Australian Journal of Politics and History

(The TQCC of Australian Journal of Politics and History is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Commonwealth of Australia July to December 20224
Tasmania July to December 20224
Representative Assemblies in Early Modern European State‐Building: Evidence from Four Experiences4
Australian Capital Territory3
Conserving the Councillor: A Case for Widespread Local Officeholding3
Ralph Bunche and the Colour of Sovereignty: Exploring the Eurocentrism of the United Nations' First <3
“Sworn to No Master”: the Intellectual Traditions of Liberty of Conscience in Colonial NSW to 18562
Queensland July to December 20212
New South Wales July to December 20212
New South Wales July to December 20202
Remembering Social Movements: Activism and Memory. Edited by Stefan Berger, Sean Scalmer, and Christian Wicke (London and New York: Routledge, 2021), pp. xii + 321. £34.99 (pb).2
Karl Lueger and the Reichspost: Construction of a Cult of Personality2
The Ex‐Services Human Rights Association of Australia, the Vietnam War, and the Remaking of the Anzac Tradition2
Stolen Motherhood: Aboriginal Mothers and Child Removal in the Stolen Generations Era. By Anne Maree Payne (London: Lexington Books, 2021), pp. ix + 197. £73 (hb).2
Krupp in the Occupied Eastern Territories: Frustration, Failures, and the Question of Freedom2
Victoria July to December 20231
Exemption: A Gendered History1
“Perfidy Afoot!” Connor, the IEA and the Loans Affair1
White Russians, Red Peril: A Cold War History of Migration to Australia. By Sheila Fitzpatrick (Carlton, Vic.: La Trobe University Press in conjunction with Black Inc., 2021), pp. xiii + 368, 4 tables1
Men and Women of Australia: Administering Whitlam's Re‐Imagined Subject1
South Australia January to June 20221
Tasmania January to June 20231
Dreams and Schemers: A Political History of Australia. By FrankBongiorno. Collingwood, La Trobe University Press, 2022, 480 pp, $39.99 (Paperback), ISBN: 9781760640095.1
New South Wales January to June 20221
Broken Spear: The Untold Story of Black Tom Birch, The Man who Sparked Australia's Bloodiest War. By RobertCox (Mile End SA: Wakefield Press, 2021), pp. xxi + 299. AU$39.95 (pb).1
British Imperial Air Power: The Royal Air Forces and the Defense of Australia and New Zealand Between the World Wars. By Alex M. Spencer (West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press, 2020), pp. 31
Democratic Adventurer: Graham Berry and the Making of Australian Politics. By Sean Scalmer (Melbourne: Monash University Publishing, 2020), pp. xiv + 349. AU$39.95 (hb).1
Northern Territory January to June 20231
Honiara: Village‐City of Solomon Islands. By CliveMoore (Canberra, Australia: ANU Press, 2022), pp. xxx‐548. AU$99 (pb) and free download.1
The Kerguelen Archipelago and Australian Security Anxieties1
Levelling Wind: Remembering Fiji. By Brij V.Lal (Acton, ACT: Australian National UniversityPress, 2019), pp. xxx + 563. AU$65.00 (pb).1
The Challenge of Triangulation: The Impact of China on the Australia‐US Alliance1
European History in the Shadows of Crisis1
Militarised Peace and Bilateral Relations in the Indian Ocean: Australia's Relations with Sri Lanka, 1972–19891
South Australia July to December 20231
Queensland January to June 20231
Robert Philp and the Politics of Development. By LyndonMegarrity. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing Ltd, 2022. pp. xv + 335, AU $49.95 (pb).1
Queensland January to June 20221
New South Wales January to June 20230
Tasmania July to December 20200
Commonwealth Responsibility and Cold War Solidarity: Australia in Asia, 1944–1974. By DanHalvorson (Canberra: Australian National University Press, 2019), pp. x + 191. AU$45.00.0
New South Wales January to June 20240
The Sinews of War: McCarthyism Crosses the Atlantic0
Rio Tinto And Bougainville – A Fatal Connection. A Mine, A War, And An Uncertain Future0
The Spirit of the Service: Dash, Discipline, and Flying Accidents in the Royal Australian Air Force, 1921–480
Battle on 42nd Street: War in Crete and the Anzacs’ bloody last stand. By PeterMonteath (Sydney: NewSouth Publishing, 2019), pp. 272. AU$34.99 (pb).0
Issues in Australian Foreign Policy July to December 20200
Beyond Brexit: Towards a British Constitution. By VernonBogdanor (London: I.B. Tauris, 2019), pp. xii + 285. AU$40.00 (hb).0
South Australia January to June 20230
Remaking One Nation: The Future of Conservatism. By NickTimothy (Cambridge, UK and Medford, MA: Polity Press, 2020), pp. xv + 275. £20.00 (cloth).0
