Astronomische Nachrichten

(The median citation count of Astronomische Nachrichten is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Measuring the speed of gravity at short distances: Sensitivity estimate25
Studies of bright flat‐spectrum radio quasar 3C 454.3 at high and very‐high‐energies20
An accretion‐jet model for 3C 84: Interpreting the spectral energy distribution and Faraday rotation measure13
The statistical characteristics of the prompt emission lightcurves of gamma‐ray bursts13
γCygni SNR morphology viewed in the electromagnetic spectrum12
Where in the Milky Way Do Exoplanets Preferentially Form?11
Characterizing the dynamical magnetosphere of the extremely slowly rotating magnetic O9.7 V star HD 54879 using rotational modulation of the Hα profile11
Preface: Spectral line shapes in astrophysics10
Issue Information: Astron. Nachr. 01/202210
Ab initio and semi‐empirical atomic structure calculations: Applications to the 5p‐6s transitions for the Mo II ion10
Cover Picture: Astron. Nachr. 5/202110
Photometric search for exomoons by using convolutional neural networks9
Issue Information: Astron. Nachr. 08/20238
Cover Picture: Astron. Nachr. 3/20218
Confirmation and characterization of neglected WDS systems using Gaia data release 3 and the virtual observatory8
CCD imagers for the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite from benchtop to space environment7
Characterization of a C‐RED One camera for astrophotonical applications7
Upgrades to W. M. Keck observatory detector systems7
Conceptual diagrams in Quantum Mechanics6
3D homogeneous potentials producing isoenergetic families of orbits: An application to galactic dynamics6
PAWS and POCO: NIR Astrophotonic Instruments for Astronomy6
On the true nature of the contact binary CRTS J192848.7‐4045556
Probable nature of HD 196821: Is the star a cool HgMn?6
Evaluating the GeoSnap 13‐μ$$ \mu $$m cutoff HgCdTe detector for mid‐IR ground‐based astronomy6
The gamma‐ray emission from young radio galaxies and quasars6
A short review on the pulsar magnetic inclination angles6
Thermodynamics of a scale‐invariant nonlinear sigma model5
Generation of cosmic rays in pulsar wind nebulae5
Model dependence of the magnetic field effects on compact stars5
A new multi‐messenger description of starburst galaxies emission: perspectives for neutrino and gamma‐ray observations5
Resolution tests for ΛCDM: A comparison of three cosmological codes5
Cover Picture: Astron. Nachr. 08/20225
Numerical approximations for the dynamics of cosmological scalar fields with a quartic self‐interaction5
Influence of cosmic rays on environmental ecosystems5
Silicate composition of sungrazing comet C/1965 S1 (Ikeya‐Seki)5
Accretion mode and jet collimation in active galactic nuclei4
Editor's note: A high‐energy view of exoplanets and their environments4
Unmasking the history of 3C 293 with LOFAR sub‐arcsecond imaging4
The environmental dependence of the stellar mass of active galactic nucleus host galaxies and dependence of the clustering properties of active galactic nucleus host galaxies on the stellar mass4
X‐exoplanets coronal models and planet photoevaporation4
The observations of the gigahertz‐peaked spectra pulsars4
Cover Picture: Astron. Nachr. 9–10/20214
Bright spectroscopic binaries: III. Binary systems with orbital periods of P > 500 days4
Properties of the continuum and broad line emission gas in active galactic nuclei with moderate to strong Feii emission4
Parsec‐scale view of CSS/GPS sources at 327 MHz4
Methodology for the observation of radio sources using Ku‐band compact radio telescopes4
Coherent quantum states in resonant‐mass gravitational wave detectors4
A truncated scale factor to realize cosmological bounce under the purview of modified gravity3
Photometry and astrometry with JWSTII: NIRCam distortion correction3
Fourier spectral‐timing techniques for the study of accreting black holes3
Cover Picture: Astron. Nachr. 04/20233
Cover Picture: Astron. Nachr. 1/20243
An analytic treatment of magnetically deformed neutron stars3
The evolution of the UV/optical lag spectrum of NGC 7469 seen by the Liverpool Telescope3
INCREASE: An updated model suite to study the INfluence of Cosmic Rays on Exoplanetary AtmoSpherEs3
Issue Information: Astron. Nachr. 11/20223
Letter from the Editor3
On the cosmological constant in the deformed EinsteinCartan gauge gravity in De DonderWeyl Hamiltonian formulation3
Pushing the limits of time beyond the Big Bang singularity: The branch cut universe3
