Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science-Revue Canadienne des Sciences

(The TQCC of Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science-Revue Canadienne des Sciences is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Canadian adolescents’ mental health and substance use during the COVID-19 pandemic: Associations with COVID-19 stressors.38
Stakeholder perspectives on internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy for public safety personnel: A qualitative analysis.25
The relation between deceptive impression management and employment interview ratings: A meta-analysis.20
Incidence and interpretation of statistical suppression in psychological research.20
On the outside looking in: Social media intensity, social connection, and user well-being: The moderating role of passive social media use.19
Is empathy linked to prosocial and antisocial traits and behavior? It depends on the form of empathy.18
Is parental mediation negatively associated with problematic media use among children and adolescents? A systematic review and meta-analysis.17
Mandatory reporting and clinician decision-making when a client discloses sexual interest in children.17
Nudging to increase hand hygiene during the COVID-19 pandemic: A field experiment.15
Workplace violence and psychopathology in paramedics and firefighters: Mediated by posttraumatic cognitions.13
French translation and validation of the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (MAIA-FR).13
Racial bias and lethal force errors among Canadian police officers.11
COVID-19 pandemic mental health trajectories: Patterns from a sample of Canadians primarily recruited from Alberta and Ontario.11
Community perceptions and pro-environmental behavior: The mediating roles of social norms and climate change risk.11
Perfectionism and its role in depressive disorders.11
The scope, nature, and impact of sexual violence among students from a Canadian university: A random sample study.10
The quest for workplace gender equality in the 21st century: Where do we stand and how can we continue to make strides?9
Collective efficacy in virtual teams: Emergence, trajectory, and effectiveness implications.8
COVID-19-related media consumption and parental mental health.7
Is the messenger the message? Canadian political affiliation and other predictors of mask wearing frequency & attitudes during the COVID-19 pandemic.7
Factor structure of the Brief COPE in patients with melanoma.7
Disordered gaming: The role of a gamer’s distress profile.6
The impact of COVID-19 anxiety on quality of life in Canadian adults: The moderating role of intolerance of uncertainty and health locus of control.6
Current directions in organizational justice.6
Binge eating and problem gambling are prospectively associated with common and distinct deficits in emotion regulation among community women.6
Trust as a mediator of the relationship between character and perceptions of leader effectiveness during the COVID-19 crisis.6
On the quest for quality self-report data: HEXACO and indicators of careless responding.6
Emotional impact of graphic health warnings on tobacco packages in Colombia.6
The role of harassment and group cohesion for depressive and anxiety symptoms.5
Mock juror decision-making in a self-defence trial involving police use of force.5
Validating an efficient measure of responsivity in father–child interactions.5
Emotion-focused therapy for depression: Canadian contributions.5
Initial development of a questionnaire about parents’ perspectives on the strengths and interests of autistic preschoolers.5
Evaluation of a mental health continuum model in two samples.5
Associations between young adults’ social media addiction, relationship quality with parents, and internalizing problems: A path analysis model.5
Chronic PTSD and other psychological sequelae in a group of frontline healthcare workers who contracted and survived SARS.5
Lying motivations: Exploring personality correlates of lying and motivations to lie.5
French or Québécois? How speaker accents shape implicit and explicit intergroup attitudes among francophones in Montréal.5
Preliminary evidence for internal structure, sensitivity, and specificity of a brief PTSD and complex PTSD measure in adolescents.5
Determining the appropriateness of extended time accommodations in standardized cognitive ability testing.5
Convenience sampling methods in psychology: A comparison between crowdsourced and student samples.4
The impact of job accommodations on stereotyping and emotional responses to coworkers with anxiety or depression.4
Parents and caregivers’ willingness to vaccinate their children against COVID-19.4
What is creepiness? The underlying role of ambiguity.4
Examining the temporal associations between depression and pathological gaming.4
French adaptation of the Experience of Shame Scale: Validation in a French-Canadian sample.4
