Canadian Journal of Linguistics-Revue Canadienne de Linguistique

(The median citation count of Canadian Journal of Linguistics-Revue Canadienne de Linguistique is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Remarks on labelling and determinacy4
CNJ volume 68 issue 2 Cover and Back matter4
Conquer primal fear: Phonological features are innate and substance-free3
On the properties of phase heads in raising and passive clauses: DP movement and Transfer options3
CNJ volume 66 issue 2 Cover and Front matter3
Gillian Catriona Ramchand. 2018. Situations and syntactic structures: Rethinking auxiliaries and order in English. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Pp. vi+ 2353
Radical substance-free phonology and feature learning2
Second chances in antecedent retrieval: The processing of reflexives in two types of reconstruction environments2
Danish rundt ‘around’ as a postposition?2
Reanalyzing Mandarin V1-V2resultative constructions—A force-theoretic approach2
Teaching language attitudes through digital storytelling projects2
The perception of rearticulated and single-articulated geminates in Polish2
CNJ volume 68 issue 4 Cover and Back matter2
Pronominal deficiency: A view from Malagasy2
Sonority projection effect in French: A signal detection theory approach2
Relativization in Likpakpaln (Ghana): New typological perspectives on the Mabia (Gur) languages2
Prix d'excellence étudiant, Association canadienne de linguistique / Student Achievement Awards, Canadian Linguistic Association 20222
Igor Mel'čuk. 2021. Ten studies in Dependency Syntax. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. Pp. 444. US $160.99 (hardcover).2
Absence of syntactic passive in creoles: Evidence from French-based Mauritian Creole2
The syntax of silent directional prepositions in Jordanian Arabic1
‘How do you get to Tim Hortons?’ Direction-giving in Ontario dialects1
Honorific mismatches of coordinate subjects in Korean1
Copular clauses in Dene languages: Argument structure and interpretation1
Hanni Woodbury. 2018. A reference grammar of the Onondaga language. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Pp. xx + 481. CAN $125 (hardcover)1
Region Prepositions: The View from French—ERRATUM1
CNJ volume 68 issue 4 Cover and Front matter1
CNJ volume 66 issue 1 Cover and Back matter1
French ingressives and (phasal) aspect: A frame-semantic corpus-based analysis1
CNJ volume 67 issue 1-2 Cover and Back matter1
On the history of NPIs and Negative Concord1
Nobody there? On the non-existence ofnobodyin Mandarin Chinese and related issues1
Mapudungun frustrative -fu-: a modal analysis1
Definiteness in Laki: Its interaction with demonstratives and number1
Phonological features emerge substance-freely from the phonetics and the morphology1
The regularizing, analogical effect of metathesis in Modern Ch'ol (Mayan): The cases of 7ejk'ach ‘fingernail, claw’ and 7ik'oty ‘with, and’1
Small clause predicates and sluicing0
CNJ volume 68 issue 2 Cover and Front matter0
Processing bound-variable singularthey0
In memoriam0
Tracing the evolution of the gender of “COVID-19” in the French of three continents: A traditional and social media study0
Building capacity for the scholarship of teaching and learning in linguistics in Canada0
Phonology from the Inside Out: Constructed Language as a Pedagogical Tool0
The meaning and form of onomatopoeias in Tjwao0
A Snapshot of Academic Job Placements in Linguistics in the US and Canada0
The -eci Syncretism in Korean: Implications for the Theory of v and Voice – CORRIGENDUM0
An illusory subject preference in Algonquian agreement0
Social role effects on English particle verb variation fail to replicate0
Between pronouns and R-expressions: Pronoun-like lexical noun phrases0
Partial Wh-Movement in Indonesian, Criterial Freezing, and Sub-Extraction0
Notes from the Editors0
On substance and Substance-Free Phonology: Where we are at and where we are going0
CNJ volume 68 issue 3 Cover and Front matter0
Classification of English vowels in terms of Cypriot Greek categories: The role of acoustic similarity between L1 and L2 sounds0
CNJ volume 68 issue 1 Cover and Back matter0
CNJ volume 67 issue 3 Cover and Front matter0
CNJ volume 66 issue 2 Cover and Back matter0
(Inter)subjectivisation et chaines sémantiques dans les adverbes français en–ment: analyse du passage de l'adverbe intégré à la proposition au marqueur discursif0
CNJ volume 66 issue 4 Cover and Back matter0
Some structural disanalogies between pronouns and tenses0
CNJ volume 66 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
CNJ volume 66 issue 3 Cover and Front matter0
CNJ volume 66 issue 3 Cover and Back matter0
John A. Goldsmith and Bernard Laks. 2019. Battle in the mind fields. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Pp. xix, 725. $45 (cloth).0
Remerciements aux évaluateur⋅trice⋅s/Thanks to Reviewers0
Prix national d'excellence, Association canadienne de linguistique National Achievement Award, Canadian Linguistic Association 20220
CNJ volume 67 issue 4 Cover and Back matter0
Daniel Silverman. 2017. A Critical Introduction to Phonology. Functional and Usage-Based Perspectives. 2nd edition. London: Bloomsbury. Pp. xxi + 360. US $33.950