The symbiotic binary ZZ CMi: Intranight variability and suggested outbursting nature3
Hybrid neutron stars in the mass‐radius diagram3
Probing the Propeller Regime With Wide Neutron Star Binaries3
Quasi‐periodic oscillations are more than timing features: Applying the accretion‐ejection instability in super massive black‐holes3
Fundamental parameters and non‐local thermodynamic equilibrium abundances of key light elements for nine bright and nearby K giants3
WX Cen is X‐ray quiet: Does this signify a high‐mass or a low‐mass binary?3
Peaked sources and narrow‐line Seyfert 1s: A love story3
Unraveling the link between Type II supernova luminosity and host galaxy velocity dispersion2
HST astrometry of the closest brown dwarfs‐II. Improved parameters and constraints on a third body2
Cosmological constraints on bulk viscous f(Q,T) gravity2
Issue Information: Astron. Nachr. 09/20232
Cover Picture: Astron. Nachr. 8/20242
Teledyne imaging sensors' recent contributions to astronomy, earth science, and planetary science2
Rubidium abundances of galactic disk stars2
Issue Information: Astron. Nachr. 7–8/20212
Some properties of Lemaitre regularization: Collinear trajectories2
Semi‐Stable Active Region Around the Co‐Rotation Latitude of Low‐Mass Close Binary KIC 76715942
INTEGRAL Observations of Magnetars2
Scales of Stability and Turbulence in the Molecular ISM2
Issue Information: Astron. Nachr. 1/20242
Green's Function Approach for Late‐Time Tail and Echoes in Damour–Solodukhin Type Wormholes2
A tool to understand emission mechanisms of blazars through their high‐energy gamma‐ray emission2
Searching the Non‐Accreting White Dwarf Population in eROSITA Data2
Infrared detectors enable spectacular infrared astronomy2
Measurements of visual binaries with PISCO2 at the Nice 76‐cm refractor in 2011–20122
Compact radio sources: Triggering and feedback2
Properties of the quark‐gluon plasma created in heavy‐ion collisions2
On the lithium abundance of the visual binary components ξ Boo A (G8V) and ξ Boo B (K5V)2
Fully depleted charge‐coupled device design and technology development2
A brief history of image sensors in the optical2
Spectroscopic and photometric behavior of LP Ori2
Particle interaction strengths modified by magnetic fields2
Sub‐Quantum Physics and the Proton Mass2
Scattering‐state solutions to the Dirac spinors with negative‐energy eigenstates in a rotating spheroid2
Expressions of “fast” and “slow” chameleon dressed states in Autler–Townes spectra of alkali‐metal atoms2
Solar disk integration polarimeter: An automated disk‐integration full‐Stokes‐vector solar feed for the Potsdam Echelle Polarimetric and Spectroscopic Instrument spectrograph2
Cover Picture: Astron. Nachr. 9/20242
Fe II emission in active galactic nuclei2
Alpha tensor and dynamo excitation in turbulent fluids with anisotropic conductivity fluctuations2
Follow‐up spectroscopy of comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)2
Consistent Crust‐Core Interpolation and Its Effect on Non‐radial Neutron Star Oscillations2
Heating of millisecond pulsars by magnetic field decay2
Exploring Dark Photon Production and Kinetic Mixing Constraints in Heavy‐Ion Collisions2
Contributions of structural variations to the asymptotic mixed‐mode coupling Factor in red giant stars2
Issue Information: Astron. Nachr. 9–10/20211
White Dwarf Stars in the Big Data Era1
Cover Picture: Astron. Nachr. 4/20211
Non‐symmetrical sparking may hint “zits” on a pulsar surface1
The isolated elliptical galaxy NGC 5812–MOND or dark matter?1
Identity for scalar‐valued functions of tensors and its applications to energy–momentum tensors in classical field theories and gravity1
A review on algebraic extensions in general relativity1
Pushing the limits of time beyond the Big Bang singularity: Scenarios for the branch cut universe1
Particle Acceleration in Solar Flares From Radio and Hard X‐Ray Spectra1
Review volume of the 10th international workshop on astronomy and relativistic astrophysics, from quarks to cosmos—IWARA 20221
Investigating Phase Transitions in Hybrid Stars Using the vMIT Bag Model and the QHDII Model1
Outburst behavior of the dwarf nova CG Draconis1
Beyond Accretion Limits: The Rise of Pulsating Gems1
High‐resolution observations of low‐luminosity peaked spectrum sources1
The astrophysical parameters of Majaess‐95 and Majaess‐2251
Issue Information: Astron. Nachr. 04/20221
Relativistic scenario for a binary black hole system in blazars1
