Boundary-Layer Meteorology

(The median citation count of Boundary-Layer Meteorology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
Review of Mesoscale Wind-Farm Parametrizations and Their Applications41
A Review of Coastal Fog Microphysics During C-FOG26
Land-Use Improvements in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model over Complex Mountainous Terrain and Comparison of Different Grid Sizes24
Turbulence Characteristics Across a Range of Idealized Urban Canopy Geometries22
The Impact of Surface Temperature Heterogeneity on Near-Surface Heat Transport22
Atmospheric-Boundary-Layer-Height Variation over Mountainous and Urban Sites in Beijing as Derived from Radar Wind-Profiler Measurements20
Real-Time Tracer Dispersion Simulations in Oklahoma City Using the Locally Mesh-Refined Lattice Boltzmann Method20
Sea-Spray-Generation Dependence on Wind and Wave Combinations: A Laboratory Study18
The Dynamical Coupling of Wind-Waves and Atmospheric Turbulence: A Review of Theoretical and Phenomenological Models15
Evidence of Strong Flux Underestimation by Bulk Parametrizations During Drifting and Blowing Snow15
Coupling Mesoscale Budget Components to Large-Eddy Simulations for Wind-Energy Applications15
The Role of Atmospheric Stability and Turbulence in Offshore Wind-Farm Wakes in the German Bight14
A Study on Measuring the Wind Field in the Air Using a Multi-rotor UAV Mounted with an Anemometer13
Thermal Submeso Motions in the Nocturnal Stable Boundary Layer. Part 2: Generating Mechanisms and Implications13
Machine Learning for Improving Surface-Layer-Flux Estimates13
Scaling of Flows Over Realistic Urban Geometries: A Large-Eddy Simulation Study13
Anisotropy of Unstably Stratified Near-Surface Turbulence13
Warm-Air Advection Over Melting Sea-Ice: A Lagrangian Case Study12
A Simple Mixing-Length Model for Urban Canopy Flows12
Large-Eddy Simulations of Pollutant Removal Enhancement from Urban Canyons12
Thermal Submesoscale Motions in the Nocturnal Stable Boundary Layer. Part 1: Detection and Mean Statistics12
A Lagrangian Cloud Model for the Study of Marine Fog11
Aerosols, Clusters, Greenhouse Gases, Trace Gases and Boundary-Layer Dynamics: on Feedbacks and Interactions11
Bridging the Urban Canopy Sublayer to Aerodynamic Parameters of the Atmospheric Surface Layer11
Neighbourhood-Scale Flow Regimes and Pollution Transport in Cities11
Atmospheric Turbulence Measurements at a Coastal Zone with and without Fog11
The Heat-Flux Imbalance: The Role of Advection and Dispersive Fluxes on Heat Transport Over Thermally Heterogeneous Terrain11
Logarithmic-Linear Law of the Streamwise Velocity Variance in Stably Stratified Boundary Layers11
On the Influence of Large-Scale Atmospheric Motions on Near-Surface Turbulence: Comparison Between Flows Over Low-Roughness and Tall Vegetation Canopies10
The Impact of Atmosphere–Ocean–Wave Coupling on the Near-Surface Wind Speed in Forecasts of Extratropical Cyclones10
Urban Boundary Layers Over Dense and Tall Canopies10
Lettau’s Contribution to the Obukhov Length Scale: A Scientific Historical Study10
Interaction of the Sea Breeze with the Urban Area of Rome: WRF Mesoscale and WRF Large-Eddy Simulations Compared to Ground-Based Observations9
Study of Stratus-Lowering Marine-Fog Events Observed During C-FOG9
Dispersive Fluxes Within and Over a Real Urban Canopy: A Large-Eddy Simulation Study9
Modelling Soil Moisture in Hyper-Arid Conditions9
Investigating the Sensitivity of Marine Fog to Physical and Microphysical Processes Using Large-Eddy Simulation9
An Investigation of the Grid Sensitivity in Large-Eddy Simulations of the Stable Boundary Layer9
Interactions Between the Nocturnal Low-Level Jets and the Urban Boundary Layer: A Case Study over London8
Impact of the Nocturnal Low-Level Jet and Orographic Waves on Turbulent Motions and Energy Fluxes in the Lower Atmospheric Boundary Layer8
Interaction Between Waves and Turbulence Within the Nocturnal Boundary Layer8
Cold-Air Pool Processes in the Inn Valley During Föhn: A Comparison of Four Cases During the PIANO Campaign8
Estimation of the Surface Fluxes for Heat and Momentum in Unstable Conditions with Machine Learning and Similarity Approaches for the LAFE Data Set8
Velocity and Temperature Dissimilarity in the Surface Layer Uncovered by the Telegraph Approximation8
A Seasonal Climatology of the Mexico City Atmospheric Boundary Layer8
Using Machine-Learning Methods to Improve Surface Wind Speed from the Outputs of a Numerical Weather Prediction Model8
