Chaucer Review

(The TQCC of Chaucer Review is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Geoffrey Chaucer, Cecily Chaumpaigne, and the Statute of Laborers: New Records and Old Evidence Reconsidered2
Speaking Survival: Chaucer Studies and the Discourses of Sexual Assault2
On Raptus, Quitclaims, and Precedents in Staundon v. Chaucer–Chaumpaigne: An Afterword1
Whose Chaucer? On Cecily Chaumpaigne, Cancellation, and the English Literary Canon1
Proverbial Wisdom and the Pursuit of Knowledge in the Squire's Tale1
Form, Time, and the “First English Sonnet”1
Who Was Cecily Chaumpaigne?1
Ventriloquizing Mothers: Chaucer's Poetic Authority in the Tale of Melibee and the Manciple's Tale1
“For yet under the yerde was the mayde”: Chaucer in the House of Fiction1
Bannatyne's Chaucer: A Triptych of Influence1
Who Could Tell the Joy That Is Between a Husband and His Wife? Feeling with the Good Wife in the Franklin's Tale1
On Servant Women, Rape Culture, and Endurance1
Chaucer's Fantasy of Pity1
Chaucer and the Color Adjective blew0
Front Matter0
The Discourse of Sighs in Medieval English Literature0
Front Matter0
John Walton’s Invention of the Iambic Pentameter0
Reading the Prioress’s Tale as Recovery Romance, or The Tale of a Prioress, a Sniper, and the Cross-Temporal Weaponization of Empathy0
Texts and the City: William Caxton, Richard Hill, and Metropolitan Conjury0
The Narrative Tactics of Chaucer's Monk0
Natural Law and Parliamentary Election in Geoffrey Chaucer’s Parliament of Fowls0
Katharine Lee Bates and Chaucer's American Children0
Middle English Manuscript Collections of Verse Romances0
Closing History: Honor, Greimas, and the Franklin’s Tale0
Romans 15:4 and the Canterbury Tales: A Modest Proposal Concerning Chaucer’s Entente0
Notes on Possible Scribe-Compiler/Owner of MS Digby 860
Julian Reads Langland0
A Metrico-Stylistic Trait of Aural Punctuation in Old English Verse0
“Ycomen of Cristen blood”: Racializing Christianity in Chaucer’s Prioress’s Tale0
The Host, the Man of Law's Tale, and the Fantasy of the Foreign Wife0
Satire, Performance, and English Rustic Comedy in Harley 22530
Scabs and Sovereignty in the Franklin's Tale0
“Our” Home Is “Here”: The Sense of a Homeland in Chaucer and Middle English Romance0
Reading Courtesy Texts in Late Medieval England: The Audience of Lydgate’s Stans puer ad mensam0
Whiteness, Innocence, and Childhood in the Prioress’s Tale and Its Devotional Milieu0
Index, Volume 57, 20220
A Chaucer Holograph0
Scribes, Critics, and Malyne’s Tears0
In Memoriam: Peter G. Beidler (1940-2023)0
Sir Gawain's Penitential Development from Attrition to Contrition0
Musicus Animal in the Nun’s Priest’s Tale0
About This Issue0
The Men and Woman Behind the Franklin’s Tale0
Chaucer's Women: Sex and the Scholarly Imagination0
Winking at the Nun's Priest0
APPENDIX 1. Chronology of the Known Chaucer–Chaumpaigne Records0
Good Fun: Cecily Chaumpaigne and the Ethics of Chaucerian Obscenity0
Chaucer's Yeoman and Richard II's Archers of the Crown0
Lessons from Ovid's Ibis in the Middle Ages0
The Ethical Challenge of Chaucerian Scholarship in the Twenty-First Century0
Surprised by Sound: The Achievement of the Ellesmere Editor0
“Al for Some Conclusioun”: Trinitarian Structure and the Final Stanza of Chaucer’s Troilus0
Manuscript Readings We Don’t Think About in the Prioress’s Tale0
Chaucer’s Fortune: A Necessary Invention0
The Elusive Transformation of Alliterative Meter0
About This Issue0
Chaucer the Mage: A Brief Exploration of Magic in the Squire’s Tale, the Canon’s Yeoman’s Tale, and the Franklin’s Tale0
Anthophilia and the Medieval Ecologies of Grafting0
Restless Rewritings: The Politics of Enigma and Exposure in the Squire's Tale0
The Woman Question: Chaucer in His European Context0
Lydgate, Chaucer, and Lady Margaret Beaufort0
Borrowed Feathers: The Spurious Older Scots Ending to Chaucer’s Parliament of Fowls in Bodleian Library MS Arch. Selden. B. 240
Stories Said and Not: Patience and Accommodation in the Clerk’s Tale0
