Chemical Geology

(The TQCC of Chemical Geology is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
In-situ Lu Hf geochronology of garnet, apatite and xenotime by LA ICP MS/MS81
The Sr/Ba ratio response to salinity in clastic sediments of the Yangtze River Delta73
LA-ICP-MS imaging in the geosciences and its applications to geochronology67
Distribution and secondary enrichment of heavy metal elements in karstic soils with high geochemical background in Guangxi, China66
Triple oxygen isotopes in the water cycle63
Potassium isotopic composition of various samples using a dual-path collision cell-capable multiple-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer, Nu instruments Sapphire61
Variations in dissolved O2 in a Chinese lake drive changes in microbial communities and impact sedimentary GDGT distributions49
Silicate melt inclusions in the new millennium: A review of recommended practices for preparation, analysis, and data presentation48
Geochemical process of groundwater fluoride evolution along global coastal plains: Evidence from the comparison in seawater intrusion area and soil salinization area44
A comprehensive and internally consistent mineral dissolution rate database: Part I: Primary silicate minerals and glasses44
Thermochemical sulfate reduction in sedimentary basins and beyond: A review43
Calcium enhances adsorption and thermal stability of organic compounds on soil minerals43
Apatite halogens and Sr-O and zircon Hf-O isotopes: Recycled volatiles in Jurassic porphyry ore systems in southern Tibet42
In situ LA-ICPMS U Pb dating and geochemical characterization of fault-zone calcite in the central Tarim Basin, northwest China: Implications for fluid circulation and fault reactivation42
Provenance versus weathering control on sediment composition in tropical monsoonal climate (South China) - 1. Geochemistry and clay mineralogy40
Quantifying the controlling mineral phases of rare-earth elements in deep-sea pelagic sediments39
Geochemical modelling of CO2 interactions with shale: Kinetics of mineral dissolution and precipitation on geological time scales39
Modelling evaluation of key cadmium transformation processes in acid paddy soil under alternating redox conditions38
Nephelinites in eastern China originating from the mantle transition zone37
The Molybdenum isotope subduction recycling conundrum: A case study from the Tongan subduction zone, Western Alps and Alpine Corsica36
High-precision potassium isotopic measurements by collision cell equipped MC-ICPMS36
Apatite geochemical and Sr Nd isotopic insights into granitoid petrogenesis36
Nitrogen isotopes in tooth enamel record diet and trophic level enrichment: Results from a controlled feeding experiment35
Geochemical modeling of carbon isotope fractionation during methane transport in tight sedimentary rocks35
Theoretical isotope fractionation of cadmium during complexation with organic ligands35
Evaluation of environmental radioactivity in soils around a coal burning power plant and a coal mining area in Barapukuria, Bangladesh: Radiological risks assessment35
Timing and origin of multi-stage magmatism and related W–Mo–Pb–Zn–Fe–Cu mineralization in the Huangshaping deposit, South China: An integrated zircon study34
Ultra-depleted 2.05 Ga komatiites of Finnish Lapland: Products of grainy late accretion or core-mantle interaction?33
Lithium and potassium isotope fractionation during silicate rock dissolution: An experimental approach33
The role of low-temperature 18O exchange in the isotopic evolution of deep subsurface fluids33
Calculation of cerium and lanthanum anomalies in geological and environmental samples33
A strontium isoscape of Italy for provenance studies33
High molecular weight fractions of dissolved organic matter (DOM) determined the adsorption and electron transfer capacity of DOM on iron minerals32
Speciation of yttrium and the rare earth elements in seawater: Review of a 20-year analytical journey32
Global continental and marine detrital εNd: An updated compilation for use in understanding marine Nd cycling32
Triple oxygen isotopes of cherts through time32
Continental records of organic carbon isotopic composition (δ13Corg), weathering, paleoclimate and wildfire linked to the End-Permian Mass Extinction32
