British Journal of Educational Psychology

(The median citation count of British Journal of Educational Psychology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
“My brain feels like a browser with 100 tabs open”: A longitudinal study of teachers’ mental health and well‐being during the COVID‐19 pandemic127
Displayed enthusiasm attracts attention and improves recall47
Secondary school students’ perception of the online teaching experience during COVID‐19: The impact on mental wellbeing and specific learning difficulties30
Development of children’s metacognitive knowledge, reading, and writing in English as a foreign language: Evidence from longitudinal data using multilevel models27
Society‐level social axiom moderates the association between growth mindset and achievement across cultures26
Implicit theories of self‐regulated learning: Interplay with students’ achievement goals, learning strategies, and metacognition26
Exploring the interplay between socioeconomic status and reading achievement: An expectancy‐value perspective25
The mechanisms of interest and perseverance in predicting achievement among academically resilient and non‐resilient students: Evidence from Swedish longitudinal data23
Student engagement with school and personality: a biopsychosocial and person‐centred approach21
‘She didn't know how to go back’: School attendance problems in the context of the COVID‐19 pandemic—A multiple stakeholder qualitative study with parents and professionals21
When preservice teachers’ prior beliefs contradict evidence from educational research20
Relations between gender stereotyping and foreign language attainment: The mediating role of language learners’ anxiety and self‐efficacy19
The mindsets × societal norm effect across 78 cultures: Growth mindsets are linked to performance weakly and well‐being negatively in societies with fixed‐mindset norms19
Trajectories of academic achievement for students with attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder18
Parent and teacher warm involvement and student’s academic engagement: The mediating role of self‐system processes18
Roles of socioeconomic status, ethnicity and teacher beliefs in academic grading18
Social and emotional learning in primary schools: A review of the current state of evidence17
Teacher well‐being and turnover intentions: Investigating the roles of job resources and job demands17
Affective states and regulation of learning during socio‐emotional interactions in secondary school collaborative groups17
Sibling conflict during COVID‐19 in families with special educational needs and disabilities17
Well‐being warriors: A randomized controlled trial examining the effects of martial arts training on secondary students’ resilience15
Creativity in mathematics performance: The role of divergent and convergent thinking15
Long‐term labour market and economic consequences of school exclusions in England: Evidence from two counterfactual approaches15
Work–family conflicts, cognitive appraisal, and burnout: Testing the mediation effect with structural equation modelling15
The role of social belonging and exclusion at school and the teacher–student relationship for the development of learned helplessness in adolescents14
Whether verbal and visuospatial working memory play different roles in pupil’s mathematical abilities14
Perceived academic performance explained by school climate, positive psychological variables and life satisfaction13
Shaping classroom social experiences through collaborative small‐group discussions13
Relations among motivation, behaviour, and performance in writing: A multiple‐group structural equation modeling study13
Control, anxiety and test performance: Self‐reported and physiological indicators of anxiety as mediators12
The benefits of teaching on comprehension, motivation, and perceived difficulty: Empirical evidence of teaching expectancy and the interactivity of teaching12
Choice matters: Pupils' stress regulation, brain development and brain function in an outdoor education project12
A new method for studying the halo effect in teachers' judgement and its antecedents: Bringing out the role of certainty12
Digital Bodies: A controlled evaluation of a brief classroom‐based intervention for reducing negative body image among adolescents in the digital age12
The moderating role of socioeconomic status on the relationship between teacher social support and sense of belonging to school12
Primary‐secondary school transition under Covid‐19: Exploring the perceptions and experiences of children, parents/guardians, and teachers12
Can prior knowledge increase task complexity? – Cases in which higher prior knowledge leads to higher intrinsic cognitive load12
Self‐reported academic performance and academic cheating: Exploring the role of the perceived classroom (in)justice mediators12
Institutional cisnormativity and educational injustice: Trans children's experiences in primary and early secondary education in the UK12
