic Acids, Minerals and Polyvalent Cations in Soil9
Effect of Low Molecular Weight Organic Acids and Liming on Phosphorus Adsorption in Acidic Tea Soils in the Black Sea Region, Türkiye9
Assessing Micronutrients in Soil with a New Chemical Extractant Using Isotopic Dilution Techniques: Linkages to Labile Fractions in Soil9
Changes on Phosphorus Functional Fractions of Two Louisiana Alluvial Soils Grown with Corn at Different Phosphorus Rates8
Crop Residue Burning: Is It a Boon or a Bane?8
Distribution and Fractionation of Zinc and Copper in Poultry Litters Across North Carolina8
Effect of Calcium Carbide Residue on Shrinkage Mechanism of Clayey Subgrade Soil8
Biochar Addition Decreases the Mobility, Bioavailability, and Phytotoxicity of Potentially Toxic Elements in an Agricultural Contaminated Soil8
Phosphorus and Potassium Ion Dynamics in a Vertisol Soil and in Cotton Plants (Gossypium hirsutum L) During a Waterlogging Event8
Prediction of Saffron Yield Based on Soil Properties Using Artificial Neural Networks as a Way to Identify Susceptible Lands of Saffron8
Selective Enrichment Method for Isolation of Efficient Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria from Soil8
Potential of Legumes Species Submitted to Phosphate Fertilization Levels: Morphological, Productive and Chemical Characteristics8
Effect of Salinity on the Hydro-Structural Properties of a Sandy Soil Amended by the Conditioner Stockosorb8
Potassium Balance under Soybean–wheat Cropping System in a 44 Year Old Long Term Fertilizer Experiment on a Vertisol8
Enlarging of Grape Hyacinth Bulb at Different Nutrient Solution Ratios in Soilless Culture8
Production of BRS Ponta Negra Sorghum Irrigated with Different Depths of Brackish Water Combined with Organic Fertilization8
Effect of Compost Application at Transplant Stage and before Planting to the Field on Plant Growth and Fruit Yield in Bell Pepper (Capsicum annum L.)7
Effect of Nano Carbon and Nano Calcium Carbonate Application on Soil Nutrient Dynamics in Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivumL.)7
Effect of Synthetic Nano-Calcium Borate as an Alternative Boron Fertilizer on the Growth and Boron Utilization of Sunflower Plant7
Moisture and Salinity Distribution around the Root of Drip-tape-irrigated Maize Cultivated in Heavy Soil of Khuzestan Province of Iran7
Effect of Residue Incorporation on Wheat Grain and Plant Nutrients during a Four-Year Rotation of Canola-Wheat and Bean-Wheat Crops7
Response of wheat to micronutrients foliar application, compost, and N fertilizer level‎7
Superabsorbent Polyacrylamide Effects on Hydrophysical Soil Properties and Plant Biomass in a Sandy Loam soil7
Mineralization of Nitrogen Forms in Soil Cultivated with Yellow Melon under Organic and Mineral Fertilization7
Foliar Spraying of Nano-Silicate and Nano-Zinc on Wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) Under Salt Stress Conditions Enhances Productivity and Reduces the Optimal Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate7
Effect of Soil Zinc Deficiency on Morphological Traits, Yield, and Yield Components and Activity of Zinc-Containing Enzymes in Zn-Efficient and -Inefficient Bread Wheat Cultivars7
Limitation Due to Nutritional Deficiency and Excess in Sugarcane Using the Integral Diagnosis and Recommendation System (DRIS) and Nutritional Composition Diagnosis (CND)7
Phosphorus Mineralization in Two Lithologically Dissimilar Tropical Soils as Influenced by Animal Manure Type and Amendment-To-Sampling Time Interval7
Impact of Lateral Depth and Irrigation Frequency on Inorganic Nitrogen Distribution, Yield, and Quality of Asparagus Lettuce Utilizing Sewage Effluent under Drip Irrigation7
Effects of Nitrogen Source and Rate on Soybean Yield and Quality7
Carbon Sources Application Increase Wheat Yield and Soil Fertility7
Phosphate Solubilizing Microorganisms: A Review7
Sugarcane Straw Contribution to Mitigating the Impacts of Cultivation on the Physical Quality of Oxisol7
Water Availability Influences Soil Liming for the Tropical Grasses Implantation7
