
(The median citation count of Automatica is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Passivity-based Analysis of the ADMM Algorithm for Constraint-Coupled Optimization219
Reset control of the double integrator with finite settling time and finite jerk140
Navigation of a quadratic potential with ellipsoidal obstacles130
A new discrete reaching condition and generalized discrete reaching law with different convergence rates128
Optimal control of port-Hamiltonian systems: A continuous-time learning approach125
DMPC: A data-and model-driven approach to predictive control116
Discrimination of attractors with noisy nodes in Boolean networks115
Frequency-domain analysis of aperiodic control loops with identically distributed delays113
Open-loop resonant poles and zeros: Frequency and time domain implications for feedback systems111
Implicit particle filtering via a bank of nonlinear Kalman filters104
Monotonous parameter estimation of one class of nonlinearly parameterized regressions without overparameterization100
Fixed time stability of discrete-time stochastic dynamical systems93
Anderson acceleration for partially observable Markov decision processes: A maximum entropy approach90
Learning stability of partially observed switched linear systems88
Linear open quantum systems with passive Hamiltonians and a single local dissipative process85
A statistical learning perspective on switched linear system identification85
An associative-memory-based method for system nonlinearities recursive estimation84
On controlled mode discernibility for nonlinear hybrid systems with unknown exogenous input84
Uniting Nesterov and heavy ball methods for uniform global asymptotic stability of the set of minimizers84
Global exponential estimation of the unknown frequencies of discrete-time multi-tone sinusoidal signals81
Local navigation-like functions for safe robot navigation in bounded domains with unknown convex obstacles78
A semi-algebraic view on quadratic constraints for polynomial systems75
Improved reachable set estimation for positive systems: A polyhedral approach75
Emulation-based stabilization for networked control systems with stochastic channels74
Model robustness for feedback stabilization of open quantum systems72
Reduced order in domain control of distributed parameter port-Hamiltonian systems via energy shaping71
Comments on “Data driven stability analysis of black-box switched linear systems” [Automatica 109 (2019) 108533]70
Noise-to-state exponentially stabilizing (state, input)-disturbed CSTRs with non-vanishing noise69
MRAC-based dynamic consensus of linear systems with biased measurements over directed networks69
Adaptive robust bearing-based formation control for multi-agent systems68
Risk sensitive filtering with randomly delayed measurements68
Controllability of networked multiagent systems based on linearized Turing’s model66
Global stability of multi-agent systems with heterogeneous transmission and perception functions66
Minimal positive realizations: A survey64
Comments on “Disturbance observer based adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control: A dynamic sliding surface approach” [Automatica 129 (2021) 109606]64
Discrete-time indefinite linear-quadratic mean field games and control: The finite-population case64
On a security vs privacy trade-off in interconnected dynamical systems62
Contract composition for dynamical control systems: Definition and verification using linear programming59
Editorial Board57
Stabilization under round-robin scheduling of control inputs in nonlinear systems57
Attack-resilient state estimation with intermittent data authentication56
Kernel-based regularized iterative learning control of repetitive linear time-varying systems56
Optimal mean decentralized controller design of interconnected systems with randomized information pattern56
Data-driven estimation of the lower bounds of gain and phase margins54
Interpolation with strongly F-positive real matrix and application to strong stabilization52
Editorial Board52
Nonlinear integral control with event-triggered feedback: Unknown decay rates, zeno-freeness, and asymptotic convergence52
Gossip over holonomic graphs51
Distributed source-user estimation over directed graphs51
Topology identification of sparse network: A stochastic variational Bayesian approach50
Linear quadratic mean-field game-team analysis: A mixed coalition approach49
Robust nonlinear 3D control of an inverted pendulum balanced on a quadrotor49
Robust stutter bisimulation for abstraction and controller synthesis with disturbance49
On a probabilistic approach to synthesize control policies from example datasets48
Krasovskii and shifted passivity based output consensus48
Limitations of energy SNR in control over channels with and without feedback47
Boundary stabilization of an elastic body surrounding a viscous incompressible fluid47
Editorial Board47
Regularized adaptive Kalman filter for non-persistently excited systems47
Distributed ergodic algorithms for mixed equilibrium problems: Absent of cut property47
Dealing with infeasibility in multi-parametric programming for application to explicit model predictive control47
Boundary output feedback stabilization of state delayed reaction–diffusion PDEs47
Input redundancy under input and state constraints46
Editorial Board46
Approximation of the infinite-horizon value function of the switched LQR problem46
On kernel design for regularized non-causal system identification46
Prescribed-time fully distributed Nash equilibrium seeking of nonlinear multi-agent systems over unbalanced digraphs45