Gaia search for stellar companions of TESS Objects of Interest III1
Erratum to “Measurements of visual double stars with PISCO2 at the Nice 76‐cm refractor in 2013–2014”1
Concluding Remarks to the IWARA 20241
TXS 0128+554: A young gamma‐ray emitting active galactic nucleus with episodic jet activity1
Cover Picture: Astron. Nachr. 4/20241
Taming the derivative: Diagnostics of the continuum and Hβ emission in a prototypical Population B active galaxy1
Cover Picture: Astron. Nachr. 06/20221
Carl Wirtz' Article From 1924 in Astronomische Nachrichten on the Radial Motions of Spiral Nebulae1
Experimental astronomical observation using a lobster eye optics1
Charmed meson pair production in high‐energy pp$$ pp $$ collisions within the QCD color dipole approach1
Seeing the limited coupling of starlight into single‐mode fiber with a small telescope1
Light vector mesons photoproduction and nuclear shadowing1
Cover Picture: Astron. Nachr. 01/20231
Cover Picture: Astron. Nachr. 7–8/20211
Branch‐cut cosmology and the Bekenstein Criterion1
The Surprising Long‐Term Evolution of the ULXP NGC 7793 P131
Preface: Workshop on matter, astrophysics, gravitation, ions and cosmology—MAGIC231
Cover Picture: Astron. Nachr. 7/20241
Letter from the Editor 20221
On the parameter refinement of inflated exoplanets with large radius uncertainty based on TESS observations1
Kinematics and ellipsoidal motion of the mid to late M‐type stars1
NLTE CNO abundances in a sample of nine field RR Lyr type stars1
Hot Jupiters accreting onto their parent stars: Effects on the stellar activity1
Effects of flares on the habitable zones of M dwarfs accessible to TESS planet detections1
Cover Picture: Astron. Nachr. 05/20221
Teotihuacán as a solar city in its graphic representation1
Characterization of chromospheric activity based on Sun‐as‐a‐star spectral and disk‐resolved activity indices1
An alternative, versatile, high‐tolerance design of a modified Richter–Slevogt camera, using standard glasses1
Cover Picture: Astron. Nachr. 03/20221
Calculated brightness temperatures of solar structures compared with ALMA and Metsähovi measurements1
The peaked spectrum and compact steep spectrum sources: Issues and opportunities1
Measurements of visual double stars with PISCO2 at the Nice 76‐cm refractor in 2013–2014 (new data) and in 20151
The Long‐Term Variability of a Population of ULXs Monitored by Chandra1
Issue Information: Astron. Nachr. 4/20211
Oscillations of fluid tori around neutron stars1
Effects of a generalized uncertainty principle on the MIT bag model equation of state1
Abundance of radioactive technetium in Przybylski's star revisited1
Particle acceleration test with Cas A multiwavelength emission1
Issue Information: Astron. Nachr. 06/20221
The branch‐cut cosmology: A topological canonical quantum‐mechanics approach1
Constraining stellar tidal quality factors from planet‐induced stellar spin‐up1
Determination of supermassive black hole spins in local active galactic nuclei1
Investigating possible unification of Seyfert galaxies and blazars in Fermi‐Large Area Telescope sample1
The influence of deceleration and internal structure on the braking index of pulsars: Simplest model for the star1
Massless scalar scattering by a charged regular black hole1
Revisiting the emission line source detection problem in integral field spectroscopic data1
XMM2ATHENA, the H2020 project to improve XMM‐Newton analysis software and prepare for Athena1
The gaseous natal environments of GPS and CSS sources with ASKAPFLASH1
The quintuple system 30 Arietis: Comments on orbital stability and habitability1
Does the Nebra Sky Disk encode an early Bronze Age report of a galactic supernova?1
Probing the Przybylski star for deuterium1
Preface: 10th International Workshop on Astronomy and Relativistic Astrophysics, from Quarks to Cosmos—IWARA 20221
Tidal disruption events and quasi‐periodic eruptions1
Are there long‐living Hilda‐like asteroids between Jupiter and Saturn?1
Orbital Elements of visual binary stars with very short arcs: With application to double stars from the 1829 southern double star catalog of James Dunlop1
Spin period evolution of Vela pulsar based on the wind emission: Application to the long period radio pulsars GPM J1839‐10 (P = 21 min) and GLEAM‐X J1627 (P = 18 mi1
Status of the science instruments and their detector plans at the giant magellan telescope0
Investigating the partonic entanglement entropy at low Bjorken‐x within Gluon saturation approach0