An Examination of the Policy Content of Scott Morrison's and Anthony Albanese's 2022 Federal Election Campaign Materials0
Australia's Pacific Mindset: Historical Foundations0
Strategic Reassessments: Aid and Bureaucracy in Australia‐India Relations 1951–1970*0
“Consider Carefully the Best Use of Our Limited Resources”: Australian Space Policy, 1960–720
The Perfect Fascist: A Story of Love, Power, and Morality in Mussolini's Italy. By VictoriadeGrazia (Cambridge, Massachusetts and London: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2020), pp. 528, 6 M0
Queensland July to December 20200
A Little History of the Australian Labor Party. By NickDyrenfurth and FrankBongiorno. Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2024. pp. 304. $27.99 (pb)0
Fear and Greed: Australian Public Opinion Towards China's Rise*0
Western AustraliaJuly to December 20210
Australia in the International Sphere 1901–1914: An Emerging Foreign Policy Capacity?0
Mallee Country: Land, People, History. By RichardBroome, CharlesFahey, AndreaGaynor and KatieHolmes (Melbourne: Monash University Press, 2020), pp. 432. AU$39.95 (pb).0
The Party: The Communist Party of Australia from Heyday to Reckoning. By StuartMacintyre (Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 2022), pp. xiv + 498, 49 b&w photographs, AU$49.99 (hb).0
Violence, the Subject, and the Beyond: Achille Mbembe and Violence in International Relations Theory0
Issues in Australian Foreign Policy July to December 20210
The King's Peace: Law and Order in the British Empire. By Lisa Ford (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2021) pp. vii + 321, 16 b&w images. US$35 (hb).0
The Road to Oligarchic Peace: Comparing the Antebellum United States and Ukraine0
A Blood Border, Trieste Between Mussolini and Tito. By Luisa Morettin (New York: Nova, 2019), pp. xxxiv +298. £121.00 (hb).0
Issue Information0
Issues in Australian Foreign Policy January to June 20210
Critical Archival Encounters and the Evolving Historiography of the Dismissal of the Whitlam Government0
Victoria July to December 20200
Exemptions from Compulsory Income Management: A Short “History of the Present”0
Immigration, the “Chinese Question”, and Ontological Insecurity in Colonial Australia0
Commonwealth of Australia January to June 20240
The Trials of Portnoy: How Penguin Brought Down Australia's Censorship System. By Patrick Mullins (Melbourne and London: Scribe, 2020), pp. 336. AU$35.00 (pb).0
Northern Territory January to June 20220
Marriage Equality in Australia and New Zealand: A Trans‐Tasman Politics of Difference0
Climate Policy Networks in Australia: Dynamics of Failure and Possibility0
Decolonising Australia's International Relations? A Critical Introduction0
Issue Information0
The Hitler Conspiracies. The Third Reich and the Paranoid Imagination. By Richard J.Evans (London: Allen Lane, 2020), pp. 276. AU$39.99 (hb).0
The Consul: An Insider Account from Australia's Diplomatic Frontline. By IanKemish. St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 2022. AU$32.99 pb. ISBN: 9780702263491.0
No‐Platforming”: Freedom of Speech and the Australian Public Sphere0
Review of Telling Tennant's Story. The Strange Career of the Great Australian Silence by DeanAshenden.0
Western Australia July to December 20230
Seachange Migration, Outer Metropolitan Suburbanisation, and Marginality: The Electoral Politics of the Central Coast of New South Wales, 1949–20010
John A. Moses (1930–2024)0
Australian Foreign Policy Stability and Instability: Imperial Friendships and Crises from the Great Depression to the Fall of Singapore0
Donald Horne: A Life in the Lucky Country. By RyanCropp. La Trobe University Press, 2023. $37.95 (pb).0
Australian Capital Territory January to June 20220
Slavic Reciprocity and Greek‐Cypriot Enosis as the Nineteenth‐Century Forms of the Law of Progress0
Northern Territory January to June 20240
Book Review:The Transnational Voices of Australia's Migrant and Minority Press. By CatherineDewhirst & RichardScully (eds.) (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature, 2020) andVoices of Cha0
Issues in Australian Foreign Policy January to June 20230
Whatever Happened to the Australian Role in the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership?0
The Demise of “Pragmatism”? Assessing the Public Debate on Australia's Engagement with China0
