Bulletin of Marine Science

(The median citation count of Bulletin of Marine Science is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Artificial reefs in the Anthropocene: a review of geographical and historical trends in their design, purpose, and monitoring34
Reared to become wild-like: addressing behavioral and cognitive deficits in cultured aquatic animals destined for stocking into natural environments—a critical review25
Developing and integrating enhancement strategies to improve and restore fisheries14
Using ecological evidence to refine approaches to deploying offshore artificial reefs for recreational fisheries14
Morphological and molecular identification of Octopoda (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) paralarvae from the southern Gulf of Mexico9
Characterization of fish assemblages in mesophotic reefs of Cuba9
Invasive upside-down jellyfish tolerate organic eutrophication and warming8
Crown-of-thorns starfish outbreak at Taiping Island (Itu Aba), Spratlys, South China Sea7
Integrating climate change and management scenarios in population models to guide the conservation of marine turtles7
Postnesting migration routes and fidelity to foraging sites among loggerhead turtles in the western North Atlantic7
Phylogeography of two marine predators, giant trevally (Caranx ignobilis) and bluefin trevally (Caranx melampygus), across the Indo-Pacific7
Recovery from finfish predation on newly outplanted boulder coral colonies on three reefs in the Florida Keys6
No bundles beyond this point: the coral sterile zone6
Length at maturity of two pelagic sharks (Isurus paucus and Carcharhinus longimanus) found off northern Cuba5
Nonlethal stable isotope analysis reveals consistent trophic growth of juvenile Atlantic goliath grouper Epinephelus itajara in Brazilian estuaries5
A quantitative assessment of the status of reef fish communities from a large-scale probability survey in southern Florida4
Using mollusks as indicators of restoration in nearshore zones of south Florida's estuaries4
Prey capture kinematics of wild and hatchery juvenile common snook Centropomus undecimalis4
Host-mediated dispersal shapes spatial distribution of genetic variability in marine symbionts4
Western Atlantic invasion of sun corals: incongruence between morphology and genetic delimitation among morphotypes in the genus Tubastraea4
Development of an individual-based tag recapture model to benchmark biomass and harvest rates in an iconic lobster fishery4
Quality considerations and malformation surveillance in a marine stocking program4
Diurnal Sheltering Behavior of Hatchery-propagated Long-spined Urchins (Diadema Antillarum): a Re-examination Following Husbandry Refinements4
Marine stocking in Chile: a review of past progress and future opportunities for enhancing marine artisanal fisheries4
Coral reefs of southeastern Dominican Republic hit by two simultaneous epizootic events4
Genetic evaluation of the unknown contribution of stocked fish in angler catches: a case study using mulloway Argyrosomus japonicus4
Predation on a newly-stocked long-spined sea urchin (Diadema antillarum) by the batwing coral crab (Carpilius corallinus) on a coral reef restoration site3
Damage caused by crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster cf. solaris) outbreak to restored corals in the southern Gulf of California, Mexico3
Geographical differences in stable isotope ratios and fatty acid and lipid signatures of chub mackerel, Scomber japonicus, in waters around Japan3
Low predation intensity on the stalked crinoid Democrinus sp. (Echinodermata), in Roatán, Honduras, reveals deep water as likely predation refuge3
Short-term Habitat Use and Vertical Movements of the Pelagic Stingray Pteroplatytrygon Violacea in the Western North Atlantic Ocean Determined by Pop-up Archival Satellite Tags3
Resampling 25 years later reveals fewer species but higher abundance of juvenile fishes in a Caribbean mangrove bay3
Distribution of genus Jassa (Amphipoda, Ischyroceridae) in the Bay of Campeche, SW Gulf of Mexico, with a description of a new deepwater species3
