Canadian Journal of Plant Science

(The median citation count of Canadian Journal of Plant Science is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Screening US peanut mini-core accessions for resistance to Sclerotinia blight caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum26
Correlations between soybean seed quality traits using a genome-wide association study panel grown in Canadian and Ukrainian mega-environments19
Response of annual canarygrass (Phalaris canariensis L.) to nitrogen fertilizer and fungicide applications14
Effects of decreasing photoperiod on cold acclimation of asparagus seedlings14
Validation au Québec d’équations pour prédire la valeur nutritive de la luzerne au champ avant la récolte14
Evaluation of spring-type and winter-type Brassica napus germplasm for genetic diversity in response to flea beetle herbivory in typical and atypical planting windows13
The effects of pre-harvest glyphosate rate and timing on yield and pre-malt quality of malting barley12
Effects of genotype, weather, FHB fungicide, and pre-harvest glyphosate on grain quality of hard red spring wheat in western Canada12
Seed treatment and N rate do not impact dry bean (Phaseolus vulgarisL.) plant growth or grain yield in Ontario12
Corn yield and nitrogen recovery following rye (Secale cereale L.) in monoculture and polyculture service crops11
CDC Dorado yellow seed coat oilseed flax11
Effect of light quality and extended photoperiod on flower bud induction during transplant production of day-neutral strawberry cultivars11
Selection of appropriate reference genes in different tissues of Vaccinium dunalianum Wight by quantitative real-time PCR for gene expression studies11
Impact of green manure and weeds on selected soil health indicators in an organic grain cropping system in Nova Scotia10
AAC Whitehead hard white spring wheat10
AAC Brown 18 brown mustard8
Note of appreciation8
Optical sensors to predict sugarbeet yield, quality, and fertilizer nitrogen application rate8
Optimum seeding rates for hulless barley production in eastern Canada8
Low-activity cryptochrome 1 plays a role in promoting stem elongation and flower initiation of mature Arabidopsis under blue light associated with low phytochrome activity7
Canola variety, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur fertilization affect yield, quality, and fatty acid profile7
Increasing bioactive compound levels in Agastache rugosa by hydrogen peroxide soaking in a hydroponic culture system6
Foliar nano-fertilization enhances fruit growth, maturity, and biochemical responses of date palm6
Relationship between auxins and cytokinins in the growth and organogenesis of Ocimum basilicum L. ‘Grecco a Palla’6
Interaction between chloride and both macro- and micronutrients in annual canarygrass6
Improved methods to estimate days and temperature to fifty percent mortality of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under low-temperature flooding and ice encasement6
Investigating the potential of unsaturated fatty acids as antifungal crop protective agents6
Evaluation of broadcast and spot herbicide applications for spreading dogbane (Apocynum androsaemifolium L.) management in lowbush blueberry fields6
AAC Lorlie maple pea6
Tools for climate resilience in tree fruit II: a calcium carbonate-based foliar spray showed potential for protecting fruit quality during an unprecedented heat event6
Nitrogen management strategies on plant growth and severities of Sclerotinia stem rot of canola in eastern Canada5
Terroir of winter hardiness: bud LT50, water metrics, yield, and berry composition in Ontario Cabernet franc5
Cover crops improve some, but not all, soil health indicators in horticultural rotations5
Thinning response of ‘Redhaven’ peaches to 1-aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid (ACC)5
AAC Reid oat5
The soybean NADPH oxidase gene GmRbohK is crucial for nodule formation in symbiosis5
Identification of Canadian barley varieties by high-throughput SNP genotyping5
CDC Tollefson yellow field pea5
Effects of seed infection and hydration on the buildup of common bacterial blight and its impact on the yield of dry beans5
Glyphosate- and acetolactate synthase inhibitor-resistant kochia (Bassia scoparia) control in field pea5
Bud dormancy pattern, chilling requirement, and cold hardiness inVitis viniferaL. ‘Chardonnay’ and ‘Riesling’5
Differential susceptibility of Iowa waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) populations to 2,4-D, dicamba, and glufosinate4
The effect of applied micronutrients (Cu, Zn, Mn, and B) and chloride on annual canarygrass4
Impact of fungicide, IMI-herbicide, and cultivar on ascochyta blight severity and yield of chickpea in Saskatchewan, Canada4
Projected changes in risks of winter damage to fruit trees and plant hardiness zones in Canada4
