Byzantinische Zeitschrift

(The TQCC of Byzantinische Zeitschrift is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
A contribution to the technology and sources of lead in Byzantium: lead isotope analysis of ten Byzantine seals4
The Baptistery in the North Church of Shivta: structure, ritual, art3
Old statues, new meanings. Literary, epigraphic and archaeological evidence for Christian reidentification of statuary2
Procopius on Theodora: ancient and new biographical patterns1
Eight unedited poems to his friends and patrons by Manuel Philes1
Interventi censori nell’Anthologia Planudea1
Der Islam-Diskurs bei Niketas von Byzanz1
From Baghdad to Antioch and Constantinople: Ibn Buṭlān and the Byzantines1
Islamicate alchemy in Greek letters on the first page of Marcianus graecus 2991
Justinian, Vitiges and the peace treaty of 540 (Proc. Bell. Goth. 2.29.2)1
Christmas presents for John Tzetzes: a new verse epistle from the letter collection1
Ist Andronikos Synadenos um die Mitte des 12. Jahrhunderts in normannische Gefangenschaft geraten?1
The silk industry around Naupaktos and its implications1
The earlier wall paintings of the south apse in the church of Hagios Panteleemon at Lakkomersina, Naxos. A neglected example of Early Byzantine art from the Aegean1
Das trapezuntinische Horoskop des Jahres 1336. Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung des mittelalterlichen pontischen Dialekts0
On the toponymics of the Great Palace of Constantinople: the Daphne0
Gaga Shurgaia. Vaxt’ang I Gorgasali re di Kartli. Alle origini dell’autocefalia della Chiesa ortodossa di Georgia0
Writing letters and chronography in parallel: the case of Michael Glykas’ letter collection and Biblos Chronike in the 12th century0
Dorotei Getov. A catalogue of the Greek manuscripts in the National Library “Sts. Cyril and Methodius”, Sofia0
Die Hiatregel in den Jamben von Gregor von Nazianz0
Holy day in a holy place: space, time, and annual miracles in late antique hagiography and the cult of saints0
Manus, quae supplevit, inscripsit scholia Theophili Protospatharii. Galien, Théophile et le commentaire mélange aux Aphorismes d’Hippocrate0
Fragments of a steatite icon (diptych wing) with the Great Feasts cycle excavated in Chełm (eastern Poland)0
Niamh Bhalla. Experiencing the Last Judgement, bespr. von Dimitra Kotoula0
In cauda venenum: The end of Libanius’ letter collection and Foerster’s edition0
James Howard-Johnston. The last great war of antiquity0
Nachruf - Klaus-Peter Matschke (14. 5. 1938 – 5. 9. 2020)0
A forgotten translation by Theodorus Gaza unveiled and its context0
The Byzantine reception of Aristotle’s Rhetoric: the 12th century Renaissance0
Pauline Allen / Bronwen Neil. Greek and Latin letters in Late Antiquity. The Christianisation of a literary form0
André Binggeli / Matthieu Cassin / Marina Détoraki (eds.). Bibliothèques grecques dans l’Empire ottoman0
The capacity for self-sufficiency of Middle Byzantine urban settlements0
Performance, ceremonial and power in the basilikoi logoi by Theophylact of Ohrid0
Hymn fragments on a papyrus from the ruins of the monastery at Deir el-Bala’izah, Egypt0
Revisiting the cod. 31 New Testament of the Hagia Lavra at Kalavryta0
Bibliographische Notizen. Part 20
Bianca Kühnel / Gustav Kühnel. Die Geburtskirche in Bethlehem. Die kreuzfahrerzeitliche Auskleidung einer frühchristlichen Basilika0
Yury Arzhanov. Syriac sayings of Greek philosophers0
Sammelrezension: Übersichtswerke zur Spätantike0
Ein tödliches Kinderspiel und seine prognostische Bewältigung. Zu Proc. Bella 5(1).20, 1–40
