Australian Economic History Review

(The median citation count of Australian Economic History Review is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Made In Chinatown: Chinese Australian Furniture Factories, 1880–1930, PeterGibsonSydney University Press, 2022, xxvii +198, pp, 9 B&W illlus., ISBN 978174332785222
Fenjiashu: Economic development in the Chinese countryside based on household division inventories, ca. 1750–19105
The economic history of Thailand: Old debates, recent advances, and future prospects5
Dry bulk shipping and the evolution of maritime transport costs, 1850–20204
Globalisation, migration, trade and growth: Honouring the contribution of Jeff Williamson to Australian andAsia‐Pacificeconomic history—Guest Editor's introduction4
The state in Chinese economic history4
Above board? Interlocking directorates and corporate contagion in 1980s Australia3
Volume Contents2
Issue Information2
Institutional dynamics and access to non‐farm employment in rural China, 1950–19962
Return Migration from Nineteenth Century Australia: Key Drivers and Gender Differences2
Always egalitarian? Australian earnings inequality 1870–19102
Four great Asian trade collapses2
Volume Contents1
Issue Information1
A Fabian paradise or a one‐man show? How the interwar Queensland economy seduced two prominent English economists0
Commodity boom‐bust cycles and the resource curse in Australia: 1900 to 20070
Issue Information0
The legacy of colonial rule: On the impact of the railway zones in modern China0
Forced displacement in history: Some recent research0
Report of the Editor for 2021 and Announcements of the President0
The gypsy economist. The life and times of Colin Clark. AlexMillmowSingapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, vii + 396 pp., ISBN 978‐981‐33‐6945‐00
Industriousness and divergence: Living standards, housework and the Japanese diet in comparative historical perspective0
Issue Information0
The great divergence on the Korean peninsula (1910–2020)0
‘Australian sailors wanted’: Labour supply and Australian shipping, c. 1870–c. 19140
The Siamese rice trade during the interwar years: Trade pattern, crisis and business survival0
Report of the Editor for 20200
Agricultural development in industrialising Japan, 1880–19400
Export development in New Zealand: Kiwifruit and seafood 1975–19850
Research in business history: From theorising to bizhismetrics0
Emigration from the United Kingdom to the United States, Canada and Australia/New Zealand, 1870–1913: Quantity and quality0
Issue Information0
Their fiery cross of union: a retelling of the creation of the Australian Federation, 1889–1914. William OliverColeman, Redland Bay: Connor Court Publishing, 20210
Malthus and gender0
Made in Chinatown: Chinese Furniture Factories in Australia, 1880–19300
Why geography matters to the economic history of India0
Understanding the effects of social networks on banking development: Essays on modern Chinese Bank Networks during the republican era0
Revisiting the tariff‐growth correlation: The Australasian colonies, 1866–19000
The occupational structure of late Imperial China, 1734–1898: A dissertation summary0
The Australian Treasurers0
Determining the reasons for the failure of British aircraft manufacturers to invest in Australia's industry, 1934–19410
Surveys of Asian Economic History: Guest editors' introduction0
Rich Europe, poor Asia: How wealth inequality, demography, and crop risks explain the poverty of pre‐industrial East Asia, 1300–18000
Issue Information0
Making Things Economic: Theory and Government in New South Wales, 1788–18630