Cognitive Psychology

(The TQCC of Cognitive Psychology is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Perceptual change-of-mind decisions are sensitive to absolute evidence magnitude24
Filling the gap in gap-filling: Long-distance dependency formation in sentence production22
Causal invariance as a tacit aspiration: Analytic knowledge of invariance functions21
Editorial Board17
Anaphoric distance dependencies in visual narrative structure and processing16
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Developmental trajectories of delay discounting from childhood to young adulthood: longitudinal associations and test-retest reliability15
Probability and intentional action15
How do the object-file and physical-reasoning systems interact? Evidence from priming effects with object arrays or novel labels15
Two pathways in vocabulary development: Large-scale differences in noun and verb semantic structure14
Editorial Board13
Modeling the continuous recognition paradigm to determine how retrieval can impact subsequent retrievals12
Risky decisions are influenced by individual attributes as a function of risk preference12
Doing things efficiently: Testing an account of why simple explanations are satisfying10
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Repeated letters increase the ambiguity of strings: Evidence from identification, priming and same-different tasks9
Distributional social semantics: Inferring word meanings from communication patterns9
Patterns in CAOSS: Distributed representations predict variation in relational interpretations for familiar and novel compound words9
Encoding interference effects support self-organized sentence processing9
Events and objects are similar cognitive entities8
What is theory of mind? A psychometric study of theory of mind and intelligence8
Motivated to learn: An account of explanatory satisfaction8
Learning to generalise but not segment an artificial language at 17 months predicts children’s language skills 3 years later7
How infants predict respect-based power7
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Evaluating recall error in preschoolers: Category expectations influence episodic memory for color7
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The warning stimulus as retrieval cue: The role of associative memory in temporal preparation7
Ethical choice reversals7
An instance-based model account of the benefits of varied practice in visuomotor skill7
Psychological value theory: A computational cognitive model of charitable giving6
Editorial Board6
Evidence for multiple sources of inductive potential: Occupations and their relations to social institutions6
A unified psychological space for human perception of physical and social events6
Evidence for abstract representations in children but not capuchin monkeys4
Hypothesis testing, attention, and ‘Same’-‘Different’ judgments4
Deep memory distortions4
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Optimizing competence in the service of collaboration4
Word vs. World Knowledge: A developmental shift from bottom-up lexical cues to top-down plausibility4