
(The TQCC of Centaurus is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
How epidemics end33
Global perspectives on science diplomacy: Exploring the diplomacy‐knowledge nexus in contemporary histories of science16
Scientific imaginaries and science diplomacy: The case of ocean exploitation13
Deep horizons: Canada's underwater habitat program and vertical dimensions of marine sovereignty12
Treating plants as laboratories: A chemical natural history of vegetation in 17th‐centuryEngland10
Lost Green Chemistries: History of Forgotten Environmental Trajectories8
Crafting Europe fromCERNto Dubna: Physics as diplomacy in the foundation of the European Physical Society7
Inter‐ A frican cooperation in the social sciences in the era of decolonization: A case of science diplomacy6
Up‐and‐down journeys: The making ofLatinAmerica's uniqueness for the study of cosmic rays6
Medical Anamnesis. Collecting and Recollecting the Past in Medicine6
Friends in fission:US–Brazilrelations and the global stresses of atomic energy, 1945–19556
Introduction—Up, down, round and round: Verticalities in the history of science5
National spaces and deepest places: Politics and practices of verticality in speleology5
Vertical glaciology: The second discovery of the third dimension in climate research5
Attempting neutrality: Disciplinary and national politics in a Cold War scientific controversy5
Productive marginalities: The history of science in/aboutPolandsince 19895
Animal Feeding, Animal Experiments, and the Zoo as a Laboratory: Paris Ménagerie and London Zoo, ca. 1793–1939: The Zoo as a Laboratory5
Technical assistance versus cultural export: George Cressey and the U.S. Cultural Relations Program in wartime Ch4
Giovan Battista Della Porta's construction of pneumatic phenomena and his use of recipes as heuristic tools4
Beyond recipes: The Baconian natural and experimental histories as an epistemic genre4
Verticalities in oral histories of science4
The scientific object and material diplomacy: The shipment of radioisotopes from the United States to Japan in 19504
Entangled Timelines. Crafting Types of Time Through Making Museum Specimens4
Recent trends in the history of science inCroatia4
Oil media: Changing portraits of petroleum in visual culture between theUS, Kuwait, and Switzerland4
History of science in Hungary: Stewardship and audience in periods of institutional and political change4
Using instruments in the study of animate beings: Della Porta's and Bacon's experiments with plants4
Paleosyndemics: A Bioarchaeological and Biosocial Approach to Study Infectious Diseases in the Past4
GiovanBattistaDellaPorta andFrancisBacon on the creative power of experimentation4
Orphaned atoms: The firstMoroccan reactor and the frameworks of nuclear diplomacy3
Enacting recipes:GiovanBattistaDellaPorta andFrancisBacon on technologies, experiments, and processes of nature3
Making power visible: Codifications, infrastructures, and representations of energy3
Materialized internationalism: How the IAEA made the Vinča Dosimetry Experiment , and how the experiment made the 3
The Patterned Guidelines of Shazhou ( Shazhou tujing ) and geographical practices in Tang China3
“Amany‐sidedcrystal”: Understanding the manifold legacy ofSilvanus Phillips Thompson(1851–1916)3
Chikungunya in Brazil, an Endless Epidemic3
No slaves to words:S. P. Thompson'stheory of history3
Thompson, Biographer3
The material culture and politics of artifacts in nuclear diplomacy3
Scientists as political experts: Atomic scientists and their claims for expertise on international relations, 1945–19473
Elevation and emotion: Sven Hedin's mountain expedition to Transhimalaya, 1906–19083
Darwin's vertical thinking: Mountains, mobility, and the imagination in 19th‐century geology3
Silvanus Phillips Thompson(1851–1916): An introduction to the spotlight section3
A nuclear monument the size of a football field: The diplomatic construction of soil nuclearity in the Palomares accident (Spain, 1966)3
The seismograph as a diplomatic object: The S oviet– A merican exchange of instruments, 1958–19643
When Do Epidemics End? Scientific Insights from Mathematical Modelling Studies3
The End of Plague in Europe3
Living in between: The commercial side of Silvanus P. Thompson 's engineering3
Deciphering economic futures: Electricity, calculation, and the power economy, 1880–19303
Mines, mountains, and the making of a vertical consciousness inGermanyca. 18002
Measuring progress in megawatt: Colonialism, development, and the “unseeing” electricity grid in East Africa2
History of science inCentral and Eastern Europe: Studies fromPoland, Hungary, and Croatia2
“The Last Time that We Can Say the Plague Raged”: Historicizing Epidemics2
Science on the edge of empire:E. A. Forsten(1811–1843) and theNatural History Committee(1820–1850) in theNetherlands Indies2
Filling China’s Gaps. Viral Banks and Bird Collections as Museums for Pandemics2
The Call of the Hoatzin: Ecology, Evolution, and Eugenics at the Bronx Zoo2
On the road to S tockholm: A case study of the failure of Cold War international environmental initiatives ( Prag2
The Lab in the Museum. Or, Using New Scientific Instruments to Look at Old Scientific Instruments2
“Going ‘the Last Mile’ to Eliminate Malaria” in Myanmar?2
Negotiating Theology and Medicine in the Catholic Reformation The Early Debate on Thomas Fienus's Embryologyin the Spanish Netherlands (1620–1629)2
A Matter of Dust, Powdery Fragments, and Insects. Object Temporalities Grounded in Social and Material Museum Life2
Undoing Extinction: The Role of Zoos in Breeding Back the Tarpan Wild Horse, 1922–19452
Publishing virtue: Medical entrepreneurship and reputation in the Republic of Letters2
Orientations and Disorientations in the History of Science How Measures Made a Difference at the Imperial Meridian2
Itinerarium Wittichi exCalendariumSculteti: New biographical evidence on the Breslau mathematician Paul Wittich (ca. 1546–ca. 1587)2
From Existential Knowledge to Experimental Practice: The Mexican Axolotl, the Paris Ménagerie, and the Epistemic Benefits of Keeping Unknown Animals, 1850–18762
Ends and Means: Typhus in Naples, 1943–19442
How to Get into the Pouch: Solving the Riddle of the Kangaroo Birth (1826–1926)2