Sorption and desorption behavior of PFOS and PFOA onto a Gram-positive and a Gram-negative bacterial species measured using particle-induced gamma-ray emission (PIGE) spectroscopy31
Tracing seawater- and terrestrial-sourced REE signatures in detritally contaminated, diagenetically altered carbonate rocks31
Mechanism and implications of upwelling from the Late Ordovician to early Silurian in the Yangtze region, South China31
Quartz chemistry of granitic pegmatites: Implications for classification, genesis and exploration30
Hydrogen and hydrocarbons associated with the Neoarchean Frog's Leg Gold Camp, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia30
Estuarine processes modify the isotope composition of dissolved riverine barium fluxes to the ocean30
Conodont calcium isotopic evidence for multiple shelf acidification events during the Early Triassic29
Modeling rare earth elements binding to humic acids with model VII29
Structure, genesis and resources efficiency of dolomite: New insights and remaining enigmas28
Metallogeny of the large-scale Carboniferous karstic bauxite in the Sanmenxia area, southern part of the North China Craton, China28
Groundwater controls REE mineralisation in the regolith of South China28
Microbial utilization of rare earth elements at cold seeps related to aerobic methane oxidation27
Apatites for destruction: Reference apatites from Morocco and Brazil for U-Pb petrochronology and Nd and Sr isotope geochemistry27
The zirconium stable isotope compositions of 22 geological reference materials, 4 zircons and 3 standard solutions27
The impact of diffusive transport of methane on pore-water and sediment geochemistry constrained by authigenic enrichments of carbon, sulfur, and trace elements: A case study from the Shenhu area of t27
A general ore formation model for metasediment-hosted Sb-(Au-W) mineralization of the Woxi and Banxi deposits in South China27
Lithium and its isotopes behavior during incipient weathering of granite in the eastern Tibetan Plateau, China27
Chemical weathering in the upstream and midstream reaches of the Yarlung Tsangpo basin, southern Tibetan Plateau27
Silicification and Si cycling in a silica-rich ocean during the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition27
Thallium isotope ratios in shales from South China and northwestern Canada suggest widespread O2 accumulation in marine bottom waters was an uncommon occurrence during the Ediacaran Period27
Nitrogen solubility in basaltic silicate melt - Implications for degassing processes26
Episodic hydrofracturing and large-scale flushing along deep subduction interfaces: Implications for fluid transfer and carbon recycling (Zagros Orogen, southeastern Iran)26
Ore-forming fluid source of the orogenic gold deposit: Implications from a combined pyrite texture and geochemistry study26
Calibration data for simultaneous determination of P-V-X properties of binary and ternary CO2 - CH4 - N2 gas mixtures by Raman spectroscopy over 5–600 bar: Application to natural fluid inclusions26
A review of detrital zircon data treatment, and launch of a new tool ‘Dezirteer’ along with the suggested universal workflow26
Geochronology, petrology, and lithium isotope geochemistry of the Bailongshan granite-pegmatite system, northern Tibet: Implications for the ore-forming potential of pegmatites26
Resolving mid- to upper-crustal exhumation through apatite petrochronology and thermochronology25
Diamondiferous lamproites of the Luangwa Rift in central Africa and links to remobilized cratonic lithosphere25
The carbonic acid-rock reaction in feldspar/dolomite-rich tightsand and its impact on CO2-water relative permeability during geological carbon storage25
A process-oriented approach to mantle geochemistry25
Strontium isotopes trace biological activity in the Critical Zone along a climate and vegetation gradient25
Provenance versus weathering control on sediment composition in tropical monsoonal climate (South China) - 2. Sand petrology and heavy minerals25
Integrated chemostratigraphy (δ13C-δ34S-δ15N) constrains Cretaceous lacustrine anoxic events triggered by marine sulfate input25
The komatiite testimony to ancient mantle heterogeneity24