Turning expletive: From embedded speech-acts to embedded propositions0
On the L1 acquisition of recursive no in Japanese0
Sich ausgehen:On modalizinggoconstructions in Austrian German0
Quelques mythes à propos du système vocalique de l'arabe du Caire0
An experimental approach to the reconstruction of the head quantifier phrase in Chinese relative clauses0
Compositionality in N + N compounds in Jordanian Arabic and English0
Regular exposure facilitates dual-mapping of Cantonese pronunciation variants0
Why aren't we teaching writing?: The advantages of early explicit writing instruction in linguistics0
The hidden dimensions of a change from below: Consequence markers in Montreal French0
(Inter)subjectivisation et chaines sémantiques dans les adverbes français en –ment : analyse du passage de l'adverbe intégré à la proposition au marqueur discursive—CORRIGENDUM0
Decomposing definiteness: Evidence from Chuj0
Derivational networks of onomatopoeias in English and Slovak0
The -eci Syncretism in Korean: Implications for the Theory of v and Voice0
Prix d'excellence étudiante Student Achievement Awards ACL / CLA 2023 York University0
Note from the Editors0
Getting ready for primetime: Paths to acquiring substance-free phonology0
Maximal syntactic/semantic divergence in deadjectivals: Evidence from Romance0
CNJ volume 68 issue 3 Cover and Back matter0
Abolishing Gender on D0
Phonetic and Phonological Salience in Tone Processing0
Underspecification in time0
CNJ volume 67 issue 3 Cover and Back matter0
National Achievement Award, Canadian Linguistic Association Prix national d'excellence, Association canadienne de linguistique 20210
CNJ volume 67 issue 4 Cover and Front matter0
Emerging grammars in contemporary Yoruba phonology0
Prix du chercheur ou de la chercheuse en début de carrière, Association canadienne de linguistique Early Career Researcher Award, Canadian Linguistic Association 20220
Acquisition of kind-reference by Arabic, Chinese, and Turkish L2 learners of English0
Negative Concord and locality in Russian0
Anaphoric binding in Modern Standard Arabic: A phase-based analysis0
CNJ volume 67 issue 1-2 Cover and Front matter0
Remerciements aux évaluateurs0
Motion verbs, sentience, and event delimitedness in Blackfoot0
Deriving four generalizations about nominals in three classifier languages0
Sandrine Zufferey, Jacques Moeschler, and Anne Reboul. 2019. Implicatures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 251. $110.00 (hardback).0
Improved student learning through active retrieval practice and random-sampled exams0
Production of Vowel Reduction by Mexican Learners of English as L2 and Russian as L30
On the structure of (personal) pronouns in Inuktut0
Region Prepositions: The View from French0
The procedural syntax of fake modification constructions in Chinese0
Richard Larson, Sedigheh Moradi and Vida Samiian (eds.) 2020. Advances in Iranian Linguistics. In Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, vol. 351). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 309 pages. 110€, US 0
“We are 9 degrees and sunny”: the use of personal pronouns with weather predicates0
Assessing contact-induced change in Palestinian Arabic: Evidence from Beirut0
A Snapshot of Academic Job Placements in Linguistics in the US and Canada – CORRIGENDUM0
Displaced sentential complements to nouns in German0
Jeroen van Craenenbroeck, Cora Pots, and Tanja Temmerman, eds. 2020. Recent developments in phase theory. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. Pp. 214. $144.99 (hardcover).0
Analyzing the Gerundial Patterns of prevent: New Corpus Evidence from Recent English0
Morphosemantic features in Universal Grammar: What we can learn from Marshallese pronouns and demonstratives0
CNJ volume 68 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
Remerciements aux évaluateurs0
On the use of names and example sentences in the linguistics classroom0
Evidence for constraints on probing dynamics: A case study of adjectival concord0
The person-animacy connection: Evidence from Algonquian and Dene0
Verum in Gitksan0
The relative clause resisting unification0
Shana Poplack. 2018. Borrowing. Loanwords in the Speech Community and in the Grammar. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 272. $US $99 (hardcover).0
3 x Phonology0
Reflexive clitics are verbal, not pronominal0
CNJ volume 66 issue 4 Cover and Front matter0
Oblique differential object marking and types of nominals0
Acquisition of English relative clauses by native speakers of Kurdish Sorani0
Viviane Déprez and Fabiola Henri (eds) 2018. Negation and Negative Concord: The view from creoles. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Pp. x + 325. $US 158.0
Guilherme D. Garcia 2021. Data visualization and analysis in second language research. New York, NY: Routledge. Pp. 286. USD $44.95 (softcover). Also available electronically.0
Telic for whom? The Lexical Underspecification Hypothesis0
Jacques François (dir.). 2021. L'expansion pluridisciplinaire des grammaires de constructions. Caen : Presses universitaires de Caen. P. 276. €20.00.0
Patrick “Paddy” Drysdale (1929–2020)0