Latent motivation profiles for choosing teaching as a career: How are they linked to self‐concept concerning teaching subjects and emotions during teacher education training?12
The influence of thinking dispositions on integration and recall of multiple texts11
Teachers' perceptions of the barriers to assessment of mental health in schools with implications for educational policy: A systematic review11
The selection gap in teacher education: Adverse effects of ethnicity, gender, and socio‐economic status on situational judgement test performance11
Self‐efficacy latent growth trajectories' longitudinal links with achievement and interest: Both baseline and growth rate are important for interest outcomes11
How does parental involvement matter for children's academic achievement during school closure in primary school?10
Adaptability and emotional, behavioural and cognitive aspects of self‐regulated learning: Direct and indirect relations with academic achievement and life satisfaction10
Mental contrasting with implementation intentions increases study time for university students10
Control and value appraisals and online multiple‐text comprehension in primary school: The mediating role of boredom and the moderating role of word‐reading fluency10
How do self‐efficacy and self‐concept impact mathematical achievement? The case of mathematical modelling10
A multidimensional examination of math anxiety and engagement on math achievement10
Perceptions of ease and difficulty, but not growth mindset, relate to specific math attitudes9
Changes in Chinese students' academic emotions after examinations: Pride in success, shame in failure, and self‐loathing in comparison9
Different types of redundancy and their effect on learning and cognitive load9
Understanding effort regulation: Comparing ‘Pomodoro’ breaks and self‐regulated breaks9
Subjective wellbeing and emotion regulation strategies: How are they associated with student engagement in online learning during Covid‐19?9
The impact of the dyslexia label on academic outlook and aspirations: An analysis using propensity score matching9
Teacher–student relationships and adolescents’ school satisfaction: Behavioural engagement as a mechanism of change9
Do different cognitive domains mediate the association between moderate‐to‐vigorous physical activity and adolescents’ off‐task behaviour in the classroom?8
Which is more predictive: Domain‐ or task‐specific self‐efficacy in teaching and outcomes?8
Educational achievement and bullying: The mediating role of psychological difficulties8
Explore your brain: A randomized controlled trial into the effectiveness of a growth mindset intervention with psychosocial and psychophysiological components8
Child‐level factors affecting rate of learning to write in first grade8
The relation between early self‐regulation and classroom context: The role of adult presence, the task’s source of initiation, and social context8
In school and out of school digital use and the development of children’s self‐regulation and social skills8
Multidimensional profiles of parent involvement: Antecedents and impact on student engagement8
Relationship quality in higher education and the interplay with student engagement and loyalty8
To what extent does punishment insensitivity explain the relationship between callous‐unemotional traits and academic performance in secondary school students?8
Does authentic self‐esteem buffer the negative effects of bullying victimization on social anxiety and classroom concentration? Evidence from a short‐term longitudinal study with early adolescents8
Adolescent loneliness across the world and its relation to school climate, national culture and academic performance8
Can you feel the excitement? Physiological correlates of students' self‐reported emotions8
The identification of gifted underachievement: Validity evidence for the commonly used methods8
Supporting pre‐service teachers’ motivation beliefs and approaches to instruction through an online intervention8
The potential of biophysiology for understanding motivation, engagement and learning experiences8
When closeness is effortful: Teachers’ physiological activation undermines positive effects of their closeness on student emotions8
The effects of cooperative learning on trait emotional intelligence and academic achievement of Spanish primary school students8
Biophysiological stress markers relate differently to grit and school engagement among lower‐ and higher‐track secondary school students7
Long‐term interrelations between socio‐emotional and language competencies among preschool dual language learners in Germany7
Student mental health in higher education: the contextual influence of “cuts, competition & comparison”7
Investigating how autonomy‐supportive teaching moderates the relation between student honesty and premeditated cheating7
“The world we live in now”: A qualitative investigation into parents’, teachers’, and children’s perceptions of social networking site use7