Exploring Absolute Retract in Regular Hayward Black Holes and Their Implications for Astrophysics0
A comparative study on the spectra of normal outburst and mini‐outbursts of black hole X‐ray binary XTE J1550‐5640
Gaia search for stellar companions of TESS Objects of Interest IV0
Revisiting Variable Stars Near Globular Clusters South of −29° Declination0
Issue Information: Astron. Nachr. 4/20240
Letter From the Editor0
Consistency tests of structure formation simulations of scalar field dark matter0
Some properties of lemaitre regularization. II isosceles trajectories and figure‐eight0
Cover Picture: Astron. Nachr. 04/20220
Polarization in broad emission lines of active galactic nuclei0
Size of the accretion disc in the recurrent nova T CrB0
Red Quasars: Estimation of SMBH Spin, Mass, and Accretion Disk Inclination Angle0
The B±‐Meson Production in High Energy pp Collisions in the Color Dipole Transverse Momentum Representation0
Repulsive Vector Couplings and Massive Strange Stars0
An application of pulsar timing in dynamic reference frame transformation of solar system0
Issue Information: Astron. Nachr. 09/20240
Cover Picture: Astron. Nachr. 06/20230
Neutron star versus neutral star: On the 90th anniversary of Landau's publication in astrophysics0
Detector system challenges of the wide‐field spectroscopic survey telescope (WST)0
Limitations of the modified blackbody fit method for determining molecular cloud properties0
The effects of a minimal length on the Kerr metric0
On the chemical composition of the evolved very bright metal‐poor star HD 19360
Spectra of puffy accretion discs: the kynbb fit0
FRA–A new fast, robust, and automated pipeline for the detection and measurement of solar‐like oscillations in time‐series photometry of red‐giant stars0
Cover Picture: Astron. Nachr. 09/20230
Measurements of visual double stars with PISCO2 at the Nice 76‐cm refractor in 2016–20170
Multifrequency study of gigahertz‐peaked spectrum sources with RATAN‐6000
Differential rotation in compact objects with hyperons and delta isobars0
Perturbed Hill's problem with variable mass0
Estimating photoevaporative mass loss of exoplanets with PLATYPOS0
HX Velorum: Ellipsoidal/Rotational Binary With β Cep Type Component0
Spectroscopic and dynamic orbital analyses of metal‐poor and high proper‐motion stars: I. HD 8724 and HD 1956330
The Effects of a Minimal Length on the Kerr Metric and the Hawking Temperature0
Issue Information: Astron. Nachr. 05/20230
Spiral structure of the galactic disk and its influence on the rotational velocity curve0
Uncertainties in Ground‐Based Visual Double Star Measures0
Photoreverberation mapping of quasars in the context of Legacy Survey of Space and Time observing strategies0
Correlation Between Radio Loudness and the Eddington Ratio in Quasars0
Extremely inverted peaked spectrum radio sources0
A Brief, Biased View of Neutron Star Cooling0
Causality and the arrow of time in the branch‐cut cosmology0
Phase Structure of Holographic Superconductors With Spontaneous Scalarization0
Surface and curvature tensions of cold quark matter in the SU(3)fNJL model with vector interactions0
The branch‐cut quantum gravity with a self‐coupling inflation scalar field: The wave function of the Universe0
Isolated Neutron Stars as Science Validation for XMM2ATHENA: Ensuring Robust Data for Future X‐Ray Astronomy0
The Mira discovery problem—Observations by David Fabricius in 1596 and 1609 (and by others before?): Positional accuracy, brightness, color index, and period0
The deep eclipses of RW Aur revisited by long‐term photometric and spectroscopic monitoring0
The Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer: Thousands of fibers, infinite possibilities0
Cosmological bounce in a modified gravity framework0
Digital color codes of stars0
Radial Metallicity Gradients for the Chemically Selected Galactic Thin Disc Main‐Sequence Stars0
What is the unknown “star” or “∼star” recorded in Korean historical books?0
Accretion Onto Weakly Magnetized Neutron Stars: Polarization Theory and Its Application to X‐Ray Burster GX 13+10
Cover Picture: Astron. Nachr. 05/20230
Probing extreme black‐hole outflows on short timescales via high spectral‐resolution x‐ray imagers0
Studies of FCAPTUVBY photometry for the mCP stars HD 32966, HD 35298, HD 68292, HD 93226, HD 171247, HD 20
An Analytical Model for Transit Light Curves0
Gaia search for stellar companions of TESS Objects of Interest II0