Canadian Mathematical Bulletin-Bulletin Canadien de Mathematiques

(The TQCC of Canadian Mathematical Bulletin-Bulletin Canadien de Mathematiques is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
On nonmonogenic number fields defined by12
Necessary and sufficient conditions on global solvability for the p-k-Hessian inequalities12
On two conjectures about the sum of element orders8
Operator valued analogues of multidimensional Bohr’s inequality7
Independent transversals in bipartite correspondence-covers5
A note on spaces of almost periodic functions with values in Banach spaces5
Norms on complex matrices induced by random vectors4
Galois-theoretic features for 1-smooth pro-pgroups4
Inequalities on partial traces of positive semidefinite block matrices4
A dynamical characterization for monogenity at every level of some infinite -towers4
Estimates for generalized Bohr radii in one and higher dimensions4
Generalized torsion for knots with arbitrarily high genus4
Zariski dense orbits for regular self-maps on split semiabelian varieties4
Non-existence of conformally flat real hypersurfaces in both the complex quadric and the complex hyperbolic quadric4
Fano quiver moduli4
On a topological Ramsey theorem3
Generalization of Klain’s theorem to Minkowski symmetrization of compact sets and related topics3
Zeros in the character tables of symmetric groups with an -core index3
Base matrices of various heights3
A multiplicative Kowalski–Słodkowski theorem for -algebras3
Spectrality of Moran Sierpinski-type measures on3
Singquandle shadows and singular knot invariants3
Amenable and inner amenable actions and approximation properties for crossed products by locally compact groups3
Some characterizations of -Einstein solitons on Sasakian manifolds3
Sur la lissité du schéma Quot ponctuel emboîté3
Tight frames and related geometric problems2
Asymptotic growth of Mordell–Weil ranks of elliptic curves in noncommutative towers2
A characterization of singular Schrödinger operators on the half-line2
Stieltjes interlacing of the zeros of2
On the homotopy and strong homotopy type of complexes of discrete Morse functions2
A multiplicative dual of nil-clean rings2
A weak Lefschetz result for Chow groups of complete intersections2
Erdős–Ko–Rado theorem in Peisert-type graphs2
Number of prime factors with a given multiplicity2
Turnpike in infinite dimension2
Spherical coverings and X-raying convex bodies of constant width2
Fine Selmer groups of congruent p-adic Galois representations2
The intersection theory of the moduli stack of vector bundles on2
Powers of Principal Q-Borel ideals2
Noncircular algebraic curves of constant width: an answer to Rabinowitz2
On the decay of singular inner functions2
Characterizations of Morrey type spaces2
A Tauberian approach to Weyl’s law for the Kohn Laplacian on spheres2
Nonlinear Beltrami equation: lower estimates of Schwarz lemma’s type2
A sharpened form of Adams-type inequalities on higher-order Sobolev spaces : a simple approach2
A note on weight systems which are quantum states1
Ramanujan-type series for , revisited1
Nearly sharp Lang–Weil bounds for a hypersurface1
A note on the relative growth of products of multiple partial quotients in the plane1
A note on Mosco convergence in spaces1
An estimate for the composition of rough singular integral operators1
Twisted algebras of geometric algebras1
Hyperbolic Coxeter groups of minimal growth rates in higher dimensions1
Vertices of the Harder and Narasimhan polygons and the laws of large numbers1
Norms on complex matrices induced by random vectors II: extension of weakly unitarily invariant norms1
Improved Bloch and Landau constants for meromorphic functions1
Effective finiteness of solutions to certain differential and difference equations1
Revisiting G-Dedekind domains1
On the average value of1
Exponentials of de Branges–Rovnyak kernels1
On the distribution of nonprimitive lattice points in the plane1
Hilbert rings with maximal ideals of different heights and unruly Hilbert rings1
Volterra-type operators on the minimal Möbius-invariant space1
Arithmetic derivatives through geometry of numbers1
Prescribed k-symmetric curvature hypersurfaces in de Sitter space1
A dichotomy for topological full groups1
Refined Bohr inequalities for certain classes of functions: analytic, univalent, and convex1
Cyclic inner functions in growth classes and applications to approximation problems1
Maximal operators on BMO and slices1
Groups whose Chermak–Delgado lattice is a subgroup lattice of an abelian group1
A conjecture strengthening the Zariski dense orbit problem for birational maps of dynamical degree one1
On the metric dimension of circulant graphs1
Perfectly packing a cube by cubes of nearly harmonic sidelength1
Integers that are sums of two rational sixth powers1
Model spaces invariant under composition operators1
Spectrum of weak model sets with Borel windows1
Selection principles and proofs from the Book1
An energy decomposition theorem for matrices and related questions1
Nehari–Pohožaev-type ground state solutions of Kirchhoff-type equation with singular potential and critical exponent1
Quantum projective planes finite over their centers1
A polynomial approximation result for free Herglotz–Agler functions1
A refined nc Oka–Weil theorem1
On tame -extensions with prescribed ramification1
Pure quotients and Morita’s theorem for -spaces1
Group actions on local moduli space of holomorphic vector bundles1
A logarithmic lower bound for the second Bohr radius1
Phase retrieval on circles and lines1
Maximal subgroups of nontorsion Grigorchuk–Gupta–Sidki groups1
Commutativity via spectra of exponentials1
Quasi-equivalence of bases in some Whitney spaces1
Block perturbation of symplectic matrices in Williamson’s theorem1
Existence of hypercylinder expanders of the inverse mean curvature flow1
Arithmetically equivalent fields in a Galois extension with Frobenius Galois group of 2-power degree1
A Radó theorem for complex spaces1
Trudinger’s inequalities for Riesz potentials in Morrey spaces of double phase functionals on half spaces1
Nowhere constant families of maps and resolvability1
Spectrality of a class of Moran measures on with consecutive digit sets1
On the Pontrjagin classes of spray manifolds1
Uniconnected solutions to the Yang–Baxter equation arising from self-maps of groups1
Specht property for the algebra of upper triangular matrices of size two with a Taft’s algebra action1
On homogeneity of Cantor cubes1
Pieri rules for skew dual immaculate functions1
Some matrix inequalities of log-majorization type1
Cancellation of two classes of dirichlet coefficients over Beatty sequences1
Landau-type theorems for certain bounded bi-analytic functions and biharmonic mappings1
Weighted composition operators on weighted Bergman and Dirichlet spaces1
A characterization of the product of the rational numbers and complete Erdős space1
Asymptotic first boundary value problem for elliptic operators1
Every symplectic manifold is a (linear) coadjoint orbit1