Experiences of peer victimization and teacher support in secondary school predict university enrolment 5 years later: Role of school engagement7
What makes a physical education teacher? Personal characteristics for physical education development7
The aetiology of educational attainment: A nuclear twin family study into the genetic and environmental influences on school leaving certificates7
Challenging but positive! – An exploration into teacher attitude profiles towards differentiated instruction (DI) in Germany7
Teachers' daily physiological stress and positive affect in relation to their general occupational well‐being7
Mapping components of verbal and visuospatial working memory to mathematical topics in seven‐ to fifteen‐year‐olds7
Teachers use of fear appeals: Association with student and teacher mental health7
Teachers' physiological and self‐reported stress, teaching practices and students' learning outcomes in Grade 16
Integrating cognitive load theory with other theories, within and beyond educational psychology6
Learning a new geometric concept: The role of working memory and of domain‐specific abilities6
Practitioners' perspectives on spatial reasoning in educational practice from birth to 7 years6
Effects of finger and mouse pointing on learning from online split‐attention examples6
The relationship between mental rotation and arithmetic: do number line estimation, working memory, or place‐value concept matter?6
‘It feels like I'm back to being a teacher’: A longitudinal trajectory analysis of teachers' experiences during the first 8 months of COVID‐19 in England6
Examining perceptions, selections, and products in undergraduates’ learning from multiple resources6
Mind and body in students' and teachers' engagement: New evidence, challenges, and guidelines for future research6
Piloting ‘Clever Kids’: A randomized‐controlled trial assessing feasibility, efficacy, and acceptability of a socioemotional well‐being programme for children with dyslexia6
The role of school‐based relationships for school well‐being: How different are high‐ and average‐ability students?6
How Do I Get on With my Teacher? Affective Student‐Teacher Relationships and the Religious Match Between Students and Teachers in Islamic Primary Schools6
Does learning to code influence cognitive skills of elementary school children? Findings from a randomized experiment6
The ‘perfect’ lens: Perfectionism and early adolescents' math self‐efficacy development5
Social withdrawal and academic achievement, intertwined over years? Bidirectional effects from primary to upper secondary school5
Resilience, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), and anger: A linguistic inquiry into the psychological processes associated with resilience in secondary school STEM learning5
Children's anxiety, academic self‐efficacy, and intergenerational transmission of worries regarding the transition to middle school5
Intra‐individual dynamics of lesson‐specific engagement: Lagged and cross‐lagged effects from one lesson to the next5
This is the way: Network perspective on targets for spatial ability development programmes5
School climate, school identification and student outcomes: A longitudinal investigation of student well‐being5
A multidimensional, person‐centred perspective on teacher engagement: Evidence from Canadian and Australian teachers5
Do children use logic to spell logician? Implicit versus explicit teaching of morphological spelling rules5
Relations among positivity, positive affect in school, and learning flow in elementary school students: A longitudinal mediation model5
Motivational development in times of campus closure: Longitudinal trends in undergraduate students' need satisfaction and intrinsic learning motivation5
Creative expressiveness in childhood writing predicts educational achievement beyond motivation and intelligence: A longitudinal, genetically informed study5
Mediation of self‐concept and moderation of teacher support between SES and reading achievement: Evidence from China and the United States5
Self‐enhancement values and academic achievement: An interaction with students' parental level of education and gender?5
Relations between prior school performance and later test anxiety during the transition to secondary school5
Cultural diversity approaches in schools and adolescents’ willingness to support refugee youth5
Why do I teach? Teachers' instrumental and prosocial motivation predict teaching quality across East and West5
Integrating numerical cognition research and mathematics education to strengthen the teaching and learning of early number5
The advantages of listening to academic content in a second language may be outweighed by disadvantages: A cognitive load theory approach5
Differences in students’ scholastic well‐being induced by familial and scholastic context5
Objectively measured physical activity during primary school physical education predicts intrinsic motivation independently of academic achievement level5