Sublethal dosing exposure risk of kochia (Bassia scoparia (L.) A.J. Scott) to carfentrazone-ethyl4
Genomic Structural Variation and Herbicide Resistance4
OAC Stirling soybean4
Precipitation and nitrogen management are key drivers of cropping system productivity in the Canadian prairies4
The biology of invasive alien plants in Canada.14.Celastrus orbiculatusThunb.4
Pollination ecology of lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifoliumAiton) in an island ecosystem4
Assembly and comparative analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome of tea-scented China rose4
Mitigation of salt-stress effects by moringa leaf extract or salicylic acid through motivating antioxidant machinery in damask rose4
Evaluation of selected cider apple (Malus domesticaBorkh.) cultivars grown in Ontario. II. Juice attributes4
Fire blight susceptibility of select cider apple cultivars4
AAC Hassler Canada Western Red Spring wheat4
Integrating enhanced efficiency fertilizers and nitrogen rates to improve Canada Western Red Spring wheat4
AAC GN963 great northern dry bean4
AAC Darby Canada Western Red Spring wheat4
Fusarium head blight detection, spikelet estimation, and severity assessment in wheat using 3D convolutional neural networks4
Summer fruitlet thinning enhanced quality attributes of Ambrosia™ apple at harvest and after 4 months of cold air storage3
Investigating the effects of seed treatments on the economically optimal seeding rate of conventional soybean in Atlantic Canada3
The Biology of Canadian Weeds. 159.Capsella bursa-pastoris(L.) Medik.3
Evaluation of different methods for breaking cypsela dormancy in two local populations of Scotch thistle (Onopordum acanthium L.) collected from the west and northwest of Iran3
CT92 flue-cured tobacco3
12W932-349 Soft red winter wheat3
Non-uniform salt distribution in the root zone alleviates salt damage in wheat3
Nitrogen and sulfur application effects on camelina seed yield, fatty acid composition, and nutrient removal3
Kernza intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) response to a range of vernalization conditions3
Nitrogen rate and source effects on foliar sugar, glycoalkaloid, and amino acid composition of potato Russet Burbank3
AAC Connery hard red spring wheat3
AAC Awesome special purpose spring wheat3
CDC Buryu oilseed flax3
Ectopic expression of LhMYC2 increases susceptibility to Botrytis cinerea in Arabidopsis thaliana3
Noor hard red spring wheat3
AAC Redberry hard red spring wheat3
AAC McRae soybean3
The Biology of Canadian Weeds: 158.Galega officinalisL.3
AAC Richard soybean3
Baseline survey of herbicide resistance in Russian thistle (Salsola tragus L.) finds no resistance in Manitoba3
AAC Profit field pea3
CDC Melyn yellow seed coat oilseed flax3
Seed treatment of canola (Brassica napus) with the endomycorrhizal fungus Piriformospora indica does not reduce clubroot3
Compatibility of new sainfoin populations as forage mixtures with alfalfa and orchardgrass in Alberta3
Introgression of pre-harvest sprouting resistance from hexaploid wheat into high yielding durum wheat germplasm3
Elk (Cervus elaphus) grazing reduces volunteer soybean density3
CDC Hickie yellow field pea3
Forage sorghum grown in a conventional wheat–grain sorghum–fallow rotation increased cropping system productivity and profitability3
Note of appreciation/Note de reconnaissance3
CDC Vantta durum wheat2
Fall-applied residual herbicides improve broadleaf weed management in ultra-early wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production systems on the northern Great Plains2
The role of drought stress on the acquisition of freezing tolerance in asparagus under controlled conditions2
AAC McMurphy field pea2
Clethodim suppresses hair fescue in lowbush blueberry2
AAC Cranbrook spring barley2
Assessment of diverse cicer milkvetch (Astragalus cicer L.) germplasm for agro-morphological traits under a stockpiling system2
Long-term annual climate trends around the Breton Plots area, Alberta: is there any evidence of local climate change?2
Identification of quantitative trait loci associated with seed quality traits in two early-maturing soybean populations2
Early detection of onion neck rot disease in Manitoba2
Soybean responds infrequently to phosphorus fertilization in Manitoba2
Evaluation of currently registered herbicides for fall bearing year red sorrel (Rumex acetosella L.) management in lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton)2
A prospective insight into the reproduction of Sternbergia clusiana K. Gawl.: an endangered species2
AAC Succeed durum wheat2
Total phenol, flavonoid, and individual phenolic acid contents and antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of methanol extracts fromFicus cordatassp.salicifolia2
An improved design for a zero-tillage experimental plot drill2
