Canadian Journal of Public Health-Revue Canadienne de Sante Publique

(The median citation count of Canadian Journal of Public Health-Revue Canadienne de Sante Publique is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Changes in health behaviours during early COVID-19 and socio-demographic disparities: a cross-sectional analysis86
Consumption of ultra-processed foods is associated with obesity, diabetes and hypertension in Canadian adults84
Regional differences in access to the outdoors and outdoor play of Canadian children and youth during the COVID-19 outbreak59
COVID-19 and the impacts on youth mental health: emerging evidence from longitudinal studies56
Unpacking the health and social consequences of COVID-19 through a race, migration and gender lens46
COVID-19 street reallocation in mid-sized Canadian cities: socio-spatial equity patterns44
What role for One Health in the COVID-19 pandemic?41
Sex, gender and COVID-19: a call to action41
A scoping review of COVID-19 experiences of people living with dementia41
Socio-demographic, social, cognitive, and emotional correlates of adherence to physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study41
Prevalence of HIV and sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections, and related preventive and risk behaviours, among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in Montreal, Toronto and Vanc39
Socio-demographic disparities in knowledge, practices, and ability to comply with COVID-19 public health measures in Canada37
Importance of the traditional food systems for First Nations adults living on reserves in Canada32
Predictors of gambling and problem gambling in Canada30
Tobacco and COVID-19: a crisis within a crisis?30
Rising burden of multimorbidity and related socio-demographic factors: a repeated cross-sectional study of Ontarians29
First Nations households living on-reserve experience food insecurity: prevalence and predictors among ninety-two First Nations communities across Canada28
Money down the drain: predatory publishing in the COVID-19 era28
Human rights, public health and COVID-19 in Canada27
The 2011 and 2016 iterations of the Ontario Marginalization Index: updates, consistency and a cross-sectional study of health outcome associations25
At-home HIV self-testing during COVID: implementing the GetaKit project in Ottawa24
The Canadian 24-hour movement guidelines and self-rated physical and mental health among adolescents24
COVID-19 vaccine uptake and intention during pregnancy in Canada23
Nothing about us without us in writing: aligning the editorial policies of the Canadian Journal of Public Health with the inherent rights of Indigenous Peoples21
Pharmaceuticals in source waters of 95 First Nations in Canada21
Importance of fish for food and nutrition security among First Nations in Canada21
The need to prioritize research, policy, and practice to address the overdose epidemic in smaller settings in Canada20
On the imperative of thinking through the ethical, health equity, and social justice possibilities and limits of digital technologies in public health19
Integrating sustainable nutrition into health-related institutions: a systematic review of the literature19
Household- and employment-related risk factors for depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic19
Examining the associations between food worry and mental health during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada18
SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence among blood donors in Québec, and analysis of symptoms associated with seropositivity: a nested case-control study18
Risk society and COVID-1918
Delay in childhood vaccinations during the COVID-19 pandemic18
On redesigning public health in Québec: lessons learned from the pandemic17
Disease outbreaks linked to pasteurized and unpasteurized dairy products in Canada and the United States: a systematic review17
Black–white racial disparities in household food insecurity from 2005 to 2014, Canada17
Requirement for Meaningful Engagement of First Nations, Inuit, Métis, and Indigenous Peoples in Publications About Them16
The First Nations Food, Nutrition and Environment Study (2008–2018)—rationale, design, methods and lessons learned16
“None of it was especially easy”: improving COVID-19 vaccine equity for people with disabilities16
“I may be essential but someone has to look after my kids”: women physicians and COVID-1915
Regional differences in movement behaviours of children and youth during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada: follow-up from a national study15
Symptoms of postpartum anxiety and depression among women in Canada: findings from a national cross-sectional survey15
The working conditions for personal support workers in the Greater Toronto Area during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed-methods study15
Food insecurity among Canadian youth and young adults: insights from the Canada Food Study14
Addressing anti-Indigenous racism in Canadian health systems: multi-tiered approaches are required14
Evaluation of feasibility, effectiveness, and sustainability of school-based physical activity “active break” interventions in pre-adolescent and adolescent students: a systematic review13
Public health communication in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic13
Public health preventive measures and child health behaviours during COVID-19: a cohort study13
Community of practice: an effective mechanism to strengthen capacity in climate change and health13
Levels of metals and persistent organic pollutants in traditional foods consumed by First Nations living on-reserve in Canada12
Cardiovascular disease and the risk of dementia: a survival analysis using administrative data from Manitoba12