Vulnerability analysis of distributed state estimation under joint deception attacks45
Linearly discounted economic MPC without terminal conditions for periodic optimal operation45
Saturated formation containment control for a heterogeneous multi-agent system with unknown perturbations45
Model-free H44
Razumikhin and Krasovskii approaches for safe stabilization44
On sliding mode observers for non-infinitely observable descriptor systems44
Output regulation for general heterodirectional linear hyperbolic PDEs coupled with nonlinear ODEs43
Strong current-state and initial-state opacity of discrete-event systems43
Set-based guaranteed active fault diagnosis for LPV systems with unknown bounded uncertainties43
Formal synthesis of closed-form sampled-data controllers for nonlinear continuous-time systems under STL specifications43
Saturated impulsive control of nonlinear systems with applications43
A barrier function approach to finite-time stochastic system verification and control42
Design of high-gain observers based on sampled measurements via the interval arithmetic42
A time-varying observer design for synchronization with an uncertain target and its applications in coordinated mission rendezvous42
Robust optimal identification experiment design for multisine excitation42
Polynomial-time verification for bisimilarity control of partially observed nondeterministic discrete event systems with deterministic specifications42
Interval dominance based structural results for Markov decision process41
Empirical differential Gramians for nonlinear model reduction41
Global trajectory tracking for quadrotors: An MRP-based hybrid strategy with input saturation41
Universal adaptive control strategies for stochastic nonlinear time-delay systems with odd rational powers40
Stability and bounded real lemmas of discrete-time MJLSs with the Markov chain on a Borel space40
A negative imaginary robust formation control scheme for networked multi-tilt tricopters utilizing an inner-loop sliding-mode control technique40
Leader–follower consensus using 2-rate distributed output feedback protocol without controller interaction40
Kernel-based identification with frequency domain side-information39
Kalman-based velocity-free trajectory tracking control of an underactuated aerial vehicle with unknown system dynamics39
Exponential synchronization rate of proportional D-dimensional Kuramot39
Averaging method for the stability analysis of strongly nonlinear mechanical systems39
Approximate optimal influence over an agent through an uncertain interaction dynamic39
Computation of the maximal invariant set of discrete-time linear systems subject to a class of non-convex constraints38
Sampled-data robust visual servoing control for moving target tracking of an inertially stabilized platform with a measurement delay38
Mean-square convergent continuous state estimation of randomly switched linear systems with unobservable subsystems and stochastic output noises38
Making nonlinear systems negative imaginary via state feedback38
Proactive attack detection scheme based on watermarking and moving target defense38
Fast computation of binary search tree for PWA functions representation using intersection classification38
Saturated adaptive pose tracking control of spacecraft on SE(3) under attitude constraints and obstacle-avoidance constraints38
The linear quadratic optimal control problem for discrete-time Markov jump linear singular systems37
A novel learning-based asynchronous sliding mode control for discrete-time semi-Markov jump systems37
Formal controller synthesis from specifications given by discrete-time hybrid automata37
The lower convergence tendency of imitators compared to best responders37
Necessary stability conditions for linear systems with incommensurate delays37
Logic-based distributed switching control for agents in power-chained form with multiple unknown control directions36
Identification and adaptation with binary-valued observations under non-persistent excitation condition36
Coevolution of opinion dynamics on evolving signed appraisal networks36
A dynamic encryption–decryption scheme for replay attack detection in cyber–physical systems36
Scenario based optimisation over uncertain system identification models36
Modular control of discrete-event systems using similarity36
Adaptive optimal tracking control of networked linear systems under two-channel stochastic dropouts36
Comments on “Finite-time and fixed-time stabilization: Implicit Lyapunov function approach”35
On necessary and sufficient conditions for output finite-time stability35
3D trajectory tracking of underactuated non-minimum phase underwater vehicles35
Laplace estimation for scalar linear systems35
Editorial Board35
LaSalle–Yoshizawa Theorem for nonlinear systems with external inputs: A counter-example35
Lyapunov conditions for uniform asymptotic output stability and a relaxation of Barbălat’s lemma35
Distributed algorithm design for constrained resource allocation problems with high-order multi-agent systems34
Stability analysis of hybrid integrator-gain systems: A frequency-domain approach34
Distributed strategies for mixed equilibrium problems: Continuous-time theoretical approaches34
Distributed adaptive Newton methods with global superlinear convergence34
Authors’ Reply to ‘Comments on “Pose localization of leader-follower networks with direction measurements” [Automatica 120 (2020) 109125]’34
Scalable distributed least square algorithms for large-scale linear equations via an optimization approach33
On the capability of a class of quantum sensors33