Litter from Native Shrubs in the Senegal River Valley Induces Modifications in Nematode Communities and Enzyme Activities in Cultivated Sandy Soils7
Water Management and Varietal Selection Approach in Mitigation of Arsenic in Inceptisols of West Bengal, India7
Rhizosphere Engineering of Rice with Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) Elicits Crop Growth and Soil Microcosm in Blue-R Dye Contaminated Soil7
Different Approaches to Aggregate Stability Estimation in the Semi-Arid Climate Conditions7
Fertilizer-N Application and Rice Straw Incorporation Impacts on Crop Yields, Potassium Use Efficiency and Potassium Fractions in a Rice–wheat Cropping System7
A Comparative Study of Soil and Foliar Nickel Application on Growth, Yield and Nutritional Quality of Barley (Hordeum VulgareL.) Grown in Inceptisol7
Soil nutrient and nematode community changes in response to hardwood charcoal application6
Quantifying the fertility status and relationship between soil properties under major tea estates of North-western Himalaya6
Assessing Suitability of Different Extractants for Estimating Plant Available Boron in Lateritic Soils (Alfisols)6
Azospirillum brasilense : Inoculation and Nitrogen Management on the Development and Yield of Barley6
Long-Term Fertilization Contributes to Carbon Saturation in Neutral-To-Alkaline Soils but not in Acidic Soils6
Bio-stimulant In Improving Crop Yield And Soil Health6
Effects of Increasing Doses of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium on the Uptake of Other Nutrients in Sweet Cherry Trees6
Nutritional, Yield, and Quality Responses of Apple, Pear, and Cherry to Calcium Nitrate Application6
Effects of Potassium Fertilization on Sweet Cherry Fruit (Prunus avium L.) Quality and Mineral Content6
Simulation Study on the Effect of Iron Nanoparticles on Rhizospheric and Rhizoplane Microbes of Paddy ( Oryza sativa ) Plant6
Effects of Biochar, Poultry Manure and Their Mixture on Essential Nutrients of Sweet Potato Leaves and Storage Roots in Degraded Tropical Alfisols of Southwest Nigeria6
Integrated Foliar Nutrients Application Improve Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Productivity under Calcareous Soils in Drylands6
Potential Waste Application of Several Industries Segments in Brazilian Agriculture: Effects on Physical and Chemical Soil Properties6
Agronomic Performance and Nutrient Content of Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) in Different Semi-Arid Locations6
Amelioration of Salt Affected Soil with Potassium Fertilization: A Review6
Soil Chemistry following Single-Entry, Dormant Season Prescribed Fires in the Ridge and Valley Province of Virginia, USA6
Soil Organic Carbon Pools and Indices in Surface Soil: Comparing a Cropland, Pasture, and Forest Soil in the Central Appalachian Region, West Virginia, U.S.A6
Organic Amendments Combined with Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (Azospirillum Brasilense) as an Eco-Friendly By-Product to Remediate and Enhance the Fertility of Saline Sodic-Soils in Egy6
Carbon Sequestration in Mango Orchards in Seasonally Dry Tropical Savanna Climate under Different Management6
Phosphorus and Boron Application Optimizing Biofortification of P and Productivity of French Bean (Phaseolus vulgarisL.)6
A Simple, Affordable, Do-It-Yourself Method for Measuring Soil Maximum Water Holding Capacity6
Effects of Different Nitrogen and Phosphorus Doses on the Growth, Yield and Yield Components of Black Cumin ( Nigella sativa L.)6
Effects of electromagnetic irrigation water treatment on soil properties and arbequina olive trees in Tunisia (Sminja, Zaghouan)6
Evaluation of the Seed Quality and Fatty Acids Composition of Groundnut ( Arachis Hypogaea L.) in Response to the Conventional and Nano Forms of Zn and Ca Based Fertiliz6
Predicting Soil Quality Index with a Deep Regression Approach5
Comparison of the Machigin and CAL Methods for Extraction of Plant Available P in Soils5
Effect of Calcium Carbonate Content on Potential Pesticide Adsorption and Desorption in Calcareous Soil5
