British Journal of Criminology

(The H4-Index of British Journal of Criminology is 18. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Criminology Towards the Metaverse: Cryptocurrency Scams, Grey Economy and the Technosocial50
Sexual violence as a sexual script in mainstream online pornography42
Distort, Extort, Deceive and Exploit: Exploring the Inner Workings of a Romance Fraud40
Prison as temporary refuge: amplifying the voices of women detained in prison37
Locked up While Locked Down: Prisoners’ Experiences of the COVID-19 Pandemic37
Incarceration as a Fundamental Social Cause of Health Inequalities: Jails, Prisons and Vulnerability to COVID-1934
‘Covid-19 has caused a dramatic change to prison life’. Analysing the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the pains of imprisonment in the Scottish Prison Estate32
Building Immigrants’ Solidarity with Police: Procedural Justice, Identity and Immigrants’ Willingness to Cooperate with Police27
The Transformative Power of Trust: Exploring Tertiary Desistance in Reinventive Prisons26
The Limits of the City: Atmospheres of Lockdown25
Rethinking how Technologies Harm25
‘Playing the Game’: Power, Authority and Procedural Justice in Interactions Between Police and Homeless People in London25
Mapping the Pains of Neo-Colonialism: A Critical Elaboration of Southern Criminology23
Countering Corporate Power Through Social Control: What Does a Social Licence Offer?22
Temporal Clustering of Hate Crimes in the Aftermath of the Brexit Vote and Terrorist Attacks: A Comparison of Scotland and England and Wales20
Deepfakes and Digitally Altered Imagery Abuse: A Cross-Country Exploration of an Emerging form of Image-Based Sexual Abuse20
Cybercrime is (often) boring: Infrastructure and alienation in a deviant subculture20
Hope and the Life Sentence18
Gender, risk assessment and coercive control: Contradictions in terms?18
The Hybridization of Street Offending in the Netherlands18