Chemical speciation of scandium and yttrium in laterites: New insights into the control of their partitioning behaviors24
Antimonite oxidation and adsorption onto two tunnel-structured manganese oxides: Implications for antimony mobility24
Significant boron isotopic fractionation in the magmatic evolution of Himalayan leucogranite recorded in multiple generations of tourmaline24
Zircon crystallization in low-Zr mafic magmas: Possible or impossible?24
The effect of iron and alkali on the nanocrystal-free viscosity of volcanic melts: A combined Raman spectroscopy and DSC study24
U-Pb isotopic dating of cassiterite: Development of reference materials and in situ applications by LA-SF-ICP-MS23
Boiling effects on trace element and sulfur isotope compositions of sulfides in shallow-marine hydrothermal systems: Evidence from Milos Island, Greece23
Spatio-temporal evolution of ocean redox and nitrogen cycling in the early Cambrian Yangtze ocean23
Zircon as a provenance tracer: Coupling Raman spectroscopy and U Pb geochronology in source-to-sink studies23
Coprecipitation of humic acid and phosphate with Fe(III) enhances the sequestration of carbon and phosphorus in sediments23
Equilibrium Cu isotope fractionation in copper minerals: a first-principles study23
Nitrogen isotopic compositions in NH4+-mineral-bearing coal: Origin and isotope fractionation23
Comparison of the reaction kinetics and mechanisms of Sb(III) oxidation by reactive oxygen species from pristine and surface-oxidized pyrite23
REE enrichment of phosphorites: An example of the Cambrian Georgina Basin of Australia22
Mechanism of Mn incorporation into hydroxyapatite: Insights from SR-XRD, Raman, XAS, and DFT calculation22
The importance of high precision in the evaluation of U-Pb zircon age spectra22
High-resolution imaging of fungal biofilm-induced olivine weathering22
Behavior of the Mo, Tl, and U isotope systems during differentiation in the Kilauea Iki lava lake22
Experimental evaluation of the extractability of iron bound organic carbon in sediments as a function of carboxyl content22
Advances in in-situ Rb-Sr dating using LA-ICP-MS/MS: applications to igneous rocks of all ages and to the identification of unrecognized metamorphic events22
Mantle sources of ocean islands basalts revealed from noble gas isotope systematics22
Providing context to the Homo naledi fossils: Constraints from flowstones on the age of sediment deposits in Rising Star Cave, South Africa21
A global survey of radiogenic strontium isotopes in river sediments21
Persistence of old soil carbon under changing climate: The role of mineral-organic matter interactions21
Titanium isotopic compositions of bulk rocks and mineral separates from the Kos magmatic suite: Insights into fractional crystallization and magma mixing processes21
A review of the geochemical changes occurring during metamorphic devolatilization of metasedimentary rocks21
Tracing the paleo-methane seepage activity over the past 20,000 years in the sediments of Qiongdongnan Basin, northwestern South China Sea21
Cysteine induced cascade electron transfer by forming a unique ternary complex with Fe(II) on goethite21
Rapid, paced metamorphism of blueschists (Syros, Greece) from laser-based zoned Lu-Hf garnet chronology and LA-ICPMS trace element mapping21
Origin of continuous hydrogen flux in gas manifestations at the Larderello geothermal field, Central Italy21
Stability and molecular fractionation of ferrihydrite-bound organic carbon during iron reduction by dissolved sulfide21
Carbonatite metasomatism, the key to unlocking the carbonatite-phoscorite-ultramafic rock paradox21
Signals of combined chromium–cadmium isotopes in basin waters of the Early Cambrian – Results from the Maoshi and Zhijin sections, Yangtze Platform, South China21
Surface water oxygenation and bioproductivity – A link provided by combined chromium and cadmium isotopes in Early Cambrian metalliferous black shales (Nanhua Basin, South China)21
Genetic relationship between hydrocarbon system evolution and Carlin-type gold mineralization: Insights from ReOs pyrobitumen and pyrite geochronology in the Nanpanjiang Basin, South China21
Geochemical controls on internal phosphorus loading in Lake of the Woods21
U-Pb ID-TIMS reference ages and initial Pb isotope compositions for Durango and Wilberforce apatites21