The Effect of Different Fertilizer Sources on Soil Nutritional Status and Physiological and Biochemical Parameters of Cone Flower (Echinacea purpureaL.)5
Application of Poultry Manure Improves the Soil Sorption Capacity and Nutrient Regime of Vineyard Soils5
Prediction of Soil Temperature in Wheat Field Using Machine Learning Models5
Screening of Bread and Durum Wheat Varieties on Yield and Nutritional Quality for Their Tolerance to Zinc Stress5
Impacts of Various Calcium Concentrations on the Biochemical Characteristics of Corn ( Zea mays L.) Seedlings in Drought Conditions5
Phasing of Zn Application on Yield, Sustainability Index and Soil Zn Fractions Under a Rice-Rice Cropping System Grown in an Inceptisols5
Application of Humic Substrate Solution in Soil Enabled Reduction in Urea Input During Tea Cultivation in India5
The Effect of Some Soil Conditioners on Yield and Water Use Efficiency in Soybean ( Glycine max L.) Grown Under Water Stress Conditions5
Land Use and Management Influenced Changes in Soil Quality Parameters in Coastal Light Soils of India5
Comparison of Low-Cost Methods for Soil Water Holding Capacity5
Response of Olive Trees to Different Boron Application in Izmir and Mugla Province of Turkey5
The Optimization and Comparison of Calcimetry and Back Titration Methods for Determination of Calcium Carbonate Equivalent in Calcareous Soils5
Effects of Cadmium Toxicity on Chemical Contents and Leaf Yield of Three Sun-Cured Tobacco Varieties5
AquaCrop Model Validation for Simulation Wheat Productivity under Water Stress Condition5
Comparative Assessment of Inorganic Fertilizer and Farm Yard Manure Application on Yield, Sustainable Yield Index and Soil Physico-Chemical Properties in Cauliflower-Capsicum Cropping Sequence in Nort5
Impact of Cover Crop on Nutrient Losses in an Upland Soil5
Effects of Different Mulching Materials on Soil Salinity of a Semi-Arid Drip-Irrigated Nectarine Orchard5
Soil Sampling Strategies for the Characterization of Spatial Variability Under Two Distinct Land Uses5
Influence of Partial Substitution of Chemical Fertilizer Through Organic Manure on Cotton Yield and Soil Fertility in Yangtze River Regions of China5
Carbon and Phosphorus in Volcanic Soils of Mt. Kerinci (Sumatra) After Long Term Tea and Paddy Cultivation5
Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Land Use Efficiency in Finger millet and Common Bean Cropping Systems5
A phosphocompost amendment enriched with PGPR consortium enhancing plants growth in deficient soil5
Impact of NPK Enriched Bio-Compost on Rice Yield and Sustainability of Nutrients in Sandy Loam Soils of India5
Modified Slow-Release Urea Fertilizers on Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Wheat Crop (Triticum aestivum L) for Safe and Sustainable Agricultural System5
Plant Recommendation System Using Smart Irrigation Integrated with IoT and Machine/Deep Learning5
Exploring the Impact of Phosphorus Application on Boron Toxicity Tolerance in Maize and Sunflower Under Aerobic Conditions, and Rice Under Anaerobic Conditions5
Eight-year Continuous Tillage Practice Impacts Soil Properties and Forms of Potassium under Maize-based Cropping Systems inInceptisolsof Eastern India5
Impact of Cover Crops and Nitrogen on Cotton Fiber Cellulose and Quality Traits5
Plant Morphological Structures as Influenced by Soil Hydraulic Properties: A Review4
Strategies for Sustainable Crop Production and Arid Land Management4
Response of Hybrid Castor Under Different Fertility Gradient: Correlation Between Castor Yield and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Under Inductive Cum Targeted Yield Model on an Alfisol4
Sesame Stalk Compost in Soil Revitalization and Long-term Sustainable Crop Productivity in Organic Sesame ( Sesamum indicum L.)4
Simple and Multivariate Linear Regression Models for pH Conversion Between Measurement Techniques4
A Method for Silicon Analysis in Citrus and Horticulture Leaf Tissue4