Dispersal of yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi) from a coastal embayment following a recreational fisheries enhancement stocking program: attempts to integrate aquaculture and habitat-based 3
Mollusk death assemblages from the deep slope off northwestern Cuba (Gulf of Mexico)3
Effects of climate change and water management on West Florida Shelf's dynamics2
Effects of translocation on the asari clam Ruditapes philippinarum at small spatial scales in Matsukawaura, Japan2
A newly discovered Helicocranchia species (Cephalopoda: Cranchiidae: Taoniinae) in the northern Gulf of Mexico2
Trophic guild structure and dietary patterns of a juvenile-dominated demersal fish community in a tropical mangrove estuarine system2
Colonization of Marine Debris in the Florida Keys Coral Reef Ecosystem by Nonindigenous Sun Corals (Tubastraea Spp.)2
Combined effect of burrowing mangrove crabs and tides on carbon fluxes2
Impact of the development and utilization of coastal areas of Liaodong Bay on the environmental quality of seawater2
A novel approach to estimate postrelease survival for estuarine fishes2
Distribution and abundance of herbivorous reef fishes on a barrier reef system in the Florida Keys and Dry Tortugas, Florida2
Multispecies spawning of scleractinian corals in nonreefal coral communities of northern Taiwan (northwestern Pacific Ocean)2
Hyperiid amphipod vertical distribution and community structure in the upper 100 m of the northwestern Caribbean Sea2
Pacific-wide pH snapshots reveal that high coral cover correlates with low, but variable pH2
Spatial and bathymetric trends in composition and taxonomic diversity of Polychaeta (Annelida) assemblages from the deep Southern Gulf of California2
Geological faulting a possible trigger for brine-induced reef mortality at East Flower Garden Bank, NW Gulf of Mexico2
Prediction of suitable habitats for the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) in the Beibu Gulf of China and Vietnam2
Drifting bryozoans increase nekton diversity in the north- central Gulf of Mexico unvegetated muddy bottom seascape2
Unprecedented densities of Gorgonia sea fans on coral reefs in St. John, US Virgin Islands?2
Influence of intra- and interspecific competition on periphyton biomass and growth performance of Holothuria scabra juveniles2
Revolutions in rearing barnacles: rotating flow and substratum for culturing larvae and adults2
First report of in situ survival of laboratory-reared offspring of the threatened species Dendrogyra cylindrus in the Caribbean2
Herpyllobius piotrowskiae sp. nov., a mesoparasitic copepod (Multicrustacea: Copepoda: Cyclopoida), on Iphione fustis Hoagland, 1920 (Annelida, Iphionidae) from Papua New Guinea2
Expansion of an established fishery-independent survey into the US Virgin Islands' upper mesophotic zone: feasibility and management implications2
Reef fish community structure along the southeastern US Atlantic continental shelf break and upper slope appears resistant to increasing lionfish (Pterois volitans/miles) density1
A novel allopatric lineage within the fat snook species complex of the genus Centropomus (Perciformes: Centropomidae)1
Developing a population assessment for Caribbean spiny lobster Panulirus argus in the United States Virgin Islands: lessons learned1
Integrating the US Caribbean Reef Fish Visual Census into fishery stock assessments1
Morphological Description and Molecular Characterization of Gnathia Jimmybuffetti Sp. Nov. (Crustacea, Isopoda, Gnathiidae): the First New Gnathiid in 100 Years from the Floridian Ecoregion.1
Fish community characterization of mid-shelf and shelf- edge mesophotic coral ecosystems in the expanded Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary1
Goatfishes (Teleostei: Mullidae) of the Socotra Archipelago: diversity and distributional biogeography, with a new record of Parupeneus heptacantha1
Spatial variation in hard bottom coral communities of the coastal West Florida Shelf1
