BIT Numerical Mathematics

(The TQCC of BIT Numerical Mathematics is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Golub–Kahan vs. Monte Carlo: a comparison of bidiagonlization and a randomized SVD method for the solution of linear discrete ill-posed problems46
Variational time discretizations of higher order and higher regularity24
On the stability of unevenly spaced samples for interpolation and quadrature19
Randomized Kaczmarz for tensor linear systems14
On numerical methods for the semi-nonrelativistic limit system of the nonlinear Dirac equation14
Comparison theorems for splittings of M-matrices in (block) Hessenberg form13
A systematic approach to reduced GLT11
An hp-version interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin method for the quad-curl eigenvalue problem10
Quotient-space boundary element methods for scattering at complex screens10
Rational Krylov methods for fractional diffusion problems on graphs10
Superconvergence and accuracy enhancement of discontinuous Galerkin solutions for Vlasov–Maxwell equations8
Optimal convergence analysis of the virtual element methods for viscoelastic wave equations with variable coefficients on polygonal meshes8
Uniformly accurate splitting schemes for the Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation with dispersive parameter8
A note on approximate Jacobians of implicit Runge–Kutta methods and convergence of modified Newton iterations8
Symmetric-conjugate splitting methods for linear unitary problems8
High order approximations of the operator Lyapunov equation have low rank7
Error estimates of the backward Euler–Maruyama method for multi-valued stochastic differential equations6
Asymptotically exact a posteriori error estimates for the BDM finite element approximation of mixed Laplace eigenvalue problems6
Block boundary value methods for linear weakly singular Volterra integro-differential equations6
Asymptotic preserving schemes for the FitzHugh–Nagumo transport equation with strong local interactions6
Divergence-free cut finite element methods for Stokes flow6
Galerkin–Chebyshev approximation of Gaussian random fields on compact Riemannian manifolds6
Augmented Lagrangian preconditioners for the Oseen–Frank model of nematic and cholesteric liquid crystals6
Accurate discretization of poroelasticity without Darcy stability6
Matrix-less spectral approximation for large structured matrices6
An efficient second-order energy stable BDF scheme for the space fractional Cahn–Hilliard equation5
Error analysis for the implicit boundary integral method5
A posteriori error analysis for Schwarz overlapping domain decomposition methods5
An accelerated minimal gradient method with momentum for strictly convex quadratic optimization5
Proximal gradient algorithm for nonconvex low tubal rank tensor recovery5
Stochastic iterative methods for online rank aggregation from pairwise comparisons5
Analysis of eigenvalue condition numbers for a class of randomized numerical methods for singular matrix pencils5
An hp-version of the discontinuous Galerkin method for fractional integro-differential equations with weakly singular kernels5
A flexible short recurrence Krylov subspace method for matrices arising in the time integration of port-Hamiltonian systems and ODEs/DAEs with a dissipative Hamiltonian5
Exact dimension reduction for rough differential equations5
Correction to: a dimension expanded preconditioning technique for saddle point problems5
Low-rank multi-parametric covariance identification5
Convergence of Lobatto-type Runge–Kutta methods for partitioned differential-algebraic systems of index 25
Dynamical low-rank integrators for second-order matrix differential equations4
Improved uniform error bounds on parareal exponential algorithm for highly oscillatory systems4
Discretization of inherent ODEs and the geometric integration of DAEs with symmetries4
Numerical stability of Grünwald–Letnikov method for time fractional delay differential equations4
Numerical evaluation of ODE solutions by Monte Carlo enumeration of Butcher series4
An efficient adaptive multigrid method for the elasticity eigenvalue problem4
Efficient shifted fractional trapezoidal rule for subdiffusion problems with nonsmooth solutions on uniform meshes4
Correction to: Inexact rational Krylov method for evolution equations4
A hierarchically low-rank optimal transport dissimilarity measure for structured data4
On a quality measure for interval inclusions3
Perturbation bounds for stable gyroscopic systems3
A generalized Fourier–Hermite method for the Vlasov–Poisson system3
Computation of the unit in the first place (ufp) and the unit in the last place (ulp) in precision-p base $$\beta $$3
WKB-method for the 1D Schrödinger equation in the semi-classical limit: enhanced phase treatment3
Highly localized RBF Lagrange functions for finite difference methods on spheres3
A numerical study of variational discretizations of the Camassa–Holm equation3
Stability and convergence of the variable-step time filtered backward Euler scheme for parabolic equations3
A new splitting algorithm for dynamical low-rank approximation motivated by the fibre bundle structure of matrix manifolds3
Hybrid CUR-type decomposition of tensors in the Tucker format3
On the convergence of generalized kernel-based interpolation by greedy data selection algorithms3
Adaptive meshfree approximation for linear elliptic partial differential equations with PDE-greedy kernel methods3
A posteriori error estimates for a dual finite element method for singularly perturbed reaction–diffusion problems3
Numerical differentiation on scattered data through multivariate polynomial interpolation3
Fine spectral estimates with applications to the optimally fast solution of large FDE linear systems3
On the quadrature exactness in hyperinterpolation3
Correction to: “How and how not to check Gaussian quadrature formulae”3