David Holton / Geoffrey Horrocks / Marjolijne Janssen / Tina Lendari / Io Manolessou / Notis Toufexis. The Cambridge Grammar of Medieval and Early Modern Greek0
Bibliographische Notizen. Part 20
Brigitte Pitarakis (Ed.). From Istanbul to Byzantium, 1800–1955, bespr. von Niamh Bhalla0
Inscribed blocks near Ladik (Laodikeia Katakekaumene) and the Mavrozomes family0
Spyros N. Troianos (18 July 1933 – 27 January 2024)0
John II Komnenos’ campaign in Cilician Armenia0
On earth as it is in heaven? Reinterpreting the Heavenly Liturgy in Byzantine art0
Le Eparchie d’Italia nella Descriptio di Giorgio Ciprio: Indagine sulla natura dell’elenco e proposta ricostruttiva0
The early history of the thema of the Boukellarioi (8th century)0
Ephraim of Ainos at work: a cycle of epigrams in the margins of Niketas Choniates0
Bibliographische Notizen und Mitteilungen. Part 10
Further useful Psalms0
Spyros Troianos. Die Quellen des Byzantinischen Rechts, bespr.0
III. ABTEILUNG. Bibliographische Notizen und Mitteilungen. Part 10
Image and Chalcedonian Eucharistic doctrine: a re-evaluation of the Riha paten, its decoration and its historical context0
Autoren- und Herausgeberverzeichnis zu Band 113, Heft 1–40
Nachruf. Jean-Marie Martin (20. 7. 1938 – 14. 1. 2021), von Stephanos Efthymiadis0
Paula Caballero Sánchez. El Comentario de Juan Pediásimo a los «Cuerpos Celestes» de Cleomedes0
The last century of the Chora Monastery: a new look at the tomb monuments0
Once again on the original name of Emperor Zeno of Isauria0
Rituali di corte. Il Triclinio dei XIX Letti del Grande Palazzo di Costantinopoli0
Sylvie Jona Waksman (Ed.). Multidisciplinary approaches to food and foodways in the medieval eastern Mediterranean0
Alex Metcalfe / Hervin Fernandez-Acevez / Marco Muresu (eds.). The making of medieval Sardinia0
Juan Signes Codoñer / José Domingo Rodríguez Martín / Francisco Javier Andrés Santos. Diccionario Jurídico Bizantino Griego-Español0
Autoren- und Herausgeberverzeichnis zu Band 114, Heft 1–40
Manuel Moschopulos, Maximos Planudes und die Entstehung der Sylloga vocum Atticarum0
The engineer and the ocean. Structural hints for John Tzetzes’ ‘Homeric Allegories0
Byzantine influence on Nubian painting: the loroi and the gender of the Archangels0
Bibliographische Notizen. Part 10
Georgi N. Nikolov. Из историята на Самуилова България0
Detlef Melsbach. Bildung und Religion. Strukturen paganer Theologie in Salustios’ Περὶ θεῶν καὶ κόσμου, bespr.0
Composing the Μικρομεγάλη Ἰλιάς0
Bibliographische Notizen. Part 20
Bibliographische Notizen. Part 10
Vlastimil Drbal. Pilgerfahrt im spätantiken Nahen Osten (3./4.–8. Jahrhundert), bespr.0
Icons as punishers. Two narrations from the Vaticanus gr. 1587 manuscript (BHG 1390 f)0
Autoren- und Herausgeberverzeichnis zu Band 115, Heft 1–40
Łukasz Smorczewski. Administracja diecezji Pontu w późnym cesarstwie rzymskim0
Heraclius Constantine III – Emperor of Byzantium (613–641)0
Der Briefwechsel Paul Marcs mit Konstantin Jireček (1903 – 1917) und das Corpus der griechischen Urkunden0
Bibliographische Notizen. Part 20
Late Roman emperorship in Constantinople: embodiment and ‘unbodiment’ of Christian virtues0
The newly discovered paintings in the dome over the sanctuary in Deir al-Surian0
Thomas Arentzen. The Virgin in song: Mary and the poetry of Romanos the Melodist, bespr.0
Alexander the Great engineer and inventor. Elite representation in western Asia Minor and early Byzantine origins of the later Romance tradition and iconography0
Una Confessio ad angelum custodem pseudomauropodea in dodecasillabi0
Breaking silence in the historiography of Procopius of Caesarea0
Marcin Michał Cyrulski. Panaretos, Kronika trapezuncka0
