BIT Numerical Mathematics

(The TQCC of BIT Numerical Mathematics is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
An unconventional robust integrator for dynamical low-rank approximation41
A rank-adaptive robust integrator for dynamical low-rank approximation21
Randomized Kaczmarz for tensor linear systems19
Embedded exponential-type low-regularity integrators for KdV equation under rough data14
On a multiwavelet spectral element method for integral equation of a generalized Cauchy problem14
A systematic approach to reduced GLT13
An efficient second-order energy stable BDF scheme for the space fractional Cahn–Hilliard equation11
Block boundary value methods for linear weakly singular Volterra integro-differential equations10
A long-term numerical energy-preserving analysis of symmetric and/or symplectic extended RKN integrators for efficiently solving highly oscillatory Hamiltonian systems10
Efficient exponential Runge–Kutta methods of high order: construction and implementation10
Efficient shifted fractional trapezoidal rule for subdiffusion problems with nonsmooth solutions on uniform meshes10
Abel’s integral operator: sparse representation based on multiwavelets10
Runge–Kutta Lawson schemes for stochastic differential equations8
AAA interpolation of equispaced data8
A higher order weak approximation of McKean–Vlasov type SDEs8
Convergence of trigonometric and finite-difference discretization schemes for FFT-based computational micromechanics8
Accurate discretization of poroelasticity without Darcy stability7
Algorithm implementation and numerical analysis for the two-dimensional tempered fractional Laplacian7
Fractional-order diffusion model for multiplicative noise removal in texture-rich images and its fast explicit diffusion solving6
Stability of implicit multiderivative deferred correction methods6
Quotient-space boundary element methods for scattering at complex screens6
A time-fractional diffusion equation with space-time dependent hidden-memory variable order: analysis and approximation6
A priori error estimates of discontinuous Galerkin methods for a quasi-variational inequality6
Variational time discretizations of higher order and higher regularity6
Low-rank Parareal: a low-rank parallel-in-time integrator6
Adjoint-based exact Hessian computation6
Numerical stability of Grünwald–Letnikov method for time fractional delay differential equations6
Color image and video restoration using tensor CP decomposition5
Numerical conservative solutions of the Hunter–Saxton equation5
Product integration rules by the constrained mock-Chebyshev least squares operator5
Adaptive time-step control for a monolithic multirate scheme coupling the heat and wave equation5
Numerical differentiation on scattered data through multivariate polynomial interpolation5
Efficient computation of oscillatory integrals by exponential transformations5
A dimension expanded preconditioning technique for saddle point problems5
How to avoid order reduction when Lawson methods integrate nonlinear initial boundary value problems5
Order theory for discrete gradient methods5
Rational Krylov methods for fractional diffusion problems on graphs5
Pseudospectral methods and iterative solvers for optimization problems from multiscale particle dynamics5
Palindromic linearization and numerical solution of nonsymmetric algebraic $$T$$-Riccati equations5
Two new approaches for solving elliptic obstacle problems using discontinuous Galerkin methods5
Fine spectral estimates with applications to the optimally fast solution of large FDE linear systems5
Towards stability results for global radial basis function based quadrature formulas4
Some algorithms for maximum volume and cross approximation of symmetric semidefinite matrices4
A new splitting algorithm for dynamical low-rank approximation motivated by the fibre bundle structure of matrix manifolds4
Low cardinality positive interior cubature on NURBS-shaped domains4
Positivity-preserving symplectic methods for the stochastic Lotka–Volterra predator-prey model4
WKB-method for the 1D Schrödinger equation in the semi-classical limit: enhanced phase treatment4
Augmented Lagrangian preconditioners for the Oseen–Frank model of nematic and cholesteric liquid crystals4
Scalar auxiliary variable approach for conservative/dissipative partial differential equations with unbounded energy functionals4
A high-order compact finite difference method on nonuniform time meshes for variable coefficient reaction–subdiffusion problems with a weak initial singularity4
On the quadrature exactness in hyperinterpolation4
Band-Toeplitz preconditioners for ill-conditioned Toeplitz systems3
Construction of Rosenbrock–Wanner method Rodas5P and numerical benchmarks within the Julia Differential Equations package3
Structured perturbation analysis for an infinite size quasi-Toeplitz matrix equation with applications3
Solving large linear least squares problems with linear equality constraints3
Sampling based approximation of linear functionals in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces3
Numerical evaluation of ODE solutions by Monte Carlo enumeration of Butcher series3
Using the Dafermos entropy rate criterion in numerical schemes3
Randomized block Krylov subspace methods for trace and log-determinant estimators3
Effective grading refinement for locally linearly independent LR B-splines3
From low-rank retractions to dynamical low-rank approximation and back3
Efficient numerical approximation of a non-regular Fokker–Planck equation associated with first-passage time distributions3
On a large-stepsize integrator for charged-particle dynamics3
Automatic fidelity and regularization terms selection in variational image restoration3
Singular quadratic eigenvalue problems: linearization and weak condition numbers3
Random walk algorithm for the Dirichlet problem for parabolic integro-differential equation3
Rank-adaptive dynamical low-rank integrators for first-order and second-order matrix differential equations3
A numerical study of variational discretizations of the Camassa–Holm equation3