Associations of health status and diabetes among First Nations Peoples living on-reserve in Canada12
Secondary attack rate of COVID-19 in household contacts in the Winnipeg Health Region, Canada12
Shielding children from food insecurity and its association with mental health and well-being in Canadian households12
A public health timeline to prepare for COVID-19 vaccines in Canada11
COVID-19 and pandemic planning in the context of rural and remote homelessness11
Are vaporizers a lower-risk alternative to smoking cannabis?11
Navigating inequities in the delivery of youth mental health care during the COVID-19 pandemic: perspectives of youth, families, and service providers11
Socioeconomic position and consumption of sugary drinks, sugar-sweetened beverages and 100% juice among Canadians: a cross-sectional analysis of the 2015 Canadian Community Health Survey–Nutrition11
Stillbirth in Canada: anachronistic definition and registration processes impede public health surveillance and clinical care10
Identifying gaps in COVID-19 health equity data reporting in Canada using a scorecard approach10
COVID-19 vaccine wastage in Canada, a reason for concern?10
Examining correlates of outdoor play in childcare centres10
The impact of a Housing First intervention and health-related risk factors on incarceration among people with experiences of homelessness and mental illness in Canada10
COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among young adults in Canada10
Reimagining spaces where children play: developing guidance for thermally comfortable playgrounds in Canada10
Quarantots, quarankids, and quaranteens: how research can contribute to mitigating the deleterious impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on health behaviours and social inequalities while achieving sustain9
Understanding the blended impacts of COVID-19 and systemic inequalities on sub-Saharan African immigrants in Canada9
Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection among people experiencing homelessness in Toronto during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic9
Children’s measured exposure to food and beverage advertising on television in Toronto (Canada), May 2011–May 20199
COVID-19, public health and constructive journalism in Canada9
(Re)claiming our bodies using a Two-Eyed Seeing approach: Health-At-Every-Size (HAES®) and Indigenous knowledge9
Nutrient adequacy and nutrient sources of adults among ninety-two First Nations communities across Canada9
Long COVID symptoms in a population-based sample of persons discharged home from hospital9
Will peer-based interventions improve hepatitis C virus treatment uptake among young people who inject drugs?8
Estimates of future cancer mortality attributable to modifiable risk factors in Canada8
Improving health through multisectoral collaboration: enablers and barriers8
Efficacy of calorie labelling for alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages on restaurant menus on noticing information, calorie knowledge, and perceived and actual influence on hypothetical beverage orde8
Practice report: an Alberta Métis model for COVID-19 vaccine delivery8
Strengthening collaborations at the public health system–academic interface: a call to action8
Homeless encampments: connecting public health and human rights8
Social and economic influences on disparities in the health of racial and ethnic group Canadian immigrants8
Economic evaluations of vision screening to detect amblyopia and refractive errors in children: a systematic review8
Addressing human trafficking as a public health issue8
Canada’s response to COVID-19 for Indigenous Peoples: a way forward?8
“I believe this team will change how society views youth in disasters”: the EnRiCH Youth Research Team: a youth-led community-based disaster risk reduction program in Ottawa, Canada8
Partner number and use of COVID-19 risk reduction strategies during initial phases of the pandemic in British Columbia, Canada: a survey of sexual health service clients8
Controlling the obesity pandemic: Geoffrey Rose revisited8
Cups for COVID: rapid implementation of a harm reduction initiative to support populations experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic8
Older adults living in social housing in Canada: the next COVID-19 hotspot?8
The time is now for public health to lead the way on addressing financial strain in Canada8
Neighbourhood climate resilience: lessons from the Lighthouse Project8
Social inequalities in protective behaviour uptake at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic: results from a national survey7
Comparison of measures of diet quality using 24-hour recall data of First Nations adults living on reserves in Canada7
What is the health impact of COVID-19 among Black communities in Canada? A systematic review7
Exploring the main and moderating effects of individual-level characteristics on consumer responses to sugar taxes and front-of-pack nutrition labels in an experimental marketplace7
The social determinants of health as predictors of adherence to public health preventive measures among parents and young children during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal cohort study7
The relationship between rates of hospitalization for ambulatory care sensitive conditions and local access to primary healthcare in Manitoba First Nations communities7
Stop ringing the alarm; it is time to get out of the building!7
School water, sanitation, and hygiene inequalities: a bane of sustainable development goal six in Nigeria7
Cash transfer programs and child health and family economic outcomes: a systematic review7
Depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation in a population-based cohort of young adults before and during the first 12 months of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada7