Assessing anthropogenic disturbance in Estero de Urías coastal lagoon through the lens of annelid distribution1
Parrotfish target large relocated corals causing restoration bottleneck1
Impact of invasive seagrass Halophila stipulacea on life history characteristics of juvenile yellowtail snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus)1
Benthic macrofaunal habitat use of the alga Caulerpa prolifera compared to the seagrass Halodule wrightii1
A Short History of Terpios Hoshinota in Maldives1
Residency and Fine-scale Habitat Use of Juvenile Goliath Grouper (Epinephelus Itajara) in a Mangrove Nursery1
Red and brown algae mats overgrow classical marine biodiversity hotspots in the Mediterranean Sea1
The Reef Visual Census: a review of an essential long- term data source for reef-fish management in Florida1
Quantifying hurricane impacts on United States Virgin Islands reef fishes using a catchability invariant approach to compare uncalibrated survey indices1
Rhodolith holobionts are not sources of fixed nitrogen in a northeastern Gulf of Mexico patch reef1
Multiple stress-induced mortality of an Acropora coral on the Luhuitou turbid reef in the northern South China Sea1
Tissue regeneration of the purple sea urchin Heliocidaris crassispina1
Host density and anthropogenic stress are drivers of variability in dark spot disease in Siderastrea siderea across the Florida Reef Tract1
First record of coral split spawning in the genus Acropora at Luhuitou fringing reef, Sanya, China1
The Identity of the Deepsea Caridean Shrimp Glyphocrangon Stenolepis and Description of Glyphocrangon Latens Sp. Nov. from Taiwan and Japan1
A structured deepwater fish community in an isolated benthic feature off Southern California1
First record of synchronous coral spawning in a marginal coral community in Shenzhen, China1
Acropora CervicornisData Coordination Hub, an Open Access Database for Evaluating Genet Performance1
A Translation into English of Ebersbach's "On the Anatomy of Cirroteuthis Umbellata Fischer and Stauroteuthis Sp."—with Comments on Grimpoteuthis1
Spatial Ecology and Habitat Partitioning of Two Sympatric Ophichthid Eel Species in the Gulf of Mexico1
Public perception of coastal eco-engineering interventions in Singapore1
Predation on Aurelia sp. jellyfish by Acanthostracion polygonium (Ostraciidae) in the Dominican Republic1
Composition and behavior of mixed-species foraging groups of reef fish in the Lakshadweep islands, India1
Exploring relationships between gender and collective action in artisanal fisher associations of Central Chile0
Plasticity and variation of cirral attributes in Chelonibia spp. barnacles0
Management of buoyant materials in aquaculture for brackish and salt water in Quang Ninh province (Vietnam)0
The crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci as a predator of black coral Antipathes galapagensis in the Gulf of California0
Massive spawning of bleached Caribbean corals in western Cuba during a severe heat stress period0
Nocturnal Infestation of Flounder (Bothidae: Pleuronectiformes) by Parasitic Gnathiid Isopods in the Central Philippines0
Active Coral Restoration: Techniques for a Changing Planet by David E Vaughan0
Putative spawning aggregations of giant trevally in the Red Sea0
High-resolution imagery of the coral reefs of Gorgona Island, Colombian Pacific Ocean: an improved view for monitoring and research0
A quantitative assessment of the status of benthic communities on US Atlantic coral reefs using a novel standardized approach0
In-water photo-ID to estimate foraging movements of green turtles Chelonia mydas in Apo Island, Negros Oriental, Philippines0
Perspectives from an eDNA metabarcoding pilot project in the Banggai MPA, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia0
Increasing risk of migrations through the Panama Canal0
Olympia oyster, Ostrea lurida, in Puget Sound: stable isotope shell profiles as potential indicators of a changing climate0
Spatial and temporal distribution of chlorophyll a concentration in the Sunda Shelf0