Histories of Fascism and Anti‐Fascism in Australia. Edited by EvanSmith, JaynePersian and Vashti JaneFox (London and New York: Routledge, 2023), pp. xiii + 266. Pb A$59.99, e‐book A$48.59.0
The Portuguese Empire: Australia’s Forward Defence from 1961–19720
Issues in Australian Foreign Policy January to June 20220
The New Politics of Inflation and Economic Disruption: Unlearned Lessons from the 1980s and 1990s in Australia0
Palestinian Political Prisoners: Hunger Strikes and the Battle for Dignity0
Australian Capital Territory January to June 20230
The Post‐War Australian Objective in Papua‐New Guinea: Liberal Ambition or Colonial Control?0
State Sovereignty and Private Military and Security Companies in Australia0
Broken Heart: A True History of the Voice Referendum. By ShireenMorris (La Trobe University Press, in conjunction with Black Inc., 2024), 254 pp. $36.99 (paperback). ISBN 97817606452050
Northern Territory July to December 20220
Helpem Fren: Australia and the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands. By MichaelWesley. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2023, pp. x, 310. ISBN 9780522879056 (paperback) ($400
Why Do Women Remain Under‐Represented in International Affairs? The Case of Australia0
Policy Advice and Decolonisation in Papua New Guinea0
Issue Information0
Northern Territory July to December 20200
Australian Capital Territory January to June 20240
Commonwealth of Australia July to December 20230
The Emperor's Grace: Untold Stories of the Australians Enslaved in Japan during World War II. By Mark Baker (Clayton, Vic.: Monash University Publishing, 2021), pp. xii + 223. AU0
Using Numerical Anomalies to Test for Fraud in Colonial New South Wales Elections0
Governing Technology in the Quest for Sustainability on Earth. By DainBolwell (New York: Routledge, 2019), pp. xi +293. £115.00 (hb).0
‘A Bloody Difficult Subject’: Ruth Ross, te Tiriti o Waitangi and the Making of History. By BainAttwood (Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2023), pp. xiv + 288. 59.99 NZD (hb)0
New South Wales July to December 20220
Tasmanian Politics January to June 20240
“Great and Powerful Friends of Yesteryear”: Australia's Dilemma with “East of Suez”, 1967–710
A Book of Doors. By Anne Richards (Toombul, Qld: AndAlso Books, 2020), pp. 236, 72 b&w images. AU$25 (pb).0
Northern Territory July to December 20210
Virtue Capitalists: The Rise and Fall of the Professional Class in the Anglophone World, 1870–2008. By HannahForsyth (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023), pp. xii + 294. $A146.32 (0
Democratising Collective Memory Through Forensic Exhumations in Spain0
Western Australia July to December 20200
Labor People: The Stories of Six True Believers. By Chris Bowen (Clayton, Vic.: Monash University Publishing, 2021), pp. x + 245. AU$29.95 (pb).0
Ontological (In)Security and Neoliberal Governmentality: Explaining Australia's China Emergency0
No Bullshit!: Balibo 1976 and Bob Hawke's Diplomatic Masterclass0
Vladimir Petrov: A Reappraisal0
Indigenous Military Inclusion: A Settler Colonial Critique of the Regional Force Surveillance Units0
Under a Bad Sun: Police, Politics and Corruption in Australia. By PaulBleakley (East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2021), pp. 279. US$39.95 (pb).0
Issue Information0
History, Social Science, and Public Policy: Reflections on Hugh Stretton's Thought0
Commonwealth of Australia July to December 20210
Queensland Exceptionalism and the Construction of “Southern Folk Devils” in Twentieth Century Public Rhetoric0
Issue Information0
The Iraq War and Democratic Governance: Britain and Australia go to War. By Judith Betts and Mark Phythian (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), pp. xv + 236. €74,99 (hb).0
The Australian Constitutional Framers and the Languages of Virtue0
War and Democracy: Labor and the Politics of Peace. By Elizabeth Kier (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2021), pp. x + 243, 2 maps, 1 table, b&w. €36 (hb).0
Making History: the Australian history curriculum and national identity0
“For the Historic Record”: Memoirs, History, and Australian Political Culture0
Pathway to Power: Shifts in Electoral Support for the Australian Labor Party Between the 1966 and 1969 Federal Elections0
Migration of Jewish “Displaced Persons” from Europe to Australia after the Second World War: Revisiting the Question of Discrimination and Numbers10
Unlearning the Discipline: Decolonising International Relations Through Pedagogy and Praxis0
