Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis

(The H4-Index of Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis is 18. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Application of Solid Waste From Industry in Pasture, as a Destination Alternative60
Strategies for Improving Cowpea Grain Yield in the Eastern Amazon: Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Phosphorus Nutrition, and Molybdenum Seed Enrichment43
Effects of Straw Biochar on Heavy Metal Cu in Soil Under Different Conditions33
Augmentation of Plant Growth Attributes, Soil Physico-Chemical Properties and Microbial Population in Custard Apple cv. Balanagar in Response to Azospirillum brasilense and Vermicompost Applica30
The Effectiveness of Composted Green Waste Amended with Vermiculite and Humic Acid Powders as an Alternative Cultivation Substrate for Cornflower Cultivation28
Timing and Splitting of Nitrogen Application to Increase Tef (Eragrostic Tef (Zucc.) Trotter) Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency at Central Highlands of Ethiopia24
Soil Phosphorus in an Integrated Crop-livestock System under Anticipated Phosphates Fertilization24
Growth Analysis in Sugarcane Ratoon Crop as Influenced by Potassium Nutrition in Subtropical India24
Effect of Microbial Enriched Arecahusk Compost on Growth and Yield Attributes of Maize inTypic Rhodustalfof Southern Transitional Zone of Karnataka23
Synergistic Fertilizers Improved Chemical Properties of Soil in Wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) Field23
Does Biochar Alleviate Salt Stress Impact on Growth of Salt-Sensitive Crop Common Bean21
Does Turbulent-flow Conditioning of Irrigation Water Influence Soil Chemical Processes: II. Long-term Soil and Crop Study20
Slow Release of Urea Through Highly Porous Biodegradable Materials Derived from Natural Polysaccharides19
Climatic Analysis, Soil Site Suitability Evaluation and Soil Organic Carbon Stock Studies on Major Grape-Growing Soils in the Southern Karnataka, India19
GIS Based Spatial Prediction of Major Nutrient Status of Soils at Farm Scale for Site Specific Crop Management18
Biofertilizing Effects of Anabaena cylindrica Biomass on the Growth and Nitrogen Uptake of Wheat18
Influence of different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi isolates in enhancing growth, phosphorus uptake and grain yield of soybean in a phosphorus deficient soil under field conditions18
Effect of Different Levels of Surface Application of Sorghum Residue under Minimum Tillage on Crop Yields and Sustainable Yield Index of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) and Cowpea (Vig18