Likelihood of meeting physical activity guidelines in rural and urban adults: cross-sectional analysis of the Canadian Community Health Survey7
Are school-based measures of walkability and greenness associated with modes of commuting to school? Findings from a student survey in Ontario, Canada7
Vers une décolonisation des ressources de soins et services sociaux : les travailleurs communautaires locaux au Nunavik7
Rates of COVID-19-associated hospitalization in British Columbia and Ontario: time course of flattening the relevant curve7
COP26: what is the message for public health?7
Estimating the future cancer management costs attributable to modifiable risk factors in Canada7
Economic burden of excessive sedentary behaviour in Canada6
Knowledge mobilization tool to promote, protect, and support breastfeeding during COVID-196
Higher mortality rates associated with rheumatoid arthritis in Saskatchewan, Canada, 2001–20196
Improving the health equity and the human rights of Canadians with dementia through a social determinants approach: a call to action in the COVID-19 pandemic6
Ontario’s COVID-19 Modelling Consensus Table: mobilizing scientific expertise to support pandemic response6
Nowhere to go: exploring the social and economic influences on discharging people experiencing homelessness to appropriate destinations in Toronto, Canada6
Assessing the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada using testing data and time-dependent reproduction numbers6
Many lenses for planetary health: seeding citizen engagement for sustainable futures visioning with new ways of seeing6
The ‘freedom’ to pollute? An ecological analysis of neoliberal capitalist ideology, climate culpability, lifestyle factors, and population health risk in 124 countries6
The epidemiological impact of the Canadian COVID Alert app6
Social participation and depressive symptoms of carer-employees of older adults in Canada: a cross-sectional analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging6
The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on health-related quality of life of adults visiting emergency departments and primary care settings in Alberta6
The relationship between dietary exposure to persistent organic pollutants from fish consumption and type 2 diabetes among First Nations in Canada6
The economic burden of excessive sugar consumption in Canada: should the scope of preventive action be broadened?6
Changes in the incidence of seasonal influenza in response to COVID-19 social distancing measures: an observational study based on Canada’s national influenza surveillance system6
Canada, global vaccine supply, and the TRIPS waiver6
Epistemic inclusion in the Qanuilirpitaa? Nunavik Inuit health survey: developing an Inuit model and determinants of health and well-being6
Early identification of a COVID-19 outbreak detected by wastewater surveillance at a large homeless shelter in Toronto, Ontario6
Housing conditions and adverse birth outcomes among Indigenous people in Canada6
Availability of calorie information on online food delivery service platforms among major chain restaurants in Canadian provinces with different calorie labelling policies6
Taking a patient-oriented approach in exercise interventions for pregnant women: a commentary5
Metals in the drinking water of First Nations across Canada5
Looking at COVID-19 effects on intimate partner and sexual violence organizations in Canada through a feminist political economy lens: a qualitative study5
Black lives matter in Canada too!5
Transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in British Columbia’s largest school district during the second half of the 2020–2021 school year5
Understanding the decision to immunize: insights into the information needs and priorities of people who have utilized an online human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine decision aid tool5
Wabishki Bizhiko Skaanj: a learning pathway to foster better Indigenous cultural competence in Canadian health research5
Rural homelessness: how the structural and social context of small-town living influences the experience of homelessness5
Integrated surveillance of antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial use: Evaluation of the status in Canada (2014–2019)5
La pérennité d’un projet de prévention et de prise en charge de la malnutrition au Niger5
Public health communication during the COVID-19 pandemic: perspectives of communication specialists, healthcare professionals, and community members in Quebec, Canada5
Same-day Enterococcus qPCR results of recreational water quality at two Toronto beaches provide added public health protection and reduced beach days lost5
Provincial implementation supports for socio-demographic data collection during COVID-19 in Ontario’s public health system5
Oral healthcare disparities in Canada: filling in the gaps5
Trends in mental health inequalities in urban Canada5
Disparities in multimorbidity and mortality among people living with and without HIV across British Columbia’s health regions: a population-based cohort study5
Aunties, WhatsApp, and “haldi da doodh”: South Asian communities’ perspectives on improving COVID-19 public health communication in Ontario, Canada5
Outbreak investigation of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in an emergency childcare centre5
The year public health lost its soul: a critical view of the COVID-19 response5
SARS-CoV-2 testing and COVID-19–related primary care use among people with citizenship, permanent residency, and temporary immigration status: an analysis of population-based administrative data in Br5
Sex differences in cardiometabolic abnormalities in a middle-aged Maltese population4