Effect of Different Planting Techniques and Puddling Methods on Soil Properties, Growth, Yield, and Grain Quality Characteristics of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)4
Evaluation of Using Biochar and Compost on Soil and Olive Tree Water Status4
Determination of Soil Properties Affecting Soil Aggregate Tensile Strength in a Semiarid Region of Iran Using a Hybrid Algorithm4
Effect of Irrigation, Nitrogen Sources, and Metribuzin on Performance of Maize and Its Weeds4
Soil Nutrient Changes in Black Soil of Northeastern China Under Long-Term Cultivation with Different Fertilizer Applications and Tillage Patterns: A Meta-Analysis4
Carbon Mineralization Kinetics and Soil Fertility Induced by Organic and Bio-Fertilization Through Different Incubation Periods4
Productivity and Nutrition of Conilon Coffee ( Coffea canephora ) in Response to Slow-Realease Fertilizers4
Predicting Soil Organic Carbon from Loss-On-Ignition Across Four Regions of Nebraska4
Efficiency of Sulfur-Bentonite Granules to Improve Uptake of Nutrient Elements by the Crop Plant Cultivated in Calcareous Soil4
Soil Physical Properties, Carbon dioxide Emissions and Their Relationships under Different Management Systems in Semi-arid Region of Eastern Tunisia4
Cover Crop Complements Flue Gas Desulfurized Gypsum to Improve No-till Soil Quality4
Surface Charge Governs the Adsorption Behaviour of Glyphosate in the Australian Oxisol Soil System4
Organic Matter, Agricultural Use, and Dispersion of Ferralsols for Grain Size Analysis4
Enhancing Soil Health and Crop Productivity in Andisol Through Wheat- Fabaceae Intercropping4
Potential organic amendments for improving productivity and associated biological properties of low carbon soil4
Mitigation of CO 2 Emissions in Agro-Ecosystems by Composting of Tree Leaf Litter with Effective Microorganisms and Green Sunnhemp Plants4
Profile Storage and Deep Leaching of Soluble Nitrogen in a Savanna Soil under Continuous Cultivation and Fertilization for over Fifty Years in Nigeria4
Complementary Utilization of Nutrients between Phragmites Australis and Phalaris Arundinacea Based on Accumulative Dynamics of Soil Nutrient during Litter Decomposition4
Urea and Trichoderma harzianum Loaded Clay-Polymer Composite in Conjunction with Farmyard Manure Sustains Soil Moisture and Nitrogen Availability to Manage <4
Anthropogenic Soil Experiment in Brazil Amazon: Changes in Soil Physical Properties by Organic Residues4
Do Alterations in Soil Physical Attributes Resulting from Chiseling Persist after Sugarcane Planting?4
Elemental Oxides and Weathering Extent of Wetland Soils Under Different Geological Formations of Ogun State, Nigeria4
Effects of Leonardite on Soil Properties and the Nutrients Concentrations of Tomato Plants4
Soil Sampling Spacing Based on Precision Agriculture Variable Rate Fertilization of Pomegranate Orchard4
Review on Effects of Drought Stress on Maize Growth, Yield and Its Management Strategies4
Dynamics of Soil Carbon Average Content at Different Depths: Insights from a Global Approach to Climate Change Mitigation4
Continuous Application of Compost and Green Manure Improves the Plant Growth and Productivity of Coffee Trees4
The Effect of Organic Waste Applications on Soil Aggregation and Soil Organic Carbon Fractions4
The Ameliorating Effect of Alkaline Industrial Byproducts in the Presence of Exogenous Low-Molecular-Weight Organic Acids on an Acidic Brown Soil from Jiaodong Peninsula of China4
Are Chemical Properties of the Soil Influenced by Cover Crops in the Cerrado/Caatinga Ecotone?4
Modified Ion Exchange Resin Method for Extraction of Micronutrient Cations from Soils4
Use of Liquid Scintillation Counting to Study the Fate of C14 Labeled Glyphosate in Entisol Soil System4
Dissipation of AM Nitrification Inhibitor in Soil Supplemented with Organic Amendments4
Phosphorus Availability Enhanced with Combine Application of Organic Amendments and Beneficial Microbes under Soybean-Wheat Cropping System4
Soil- and Foliar-Applied Silicon and Nitrogen Supply Affect Nutrient Uptake, Allocation, and Stoichiometry in Arabica Coffee Plants4