Tracing village communities: unknown inscriptions from the church of St. Philip, Ano Poula, Mani0
La princesse Čičäk et le soi-disant imposteur Tiberius0
A late Byzantine book inventory in Sofia, Dujčev gr. 253 (olim Kosinitsa 265) – a monastic or private library?0
Marina Loukaki. Les Grâces à Athènes: éloge dʼun gouverneur byzantin par Nikolaos Kataphlôron0
Die Briefe des Gregorios Chioniades0
How to lament a fallen mouse? A parody of ancient lament in the Katomyomachia by Theodore Prodromos0
Four lead seals of the 11th century from Yozgat0
Bibliographische Notizen. Part 20
An Egyptian pilgrim in Asia Minor: linguistic placing of a graffito from Hierapolis0
The Hermoglyphos Pason and the enigma of a stone: Arist. Metaph. 9. 8. 1050a and its commentaries0
Mischa Meier. Geschichte der Völkerwanderung0
Robert Ousterhout (16 January 1950 – 23 April 2023)0
Philip-Philagathos’ allegorical interpretation of Heliodorus’ Aithiopika: Eros, mimesis and scriptural anagogical exegesis0
Bibliographische Notizen. Part 10
Patria 3.8. and echoes of Byzantine military manuals0
Early Byzantine pilgrim flasks (ampullae) and glass unguentaria from Tralles0
The Lord’s gift transformed into a tiger. A hypothesis regarding the fate of the Empress Theodora of Khazaria (705–711)0
Die zweite Definition der Philosophie der alexandrinischen neuplatonischen Schule in den Werken des Niketas Stethatos0
Andrea M. Pülz (mit Beiträgen von Birgit Bühler, Michael Melcher, Manfred Schreiner und David Zsolt Schwarz). Byzantinische Kleinfunde aus Ephesos0
Imprisoned martyrs on the move: reading holiness in Byzantine martyrdom accounts0
The reconquest of Dacia by Constantine the Great0
Mirosław J. Leszka / Kirił Marinow (eds.). The Bulgarian State in 927–969. The Epoch of Tsar Peter I.0
Autoren- und Herausgeberverzeichnis zu Band 116, Heft 1–40
Manuele Crisolora a Costantinopoli0
Textkritik im Dienste der Wahrheitsfindung? Das VI. Ökumenische Konzil (680/81) und seine Fälschungsnachweise0
A list of village payments and the bouleutic career of Theodoros0
Rainer Warland. Allegorese in Byzanz0
Neue mittel- und spätbyzantinische Inschriften aus Bithynien0
The portrayal of Syrgiannes Palaiologos Philanthropenos in the historical works of Nikephoros Gregoras and John Kantakouzenos0
Nicholas Drocourt / Élisabeth Malamut (eds.). La diplomatie byzantine, de l’Empire romain aux confins de l’Europe (ve–xve s.)0
The donor inscription of the Monastery of Lefkai (Euboea): new evidence for a μαρμαράριος of the middle byzantine period0
Die Kirche von Zypern im sogenannten monenergetisch-monotheletischen Streit des 7. Jh.s0
Die Wiederentdeckung von Byzanz: Die kretische Ikone von Göttingen und die Koimesis-Darstellung in der byzantinischen und postbyzantinischen Epoche0
Reconstructing the Byzantine sericulture practice0
Zofia A. Brzozowska / Mirosław J. Leszka / Kirił Marinow/ Teresa Wolińska (eds.). Widmo Mahometa, cień Samuela. Cesarstwo bizantyńskie w relacji zprzedstawicielami innych religii i kultur (VII–XV wiek0
Prontuario para una abadesa: El Escur. Φ III 11 e Irene Cumno (con una propuesta de la escritura inédita de Mateo Blastares)0
Biblical references in catecheses about the Holy Mass by Cyril of Jerusalem0
Bibliographische Notizen. Part 10
The Arab conquest in Byzantine historical memory: the long view0
Michele Bacci. The mystic cave. A history of the Nativity Church in Bethlehem, bespr.0
Bibliographische Notizen und Mitteilungen. Part 20
When Christology intersects with embryology: the viewpoints of Nestorian, Monophysite and Chalcedonian authors of the sixth to tenth centuries0