Prescribed-performance tracking for high-power nonlinear dynamics with time-varying unknown control coefficients33
Line spectrum representation for vector processes with application to frequency estimation33
Leader-following consensus of multiple rigid body systems by a sampled-data distributed observer33
Robust consensus control of second-order uncertain multiagent systems with velocity and input constraints33
Optimal equilibrium stabilization for a nonlinear infinite-dimensional plug-flow reactor model32
Dual perspectives of equilibrium throughput properties of continuous mono-T-semiflow Petri nets: Firing rate and initial marking variations32
Book review32
Robust consumption portfolio optimization with stochastic differential utility31
Novel results on robust control under structured uncertainties31
Eigenstructure assignment in linear geometric control31
New results on stability of discrete-time systems with infinite delays31
Positive-pressure ventilation: Modeling, validation, and stochastic control of mean-field type31
State observation of LTV systems with delayed measurements: A parameter estimation-based approach with fixed convergence time31
Strong Lyapunov functions for two classical problems in adaptive control31
Finite dimensional approximation to muscular response in force-fatigue dynamics using functional electrical stimulation30
Ensemble approximations for constrained dynamical systems using Liouville equation30
Learning generalized Nash equilibria in multi-agent dynamical systems via extremum seeking control30
Deterministic optimal control for discrete-time systems with multiplicative noises and random coefficients30
Observer control for bearings-only tracking using possibility functions30
An LMI framework for contraction-based nonlinear control design by derivatives of Gaussian process regression30
Enhanced moving finite element method based on error geometric estimation for simultaneous trajectory optimization29
Sequential adaptive switching time optimization technique for optimal control problems29
Ambiguity tube MPC29
Uniform convergence for directed time-varying signed networks under generalized Laplacian-class model29
Predicting the future state of disturbed LTI systems: A solution based on high-order observers29
Target tracking for wireless localization systems using set-membership filtering: A component-based event-triggered mechanism29
Lie symmetries applied to interval integration29
On the relative degree and normal forms of linear systems by output transformation with applications to tracking29
Distributed filtering for nonlinear systems under false data injection attack28
A new approach to estimate the collision probability for automotive applications28
Stability of networked nonlinear systems: Generalization of small-gain theorem and distributed testing28
Dynamic coordinated maintenance of wind-farms with risk-averse agents under CVaR criterion28
Event-triggered cooperative stabilization of multiagent systems with partially unknown interconnected dynamics28
Decentralized strategies for finite population linear–quadratic–Gaussian games and teams28
Periodic event-based robust output regulation for a class of uncertain linear systems with inter-event analysis28
Community structure recovery and interaction probability estimation for gossip opinion dynamics28
Intentional delay can benefit consensus of second-order multi-agent systems28
An accelerated distributed gradient method with local memory28
Automated multi-objective system identification using grammar-based genetic programming27
Revealing the canalizing structure of Boolean functions: Algorithms and applications27
Adaptive trajectory tracking of UAV with a cable-suspended load using vision-inertial-based estimation27
Harmonic synchronization under all three types of coupling: Position, velocity, and acceleration27
Gradient-bounded dynamic programming for submodular and concave extensible value functions with probabilistic performance guarantees27
Sensor selection for remote state estimation with QoS requirement constraints27
Data-driven verification of stochastic linear systems with signal temporal logic constraints27
Surrogate-based distributed optimisation for expensive black-box functions27
Optimal transmission strategy for multiple Markovian fading channels: Existence, structure, and approximation27
A refinement of the stability test for reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces27
Advances in nonlinear hybrid stochastic differential delay equations: Existence, boundedness and stability26
Distributed conditional cooperation model predictive control of interconnected microgrids26
Extremum seeking of general nonlinear static maps: A time-delay approach26
A hierarchical design framework for distributed control of multi-agent systems26
Incipient fault detection with probability transformation and statistical feature analysis26
Distributed observers for LTV systems: A distributed constructibility gramian based approach26
Comments on “Distributed optimization of multi-integrator agent systems with mixed neighbor interactions” [Automatica 157 (2023) 111245 ]26
Training recurrent neural networks by sequential least squares and the alternating direction method of multipliers26
Attraction domain analysis for steady states of Markovian open quantum systems26
Active input design for simultaneous fault estimation and fault-tolerant control of LPV systems26
Learning nonlinear dynamics in synchronization of knowledge-based leader-following networks26