Vermiculite Mining Waste Enriched with Elemental Sulfur as a Chemical Conditioner for Alkaline Saline Soils4
Effects of Composted Poultry Manure and Rice Husk+Poultry Manure on Potato Tuber Yield and Physico-Chemical Properties of Clay Loam Soil4
Thermal Desorption Temperature Affects Water Retention and Hydraulic Conductivity of Three Contrasting Soils4
TiO 2 NPs as a Promising Strategy for Crop Conservation Resulting from Deficit Irrigation in Fragaria × ananassa 4
Effect of Leached and Co-Composted Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste with Bulking Agents on Soil Properties and Sweet Pepper Plant Development Under Calcareous Soil4
Cuticular Penetration of Foliar Fertilizers: Evidences for Co-Penetration of Zn and Mn with Potassium Ions4
Effect of Conservation Agricultural Practices on Crop Yield and Soil Properties Under Sorghum [ Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] — Black Gram [ Vigna mungo4
Effect of Gypsum, Cover Crop, and Crop Rotation on Bulk Density and Aggregate Properties of Soils4
Impact of Biochar on Climate Change, Agricultural Soil and Plants4
The Effect of Humic Acid and Nano-Chelate Iron on the Absorption of Some Nutrients, Grain Yield, Oil, and Essential Oil of (Nigella sativa) under Drought Stress4
Effects of Rice Husk Compost on Some Soil Properties, Water Use Efficiency and Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Yield under Greenhouse and Field Conditions4
Machine Learning-Based Crop Suitability Prediction: An Emerging Technique for Sustainable Agricultural Production in the Desert Region of India4
Comparison of Common Vetch Plant Growth, Arsenic and Nutrients Uptakes in the Clean and Arsenic-Contaminated Soils4
Soil Organic Carbon Pools in Benchmark Soils of Punjab, Pakistan4
Yield Response and Drought Mitigation Strategy of Cotton by Foliar Feeding of Plant Nutrients under Rainfed Agriculture in Black Soil (Typic Chromusterts)4
Management of Nano-black Carbon, Phosphorous and Bio Fertilizer Improve Soil Organic Carbon and Ensilage Biomass of Soybean and Maize4
Assessment of the Potassium Supplying Capacity of Coastal Entisols and Inceptisols under Intensive Cropping and Fertilization3
Comparative Assessment of Extractants for Available Potassium in Calcareous Soil of Punjab3
Impact of Silicon on Chemical Properties of Drainage Water from Lettuce Following Determination of Proper Cultivar and Light Spectrum3
Bermudagrass Establishment on Infertile Soil: Growth and Phosphorus Losses with Poultry Litter Ash and Triple Superphosphate3
The Ameliorating Effects of Biochar and Poultry Manure on the Properties of Two Degraded Soils and Sweet Potato Yield in Sub-Humid Nigeria3
Straw Use to Reducing Soil Compaction and Its Effect on the Biometric and Physiological Characteristics of Soybean and Maize Plants3
Medium-term Impact of Organic and Microbial Fertilization on Production Efficiency and Fertility of Soil in an Apple Production System under North West Himalayan Region3
Evaluation of Five Anion Exchange Resins for Assessing Soil Phosphorus Release3
Significance of Zinc Fortified Briquettes on Soil Properties, Zinc Concentration, Uptake and Economics of Rice3
Nitrogen and Nickel Foliar Application on Grain yield, Yield Components, and Quality of Soybean3
Short-term Response of Chickpea Yield, Total Soil Carbon, and Soil Nitrogen to Different Tillage and Organic Amendment Regimes3
Effects of Some Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) on Growth and Nutrition of Apple Cv. “Braeburn” under High Lime Soil Condition3
Surface Application of Hydrated Lime in Different Crop Systems3
Impact of different organic amendments on: hydrodynamic soil properties and olive tree behavior conducted under deficit irrigation3
Soil Organic Matter Fractions and Enzymes Activities under No-tillage System: Effects of Organomineral and Mineral Fertilizer with Humic Substances3
Enhancement Effect of Cassava Starch Manufacturing Wastes on Availability and Fate of P from Thai Phosphate Rocks in Sandy Typic Paleusults: An Incubation Study3