South Australia January to June 20210
Organised Interests and the Courts: Non‐Party Access to the High Court of Australia Between 2012 and 20170
Issue Information0
Settler Colonial Strategic Culture: Australia, AUKUS, and the Anglosphere0
Editorial Note0
From Georges Sorel to Peter Costello: Peter Coleman and the Making of Australian Liberal Conservatism0
Northern Territory July to December 20230
The Humanitarians: Child War Refugees and Australian Humanitarianism in a Transnational World, 1919–1975. By JoyDamousi. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. pp. xiii + 347. $141.95 (HB)0
Australian Capital Territory July to December 20200
South Australia July to December 20200
Ecological Crises and Ecopolitics Research in Australia0
Issue Information0
Performing Aboriginal Rights in 1951: From Australia's Top End to Southeast0
From Welfarist Support for Vulnerable Groups to a Social Justice Perspective: The Australian Council of Social Service and the Construction of Poverty, 1956–750
Secret and Special: The Untold Story of Z Special Unit in the Second World War. By Will Davies(Sydney: Vintage Books Australia, 2021), pp. xi +378. AU$34.99 (pb).0
Australia‐China relations: analysing and responding to the challenge†0
The Art of Opposition. Edited by ScottPrasser and DavidClune. Brisbane: Connor Court Publishing, 2024, pp. 487. $69.95 (HB)0
The Blackburns: Private Lives, Public Ambitions. By CarolynRasmussen (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2019), pp. xiii + 400. AU$44.99 (hb).0
Toxic Parliaments and What Can Be Done about Them. By MarianSawer and MariaMaley (Palgrave Macmillan, 2024), 135pp. Open access or Eur 49.99 (hb).0
Letterboxes and Loudspeakers: Compulsory Voting and the Transformation of Grassroots Electioneering in Australia, 1910–510
Decolonising Politics and International Relations Classrooms: Reflections from the “Field”0
Victoria January to June 20210
Queensland's Role in the 2019 Australian Federal Election: A case study of regional difference0
“Government by Inspection”: Australian Rule in the “Forgotten West” of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea, 1960–730
Watershed: The 2022 Australian Federal Election. Edited by AnikaGauja, MarianSawer, and JillSheppard. Canberra: ANU Press, 2023. pp. xxv + 432. Open access or $69.95 (pb)0
Colonialism, China and the Chinese: Amidst Empires. Edited by Matthew P. Fitzpatrick and Peter Monteath (Abingdon, Oxon and New York: Routledge, 2020), pp. 222. AU$252.00 (hb).0
A Polanyian Perspective on the Conflict Between Neoliberal Economics and Countrymindedness in Australian Drought and Water Policy0
The “Eloquence” of Robert J. Hawke: United States informer, 1973–790
“Send Them a Shipload of Rice”: Australia's Food Aid to Indonesia, 1960s–1970s0
“Politics Are Quite Beneath the Concern of the Average Billjim”: Politics and the First World War Anzacs, 1914–19180
The Women of the Air Transport Auxiliary in Second World War Newsreels0
Documents on Australian Foreign Policy: Australia and Papua New Guinea: The Transition to Self‐Government, 1970–1972. Edited by Bruce Hunt and Stephen Henningham (Canberra: UNSW 0
Uncomfortable Echoes: Blackfishing First Nations Trauma During COVID‐190
Victoria July to December 20210
The Consultancy Conundrum: The Hollowing out of the Public Sector. LachlanGuselli and AndrewJaspan (editors) (Monash University Publishing, 2023), pp. 91. ISBN: 9781922979322 (paperback), $0
Universities and the Right to Think in Africa0
Tasmania July to December 20230
‘I Wonder’: The Life and Work of Ken Inglis. Edited by Peter Browne and Seumas Spark (Clayton, Vic: Monash University Publishing, 2020), pp. 402. AU$39.95 (pb).0
Editorial Note0
Political Performance and Political Trust in Australia0
IanGermani, Dying for France: Experiencing the Soldier's Death, 1500–2000 (Montréal: McGill‐Queen's University Press, 2023)0
Australian Capital Territory January to June 20210
Disability Policy and the Whitlam Government0
Issue Information0
Catholic Emancipation and the Idea of Religious Liberty in 1830s New South Wales0
Comrades!: Lives of Australian Communists. Edited by Bob Boughton, Danny Blackman, Mike Donaldson, Carmel Shute, and Beverly Symons (Sydney: SEARCH Foundation and the Australian Society for the Study 0
Commonwealth of Australia July to December 20200
Australia, Britain, and Alternatives to European Integration, 1960–730