Stability and stabilization of discrete-time linear compartmental switched systems via Markov chains25
On the undesired equilibria induced by control barrier function based quadratic programs25
Auction algorithm sensitivity for multi-robot task allocation25
Nonlinear MPC design for incrementally ISS systems with application to GRU networks25
Positive consensus of multi-agent systems with hierarchical control protocol25
Functional observers with linear error dynamics for discrete-time nonlinear systems25
Analysis and synthesis of networked control systems with random network-induced delays and sampling intervals25
An adaptive speed observer for a class of nonlinear mechanical systems: Theory and experiments25
Stabilizing design for discrete-time reversible switched linear control systems: A deadbeat control approach24
Input-to-state stability of switched linear systems with unstabilizable modes under DoS attacks24
Distributed robust optimization with coupled constraints via Tseng’s splitting method24
Robust state estimation via twisting observer24
Model-free LQR design by Q-function learning24
Weighted and near weighted potential games with application to game theoretic control24
A multi-rate hierarchical fault-tolerant adaptive model predictive control framework: Theory and design for quadrotors24
Fully distributed prescribed-time bipartite synchronization of general linear systems: An adaptive gain scheduling strategy24
Triggered Gradient Tracking for asynchronous distributed optimization24
Singularity-free adaptive control of MIMO discrete-time nonlinear systems with general vector relative degrees24
Surviving disturbances: A predictive control framework with guaranteed safety24
Consistent discretization of homogeneous finite/fixed-time controllers for LTI systems23
Robust tube-based model predictive control of LPV systems subject to adjustable additive disturbance set23
A distributed stochastic approximation algorithm for stochastic LQ control with unknown uncertainty23
Distributed algorithms of solving linear matrix equations via double-layered networks23
Closed-loop identification for a class of nonlinearly parameterized discrete-time systems23
Ripple effect of cooperative attacks in multi-agent systems: Results on minimum attack targets23
Consistent identification of continuous-time systems under multisine input signal excitation23
Exploiting symmetries in active set enumeration for constrained linear–quadratic optimal control23
Mechanical linearization of mechanical control systems without controllability assumption23
Stabilization by switching of parabolic PDEs with spatially scheduled actuators and sensors23
Strong structural controllability of networks: Comparison of bounds using distances and zero forcing23
Deterministic error bounds for kernel-based learning techniques under bounded noise23
On the internal stability of diffusively coupled multi-agent systems and the dangers of cancel culture23
Blended dynamics approach to distributed optimization: Sum convexity and convergence rate23
Learning linear modules in a dynamic network using regularized kernel-based methods22
Event-triggered distributed predictive cooperation control for multi-agent systems subject to bounded disturbances22
Finite-time integral control for a class of nonlinear planar systems with non-vanishing uncertainties22
Unifying performance specifications in tracking control of MIMO nonlinear systems with actuation faults22
Overcoming local extrema in torque-actuated source seeking using the divergence theorem and delay22
On negative imaginariness and H22
Adaptive learning control for nonlinear systems: A single learning estimation scheme is enough22
On the stability of distributed secondary control for DC microgrids with grid-forming and grid-feeding converters22
Synchronization of diverse agents via phase analysis22
Robust formation control for networked robotic systems using Negative Imaginary dynamics22
PDE-based control synthesis for a planar cable-driven continuum arm22
Meta-state–space learning: An identification approach for stochastic dynamical systems22
Online dynamic submodular optimization22
Modeling and adaptive control of air vehicles with partial nonlinear parametrization22
Event-triggered fault detection for nonlinear semi-Markov jump systems based on double asynchronous filtering approach22
Resilient cluster consensus for discrete-time high-order multi-agent systems against malicious adversaries22
Complexity reduction of piecewise affine linear parameter varying controllers22
Sampled-data event-triggered control with sampling-independent positive guarantees on inter-event times22
Exact solution for the rank-one structured singular value with repeated complex full-block uncertainty22
Polyhedral estimates of the region of attraction of the origin of linear systems under aperiodic sampling and input saturation21
Iterative learning spatial height control for layerwise processes21
An orthogonal basis approach to formation shape control21
Risk-theoretic optimal design of output-feedback controllers via iterative convex relaxations21
Prescribed-time collective evader-capturing for autonomous surface vehicles21
One Apollonius Circle is enough for many pursuit-evasion games21
Computational tractable guaranteed numerical method to study the stability ofn21
Converse Lyapunov results for switched systems with lower and upper bounds on switching intervals21
When cannot regularization improve the least squares estimate in the kernel-based regularized system identification21
On the necessity and sufficiency of discrete-time O’Shea–Zames–Falb multipliers21