Mid-Cretaceous Wake seamounts in NW Pacific originate from secondary mantle plumes with Arago hotspot composition21
Interfacial photoreactions of Cr(VI) and oxalate on lepidocrocite surface under oxic and acidic conditions: Reaction mechanism and potential implications for contaminant degradation in surface waters21
Different mechanisms driving the preferential adsorption of dissolved organic matter by goethite and montmorillonite21
Diagenetic stability of non-traditional stable isotope systems (Ca, Sr, Mg, Zn) in teeth – An in-vitro alteration experiment of biogenic apatite in isotopically enriched tracer solution20
Metasomatized eclogite xenoliths from the central Kaapvaal craton as probes of a seismic mid-lithospheric discontinuity20
Mica trace-element signatures: Highlighting superimposed W-Sn mineralizations and fluid sources20
SO2 disproportionation impacting hydrothermal sulfur cycling: Insights from multiple sulfur isotopes for hydrothermal fluids from the Tonga-Kermadec intraoceanic arc and the NE Lau Basin20
Combined Hf and Nd isotope microanalysis of co-existing zircon and REE-rich accessory minerals: High resolution insights into crustal processes20
Sampling and combined Pb and Ag isotopic analysis of ancient silver coins and ores20
Metamorphic CO2 emissions from the southern Yadong-Gulu rift, Tibetan Plateau: Insights into deep carbon cycle in the India-Asia continental collision zone20
Photodegradation of pyrogenic dissolved organic matter increases bioavailability: Novel insight into bioalteration, microbial community succession, and C and N dynamics20
Seasonal transformations of dissolved organic matter and organic phosphorus in a polymictic basin: Implications for redox-driven eutrophication20
The role of microbial extracellular polymeric substances on formation of sulfate minerals and fibrous Mg-clays20
From melt to crystals: The effects of cooling on Fe Ti oxide nanolites crystallisation and melt polymerisation at oxidising conditions20
Stable carbon isotope systematics of methane, ethane and propane from low-permeability hydrocarbon reservoirs20
Kinetic partitioning of major and trace cations between clinopyroxene and phonotephritic melt under convective stirring conditions: New insights into clinopyroxene sector zoning and concentric zoning19
High helium reservoirs in the Four Corners area of the Colorado Plateau, USA19
Rare earth element and neodymium isotope tracing of sedimentary rock weathering19
Evolution of pyrite oxidation from a 10-year kinetic leach study: Implications for secondary mineralisation in acid mine drainage control19
Strontium isotope analysis of apatite via SIMS19
Chemodenitrification by Fe(II) and nitrite: Effects of temperature and dual N O isotope fractionation19
A Raman spectroscopic tool to estimate chemical composition of natural volcanic glasses19
High-precision multidynamic Sr isotope analysis using thermal ionization mass spectrometer (TIMS) with correction of fractionation drift19
A comparison of geochronological methods commonly applied to kimberlites and related rocks: Three case studies from Finland19
Calcium isotope measurements using a collision cell (CC)-MC-ICP-MS19
From the inside out: Elemental compositions and mineral phases provide insights into bacterial calcification19
Boron coordination and B/Si ordering controls over equilibrium boron isotope fractionation among minerals, melts, and fluids19
Combined fluorescence imaging and LA-ICP-MS trace element mapping of stalagmites: Microfabric identification and interpretation19
Insights into the REY inventory of seep carbonates from the Northern Norwegian margin using geochemical screening19
Carbonate weathering dominates magnesium isotopes in large rivers: Clues from the Yangtze River19
Improving the reliability of Fe- and S-XANES measurements in silicate glasses: Correcting beam damage and identifying Fe-oxide nanolites in hydrous and anhydrous melt inclusions19
Variation of branched tetraethers with soil depth in relation to non-temperature factors: Implications for paleoclimate reconstruction18
Titanium isotope fractionation in solar system materials18
Revisiting apatite SIMS oxygen isotope analysis and Qinghu-AP reference material18