Physical activity predicts task‐related behaviour, affect and tiredness in the primary school classroom: A within‐person experiment5
Physiological responses to a school task: The role of student–teacher relationships and students’ emotional appraisal5
Educational psychological provision in Irish‐medium primary schools in indigenous Irish language speaking communities (Gaeltacht): Views of teachers and educational psychologists5
Co‐developmental trajectories of parental involvement: Relations to academic achievement and externalizing and internalizing problems among Chinese elementary schoolchildren5
What roles matter? An explorative study on bullying and cyberbullying by using the eye‐tracker5
Predicting adaptive expertise with rational number arithmetic5
Reducing gender differences in student motivational‐affective factors: A meta‐analysis of school‐based interventions5
A multilevel account of social value‐related reasons behind mastery goals4
Reading with induced worry: The role of physiological self‐regulation and working memory updating in text comprehension4
Peer likeability and victimization in young adolescents: Moderating effects of descriptive and status group norms for aggression and prosocial behaviour and network density4
I could have used a lot more help than I had: A qualitative systematic review and synthesis of families’ experiences of paediatric brain tumour and schooling4
Mothers' and fathers' views on the importance of play for their children's development: Gender differences, academic activities, and the parental role4
‘People like me don’t do well at school’: The roles of identity compatibility and school context in explaining the socioeconomic attainment gap4
Improving English language skills through learning Mathematic contents: From the expertise reversal effect perspective4
Teaching presence predicts cyberloafing during online learning: From the perspective of the community of inquiry framework and social learning theory4
Associations between poor gross and fine motor skills in pre‐school and peer victimization concurrently and longitudinally with follow‐up in school age – results from a population‐based study4
Expertise reversal effect in a pen‐tablet‐based learning environment: The role of learningcentered emotions in the interplay between learner expertise and task complexity4
Identifying students who are off‐track academically at the start of secondary school: The role of social‐emotional learning trajectories4
Undergraduates’ academic socialization. A cross‐time analysis4
Achievement, self‐concept and anxiety in mathematics and English: A three‐wave cross‐lagged panel study4
Formation of academic self‐concept and intrinsic value within and across three domains: Extending the reciprocal internal/external frame of reference model4
The role of the classroom learning environment in students’ mathematics anxiety: A scoping review4
Teachers' bullying‐related cognitions as predictors of their responses to bullying among students4
Designing novel activities before instruction: Use of contrasting cases and a rich dataset4
The relation between trait flow and engagement, understanding, and grades in undergraduate lectures4
Fraction mapping and fraction comparison skills among grade 4 Chinese students: An error analysis4
Teachers’ views on the acceptability and implementation of the Incredible Years® Teacher Classroom Management programme in English (UK) primary schools from the STARS trial4
Investigating the role of hand perspective in learning from procedural animations4
Are some students graded more appropriately than others? Student characteristics as moderators of the relationships between teacher‐assigned grades and test scores in mathematics4
“I can teach what’s in the book”: Understanding the why and how behind teachers’ implementation of a social‐emotional learning (SEL) focused curriculum in rural Malawi4
Partial measurement invariance of beliefs about teaching for creativity across U.S. and Chinese educators4
The dynamic experience of taking an examination: Ever changing cortisol and expectancy for success4
Are curiosity and situational interest different? Exploring distinct antecedents and consequences3
Improvement in parasympathetic regulation is associated with engagement in classroom activity in primary school children experiencing poor classroom climate3
Effect of task‐based group experience on collaborative learning: Exploring the transaction activities3
Boarding versus day‐students: A mixed‐methods analysis of sleep and its relationship with psychological distress3
Comparisons of creativity performance and learning effects through digital game‐based creativity learning between elementary school children in rural and urban areas3
Discussion of the special issue on cognitive load theory3
Decoding and comprehension skills mediate the link between a small‐group reading programme and English national literacy assessments3
The effectiveness of self: A meta‐analysis of using self‐referential encoding techniques in education3
