Brain Behavior and Evolution

(The TQCC of Brain Behavior and Evolution is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Acknlowledgement to Reviewers19
Organizational Conservation and Flexibility in the Evolution of Birdsong and Avian Motor Control14
Acknowledgement to Guest Editors, Authors, and Reviewers14
Sex Differences in the Neural Song Circuit and Its Relationship to Song Acoustic Complexity in House Wrens (Troglodytes aedon)13
Peripheral Auditory System Divergence Does Not Explain Species Differences in Call Preference12
The Diversity of the Brains of Ray-Finned Fishes12
Evolution of Local Circuit Neurons in Two Sensory Thalamic Nuclei in Amniotes11
The Relationship between Cognition and Brain Size or Neuron Number10
The Everted Amygdala of Ray-Finned Fish: Zebrafish Makes a Case9
Cerebellar Inputs in the American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)8
Sickness and the Social Brain: How the Immune System Regulates Behavior across Species8
The Tempo of Mammalian Embryogenesis: Variation in the Pace of Brain and Body Development8
Thalamus of Reptiles and Mammals: Some Significant Differences7
Does a Vertebrate Morphotype of Pallial Subdivisions Really Exist?7
Evolving Views on the Pallium7
Mapping Human Brain Pathways: Challenges and Opportunities in the Integration of Scales6
Effects of Frequency on the Directional Auditory Sensitivity of Northern Saw-Whet Owls (<b><i>Aegolius acadicus</i></b>)6
Publications of Luis Puelles in Developmental and Comparative Neurobiology5
Relative Brain Volume of Carnivorans Has Evolved in Correlation with Environmental and Dietary Variables Differentially among Clades5
Author Index/Subject Index5
The Multiple Contexts of Brain Scaling: Phenotypic Integration in Brain and Behavioral Evolution5
The 43rd Annual Meeting of the J.B. Johnston Club for Evolutionary Neuroscience and the 35th Annual Karger Workshop in Evolutionary Neuroscience4
Front & Back Matter4
Entopallium Lost GFAP Immunoreactivity during Avian Evolution: Is GFAP a “Condition Sine Qua Non”?4
The Roots of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: What Are the Evolutionary and Neural Bases of Human Mathematics and Technology?4
Epilogue: A Tribute to Luis Puelles and Agustín González4
Time in Neurogenesis: Conservation of the Developmental Formation of the Cerebellar Circuitry3
The Neuromeric/Prosomeric Model in Teleost Fish Neurobiology3
Front & Back Matter3
The Lamprey Forebrain – Evolutionary Implications3
Food for Thought: The Effects of Feeding on Neurogenesis in the Ball Python, Python regius3
Is There a Prechordal Region and an Acroterminal Domain in Amphioxus?3
Differential Neuroanatomical, Neurochemical, and Behavioral Impacts of Early-Age Isolation in a Eusocial Insect3
The Cocoon of the Developing Emerald Jewel Wasp (Ampulex compressa) Resists Cannibalistic Predation of the Zombified Host3