Asian Survey

(The median citation count of Asian Survey is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Hong Kong in 202022
The Philippines in 202010
Han–Hui Relations and Chinese Regime Legitimation in the Xi Jinping Era8
Malaysia in 20208
Chinese Pride and European Prejudice7
China’s Response to War in Ukraine7
Terrorism in Bangladesh7
Toward Market Leninism in North Korea7
India–Russia Relations after Ukraine5
Taiwan in 20205
Who Believed Misinformation during the 2019 Indonesian Election?5
The Downfall of Pakatan Harapan in Malaysia5
Why and How Umbrella Movement Participants Ran in the Authoritarian Elections in Hong Kong5
COVID-19 and the Anatomy of the Rally Effect in Taiwan5
Cambodia in 20205
Japan in 20215
Timor-Leste in 20205
Understanding Experimentation and Implementation5
Losing Hearts and Minds?4
South Korea in 20214
The Politics of Chinese and US Foreign Direct Investment in the Developing World4
Governing through Informal Mechanisms4
The Impact of the Ukraine War on Russian–North Korean Relations4
The Effect of the Xi Jinping Administration’s Anticorruption Campaign on the Performance of State-Owned Enterprises4
Correlates of South Korean Public Opinion on Nuclear Proliferation4
Myanmar in 20204
Public Feelings toward ASEAN3
Precedent, Path Dependency, and Reasoning by Analogy3
Sri Lanka in 20213
Laos in 20203
Singapore in 20203
Is a “Silent Revolution” in the Making in China?3
Determinants of Chinese Provincial Governments’ Responses to the 2018 Vaccine Scandal3
Asymmetrical Attribution of Performance in China3
China in 20223
The Philippines in 20213
Nepal in 20213
Business Groups, Political Connections, and Regime Change in Pakistan3
Mongolia in 20203
The Chinese Fintech Boom and the Consolidation of Recentralized Authoritarian Capitalism3
Indonesia in 20213
Thailand in 20203
South Korea in 20203
Making Sense of Japan’s Export Restrictions against South Korea3
Vietnam in 20213
China in 20213
Japan in 20203
Pakistan in 20223
Toward Liberal Immigration Control3
Taiwan in 20223
Relative Deprivation and Farmers’ Willingness to Participate in Village Governance3
Vietnam in 20223
Official Media as Emotional Valves3
Taiwan in 20213
Thailand in 20213
Political Families and Support for Democracy in Pakistan3
Income Inequality and Political Participation in Asia2
Sri Lanka in 20202
Laos in 20212
Pitfalls or Windfalls in China’s Belt and Road Economic Outreach?2
Bangladesh in 20212
Malaysia in 20222
Myanmar’s Transition and the Resurgence of Buddhist Nationalism2
Vietnam in 20202
Bringing Social Movements into the Inclusion-Moderation Thesis2
A Securitized “One Country, Two Systems”?2
Insider Activists and Secondhand Smoke Countermeasures in Japan2
Elite–Middle Class Competition for Rent-Seeking in North Korea and Kim Jong Un’s Anti-Corruption Movement2
Myanmar in 20212
Development and Citizenship in the Chinese “Mayor’s Mailbox” System2
Asia in 20202
The Effect of the Chinese Government’s Political Propaganda and Individual Characteristics on Anti-US Sentiment2
Force Multiplier2
Why Are Developed Countries Giving Aid to India?2
Do the Poor Benefit from the Right to Information Act?2
The Elephant in the Voting Booth?2
North Korea in 20222
The Impact of the Korean Wave on South Korea–Taiwan Relations2
Indonesia in 20202
The United States and Asia in 20212
China’s Maritime Nexus in Southeast Asia2
Military and Economic Power Networks, Hedging, and Cooperation on the Korean Peninsula2
Foreign Aid, Winning Coalitions, and Economic Growth2
Bhutan in 20202
China in 20202
Nepal in 20202
North Korea and Reunification2
Singapore in 20222
South Korea in 20221
Crisis of Secularism and Changing Contours of Minority Politics in India1
The Coattail Effect in Multiparty Presidential Elections1
Thailand in 20221
Anticorruption Politics versus Democratic Deepening and Welfare in India1
From Bad to Worse1
Pakistan in 20211
Indonesia in 20221
North Korea in 20201
Becoming an “Unfriendly” State1
Stakeholder Attitudes and Factors Affecting Multiculturalism and Immigrant Integration Policy in South Korea1
Fake Spies, Democratization, and Transitional Justice in South Korea1
India in 20201
Cooperative Citizens1
Malaysia in 20211
China–DPRK Relations, China’s Rise, and DPRK Aggressions toward the ROK–U.S., 1990–20211
Cognitive Explanations of Indian Perceptions of China1
Papua New Guinea in 20201
Presidential Approval Ratings and the Foreign Exchange Market1
Bangladesh in 20201
Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and China–North Korea Relations1
Female Assembly Members and the Adoption of Women-Friendly Policies in Japanese Local Municipalities1
Lessons from the Past and Sectoral Priorities in Bilateral Official Development Assistance1
Party-Building through Ideological Campaigns under Xi Jinping1
Japan in 20221
A Historical Analysis of the LDP’s 2018 Constitutional Amendment Proposals1
China’s Fifth Constitutional Amendment1
A Techno-Docility Approach to the Repression and Surveillance of Uyghurs1
Intergenerational Politics in an Aging Society1
India in 20221
Cambodia in 20221
How Has the War in Ukraine Shaped Taiwanese Concerns about Their Own Defense?1
India in 20211
The Conditional Effects of Natural Disasters on Public Approval of the President1
China’s Engagement with Former Foreign Leaders1
Pakistan in 20201
The Philippines in 20221
Interdependence, Identity, and China–South Korea Political Relations1
The Impact of US and China on ROK–DPRK Relations, 1993–20191
The United States and Asia in 20201
Interest Group Politics and Its Transformation in Japan1
Democratic Performance, Secular–Traditional Value Orientation, and Satisfaction with Democracy in India and Pakistan1
Cambodia in 20211
North Korea in 20211