Operational Ecoforecasting for Coral Reefs Using Artificial Intelligence and Integrated Near Real-Time Environmental Data0
Cephalopod paralarvae in a tropical Brazilian basin: distribution throughout oceanographic features and water masses0
First occurrence of the invasive jellyfish Phyllorhiza punctata in the Dominican Republic: seasonal trend and invasion in the Atlantic Ocean0
Observations on the Mechanism of Egg-capsule Deposition in Melongena Corona (Mollusca: Gastropoda) Based on a Time-lapse Video0
Environmental communication through visual imagery: SEAHIVE®, a green-gray installation at Wahoo Bay, Pompano Beach, Florida, as an educational tool0
Ocean acidification detrimentally affects mineralization and photosynthetic efficiency of the brown alga Padina pavonica at a CO2 vent0
Distribution and abundance of echinoderm communities in the intertidal shores of Singapore0
Fish community structure and diversity partitioning in the nearshore benthoscapes of San Salvador, Bahamas0
The genus Aspidosiphon Diesing, 1851 (Sipuncula: Aspidosiphonidae): Description of a New Shell Dwelling Species, Notes on Aspidosiphon (Paraspidosiphon) Laevis De Quatrefag0
Quantifying fin shape in Brachioteuthis beanii (Cephalopoda: Brachioteuthidae) collected at The Gully Marine Protected Area, off Nova Scotia, Canada0
Antibacterial activity of bryozoan-associated bacteria from Tulamben, Bali0
Habitat specific tradeoffs in growth and survival by hogfish Lachnolaimus maximus in southeast Florida0
Distribution, abundance, and size structure of deepsea shrimps of the family Aristeidae (Crustacea: Decapoda) in the southern Gulf of Mexico0
Recovery of a tropical coral reef in the aftermath of a cyclone: insights into postdisturbance dynamics and conservation strategies0
Morphological and ultrastructural description of Nematopsis spisula sp. nov. (Apicomplexa) inhabiting Spisula solida (Bivalvia) on the Portuguese Atlantic coast0
Holobiont-level responses to elevated temperature and reduced pH in Aiptasia0
Age, growth, and mortality of littlehead porgy, Calamus proridens, from southeast Florida coastal waters0
Simulacra in the diatom genus Diploneis (Diatomeae: Naviculales): Caribbean Diploneis gravelleana and other small, strongly constricted species resolved from ultrastructure0
Three-dimensional printing can provide opportunities to promote coral recruitment on disturbed reefs0
Environmental and biological determinants of the size, shape, and orientation of coral bommies in the back reef of Moorea, French Polynesia0
Quantification of “observer effect” in the United States Atlantic pelagic longline fishery0
Thermal stress response in the Montastraea cavernosa coral-symbiont complex in the Mexican Caribbean, through the expression of the HSP70 gene0
Fish diversity declines with loss of sessile benthic invertebrate density on nearshore hardbottom communities in the Florida Keys, United States0
Interannual Aggregation Behavior of the Endangered SmoothhoundMustelus Mustelusin Madeira Island (Northeast Atlantic)0
First Coralliophila Species (Gastropoda: Muricidae) From the Chilean Continental Margin, Southeastern Pacific0
Variable prevalence of diseases and compromised health conditions on hard corals around Mauritius Island, Western Indian Ocean0
Modelling hydraulic plasticity of mangroves0
Carbon reserves in deltaic mangroves of the Colombian Pacific across different disturbance degrees0
Use of shelters for restocking hatchery-produced Stichopus cf. horrens juveniles0
The fish assemblages associated with asphalt volcanoes in the Santa Barbara Channel, California, USA0
The roles of ocean law in the science-policy ballet on protection of the marine environment0
Information legacies of early ecological studies0
Shell standing in Planaxis sulcatus: convergence of heat avoidance behavior in rocky shore gastropods?0
Habitat associations and threat vulnerabilities of seahorses and pipefishes (Syngnathidae) in Biscayne National Park, Florida, USA0
A critical appraisal of occurrence data in OBIS and GBIF databases: a case study on true mangrove species0