Spectral Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Analysis of Turbulent Flow in a Two-Dimensional Street Canyon and Its Role in Pollutant Removal8
Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Models in the Grey Zone of Turbulence: Adaptations to FLEXPART-COSMO for Simulations at 1 km Grid Resolution8
An Improved Fringe-Region Technique for the Representation of Gravity Waves in Large Eddy Simulation with Application to Wind Farms8
Large-Scale Synoptic Systems and Fog During the C-FOG Field Experiment8
Comparison of Observations and Predictions of Daytime Planetary-Boundary-Layer Heights and Surface Meteorological Variables in the Columbia River Gorge and Basin During the Second Wind Forecast Improv7
Statistical Distribution of Atmospheric Dust Devils on Earth and Mars7
Local Wind Regime Induced by Giant Linear Dunes: Comparison of ERA5-Land Reanalysis with Surface Measurements7
Improving Numerical Dispersion Modelling in Built Environments with Data Assimilation Using the Iterative Ensemble Kalman Smoother7
Katabatic Winds over Steep Slopes: Overview of a Field Experiment Designed to Investigate Slope-Normal Velocity and Near-Surface Turbulence7
Analysis of Coastal Fog from a Ship During the C-FOG Campaign7
Turbulent/Synoptic Separation and Coherent Structures in the Atmospheric Surface Layer for a Range of Surface Roughness7
Coherent Flow Structures and Pollutant Dispersion in a Street Canyon6
Fog Formation Related to Gravity Currents Interacting with Coastal Topography6
Pollutant Concentration Changes During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Barcelona and Surrounding Regions: Modification of Diurnal Cycles and Limited Role of Meteorological Conditions6
Drag Coefficient and Turbulence Mixing Length of Local Climate Zone-Based Urban Morphologies Derived Using Obstacle-Resolving Modelling6
On Surface Waves in Arctic Seas6
Turbulence Organization and Mean Profile Shapes in the Stably Stratified Boundary Layer: Zones of Uniform Momentum and Air Temperature6
Coherent Eddies Transporting Passive Scalars Through the Plant Canopy Revealed by Large-Eddy Simulations Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method6
Gravel-Desert Surface Properties and Their Influences on the Wind-Erosion Threshold Friction Velocity in North-West China6
Investigation of Spatial and Temporal Wind-Speed Variability During Open Cellular Convection with the Model for Prediction Across Scales in Comparison with Measurements6
Momentum and Turbulent Transport in Sparse, Organized Vegetative Canopies6
A Two-Day Case Study: Comparison of Turbulence Data from an Unmanned Aircraft System with a Model Chain for Complex Terrain6
Backward-Eulerian Footprint Modelling Based on the Adjoint Equation for Atmospheric and Urban-Terrain Dispersion6
Quantifying Turbulence Heterogeneity in a Vineyard Using Eddy-Covariance and Scintillometer Measurements6
Coastal-Fog Microphysics Using In-Situ Observations and GOES-R Retrievals6
Decoupling Between the Atmosphere and the Underlying Surface During Stable Stratification6
Evaluation of Surface Layer Stability Functions and Their Extension to First Order Turbulent Closures for Weakly and Strongly Stratified Stable Boundary Layer6
Intermittent Surface Renewals and Methane Hotspots in Natural Peatlands6
Nondimensionalization of the Atmospheric Boundary-Layer System: Obukhov Length and Monin–Obukhov Similarity Theory6
Numerical Analysis of the Atmospheric Boundary-Layer Turbulence Influence on Microscale Transport of Pollutant in an Idealized Urban Environment5
Boundary-Layer Processes Hindering Contemporary Numerical Weather Prediction Models5
Assessing the Surface-Layer Stability over China Using Long-Term Wind-Tower Network Observations5
A Novel Method to Quantify Near-Surface Boundary-Layer Dynamics at Ultra-High Spatio-Temporal Resolution5
Low-Level Atmospheric Flow at the Central North Coast of Brazil5
Relationships Between Second and Third Moments in the Surface Layer Under Different Stratification over Grassland and Urban Landscapes5
Limitations of an Eddy-Covariance System in Measuring Low Ammonia Fluxes5
Disentangling Turbulent Gas Diffusion from Non-diffusive Transport in the Boundary Layer5
How Does the Choice of the Lower Boundary Conditions in Large-Eddy Simulations Affect the Development of Dispersive Fluxes Near the Surface?4
Bidirectional Turbulent Fluxes of Fog at a Subtropical Montane Cloud Forest Covering a Wide Size Range of Droplets4