Boron isotopic investigation of the Bayan Obo carbonatite complex: Insights into the source of mantle carbon and hydrothermal alteration18
Single-pulse laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry U–Pb dating of thin zircon rims: An application to metamorphic rocks from Mount Everest, eastern Nepal18
Water speciation in oxide glasses and melts18
Control of V accumulation in organic-rich shales by clay-organic nanocomposites18
Are seep carbonates quantitative proxies of CH4 leakage? Modeling the influence of sulfate reduction and anaerobic oxidation of methane on pH and carbonate precipitation18
Water depth control on n-alkane distribution and organic carbon isotope in mid-latitude Asian lakes18
Direct imaging of coupled dissolution-precipitation and growth processes on calcite exposed to chromium-rich fluids18
Nature of the mineralizing fluids in the Balda and Motiya W-prospects, western India: Constraints from chemical and B-isotope composition of tourmaline18
Oceanic mercury recycled into the mantle: Evidence from positive Δ199Hg in lamprophyres18
The composition of fluids stored in the central Mexican lithospheric mantle: Inferences from noble gases and CO2 in mantle xenoliths18
Fluid and mass transfer along transient subduction interfaces in a deep paleo-accretionary wedge (Western Alps)18
PyGeochemCalc: A Python package for geochemical thermodynamic calculations from ambient to deep Earth conditions18
Clumped isotope acid fractionation factors for dolomite and calcite revisited: Should we care?18
Influence of atmospheric surface oxidation on the formation of H2O2 and ∙OH at pyrite-water interface: Mechanism and kinetic model18
Chromium occurrence in a nickel laterite profile and its implications to surrounding surface waters18
Marinoan glacial aftermath in South China: Paleo-environmental evolution and organic carbon accumulation in the Doushantuo shales18
Records of volcanism and organic carbon isotopic composition (δ13Corg) linked to changes in atmospheric pCO2 and climate during the Pennsylvanian icehouse interval18
Water exsolution in the magma chamber favors effusive eruptions: Application of Cl-F partitioning behavior at the Nisyros-Yali volcanic area18
Trace element distribution in methane-seep carbonates: The role of mineralogy and dissolved sulfide17
The in vacuo release of Ar from minerals: 1. Hydrous minerals17
Quantification of mineral accessible surface area and flow-dependent fluid-mineral reactivity at the pore scale17
A decade of progress in understanding cycles of trace elements and their isotopes in the oceans17
The molecular regulatory mechanisms of the bacteria involved in serpentine weathering coupled with carbonation17
Combined Sm-Nd, Lu-Hf, and 142Nd study of Paleoarchean basalts from the East Pilbara Terrane, Western Australia17
Differential behavior of tungsten stable isotopes during sorption to Fe versus Mn oxyhydroxides at low ionic strength17
Zircon U-Pb and geochemical signatures in high-pressure, low-temperature metamorphic rocks as recorders of subduction zone processes, Sikinos and Ios islands, Greece17
Mercury loss and isotope fractionation during thermal maturation of organic-rich mudrocks17
Distinguishing microbial from thermochemical sulfate reduction from the upper Ediacaran in South China17
Effect of water on δ18O in zircon17
Molybdenum solubility and partitioning in H2O-CO2-NaCl fluids at 600 °C and 200 MPa17
Alteration and mineralization patterns in orogenic gold deposits: Constraints from deposit observation and thermodynamic modeling17
Determination of total CO2 in melt inclusions with shrinkage bubbles16
Boron isotopes of tourmalines from the central Himalaya: Implications for fluid activity and anatexis in the Himalayan orogen16
Phosphate uptake by calcite: Constraints of concentration and pH on the formation of calcium phosphate precipitates16
Equilibrium mass-dependent isotope fractionation of antimony between stibnite and Sb secondary minerals: A first-principles study16
Geologic CO2 storage in arkosic sandstones with CaCl2-rich formation water16
U/Pb geochronology of wolframite by LA-ICP-MS; mineralogical constraints, analytical procedures, data interpretation, and comparison with ID-TIMS16