Introduction to the special issue celebrating 70 years of the Bulletin of Marine Science0
Depth and structure as environmental drivers of fish communities across a shallow to mesophotic gradient in the northern US Virgin Islands0
Bivalves from the Gulf of Mexico: updated information to complete the puzzle0
Genetic identification of Penaeus monodon from incipient invasions in the Yucatán Peninsula, south-southeast Gulf of Mexico0
An Indian Ocean macroalga new to the Atlantic: Halimeda macroloba (Chlorophyta, Halimedaceae) discovered and now established in Biscayne Bay, Florida0
A presumed Lazarus coral: outstanding regeneration capacity of a Goniopora coral exposed to air over several months0
Behavioral traits of mangrove mosquitofish (Gambusia rhizophorae) in their historic and recently expanded range in South Florida0
“Accidental” artificial reefs — lessons from Singapore for coral and seagrass restoration along urban shorelines0
Observations of conspecific aggression and group foraging in invasive lionfish (Pterois sp.) in the Florida Keys, USA0
The half-life of cyanide in the blood of the marine fish, Amphiprion clarkii after cyanide exposure0
Fish and coral communities along the seawall of Sutera Harbour Marina, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia0
Charles Garrett Messing (1948–2023)0
Review of the batfish genus Malthopsis from Australia (Lophiiformes: Ogcocephalidae), with descriptions of five new species0
Associations between banded sea kraits (Laticuadinae) and trumpetfish (Aulostomidae) in the central Philippines0
Larval presence and settlement of the American lobster (Homarus americanus) in a changing southern New England estuary0
Visual Surveys Reveal Coral Growth in Mangrove Fringe in a Subtropical Metropolis0
The marine fishes from southern Mindanao, Philippines, including a DNA barcode reference library of commercially important species0
Citizen science monitoring uncovers resilience of intertidal assemblages in a tropical urban environment0
The release of "sperm bundles" by Acropora corals0
Mangrove browning trends in the semiarid southern Caribbean: spatial context matters0
Nymphozoon cinderella sp. nov. (Platyhelminthes: Polycladida: Pseudocerotidae), a new species of marine flatworm from Japan0
Use of three-dimensional uCT imaging technique in the description of a new deepsea slipper lobster Bathyarctus andamanicus sp. nov. (Crustacea: Decapoda: Scyllaridae) from Myanmar0
A scientometrics-enhanced review of the genus Cassiopea0
The diversity of mangrove forests and geographical biases in their research0
Analyzing the role of coastal geomorphology on heavy mineral distribution along a coastal tract of Kerala, southwest India0
Women managers, local wisdom, and customary practice in marine conservation, Raja Ampat, Papua0
Bedforms and sediment dynamics under reduced sediment input and estuarine engineering: the case of the Bou Regreg estuary, Morocco0
Genetic divergence of Pocillopora damicornis between temperate and subtropical regions: the need to monitor hidden genetic lineage distribution with regard to migration-load risks under climate0
Comparing soil organic carbon and water relations among continental and island mangroves in the Colombian Caribbean0
Evaluating the Educational Value of the Reef Stakes® Card Game for Coral Reef Conservation: An Intervention Study0
Hitchhiking bryozoans (Gymnolaemata) on sea turtles (Cheloniidae) from southeastern United States to Honduras0
A walk on the beach: exploring iNaturalist observations of the Atlantic horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, as a tool for conservation0
Spread of the invasive corals, Tubastraea coccinea and Tubastraea tagusensis, towards the lower intertidal zones of southeastern Brazil0
Abiotic drivers of mudflat colonization by mangroves in Indonesia: a knowledge base to support ecological restoration0
Spatiotemporal variability in postsettlement energy reserves of the Caribbean spiny lobster0