Daytime Convective Boundary-Layer Evolution on Three Fair-Weather Days in CASES-974
Alternative Anisotropic Formulations for Eddy-Viscosity Models in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model4
Thermal Roughness of the Fen Surface4
Evaluation and Applications of Multi-Instrument Boundary-Layer Thermodynamic Retrievals4
Small-Scale Spatial Variation of the Nocturnal Wind Field4
Vertical Profiles of Turbulence Parameters in the Thermal Internal Boundary Layer4
Katabatic Flow Structures Indicative of the Flux Dissimilarity for Stable Stratification4
Simulations of Coastal Fog in the Canadian Atlantic with the Weather Research and Forecasting Model4
Heat Transfer Through Grass: A Diffusive Approach4
Spatiotemporal Spectral Analysis of Turbulent Structures and Pollutant Removal in Two-Dimensional Street Canyon4
A Package of Momentum and Heat Transfer Coefficients for the Stable Surface Layer Extended by New Coefficients over Sea Ice4
Wind-Tunnel Simulation of Approximately Horizontally Homogeneous Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layers4
A Methodology for Providing Surface-Cover-Corrected Net Radiation at Heterogeneous Eddy-Covariance Sites4
Towards Energy-Balance Closure with a Model of Dispersive Heat Fluxes4
Effects of Measurement Height and Low-Pass-Filtering Corrections on Eddy-Covariance Flux Measurements Over a Forest Clearing with Complex Vegetation4
Gradient-Based Turbulence Estimates from Multicopter Profiles in the Arctic Stable Boundary Layer4
Large-Eddy Simulation of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer with Near-Wall Resolved Turbulence4
Appropriate Momentum Provision for Numerical Simulations of Horizontally Homogeneous Urban Canopies Using Periodic Boundary Conditions4
Types of Vertical Structure of the Nocturnal Boundary Layer4
Evaluation of the SPARTACUS-Urban Radiation Model for Vertically Resolved Shortwave Radiation in Urban Areas4
Optimal Frequency-Response Corrections for Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements Using the Wiener Deconvolution Method4
Numerical Simulations of Boundary-Layer Airflow Over Pitched-Roof Buildings4
Microphysics and Optical Attenuation in Fog: Observations from Two Coastal Sites4
Inclination Angles of Turbulent Structures in Stably Stratified Boundary Layers3
The Role of Vertical Diffusion Parameterizations in the Dynamics and Accuracy of Simulated Intensifying Hurricanes3
Toward Improving Coastal-Fog Prediction (C-FOG)3
Using Commercial Aircraft Meteorological Data to Assess the Heat Budget of the Convective Boundary Layer Over the Santiago Valley in Central Chile3
Error Estimates of Double-Averaged Flow Statistics due to Sub-Sampling in an Irregular Canopy Model3
Integrated Quadrant Analysis: A New Method for Analyzing Turbulent Coherent Structures3
Effects of Building Arrays on Large-Scale Turbulent Motions Within an Urban Canopy3
Hysteresis and Surface Shear Stresses During Snow-Particle Aeolian Transportation3
A Feasibility Study for Determining the Sensible Heat Flux to and from Small Green Roofs3
Assessing the Internal Variability of Large-Eddy Simulations for Microscale Pollutant Dispersion Prediction in an Idealized Urban Environment3
Analytical Model Coupling Ekman and Surface Layer Structure in Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flows3
Horizontal Variations of Nocturnal Temperature and Turbulence Over Microtopography3
An Iterative Method for Calculation of Wind Profiles at the Mesoscale and Microscale3
Wind-Tunnel Reproduction of Nonuniform Terrains Using Local Roughness Zones3
The Performance of a Time-Varying Filter Time Under Stable Conditions over Mountainous Terrain3
Flux–Gradient Relationships Below 2 m Over a Flat Site in Complex Terrain3
Observational Analysis of Tidal Effect on Sea Breeze3
Correction to: Observational Investigation of the Statistical Properties of Surface-Layer Turbulence in a Suburban Area of São Paulo, Brazil: Objective Analysis of Scaling-Parameter Accuracy and Uncer3
Revisiting Raupach’s Flow-Sheltering Paradigm3
Modification of a Wavelet-Based Method for Detecting Ebullitive Methane Fluxes in Eddy-Covariance Observations: Application at Two Rice Fields3
Wavelet Analysis of Coherent Structures Above Maize and Soybean Crops3
Understanding Thermally Driven Slope Winds: Recent Advances and Open Questions3
Heat-Mitigation Effects of Irrigated Rice-Paddy Fields Under Changing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Based on a Coupled Atmosphere and Crop Energy-Balance Model2
