CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology

(The TQCC of CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Noise and vibrations in machine tools162
Auction-based production planning considering operators' skill criterion89
Hybrid digital modelling of large manufacturing systems to support continuous evolution63
Surface formation mechanism in waterjet guided laser cutting of a Ni-based superalloy60
Chip geometry and cutting force prediction in gear hobbing57
Cognitive clamping geometries for monitoring elastic deformation in forming machines and processes54
Ultrafast laser manufacturing: from physics to industrial applications50
Data-driven process characterization and adaptive control in robotic arc welding46
A novel deep generative model based on imaginal thinking for automating design43
Faster than real-time path-sensitive temperature modeling of wire-arc additive manufacturing by a data-driven finite volume method37
Lightweight semi-actively damped high performance milling tool35
Structure estimation of deep neural network for triangulation displacement sensors34
Estimation of supporting fixture receptance for thin-walled milling31
Biologicalisation in manufacturing – Current state and future trends29
Characterization of a novel aerostatic lubrication system for deep drawing processes29
Improving environmental performances of integrated bladed rotors for aircraft28
Machine tool integrated inverse multilateration uncertainty assessment for the volumetric characterisation and the environmental thermal error study of large machine tools27
Mechanics of self-rotating double-disc grinding process27
Understanding the properties of bronze-bonded diamond grinding wheels on process behaviour25
Surface topography irregularities generated by broaching25
Deliberative robotics – a novel interactive control framework enhancing human-robot collaboration25
Upscaling of soft material grippers to heavy duty applications in handling and assembly25
A novel analytical algorithm for prediction of workpiece temperature in end milling24
On-the-fly bare die bonding based on laser induced forward transfer (LIFT)23
Modal parameter recovery from temporally aliased video recordings of cutting tools22
Can higher cutting speeds and temperatures improve the microstructural surface integrity of advanced Ni-base superalloys?22
Producing isolated shrink corners by folding-shearing22
Damage-free finishing of Lu2O3 by combining plasma-assisted etching and low-pressure polishing21
Surface modifications induced by turning on additively manufactured Zr-702 and their effects on cell adhesion and proliferation for biomedical applications21
Damping in ram based vertical lathes and portal machines21
Text mining for AI enhanced failure detection and availability optimization in production systems20
Adaptive compensation of the transmission errors in rack-and-pinion drives20
Autonomously triggered model updates for self-learning thermal error compensation20
International comparison of flatness deviation in areal surface topography measurements19
Surface integrity in high-speed grinding of Al6061T6 alloy19
Semi-Double-loop machine learning based CPS approach for predictive maintenance in manufacturing system based on machine status indications19
Efficiently preserving material resources in manufacturing: Industrial symbiosis revisited19
Daydreaming factories19
A network-based model robustness improvement method for product quality assurance19
Artificial Intelligence in manufacturing: State of the art, perspectives, and future directions19
Data Augmentation-based Prognostics for Predictive Maintenance of Industrial System19
Predictive digital twin-driven dynamic error control for slow-tool-servo ultraprecision diamond turning18
Simulation of metal forming – Visualization of invisible phenomena in the digital era18
Machining SiC fibre reinforced metal matrix composites – How do different matrix materials affect the cutting performance?18
Inducing <111> texture in AA5182-O through continuous-bending-under-tension and recovery heat treatment processes to influence r-values18
Understanding the gear surface enhancement by hard-hobbing via ferritic-martensitic grain analysis17
One-shot acquisition of intermediate feature values for in-process parameter exploration in PBF-LB of ultrafine porous metallic structure17
Surface integrity and superelastic response of additively manufactured Nitinol after heat treatment and finish machining17
Adaptive metal flow control in stamping through ferrofluidic actuators16
Synergistic integration of vibration absorption and damping into 3D-printed fixtures for thin-wall machining16
Simulation-guided feedforward-feedback control of melt pool temperature in directed energy deposition16
A collaborative intelligence-based approach for handling human-robot collaboration uncertainties16
Increasing the dynamic accuracy of ball screw drives with quasi-sliding-mode (qSMC) position control16
Model-based analysis of temperature-dependent dynamics in CFRP spindle unit16
Digital twin of forged part to reduce distortion in machining15
Pre-programing the glass transition temperature and transformation strain of shape memory polymers in fused deposition modeling process15
Virtual vibration absorber for active forced vibration reduction15
Flexible single-step fabrication of programmable 3D nanostructures by pulse-modulated local anodic oxidation15
Robust control of maximum photolithography overlay error in a pattern layer15
Automation of knowledge extraction for degradation analysis15
Crackless femtosecond laser percussion drilling of SiC by suppressing shock wave magnitude15
Dual-perspective capacity planning in interconnected multi-product production networks using stochastic optimisation15
Assessment of advanced process configurations for improving workpiece surface finish in point grinding14
Finite manufacturing primitives: A representation scheme for additive manufacturing quality assurance14
Novel prediction model for microforming limit curves considering material inhomogeneity based on surface roughening14
Vision-based thermal drift monitoring method for machine tools14
Effect of alloy-specific case-hardening layers on the grindability of gears14
Vision AI-based human-robot collaborative assembly driven by autonomous robots14
In-process self-configuring approach to develop intelligent tool condition monitoring systems14
Multi-operation optimal blank localization for near net shape machining13
Effects of single-crystalline diamond quality on tool wear resistance and cutting performance13