Injustices faced by children during the COVID-19 pandemic and crucial next steps4
Convivialité des municipalités canadiennes à l’égard des aînés : portrait et facteurs associés4
Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the socioeconomic composition of emergency department presentations4
Person-reported perspectives on support availability for people with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic in Quebec4
Engaging frontline providers: an important key to eliminating tuberculosis in Canada, and other high-income countries4
‘Drug decriminalization’ in Canada: a plea for a nuanced, evidence-informed, and realistic approach towards improved health outcomes4
Future temperature-related excess mortality under climate change and population aging scenarios in Canada4
How equitable has the COVID-19 response been in Canada?4
Energy poverty: an overlooked determinant of health and climate resilience in Canada4
Nova Scotia Strong: why communities joined to embrace COVID-19 public health measures4
Regionally representative hair mercury levels in Canadian First Nations adults living on reserves4
Detection of COVID-19 case clusters in Québec, May–October 20204
World Health Organization recommends first malaria vaccine4
Weight bias and support of public health policies4
The political and fiscal determinants of public health and curative care expenditures: evidence from the Canadian provinces, 1980–20184
The association between social media use and physical activity among Canadian adolescents: a Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study4
Balancing on the redline: a qualitative study of the experiences purchasing sugar-sweetened beverages among Indigenous adults in a Canadian urban neighbourhood4
Policy diffusion theory, evidence-informed public health, and public health political science: a scoping review4
Price discounting as a hidden risk factor of energy drink consumption4
Applying an Indigenous and gender-based lens to the exploration of public health and human rights implications of COVID-19 in Canadian correctional facilities4
Sociodemographic patterning of dietary profiles among Inuit youth and adults in Nunavik, Canada: a cross-sectional study4
Examining differences in diet quality between Canadian Indigenous and non-Indigenous adults: results from the 2004 and 2015 Canadian Community Health Survey Nutrition Surveys4
Social, political, commercial, and corporate determinants of rural health equity in Canada: an integrated framework4
Fluoridation cessation and oral health equity: a 7-year post-cessation study of Grade 2 schoolchildren in Alberta, Canada4
Outpatient oral anticancer agent utilization and costs in Manitoba from 2003 to 2016: a population-based study4
Association between physical activity and life satisfaction among adults with multimorbidity in Canada4
The art and science of a strategic grantmaker: the experience of the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Innovation Strategy4
Relative contributions of health behaviours versus social factors on perceived and objective weight status in Canadian adolescents4
Downstream health impacts of employment losses during the COVID-19 pandemic4
Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among blood donors in Québec: an update from a serial cross-sectional study4
Validating viral hepatitis B and C diagnosis codes: a retrospective analysis using Ontario’s health administrative data4
Global health for all by 20304
Comparison of smoking prevalence in Canada before and after nicotine vaping product access using the SimSmoke model4
TV time, physical activity, sedentary behaviour and cardiometabolic biomarkers in pregnancy—NHANES 2003–20064
Intégrer l’infosurveillance, l’infodémiologie et une recherche interventionnelle conséquente dans nos systèmes de santé publique pour mieux protéger et promouvoir la santé de la population au Canada :4
Places of death and places of care for Indigenous Peoples in Ontario: a retrospective cohort study4
Why Canadians deserve to have mandated health and standard drink information labels on alcohol containers3
Fare well to Nova Scotia? Public health investments remain chronically underfunded3
Respiratory health and its determinants among Nunavimmiut: results from the Qanuilirpitaa? 2017 Nunavik Health Survey3
Supporting breastfeeding in rural Newfoundland and Labrador communities during COVID-193
Building Roads Together: a peer-led, community-based walking and rolling peer support program for inclusion and mental health3
Putting the horse back in front of the cart: a critical reflection on the CIHR-IPPH dialogue on the future of Canada’s public health systems3
Can BCG be useful to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic? A Canadian perspective3
The impact of prenatal maternal mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic on birth outcomes: two nested case-control studies within the CONCEPTION cohort3
The prevalence and predictors of household food insecurity among adolescents in Canada3
Changes in health service use due to alcohol during the COVID-19 pandemic among individuals with and individuals without pre-existing alcohol-related medical diagnoses3
With great inequality comes great responsibility: the role of government spending on population health in the presence of changing income distributions3
To tax or not to tax? That’s the sugar-coated question3
Monitoring vested health partnerships3
Predictors of reported alcohol intake during the first and second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada among middle-aged and older adults: results from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CL3
Development and implementation of a Heat Alert and Response System in rural British Columbia3