Should I lead? An intrapersonal perspective on the Asian–White leadership gap.4
Psychosocial factors associated with Canadian police officers’ susceptibility to posttraumatic stress and growth.4
The inclusion of immigrants in Canada: An examination of social markers of acceptance.4
Emerging research in industrial–organizational psychology in Canada.4
Which comes first? Associations between communication patterns and relationship satisfaction in couples over a 1-year period.3
Personality, political ideology, and partisanship in Canada.3
Exploration of the flourishing scale’s psychometric properties for French-Canadians and its relationship with HEXACO personality traits.3
Connections between parental reciprocity and emerging adult depressive symptoms and loneliness: The role of peer social support.3
Mindfulness and perceptions of physical health: The mediating role of perceived stress.3
A longitudinal analysis of psychological distress among healthcare workers following patient violence.3
Organizational memory strategy training with children with autism spectrum disorder.3
Beyond educational attainment: The role of achievement and school absence in the development of criminal justice involvement.3
The mediating roles of affect and coping strategy in the relationship between trait mindfulness and burnout among French healthcare professionals.3
Posttraumatic growth and pain acceptance: A profile analysis of chronic pain experience.3
In action at work! Mental health self-management strategies for employees experiencing anxiety or depressive symptoms.3
Evaluation of Know Before You Go on mental health literacy and life skills to prepare for life after high school.3
The investigation of biases in the evaluation and knowledge of foods’ healthiness and disordered eating in a community sample.2
A longitudinal study on the stability and predictors of flourishing among emerging adults.2
Examining featural processing of emotional facial expressions: Is trait anxiety a factor?2
Psychometric validation of the French version of the Hogg Eco-Anxiety Scale (HEAS-FR).2
Interpreting teasing through texting: The role of emoji, initialisms, relationships, and rejection sensitivity in ambiguous SMS.2
Unnecessary ping-pong: Illustrations of why previous findings should be taken into account when evaluating new data sets.2
Self-disclosure of body image, eating, and emotional concerns by female collegiate athletes: Associations with body image pressure, social media, and em2
Ajustement psychologique en première année universitaire: Identification de profils longitudinaux en lien avec la satisfaction et la frustration des besoins psychologiques de base.2
Mind the age gap: A comprehensive examination of apathy, depression, and cognition in young adults.2
A short version of the Opening Minds Scale–Workplace Attitudes: Factor structure and factorial validity in a sample of Canadian public safety personnel.2
Double-pronged bias against black women: Sexism and racism (but not right-wing ideology) as unique predictors.2
Exploring the impact of shame and guilt on coping with gambling problems among emerging adult gamblers.2
Attitudes toward reconciliation in Canada: Relationships with connectedness to nature, animal–human continuity, and moral expansiveness.2
Does the early development instrument predict academic achievement in Ontario French schools?2
Me, myself, and I: Self-centeredness, FOMO, and social media use.2
Validation of the French–Canadian version of the COVID-19 Peritraumatic Distress Index with parents of an infant.2
Personalized and socialized need for power: Distinct relations to employee traits and behaviors.2
Élaboration d’une échelle d’épanouissement psychologique en milieu de travail (ÉÉPMT) et examen de ses qualités psychométriques.2
Performative shooting exercises do not predict real-world racial bias in police officers.2
Measuring psychological need satisfaction in exercise: A tale of two instruments.2
Do Canadian and U.S. American handgun owners differ?2
It follows! The relationship between perceived prior experienced coworker interpersonal mistreatment and newcomer employee social integration.2
A multilevel investigation of individual and residence risk factors on student drinking.2
A pilot study assessing effectiveness of a written shame induction protocol with and without a social evaluative threat manipulation.2
Rôle médiateur de la sursexualisation dans les liens entre l’attachement et l’engagement conjugal des jeunes adultes.2
TMI? Accompanying details impact statements’ perceived veracity.2
Young adolescent experiences with the intolerance of uncertainty, worry, and anxious arousal across contexts.2
Adults’ sensitivity to the age-appropriateness of lawyer’s questioning of children in a physical abuse case.2
Explaining support for post-secondary educational funding for indigenous students.2
Examen du profil psychopathologique selon la présence de la dépendance alimentaire et d’un trouble accès hyperphagiques.2