Dynamic task planning for autonomous reconfigurable manufacturing systems by knowledge-based multi-agent reinforcement learning13
Upflow mitigation strategy for nested printing13
Real-time prediction of material removal rate for advanced process control of chemical mechanical polishing13
Three-dimensional modeling of gear skiving kinematics for comprehensive process design in practical applications12
Digital image correlation analysis and modelling of the strain rate in metal cutting12
Robust and accurate prediction of thermal error of machining centers under operations with cutting fluid supply12
Machining gold nanowire-based nanoelectrode array by using nanoskiving method12
Chatter stability of thin-walled part machining using special end mills12
A toolpath-based layer construction method for designing & printing porous structure12
Why is it hard to identify the onset of chatter? A stochastic resonance perspective12
Internal coolant supply in circular sawing12
Hyperspectral imaging and trim-cut visualization of laser cutting12
Interlaced layer thicknesses within single laser powder bed fusion geometries12
An upset geometry sequence for determining the formability limits in bulk forming12
Process monitoring of machining12
Intelligent assembly operations monitoring with the ability to detect non-value-added activities as out-of-distribution (OOD) instances11
A low temperature nano-lubrication method for enhancing machinability in ultra-precision grinding of binderless tungsten carbide (WC)11
Real-time trajectory generation for dual-stage feed drive systems11
Remanufacturing and reuse of thin film composite (TFC) membranes through surface modification using bio-inspired eco-friendly coating11
Controllable removal of silicon carbide at nano scale by ion-implantation assisted laser machining11
Process-aware part retrieval for cyber manufacturing using unsupervised deep learning11
Characterization of generic interactive digital twin for increased agility in forming11
Intelligent feedrate optimization using a physics-based and data-driven digital twin11
Interfacial characteristics in multi-material laser powder bed fusion of CuZr/316L stainless steel11
A process chain for the mass production of nanopatterned bactericidal plastic parts11
An advanced dual APF-based controller for efficient simultaneous collision and singularity avoidance for human-robot collaborative assembly processes11
Progressive damage induced degradation of mechanical properties in the hole surfaces during drilling processes of CFRP11
Straight roll formed profiles through partial rolling11
Effect of NiO nanoparticles on duplex stainless steel processed via DED-LB and PBF-LB11
High-speed X-ray study of process dynamics caused by surface features during continuous-wave laser polishing10
Improvement of surface quality in simultaneous machining of multiple workpieces on a single machine10
The impact of airborne emissions from coolants and lubricants on machining costs10
Bio-inspired non-assembly joints: Design, fabrication and wear performance10
Non-Circular-Rotary-Turning process for manufacturing parts with non-circular contours10
Impact of directionality and heat treatment on machining of additively manufactured Inconel 71810
Improving machining characteristics of electrical discharge machining by superimposing impulse current10
A hand-interaction model for augmented reality enhanced human-robot collaboration10
A new tolerance allocation approach based on decision tree and Monte Carlo simulation10
Thin-film sensors for data-driven concentricity prediction in cup backward extrusion10
Development of residual stress evaluation method for polymer products using THz polarization measurement10
Submerged electrochemical jet machining with in-situ gas assistance10
Creasing and folding of paper-based sandwich material–Phenomena and modelling10
Mechanical and thermal processing of wire-arc additively deposited stainless steel9
Accuracy evaluation of squareness identification by vision-based circular tests for machine tools9
Cutting performance by surgical scissors of tubular soft tissues such as blood vessels9
Surface texturing to enhance sol-gel coating performances for biomedical applications9
Sensory chuck jaw for enhancing accuracy in turning thin‐walled parts9
On the role of metal surface modification and polymer matrix characteristics when drilling thermoplastic fibre metal laminates9
Online data assimilation of a hybrid flow stress model by particle filtering9
Wire EDM roughing and Wire ECM finishing of 316L stainless steel on a single platform–An investigation of the combined strategy on surface quality and precision9
Additive manufacturing of polyethylene-based composites sourced from industrial waste9
Reducing rubber-plastic friction in syringes through microstructured surface design and manufacturing9
Optimal stock removal to reduce chatter and deflection errors for five-axis ball-end milling of thin-walled blades9
Tolerance allocation under behavioural simulation uncertainty of a multiphysical system9
Predictive model for bearing torque in bolt fastening8
Considering the influence of heating rate, complex hardening and dynamic strain aging in AISI 1045 machining: experiments and simulations8
Novel additively manufactured bio-inspired 3D structures for impact energy damping8
A new hybrid electrochemical-mechanical process (PEMEC) for polishing complex and rough parts8
Explainable AI-infused ultrasonic inspection for internal defect detection8
Automatically tuned boring bar system8
Template-bayesian approach for the evaluation of melt pool shape and dimension of a DED-process from in-situ X-ray images8
Material removal mechanism of multi-layer metal-film nanomilling8
Direct measurement of thermo-elastic errors of a machine tool8
Digital twin-enabled advance execution for human-robot collaborative assembly8
Effect of crystallography on residual stresses during ultra-precision machining of sapphire8
Relating additively manufactured part tensile properties to thermal metrics8
Adaptive human-robot collaboration for robotic grinding of complex workpieces8
Homogenization-based topology optimization integrated with elastically isotropic lattices for additive manufacturing of ultralight and ultrastiff structures8
Mechanism of mid-spatial-frequency waviness removal by viscoelastic polishing tool8
Process state estimation in chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) by inverse analysis of in-process data8
Process and geometrical integrity optimization of electron beam melting for copper8
Augmented semantic segmentation for the digitization of grinding tools based on deep learning8