Addressing Effects of Environment on Eddy-Covariance Flux Estimates at a Temperate Sedge-Grass Marsh2
Modelling Fractal Turbulent Velocity Spectra: Application to a Dispersion Model of Contaminants in Particular Cases of the Planetary Boundary Layer2
Model of Spectral and Directional Radiative Transfer in Complex Urban Canopies with Participating Atmospheres2
Analysis of Some Major Limitations of Analytical Top-Down Wind-Farm Models2
Turbulence characteristics within the atmospheric surface layer of the coastal region of Qatar2
The Convective-Atmospheric-Boundary-Layer Height and its dependence upon Meteorological Variables At a Tropical Coastal Station during Onshore and Offshore Flows2
Boundary Layer Height Characteristics in Mexico City from Two Remote Sensing Techniques2
Uncrewed Aircraft System Measurements of Atmospheric Surface-Layer Structure During Morning Transition2
Dynamic Mechanisms Associated with the Structure and Evolution of Roll Vortices and Coherent Turbulence in the Hurricane Boundary Layer: A Large Eddy Simulation During the Landfall of Hurricane Harvey2
A Case Study of the Weather Research and Forecasting Model Applied to the Joint Urban 2003 Tracer Field Experiment. Part III: Boundary-Layer Parametrizations2
Large-Eddy Simulation of Reynolds Stress Budgets in and Above Forests in Neutral Atmospheric Boundary Layers2
Optimal Energy Growth in Stably Stratified Turbulent Couette Flow2
A Ship-Based Characterization of Coherent Boundary-Layer Structures Over the Lifecycle of a Marine Cold-Air Outbreak2
On the Effective Surface Temperature of a Natural Landscape: Infrared or Not Infrared2
Diurnal Surface Heating and Roof Material Effects on Urban Pollution Dispersion: A Coupled Large-eddy Simulation and Surface Energy Balance Analysis2
CityTransformer: A Transformer-Based Model for Contaminant Dispersion Prediction in a Realistic Urban Area2
Spatial Variability of Nocturnal Stability Regimes in an Operational Weather Prediction Model2
Sergej Zilitinkevich (13.4.1936–15.2.2021)2
Unique Windward Measurements and a Mesoscale Simulation of an Extremely Long-Lasting Severe Bora Event2
Machine Learning Weather Analogs for Near-Surface Variables2
Semi-analytical Footprint Model Compliant with Arbitrary Atmospheric Stratification: Application to Monin–Obukhov Profiles2
Large-Scale Turbulence Structures in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Observed above the Suburbs of Kyoto City, Japan2
Influence of Street Trees on Turbulent Fluctuations and Transport Processes in an Urban Canyon: A Wind Tunnel Study2
Effects of Wall Topology on Statistics of Cube-Roughened Wall Turbulence2
The Role of Ambient Turbulence in Canopy Wave Generation by Kelvin–Helmholtz Instability2
A Note on Friction Velocity and Viscous Effect for Idealized Urban Canopy Flows2
The Influence of Slopes of Isolated Three-Dimensional Valleys on Near-Surface Turbulence2
On Kinematic Isolation in Stable Stratification: The CASES-99 Tower Observations2
The Atmospheric Boundary Layer Above the Marginal Ice Zone: Scaling, Surface Fluxes, and Secondary Circulations2
Effects of Urban Surface Roughness on Potential Sources of Microplastics in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer2
Direct Solution of Various Micrometeorological Problems via the Lambert-W Function2
Turbulence Structure and Mixing in Strongly Stable Boundary-Layer Flows over Thermally Heterogeneous Surfaces2
Calculation of the Shear Length Scale in Sparse Canopy Flows: Do Sparse Canopies Follow Mixing-Layer Scaling?2
Use of Thermal Image Velocimetry to Measure a Dust-Devil-Like Vortex Within a Sports Ground in a Residential Area2
A Quantitative Study of Turbulent Fluxes over a Coastal Station2
A Model for Low-Frequency, Anisotropic Wind Fluctuations and Coherences in the Marine Atmosphere2
Momentum-Flux Determination for Boundary Layers with Sufficient Fetch Based on Integral Equations2
Modulation of Boundary-Layer Stability and the Surface Energy Budget by a Local Flow in Central Alaska2
An Experimental Study on the Variation of Atmospheric Magnetic-Field Intensity Related to Dust, Haze, Rain, Snow, and Thunderstorms2
Estimating Sensible and Latent Heat Fluxes over an Inland Water Body Using Optical and Microwave Scintillometers2
The Effect of Submeso Motions on the Budgets of the Mean Turbulent Kinetic Energy and Temperature Variance in the Stable Atmospheric Surface Layer2
Using Observed and Modelled Heat Fluxes for Improved Extrapolation of Wind Distributions2