Study of the epidemiology of COVID-19 in Ontario elementary and secondary school education workers: an interim analysis following the first school year3
Are we there yet? Principles in advancing equity though global public health research3
A comparison of the COVID-19 response for urban underserved patients experiencing healthcare transitions in three Canadian cities3
In-store food environment for adults and children in Nova Scotia, Canada3
Housing as a determinant of Inuit mental health: associations between improved housing measures and decline in psychological distress after rehousing in Nunavut and Nunavik3
Factors associated with bicycle helmet use and proper fit: a cross-sectional survey of Montreal cyclists during the COVID-19 pandemic3
What is the effect of school closures on learning in Canada? A hypothesis informed by international data3
No research about “them” without “them”: CJPH policy with regard to publication of health research on First Nations, Inuit, Métis and Indigenous Peoples3
Recreational water illness in Canada: a changing risk landscape in the context of climate change3
Tweens are not teens: the problem of amalgamating broad age groups when making pandemic recommendations3
Rural and urban variation in psychological distress among adults: results of the 2014–2015 Eastern Townships Population Health Survey (ETPHS)3
Examining how changes in provincial policy on vape marketing impacted the distribution of vaping advertisements near secondary schools in London, Ontario3
The association between public health engagement in school-based substance use prevention programs and student alcohol, cannabis, e-cigarette and cigarette use3
Suboptimal oral health and the risk of cardiovascular disease in the presence of competing death: a data linkage analysis3
Increased alcohol use, heavy episodic drinking, and suicide ideation during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada3
Involuntary stabilization care of youth who overdose: a call for evidence- and ethics-informed substance use policy3
Understanding the association between neighbourhood socioeconomic status and grocery store alcohol sales following market liberalization in Ontario, Canada3
Community water fluoridation exposure and dental caries experience in newly enrolled members of the Canadian Armed Forces 2006–20173
Managing population health risks as we learn to live with COVID-193
Factors associated with intention to receive vaccines for bacterial sexually transmitted infections among young HPV-vaccinated Canadian women3
Examining the development and utilization of infection control policies to safely support adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in congregate living settings during COVID-192
Core competencies for strategic grantmaking: lessons learned from the Innovation Strategy2
Psychological symptoms associated with self-reported events of COVID-19 contact, symptoms, or diagnosis: a large community-based survey among adults in Quebec, Canada2
cchsflow: an open science approach to transform and combine population health surveys2
Meeting case investigation and contact tracing needs during COVID-19 in Alberta: the development and implementation of the Alberta Health Services Pod Partnership Model2
Socio-economic resources and adult mental health in Canada: controlling for time-invariant confounders and investigating causal directionality2
Intimate ecosystems: the microbiome and the ecological determinants of health2
A long-term process for decolonizing and democratizing community-focused research: the case for MicroResearch in East Africa and in Canada2
A cross-sectional analysis of the association between social capital and willingness to get COVID-19 vaccine in Ontario, Canada2
Mental health and cultural continuity among an urban Indigenous population in Toronto, Canada2
Knowledge translation and social media: Twitter data analysis of the 2019 Canadian Guideline for Physical Activity throughout Pregnancy2
Child drowning on farms in Canada and associated demographic and risk factors2
Where are the ecological determinants of health?2
Exploring communication by public health leaders and organizations during the pandemic: a content analysis of COVID-related tweets2
Taxing free sugar: the devil is in the resulting distribution of gains and pains2
COVID-19 vaccine inequity and Big Pharma: time to rethink our love affair?2
Public support for safer supply programs: analysis of a cross-sectional survey of Canadians in two provinces2
The sociodemographic characteristics and social determinants of visual impairment in a homeless population in the Montreal area2
“It reflects the society in which we live, except now everything is accentuated”: youth, social inequities, and the COVID-19 pandemic2
Youth perspectives on community health in Nunavik: a community-engaged photovoice project2
Using observational epidemiology to evaluate COVID-19 vaccines: integrating traditional methods with new data sources and tools2
Improving inclusion and integration of immigrants through a voluntary workplace charter2
Neonatal abstinence syndrome hospitalizations in Canada: a descriptive study2
Implementation of the BC Congenital Anomalies Surveillance System (BCCASS)2
Multisectoral partnerships to tackle complex health issues at the community level: lessons from a Healthy Communities Approach in rural Alberta, Canada2
Pandémie et communautés minoritaires marginalisées : vers une approche inclusive en santé publique?2
Association between gas stove use and childhood asthma in the Canadian CHILD Cohort Study2
Strong community belonging moderates poor mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals living in Canada: an intersectional analysis of a national population-based survey2
SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen screening of asymptomatic employees: a pilot project2