The intention was good: How promoting strategy use does not improve multimedia learning for secondary students3
A weekly‐diary study of students' schoolwork motivation and parental support3
The importance of perceived quality of instruction, achievement motivation and difficulties in self‐regulation for students who drop out of university3
Secondary data analysis of British population cohort studies: A practical guide for education researchers3
Left visual field bias during face perception aligns with individual differences in reading skills and is absent in dyslexia3
Achievement goal profiles and their associations with math achievement, self‐efficacy, anxiety and instructional quality: A single and multilevel mixture study3
The role of need for cognition (NfC) in the effect of language modalities on integrated writing performance3
Inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, and academic competence: Findings from three cohorts3
The impact of school exclusion in childhood on health and well‐being outcomes in adulthood: Estimating causal effects using inverse probability of treatment weighting3
Factors and experiences that influence school mobility for autistic students: A systematic review3
Developing and validating a university needs instrument to measure the psychosocial needs of university students3
Acceptance of outgroup members in schools: Developmental trends and roles of perceived norm of prejudice and teacher support3
Reciprocal effects of mathematics performance, school engagement and burnout during adolescence3
Teachers' motivational prosody: A pre‐registered experimental test of children's reactions to tone of voice used by teachers3
How Students’ Big Five personality traits manifest in perceived social loafing behavior3
Pupillometric and blink measures of diverse task loads: Implications for working memory models3
Striving for personal growth matters: The relationship between personal growth initiative, teacher engagement and instructional quality3
Whatever will bore, will bore: The mere anticipation of boredom exacerbates its occurrence in lectures2
Emotional involvement matters, too: Associations among parental involvement, time management and academic engagement vary with Youth's developmental phase2
Teachers' behaviour and children's academic achievement: Evidence of gene–environment interactions2
Cognitive style and creativity: The role of education in shaping cognitive style profiles and creativity of adolescents2
Depression and approach‐avoidance achievement goals of Chinese undergraduate students: A four‐wave longitudinal study2
Differential return on investment: Academic growth in mathematics and reading based on initial performance2
Using the theory of planned behaviour to predict pre‐service teachers' preferences for scientific sources2
Verbalized arithmetic principles correlate with mathematics achievement2
Investigating the educational experiences of transnational students: Differences in academic integration, social integration, and institutional and goal commitment2
Academic help‐seeking interactions in the classroom: A microlongitudinal study2
First‐year students' achievement emotions at university: A cluster analytic approach to understand variability in attendance and attainment2
Digital ink and differentiated subjective ratings for cognitive load measurement in middle childhood2
Anxiety and verbal learning in typically developing primary school children: Less efficient but equally effective2
The relationship between numerical mapping abilities, maths achievement and socioeconomic status in 4‐ and 5‐year‐old children2
Matthew or compensatory effects? Factors that influence the math literacy of primary‐school children in Germany2
The importance of domain‐specific number abilities and domain‐general cognitive abilities for early arithmetic achievement and development2
Social comparison in the classroom: Priming approach/avoidance changes the impact of social comparison on self‐evaluation and performance2
Domain‐specific knowledge and domain‐general abilities in children's science problem‐solving2
Flow experience fosters university students' well‐being through psychological resilience: A longitudinal design with cross‐lagged analysis2
‘It's scary starting a new school’: Children and young people's perspectives on wellbeing support during educational transitions2
Variety is the spice of life: How emotional diversity is associated with better student engagement and achievement2
Instructional clarity and classroom management are linked to attitudes towards mathematics: A combination of student and teacher ratings2
Increasing the realism of on‐screen embodied instructors creates more looking but less learning2
Cooperative school climates are positively linked with socio‐emotional skills: A Cross‐National Study2
Teacher–Student relationship quality as a barometer of teaching and learning effectiveness: Conceptualization and measurement2