Managing tomato vine decline with soil amendments and transplant treatments: fruit yield, quality, and plant-associated microbial communities2
Impact of climatic factors at specific growth stages on soybean soyasaponin I concentration2
AAC Kongsore oat2
AAC Choo spring barley2
Evaluating the effects of intercrop management on weeds and soil aggregate stability during the establishment of semihardy grapevines in southern Quebec2
Evaluation of Ferula assa-foetida L. accessions under different temperature regimes to overcome seed dormancy and different media mixtures to promote seedling growth2
Abscisic acid application regulates vascular integrity and calcium allocation within apple fruits2
Assessing crop productivity, grain quality, and soil labile carbon and nitrogen in pea-based intercrops under low nitrogen input2
Evaluation of two high-throughput genotyping systems for rapid identification of Canadian wheat varieties2
Competitive ability of western Canadian spring wheat cultivars in a model weed system2
Characterization of bronze leaf disease in western Canadian aspen and poplar trees2
Dry matter content association with time of on-tree maturation, quality at harvest, and changes in quality after controlled atmosphere storage for ‘Royal Gala’ apples2
Economic response of potato to nitrogen rate, timing of nitrogen application, cultivar, and irrigation2
Volunteer Brassica napus (L.) interference with soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]: management thresholds, plant growth, and seed return2
The impact of planting buckwheat strips along lowbush blueberry fields on beneficial insects2
Evaluation of acetolactate synthase/acetohydroxyacid synthase – inhibiting herbicide spot applications and mesotrione tank mixtures for narrow-leaved goldenrod management in lowbush blueberry2
Yield of yellow cooking onions is not affected by added phosphorous fertilizer in muck soils with high soil test phosphorus in Ontario2
Effect of precision planting and seeding rates on canola plant density and seed yield in southern Alberta2
A history of community-based initiatives that led to crop improvement and protection in the Canadian prairies2
Growth and morphological responses of gerbera seedlings to narrow-band lights with different light spectral combinations as sole-source lighting in a controlled environment2
Soybean is relatively nonresponsive to K fertilizer rate or placement in Manitoba soils2
Redcliff hard red spring wheat1
CO476 corn inbred line1
The potato vine crusher: a new tool for harvest weed seed control1
Phenotypic evaluation of Canadian × Chinese elite germplasm in a diversity panel for seed yield and seed quality traits1
Yield, nitrogen, and phosphorus uptake, and biological nitrogen fixation in chickpea–flax intercropping systems in southern Saskatchewan1
Evaluation of disease, yield and economics associated with fungicide timing in Canadian Western Red Spring wheat1
AAC Justice oat1
How management practices influence vegetative and reproductive plant traits of wild lowbush blueberry species1
Validation of a SNP-KASP marker for the Fusarium head blight resistance quantitative trait loci on chromosome 5AS1
AAC Perform red spring wheat1
Evaluation of nitrogen fertilization of hybrid hazelnuts (Corylus americana × Corylus avellana) based on leaf nitrogen sufficiency thresholds1
CSA 2022 Conference Proceedings1
Evaluation of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) for forage yield and persistence in sainfoin–alfalfa (Medicago sativa) mixtures and under different harvest frequencies1
Characterization of chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius) and pine mushrooms (Tricholoma magnivelare) in northern Saskatchewan1
Ultraviolet-C irradiation has no short-term, direct effects on cyclamen mite (Phytonemus pallidus (Banks)) in strawberry1
Evaluation of prediction of indigestible fiber fraction (iNDF) of whole-crop barley silage by using non-destructive spectroscopic techniques as a fast-screening method: comparison between FTIR vs. NIR1
Integration of perennial forage seed crops for cropping systems resiliency in the Peace River region of western Canada1
Pre-harvest conditions associated with Staccato sweet cherry fruit quality: mineral status in leaves and fruitlets and orchard growing factors1
Evaluating seedbank stimulants for wild oat and volunteer cereal management on the Canadian Prairies1
Response of lentil cultivars to Sclerotinia white mold and Botrytis grey mold infection under irrigated and dryland conditions1
Root morphology, growth, and physiology in Begonia (Malus × micromalus) grown in copper hydroxide containers1
Fluroxypyr-resistant kochia [Bassia scoparia (L.) A.J. Scott] confirmed in Alberta1
Cropping system adaptation for enhanced resilience to climate change in cold climate regions1
Growing medium soluble carbon and nitrogen influence xylem sap and soluble solid contents in greenhouse cucumber fruits1