The Elusive Progress of Prosodical Study: Essays in Honor of Thomas Cable0
In Memoriam: Russell A. Peck (1933-2023)0
The Naming of Will in Piers Plowman0
Afterword: The Form of the Reader0
Gender and Conversion in the Middle English Otuel Romances0
Chaucer's Brown Faces: Race, Interpretation, Adaptation0
Pulling Back from Politics: Second Nature and Oikonomia in the Franklin's Tale0
Derek Pearsall and John Gower0
“Nobody Cain’t Die”: An Appalachian Analogue to the Old Man in Chaucer’s Pardoner’s Tale0
“Ful Louder”: Raising the Hue and Cry in the Nun’s Priest’s Tale0
Time and Temporality in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight0
Romance with a Difference: The Squire’s Tale and Sir Thopas0
The Archival Iceberg: New Sources for Literary Life-Records0
The Ending of A Manual of the Writings in Middle English, 1050–15000
Henry Bradshaw’s Rhyme Tests and the Formation of the Chaucer Canon: The Glasgow Romaunt of the Rose and the Tale of Gamelyn0
Notes on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight0
APPENDIX 3. Calendar of New Chaucer Life-Records0
Retelling the <em>Prioress's Tale</em>: Antisemitism, Racism, and Patience Agbabi's <em>Telling Tales</em>0
“Scientia vera”? Holcot and Chaucer on Astrological Determinism, Magic, Talismans, and Omens0
Chaucerian Guilt and the <em>Treatise on the Astrolabe</em>0
Translating Middle English (Im)politeness: The Case of Geoffrey Chaucer’s Miller’s Tale0
Accommodating Humankind: Theatrical Space, Poetic Form, and “Dwelling” in The Castle of Perseverance0
Meaning, Metaphor, and Chaucer's “thikke knarre”0
Index, Volume 58, 20230
The Persistence of Chaucer's Verses on Footwear in the Nineteenth Century0
The “Extra-Long” Dip in the Poems of the Gawain Poet0
Too Good to Be True: Debating Constancy in Chaucer's Legend and Christine's Cité0
Ecology and Gender in Sir Launfal0
Front Matter0
The First Riverside Chaucer0
The Context of Sir Orfeo in a Miniature Library, Harley 3810, Section I0
“Crist spak hymself ful brode in hooly writ”: Chaucer, Divine Speech, and the Silent Word0
The Sinclair Women and Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Arch. Selden. B. 240
APPENDIX 2. Transcriptions and Translations0
Chaucer’s Retraction: Examining the Case for Disavowal0
Derek Pearsall (1931-2021): List of Publications0
“Semy-vif for sorow”: Disability and Tragedy in Troilus and Criseyde and the Tale of Beryn0
Thinking About (and With) the Prioress’s Tale: From Medieval Alterity to Modern Hate Narrative0
“Charitable and trewe”: Multiplicity, Prudence, and Pity in the Prologue of Chaucer's Legend of Good Women0
“She Lives!”: Jephthah’s Daughter and Chaucer’s Virginia, Jews and Gentiles, Bad Narrative, and Ending Happily0
Retuning Chaucer's Instrument: Chaucer and the Trots Once Again0
Imagining Chaucer’s Male Audience0
The Prioress’s Tale and La France juive: Chaucer in Nineteenth-Century French Antisemitism0
It’s Complicated: Some Irregular Line-Ending Morphosyllabic Sequences in Piers Plowman B0
Front Matter0
The “Voice of the Clerical Satirist”: Revisiting Pearsall’s Reading of The Merchant’s Tale0
Caxton’s Canterbury Tales at the Court of King’s Bench0
Saint Erkenwald and the Judge in Limbo0
For a High, Short Lydgate Chronology0
“When Ace beareth up Six”: Ever Is Six the Best Chance of the Dice and the Composition and Collecting of Middle English Dice Poems0
Introduction: What We Think About When We Think About the Prioress’s Tale0
Death, Negation, and the Problem of Absence in Chaucer’s Book of the Duchess0
Index, Volume 55, 20200
Index, Volume 56, 20210
The Case of Geoffrey Chaucer and Cecily Chaumpaigne: New Evidence0
Dom John Broadhook alias John Lydgate, 14240
The Dragon of Love: Chaucer's Jason and the Cycle of Consumption in the Legend of Good Women0
About This Issue0
Between History and Prophecy: Ovidian Metamorphoses and the 1381 Revolt in Gower's Visio Anglie0
Materializing Latinate Prayers: John Lydgate’s Aureate and Paraliturgical Poems in a London Merchant’s Booklet0