
(The H4-Index of Automatica is 50. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Passivity-based Analysis of the ADMM Algorithm for Constraint-Coupled Optimization219
Reset control of the double integrator with finite settling time and finite jerk140
Navigation of a quadratic potential with ellipsoidal obstacles130
A new discrete reaching condition and generalized discrete reaching law with different convergence rates128
Optimal control of port-Hamiltonian systems: A continuous-time learning approach125
DMPC: A data-and model-driven approach to predictive control116
Discrimination of attractors with noisy nodes in Boolean networks115
Frequency-domain analysis of aperiodic control loops with identically distributed delays113
Open-loop resonant poles and zeros: Frequency and time domain implications for feedback systems111
Implicit particle filtering via a bank of nonlinear Kalman filters104
Monotonous parameter estimation of one class of nonlinearly parameterized regressions without overparameterization100
Fixed time stability of discrete-time stochastic dynamical systems93
Anderson acceleration for partially observable Markov decision processes: A maximum entropy approach90
Learning stability of partially observed switched linear systems88
A statistical learning perspective on switched linear system identification85
Linear open quantum systems with passive Hamiltonians and a single local dissipative process85
On controlled mode discernibility for nonlinear hybrid systems with unknown exogenous input84
Uniting Nesterov and heavy ball methods for uniform global asymptotic stability of the set of minimizers84
An associative-memory-based method for system nonlinearities recursive estimation84
Global exponential estimation of the unknown frequencies of discrete-time multi-tone sinusoidal signals81
Local navigation-like functions for safe robot navigation in bounded domains with unknown convex obstacles78
Improved reachable set estimation for positive systems: A polyhedral approach75
A semi-algebraic view on quadratic constraints for polynomial systems75
Emulation-based stabilization for networked control systems with stochastic channels74
Model robustness for feedback stabilization of open quantum systems72
Reduced order in domain control of distributed parameter port-Hamiltonian systems via energy shaping71
Comments on “Data driven stability analysis of black-box switched linear systems” [Automatica 109 (2019) 108533]70
MRAC-based dynamic consensus of linear systems with biased measurements over directed networks69
Noise-to-state exponentially stabilizing (state, input)-disturbed CSTRs with non-vanishing noise69
Adaptive robust bearing-based formation control for multi-agent systems68
Risk sensitive filtering with randomly delayed measurements68
Global stability of multi-agent systems with heterogeneous transmission and perception functions66
Controllability of networked multiagent systems based on linearized Turing’s model66
Discrete-time indefinite linear-quadratic mean field games and control: The finite-population case64
Minimal positive realizations: A survey64
Comments on “Disturbance observer based adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control: A dynamic sliding surface approach” [Automatica 129 (2021) 109606]64
On a security vs privacy trade-off in interconnected dynamical systems62
Contract composition for dynamical control systems: Definition and verification using linear programming59
Editorial Board57
Stabilization under round-robin scheduling of control inputs in nonlinear systems57
Kernel-based regularized iterative learning control of repetitive linear time-varying systems56
Optimal mean decentralized controller design of interconnected systems with randomized information pattern56
Attack-resilient state estimation with intermittent data authentication56
Data-driven estimation of the lower bounds of gain and phase margins54
Editorial Board52
Nonlinear integral control with event-triggered feedback: Unknown decay rates, zeno-freeness, and asymptotic convergence52
Interpolation with strongly F-positive real matrix and application to strong stabilization52
Gossip over holonomic graphs51
Distributed source-user estimation over directed graphs51
Topology identification of sparse network: A stochastic variational Bayesian approach50