„Byzantinisch“ oder „germanisch“? Zur Ambivalenz wilhelminischer Mosaiken am Beispiel der Erlöserkirche in Bad Homburg0
The uses of oaths in early Byzantine imperial politics: a reconsideration0
Alcune osservazioni sulla simonia nell’Impero d’Oriente del VI secolo0
Nachrufe. Athanasios Kambylis (9. 1. 1928 – 20. 9. 2021), von Ioannis Vassis — 391 Benjamin Hendrickx (24 July 1939 – 8 July 2021)0
Stratagems and the Byzantine culture of war: the theory of military trickery and ethics in Byzantium (c. 900–1204)0
III. ABTEILUNG. Bibliographische Notizen und Mitteilungen. Part 20
A tale of two skeletons?0
The Belissariotai family: a contribution to Byzantine prosopography0
Bibliographische Notizen. Part 20
The economy of Melitene/Malaṭya and its role in the Byzantine-Islamic trade (seventh to eleventh centuries)0
The eternal manifestation of the Spirit through the Son: a hypostatic or energetic reality? Inquiry in the works of Gregory of Cyprus and Gregory Palamas0
Ruth Macrides / Joseph A. Munitiz/ Dimiter Angelov. Pseudo-Kodinos and the Constantinopolitan court: offices and ceremonies0
„Nicht ungewiss ist das Ziel des göttlichen Wettlaufs“0
Elena N. Boeck. The Bronze Horseman of Justinian in Constantinople, bespr. von András Kraft0
Marina Molin Pradel / Kerstin Hajdú. Katalog der griechischen Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München. Band 5. Codices graeci Monacenses 266–3470
Stasiôtai into stratiôtai: the Nika Riot revisited0
Der Bericht des Minoïdes Mynas über die Bibliothek des Klosters des hl. Ioannes Prodromos tu Bazelonos0
András Németh. The Excerpta Constantiniana and the Byzantine appropriation of the past0
David K. Pettegrew / William R. Karaher / Thomas W. Davis (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of early Christian archaeology0
Bibliographische Notizen. Part 10
Note critiche al testo della metafrasi planudea delle Heroides. Per un approfondimento di alcuni rappresentativi snodi ecdotico-testuali0
Of tortoise necks and dialects. A new edition of the Grammaticus Leidensis0
Hans C. Teitler. The last pagan emperor: Julian the Apostate and the war against Christianity, bespr.0
Luigi Orlandi. Andronikos Kallistos: a Byzantine Scholar and his manuscripts in Italian Humanism0
Revisiting the church of Saint Spyridon in Selymbria0
Novel quotes: Achilles Tatius and Heliodorus in Byzantine sacro-profane florilegia0
II. Abteilung0
A generic experiment of Ioannes Phokas: imaginary guide and dialogical appropriation of Palestine in the Brief ekphrasis of the Holy Land0
Justinianus Eponymus: Überlegungen zur letzten Glanzzeit kaiserlicher Namensverleihungen an Städte0
Pablo Cavallero. La lengua griega en Bizancio, bespr. von Tómas Fernández Caracciolo0
Allegorie und Lob der Physik: Das Proömium der Paraphrase des Theodoros Metochites zu naturwissenschaftlichen Schriften des Aristoteles0
Late Byzantine sigillographic evidence from Cappadocia: lead seals from Kırşehir with a unique overstruck example0
“A statue of bronze, by which times of old used to honor men of rare example”: Materials of honorific statues in Late Antiquity0
Ein Streiflicht auf die militärische Logistik der Byzantiner im späten 7. Jahrhundert0
The liturgy as a source of the epigraphic formulary: some examples from the late antique Peloponnese0
Michael Edward Stewart, David Allan Parnell and Conor Whately (Eds.). The Routledge Handbook on Identity in Byzantium0
Georgi N. Nikolov / Silvia Arizanova. Самуилова България в българската историопис. Библиография (1945–2020)0
Of the nomophylax: John Xiphilinos’ scholia on the Basilica0
The philosophy of Constantine the Philosopher of Nicaea0
Bibliographische Notizen. Part 10