1968 and the Fight for Democracy in Australia: Don Dunstan, Student Activism, and the End of the South Australian “Playmander”0
Exiting War: The British Empire and the 1918–20 moment. Edited by RomainFathi, MargaretHutchison, AndrekosVarnava, and Michael J. K.Walsh (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2022), pp. ix + 212.0
Conzinc Riotinto of Australia — Foreign Ownership and Control0
Empire and Indigeneity: Histories and Legacies. By Richard  Price (London: Routledge, 2021), pp. xii + 358. AU$73.99 (pb).0
Stuart Macintyre – A Note of Appreciation0
Exemption and Nyungar Letters in the West Australian Archives0
Tasmania January to June 20210
Save our Sons: Women, Dissent and Conscription during the Vietnam War. By Carolyn Collins (Melbourne: Monash University Publishing, 2021), pp. xxix + 337, 16 b&w photographs. AU$34.95 (0
Western Australia January to June 20210
Victoria January to June 20240
Australian Political Science in the 1960s: Establishing the Discipline of Politics at Flinders University0
Dear Prime Minister: Letters to Robert Menzies 1949–1966. By Martyn Lyons (Sydney: UNSW Press, 2021), pp. vi + 266. AU$39.99 (pb).0
Queensland January to June 20240
New South Wales January to June 20210
Issue Information0
The Genesis of a Policy: Defining and Defending Australia's National Interest in the Asia‐Pacific, 1921–57. By Honae Cuffe (Acton, ACT: ANU Press, 2021), pp. x + 249, 2 colour im0
New South Wales July to December 20230
Canberra, We Have a Problem: Interpreting Shifting American Grand Strategy Preferences in an Era of Sino–US Rivalry0
People Power: How Australian Referendums Are Lost and Won. By GeorgeWilliams and DavidHume (Sydney: UNSW Press, 2024), pp. 368. $49.99 (pb)0
Road to Ruin: The Howard Government, the Concept of Aboriginal Welfare Dependency and the Fall of the Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP) Scheme0
East Timor in Australia–Indonesia Relations, 1974–830
Debate and Decide: Innovative Participatory Governance in South Australia 2010–20180
Cutting the Gordian Knot: Reassessing Australia's Lend‐Lease Settlement10
“A Man's Lot”: Marriage, Military Service, and the First World War0
The Independent Effect: Parliamentary Contributions from the Crossbenches in Australia. By AndréaCullen (Canberra: Parliament Publishing, 2020), pp. 222. AU$30.00 (pb)0
Expertise, Authority and Control: The Australian Army Medical Corps in the First World War. By AlexiaMoncrieff (Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 2020), pp. 236. AU$59.95 (hb)0
A Liberal Chronicle in Peace and War: Journals and Papers of J. A. Pease, 1st Lord Gainford, 1911–1915. Edited by CameronHazlehurst and ChristineWoodland(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023) pp. xxi0
Commonwealth of Australia January to June 20220
“Actual Political Affiliations Are of Secondary Importance”: Communism and Women's Entangled Loyalties in the Australian Anti‐Nuclear Movement, 1945–650
Shaping Norms: Australia, G.J.L. Coles, and the Evolution of the UN Refugee Agency's Repatriation Culture0
Claiming the City: A Global History of Workers' Fight for Municipal Socialism. By SheltonStromquist (London & New York: Verso Press, 2023), pp. xii + 867. $US80(hb)0
Political Tribalism in Kuwait: The Shift of Badū from the Regime's Political Ally to Political Opposition0
Migrant Attitudes Towards Democracy in Australia: Excluded or Allegiant Citizens?0
Issue Information0
Sport, Identity, and Self‐Determination: Aboriginal Rugby League in Brisbane after the Second World War0
Issues in Australian Foreign Policy July to December 20220
Commonwealth of Australia January to June 20210
Endorsing Annexation? The Whitlam Government's De Jure Recognition of the Soviet Baltic States0
The Coup Capital of the Democratic World? Voters and Prime Ministerial Change in Australia0
Australia, Menzies and Suez: Australian Policymaking on the Middle East Before, During and After the Suez Crisis. ByRobertBowker, (Canberra: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2019), pp x0
Life So Full of Promise: Further Biographies of Australia's Lost Generation. By RossMcMullin. Melbourne: Scribe, 2023, pp. 626. $49.99 (paperback)0
Victoria January to June 20230
A New Perspective on Motivations Behind Chinese Overseas Investment: A Case Study on the Darwin Port Deal0
The Burqa Ban, Islamophobia, and the Effects of Racial “Othering” in Australian Political Discourses0
Yubbi Yarning Circle Model: Collective Narratives and Cultural Expression in the Journey of Trauma0