Assessment of Physio-Chemical, Nutritional and Enzymatic Activities in the Bud in Relation to Flowering Behaviours of Different Alternate Bearing Mango (Mangifera indicaL.) Cultivars3
Citrus Residue Enhances the Effectiveness of Beef Cattle Manure Improving the Phosphorus Availability in Acidic Andisol3
Interactions between Water Evaporation and Surface Cracking in NaCl-Induced Homogeneous Silt Loam and Sand3
Soil Acidity Conditioning the Productivity and Physiology of Wheat Inoculated with Azospirillum brasilense3
Assessment of Consortia Inoculation Effects on the Agronomical Performance of the Common Bean3
Assessment of Hexavalent Chromium Accumulation of Beta Vulgaris L. Var. Cicla and the Change of Its Antibacterial Activity3
Effect of Blended Fertilizer Application on Bread Wheat Yield and Profitability on Andosols of Southwestern Highlands of Ethiopian3
Mechanisms and Adaptation Strategies of Tolerance to Phosphorus Deficiency in Legumes3
A Simple Gravimetric Methodology to Determine Soil Particle Density3
Solubility Relationship of Metals in Acid Soils of Kumaon Himalaya Region of India3
5-year Effects of Potassium Fertilization Levels on Nutrition Balance and Yield in the Maize/Soybean Succession3
Fertirrigation Wastewater Use for the Irrigation of Tomato and Eggplant Seedlings3
PLS Regression Based on ATR-FTIR to Predict Organomineral Fertilizers Properties and Nutrient Pools3
Growth Performance, Zinc Uptake and Response of Clonal Eucalyptus to Application of Zinc in Soils of Variable Texture3
Matching of Soil Phosphorus Distribution and Root Distribution in Cotton Field Based on Diffusive Gradients in Thin-Films (DGT)3
Combining Biometric, Biochemistry, and Photosynthetic Measurements to Analyze the Performance of Two Black Pepper Cultivars Under Water Deficit3
Modification in the Composting Environment through Additives3
Soil Chemical Attributes, Nutrient Levels, and Yield of Arabica Coffee under Limestone Managements3
Isolation and Characterization of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria and Effect of Growth and Nutrient Uptake of Maize Under Pot and Field Conditions3
Response of Sesame to Intercropping with Groundnut and Cowpea3
Effects of Woody Compost and Biochar Amendments on Biochemical Properties of the Wind Erosion Afflicted a Calcareous and Alkaline Sandy Clay Loam Soil3
Response of Lime and Phosphorus Application on Groundnut Growth, Yield and Soil Enzyme Activities in Acidic Soil of North Eastern India3
Nitric Acid as a Cold Extractor of Total Nutrient Contents from Mineral Fertilizers3
Impact of Cover Crops and Nitrogen Management on Soil Bacterial Alpha Diversity3
Conservation Agriculture for Enhancing Crop Productivity, Energy Use Efficiency, Carbon Stock, Soil Health and Reducing GHG Emissions3
Soybean Yield, Yield Components, and Phosphorus Concentration Under Different Phosphate Sources3
Frequency of Irrigation and Boron on Growth, Yield, Water Use Efficiency and Economics of Summer Green Gram in Humid Sub-Tropical Climate3
Comparison of a Low-cost Prototype Optical Sensor with Three Commercial Systems in Predicting Water and Nutrient Contents of Turfgrass3
Accumulation of Lead and Nutrients in Soybean and Sorghum Cultivated in Lead-Affected Tropical Soils3
Sulfur Fractions, Distribution and Sorption Characteristics in Some Soils of Ogun State, Southwestern Nigeria3
Effects of PGPR Bioinoculants, Hydrogel and Biochar on Growth and Physiology of Soybean under Drought Stress3
Effects of Supplementary Irrigation and Nitrogen Fertilization on Characteristics of Sun Cured Tobacco in Semi-Arid Conditions3
Nutrient Concentration and Its Uptake in Various Stages of Wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) as Influenced by Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium Fertilization3
Comparison of Land Suitability Methods for Estimating Quantity of Maize Yield in Calcareous Soils3
Substrate Moisture and Temperature Effects on Limestone Reaction Rate in a Peat-Based Substrate3