Geochemistry of Late Permian basalts from boreholes in the Sichuan Basin, SW China: Implications for an extension of the Emeishan large igneous province16
Carbon stable isotope constraints on CO2 degassing models of ridge, hotspot and arc magmas16
Meta-rodingite dikes as recorders of subduction zone metamorphism and serpentinite dehydration: Voltri Ophiolite, Italy16
Source, sink and preservation of organic matter from a machine learning approach of polar lipid tracers in sediments and soils from the Yellow River and Bohai Sea, eastern China16
Trace elements in the Athabasca Bituminous Sands: A geochemical explanation for the paucity of environmental contamination by chalcophile elements16
Metal anomalies in zircon as a record of granite-hosted mineralization16
A prominent isotopic fingerprint of nitrogen uptake by anaerobic methanotrophic archaea16
Precise analysis of antimony isotopic composition in geochemical materials by MC-ICP-MS16
Extracting Mg isotope signatures of ancient seawater from marine halite: A reconnaissance16
U-Th zircon dating reveals a correlation between eruptive styles and repose periods at the Nisyros-Yali volcanic area, Greece16
Shifting modes of iron sulfidization at the onset of OAE-2 drive regional shifts in pyrite δ34S records16
Seawater 87Sr/86Sr ratios along continental margins: Patterns and processes in open and restricted shelf domains16
LA-ICPMS, TEM and Raman study of radiation damage, fluid-induced alteration and disturbance of U-Pb and Th-Pb ages in experimentally metasomatised monazite16
Paleodust deposition and peat accumulation rates – Bog size matters16
Oxidized mantle sources of HIMU- and EM-type Ocean Island Basalts16
Controls on organic matter accumulation in the Bakken Formation, Williston Basin, USA16
Understanding smectite to illite transformation at elevated (>100 °C) temperature: Effects of liquid/solid ratio, interlayer cation, solution chemistry and reaction time16
Nanoparticles formed during mineral-fluid interactions15
Evaluating the potential of soil bacterial tetraether proxies in westerlies dominating western Pamirs, Tajikistan and implications for paleoenvironmental reconstructions15
Spatial differentiation of sediment organic matter isotopic composition and inferred sources in a temperate forest lake catchment15
Raman spectroscopic measurements of H2S solubility in pure water over a wide range of pressure and temperature and a refined thermodynamic model15
Rutile solubility and TiO2 activity in silicate melts: An experimental study15
Coupled stable chromium and iron isotopic fractionation tracing magmatic mineral crystallization in Archean komatiite-tholeiite suites15
Rising bottom-water temperatures induced methane release during the middle Holocene in the Okinawa Trough, East China Sea15
The relative solubilities of wolframite and scheelite in hydrothermal fluids: Insights from thermodynamic modeling15
Constraints on the sulfur subduction cycle in Central America from sulfur isotope compositions of volcanic gases15
Monazite geochronology in melt-percolated UHP meta-granitoids: An example from the Erzgebirge continental subduction wedge, Bohemian Massif15
Kīlauea's Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō Eruption (1983–2018): A synthesis of magmatic processes during a prolonged basaltic event15
Multi-scale study of Am(III) adsorption on Gaomiaozi bentonite: Combining experiments, modeling and DFT calculations15
Contribution of deep-sourced carbon from hydrocarbon seeps to sedimentary organic carbon: Evidence from radiocarbon and stable isotope geochemistry15
The lithium and magnesium isotope signature of olivine dissolution in soil experiments15
The influence of black shale weathering on riverine barium isotopes15
Petrochronology of hydrothermal rutile in mineralized porphyry Cu systems15
Geochemical evidence for partial melting of progressively varied crustal sources for leucogranites during the Oligocene–Miocene in the Himalayan orogen15
Evaluation of selectivity of sequential extraction procedure applied to REE speciation in laterite15
Bentonite barrier materials and the control of microbial processes: Safety case implications for the geological disposal of radioactive waste15
Osmium isotope constraints on formation and refertilization of the non-cratonic continental mantle lithosphere15