Mid-summer annual forage performance in organic, grass-fed production1
Eight cycles of half-sib family recurrent selection to improve rubber yield in Russian dandelion1
Cucumber powdery mildew detection using hyperspectral data1
Broccoli yield and dry matter partitioning in response to application of sediment from post-harvest washing of mussels1
Cultivation of Saffron (Crocus sativusL.) in cold climates1
Ivyleaf morningglory (Ipomoea hederacea Jacq.) competition is not intensified by drought in silage corn in central New York State, USA1
Bioaccumulation of chemical elements in vegetables as influenced by application frequency of municipal solid waste compost1
Rapid increase in glyphosate resistance and confirmation of dicamba-resistant kochia (Bassia scoparia) in Manitoba1
Seeding rate and sulfur drive field pea yields in the Maritime region of Canada1
CDC Rowland oilseed flax1
Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats.) and waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) J.D. Sauer) biovigilance in Canadian Agro-ecosystems1
Fresh haskap berry postharvest quality characteristics and storage life1
Origin of black glume color in Triticum aestivum lines with introgressions from wheat wild relatives1
Variability of index of absorbance difference (IAD) to indicate fruit maturity at harvest for major apple cultivars in Ontario1
Hazelnut floral phenology in southern Ontario1
Effect on forage yield and nutrient uptake of long-term surface application of manure at various rates and times in the growing season to timothy grown on two contrasting soils1
Forage productivity is resilient to timing of post-wildfire defoliation in mixed-grass Prairie1
Anatomic and genetic factors associated with the susceptibility of grapevine cultivars to Plasmopara viticola clade aestivalis and clade riparia1
Economic optimum plant density of irrigated early-maturity soybean in southern Alberta1
Clubroot resistance in canola and brassica vegetable cultivars in Ontario, Canada1
Effect of 2-(4-chlorophenylthio) ethylamine hydrochloride on lycopene biosynthesis in pepper fruits1
Cropping system typologies perform differently under climate stress in Manitoba, Canada: multi-criteria assessment1
Alternative organic nutrients for soybean and their comparison with fertilizer1
Residue management and overwinter survival in winter canola (Brassica napus L.)1
AAC Prairie barley1
Pathogenicity, anastomosis groups, host range, and genetic diversity of Rhizoctonia species isolated from soybean, pea, and other crops in Alberta and Manitoba, Canada1
Survey of glyphosate- and dicamba-resistant kochia (Bassia scoparia) in Saskatchewan1
Effects of co-overexpression of ALDH1, CYP71AV1, and iaaM on the density, length, and width of glandular secretory trichomes and the contents of artemisinin in Artemisia annua1
Haskap maturity stages and their influence on postharvest berry quality1
Evaluation of sequential mesotrione application rates and sequential tolpyralate and mesotrione applications for narrow-leaved goldenrod management in lowbush blueberry1
Postharvest handling and vase life of cut sunflower1
Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphism and simple sequence repeat markers for the estimates of genetic diversity by using two oilseed Brassica napus populations carrying genome contents of 1
Genome-wide association study to identify soybean stem pushing resistance and lodging resistance loci1
Grain sorghum and late-emerging Palmer amaranth response to sorghum planting density and nitrogen rate in an irrigated environment1
UA CountyGold imidazoline herbicide-resistant nontransgenic open-pollinated spring Brassica napus canola1
Evaluation of treatment methods for spiking deoxynivalenol (DON) in single corn kernels1
In vitro propagation ofVaccinium floribundumKunth from seeds: promissory technology for mortiño accelerated production1
Winter wheat responses to enhanced efficiency liquid nitrogen fertilizers in the Canadian Prairies1
An observational investigation of potential cow wheat (Melampyrum lineare Desr.) interference with wild blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait)1
The Biology of Canadian Weeds: 160. Poa pratensis L.0
An intellectual gap in root research on major crops of the Canadian Prairies0
Canopy management: the balance between lodging risk and nitrogen use for spring wheat production in the Canadian Prairies0
AAC Douglas oat0
Spring wheat agronomic and quality responses to a genotype × environment × N source and management systems approach0
Exogenous nitrogen uptake and allocation in chestnut0
The history, etiology, and management of ginseng replant disease: a Canadian perspective in review0
AAC Vortex hard red winter wheat0
Assessing the influence of climate controls on grapevine biophysical responses: a review of Ontario viticulture in a changing climate0