Reef resilience assessment for MPA zonation plan on Simeulue Island, Indonesia0
New records of the ragged-tooth shark, Odontaspis ferox, from the western North Atlantic Ocean, with a summary of regional occurrences0
Regime shift in the northernmost coral ecosystem: decline of the threatened coral Acropora pruinosa due to grazing by Diadema setosum0
Apseudes ranma sp. nov. (Tanaidacea: Apseudidae) found in a public aquarium, with notes on phylogeny and a presumptive stridulatory organ0
Presence of coral-killing sponges in Okinawan mesophotic coral ecosystems0
Distribution of marine turtles in Singapore: human-wildlife coexistence in a highly urbanized seascape0
The gametogenic cycle of an invasive semelparous heterobranch sea slug from northern Patagonia, Argentina, reveals an annual lifespan0
Territorial use rights for finfish fisheries: a case study in Baja California Sur, Mexico0
First Record of Coralline Lethal Orange Disease on the Reefs of Belize0
First record of genus Leptophoxoides Barnard, 1962 (Amphipoda, Amphilochidea, Phoxocephalidae) from the Gulf of Mexico, with a description of a new deepsea species0
In situ photobiological response of Symbiodiniaceae to diurnal light variation in the tropical clownfish-associated anemone (Radianthus magnifica) from Peninsular Malaysia0
Discovery of a new Muraenichthys eel (Anguilliformes: Ophichthidae) from the Bay of Bengal, India, with its molecular characterization0
Fish assemblages on shipwrecks versus natural reefs in Colombo, Sri Lanka0
Horizontal and Vertical Distribution of Abralia Spp. Paralarvae in the Caribbean Sea with Morphological and Molecular Notes0
First report of successful recruitment by conjoined larvae in the brooding scleractinian coral Pocillopora acuta, southern Taiwan0
Moving towards local participation and comanagement of Tioman Island Marine Park0
Intertidal algae as occasional refuge for insects in Colombian Pacific mangrove forests0
Can direct sperm exposure be used as a tool to induce female corals to spawn?0
Recruitment of Psostlarval Spiny Lobster, Stone Crabs, and Larval Fish to Back-Reef Nursery Habitats in the Florida Keys, USA0
Barnichia crialesae gen. nov., sp. nov., from the western Atlantic (Annelida, Polychaeta, Polynoidae, Polynoinae)0
Juvenile mangrove growth is restricted by belowground competition with mature tree roots0
Giant mobile coralliths from the Florida Keys, USA0
First observation of the nudibranch Dermatobranchus tongshanensis (Nudibranchia: Arminidae) feeding on gorgonian Echinomuricea spinifera0
Nitrate removal in a mangrove estuary within a Great Barrier Reef catchment0
Stock-recruitment relationships in pocilloporid corals are likely disrupted by thermal stress0
Evaluating the feasibility of measuring planar area of Sclerophytum penghuense and Cladiella hartogi using 2D image analysis0
Retailer perspectives reveal knowledge gaps in the traceability of the scleractinian coral trade in Singapore0
A new semi-analytical model for retrieving chlorophyll a concentration and magnitude of fluorescence in the South China Sea0
Morphological and molecular evidences confirm a new species in Ophichthus (Anguilliformes: Ophichthidae) from the east coast of India0
Fatty acid composition of anchovetas at different life stages and geographic zones0
Morphological and genetic characterization of Stylophora madagascarensis, Pocillopora acuta, and Pocillopora verrucosa in Mauritius and their thermal photo-physiological stress responses0
Pools of resilience0
Changes in the organic matter deposition in the southeastern America mangrove limit occurrence area (Santo Antônio Lagoon, Brazil)0
Tropicalization alert: new species of mat-forming zoantharian (Zoanthus pulchellus) arrives on Madeira Island (NE Atlantic)0
Revising geographic distributions of eastern Pacific moray eels0
Reproduction of Carijoa riisei (Cnidaria: Octocorallia) in the Panamanian tropical eastern Pacific0
Extreme high stress temperatures in Fall 2023 generate mass coral reef bleaching in the western Caribbean, Seaflower Biosphere Reserve0