Light-induced coupling process of Fe redox cycling and natural dissolved organic matters oxidative decomposition at goethite surface: Key role of reactive oxidative species15
The origin of high helium concentrations in the gas fields of southwestern Tanzania15
Arsenic in natural carbonates: The role of the biogeochemical conditions in its solid speciation15
Oceanic water chemistry evolution and its implications for post-glacial black shale formation: Insights from the Cryogenian Datangpo Formation, South China15
The Nickel isotope composition of the authigenic sink and the diagenetic flux in modern oceans15
Efficient enrichment of Rb during the magmatic-hydrothermal transition in a highly evolved granitic system: Implications from mica chemistry of the Tiantangshan Rb-Sn-W deposit15
Effect of soil particle size on the kinetics of Cu release from field-contaminated soils: Experiments and a quantitative model15
Geochemical changes of Mn in contaminated agricultural soils nearby historical mine tailings: Insights from XAS, XRD and, SEP15
Magmatic–hydrothermal zircons in syenite: A record of Nb Ta mineralization processes in the Emeishan large igneous province, SW China15
Intraslab remobilization of nitrogen during early subduction facilitates deep nitrogen recycling: Insights from the blueschists in the Heilongjiang Complex in NE China15
The impact of primary processes and secondary alteration on the stable isotope composition of ocean island basalts15
The significance of galena Pb model ages and the formation of large Pb-Zn sedimentary deposits15
Reconstructing oxygen deficiency in the glacial Gulf of Alaska: Combining biomarkers and trace metals as paleo-redox proxies15
TS-Mnz – A new monazite age reference material for U-Th-Pb microanalysis14
Distribution, potential sources, and response to water depth of archaeal tetraethers in Tibetan Plateau lake sediments14
Disentangle the hydrodynamic sorting and lithology effects on sediment weathering signals14
Using Th-U-Pb geochronology to extract crystallization ages of Paleozoic metamorphic monazite contaminated by initial Pb14
Developing boron isotopes to elucidate shale weathering in the critical zone14
Isotope fractionation of zinc in the paddy rice soil-water environment and the role of 2’deoxymugineic acid (DMA) as zincophore under Zn limiting conditions14
Enhancement of soil microstructural stability and alleviation of aluminium toxicity in acidic latosols via alkaline humic acid fertiliser amendment14
Seasonal variations in strontium and carbon isotope systematics in the Lower Mississippi River: Implications for chemical weathering14
Uranium isotope cycling on the highly productive Peruvian margin14
Potentially toxic elements (PTEs) associated with asbestos chrysotile, tremolite and actinolite in the Calabria region (Italy)14
Revised astronomically calibrated 40Ar/39Ar ages for the Fish Canyon Tuff sanidine – Closing the interlaboratory gap14
New sediment provenance approach based on orthonormal log ratio transformation of geochemical and heavy mineral data: Sources of eolian sands from the southeastern Adriatic archipelago14
Chemical weathering and CO2 consumption in a multi-lithological karstic critical zone: Long term hydrochemical trends and isotopic survey14
A comparison of sulfur isotope measurements of geologic materials by inductively coupled plasma and gas source mass spectrometry14
Cyclic zoning in authigenic saddle dolomite-ankerite: Indications of a complex interplay between fault-rupturing and diagenetic alteration14
A missing link between ancient and active mafic-hosted seafloor hydrothermal systems – Magmatic volatile influx in the exceptionally preserved Mala VMS deposit, Troodos, Cyprus14
Ba/Ca profiles in shells of Pecten maximus – A proxy for specific primary producers rather than bulk phytoplankton14
Carbonate melt interaction with natural eclogite at 6 GPa and 1100–1200 °C: Implications for metasomatic melt composition in subcontinental lithospheric mantle14
Ni partitioning between olivine and highly alkaline melts: An experimental study14
Four series of rearranged hopanes in the Mesoproterozoic sediments14
Molybdenum isotope fractionation at upper-crustal magmatic-hydrothermal conditions14