Soybean (Glycine max) PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTION FACTOR 1 induced skotomorphogenesis and de-etiolation in Arabidopsis0
Interactive effects between cover crop management and the environment modulate benefits to cash crop yields: a meta-analysis0
Historic climate change trends and impacts on crop yields in key agricultural areas of the prairie provinces in Canada: a literature review0
Effects of simulated hail damage and foliar-applied recovery treatments on growth and grain yield of wheat, field pea, and dry bean crops0
CDC Reign Canada Prairie Spring Red wheat0
SES0787LS camelina0
CDC Plava oilseed flax0
Early-stage dark treatment promotes hypocotyl elongation associated with varying effects on yield and quality in sunflower and arugula microgreens0
Import of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats.) seed with sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) slips0
Relationship of cuticle development with water loss and texture of pepper fruit0
Precipitation Irregularity and Solar Radiation Play a Role in Determining Short-Season Soybean Yield0
Absorption and translocation of dicamba in dicamba-tolerant wild tomato0
Juice attributes of Ontario-grown culinary (dessert) apples for cider0
Optimizing the evaluation of root system architectural traits in Brassica napus0
Main factors affecting nutrient and water use efficiencies in spring canola in North America: a review of literature and analysis0
AAC Lariat barley0
Potato peel alleviation of the negative effects of salinity in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. ‘Valentine’)0
AAC Madawaska barley0
Nutrient management in potted Syngoniums using water soluble fertilizers and biofertilizers: effects on growth and soil fertility0
CO477, CO478, CO479, and CO480 inbred lines0
A comparison of soybean maturity groups for phenology, seed yield, and seed quality components between eastern Ontario and southern Manitoba0
Note of appreciation/Note de reconnaissance0
Variability in mineral composition of Canadian lentil genotypes0
First record of blueberry maggot in Lac Saint-Jean, Quebec0
Differential analysis and genome-wide association analysis of stomata density of maize inbred lines leaves at ear position0
The growth behaviour of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the presence of inter- and intraspecific neighbours0
New tools for mechanical weed control in low-input dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) production0
Phytochrome contributes to blue-light-mediated stem elongation and flower initiation in mature Arabidopsis thaliana plants0
Warmer future climate in Canada—implications for winter survival of perennial forage crops0
Revisiting the origins of glyphosate-resistant giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida L.) in Canada0
Transcriptomic analysis reveals anthocyanin biosynthesis regulation in blueberry (Vaccinium ashei) fruit0
AAC Redstar hard red spring wheat0
Improving zinc and copper delivery for subirrigated greenhouse-grown pot chrysanthemums0
Early detection and management of herbicide-resistant weeds0
CDC Kernen oilseed flax0
Winter wheat responses to enhanced efficiency granular nitrogen fertilizer in the Canadian Prairies0
AAC Aberdeen field pea0
Correction: AAC Redwater hard red spring wheat0
Morphological and physiological characteristics of abnormal berry development in Vitis amurensis0
Characterization of tomato accessions for morphological, agronomic, fruit quality, and virus resistance traits0
Evolutionary pattern of the presence and absence genes in Fragaria species0
Evaluation of acetolactate synthase (ALS)-inhibiting herbicides for red sorrel (Rumex acetosellaL.) management in lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifoliumAiton)0
Evaluation of barley testing locations in Ontario0
AAC Dutton Canada Western Red Spring wheat0
Comparison of the economic performance of organic and conventional corn–soybean–winter wheat rotations in southwestern Ontario, Canada0
Wheat germplasm development by gene pyramiding for resistance to race TTKSK of stem rust0
CTH251 flue-cured tobacco F1 hybrid0
Effects of different light-emitting diode qualities on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of Spathiphyllum floribundum0
Reduced canopy cover and development compromises weed suppression by buckwheat in cover crop mixtures0
The effects of roller crimping direction for termination of fall sown cereal rye (Secale cereale L.)0
Assessing the impact of plant growth regulators on anther retention and Fusarium head blight in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) infected by Fusarium graminearum in field conditions0
A comparative study of fodder Galega (Galega orientalis LAM.) and common forage legumes in monoculture and grass–legume binary mixture in Canadian Prairies0