Artificial Intelligence

(The median citation count of Artificial Intelligence is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Adversarial analysis of similarity-based sign prediction436
Planning-based knowing how: A unified approach295
Peeking behind the ordinal curtain: Improving distortion via cardinal queries293
A framework for analysing state-abstraction methods266
Optimizing the computation of overriding in DL<228
Risk-averse optimization of reward-based coherent risk measures188
Diffusion auction design131
Knowledge-based programs as building blocks for planning120
Treewidth-aware reductions of normal ASP to SAT – Is normal ASP harder than SAT after all?96
Editorial Board82
Abstraction in data-sparse task transfer74
On the role of logical separability in knowledge compilation70
Using POMDPs for learning cost sensitive decision trees70
Editorial Board70
Primarily about primaries54
Editorial Board54
aspmc: New frontiers of algebraic answer set counting53
Embedding justification theory in approximation fixpoint theory50
Knowledge-driven profile dynamics46
Almost proportional allocations of indivisible chores: Computation, approximation and efficiency40
Dual forgetting operators in the context of weakest sufficient and strongest necessary conditions39
A general multi-agent epistemic planner based on higher-order belief change38
Mitigating robust overfitting via self-residual-calibration regularization35
Investigating the properties of neural network representations in reinforcement learning33
Q-Learning-based model predictive variable impedance control for physical human-robot collaboration32
Recursive reasoning-based training-time adversarial machine learning30
Discrete preference games with logic-based agents: Formal framework, complexity, and islands of tractability30
Iterative voting with partial preferences30
Rethinking formal models of partially observable multiagent decision making29
Schelling games on graphs29
Inconsistency-tolerant query answering for existential rules29
On Pareto optimality in social distance games27
PredDiff: Explanations and interactions from conditional expectations27
When move acceptance selection hyper-heuristics outperform Metropolis and elitist evolutionary algorithms and when not24
Ballooning multi-armed bandits22
Graph-based construction of minimal models22
Strategyproof Allocation Mechanisms with Endowments and M-convex Distributional Constraints22
Simple and efficient bi-objective search algorithms via fast dominance checks22
Inhomogeneous deep Q-network for time sensitive applications21
ASER: Towards large-scale commonsense knowledge acquisition via higher-order selectional preference over eventualities20
Mind the gap: Cake cutting with separation20
A crossword solving system based on Monte Carlo tree search19
Dependency-based syntax-aware word representations19
On measuring inconsistency in graph databases with regular path constraints19
Identifying roles of formulas in inconsistency under Priest's minimally inconsistent logic of paradox19
Hyperbolic Secant representation of the logistic function: Application to probabilistic Multiple Instance Learning for CT intracranial hemorrhage detection18
Lifted inference with tree axioms17
A conflict-directed approach to chance-constrained mixed logical linear programming17
A computational model of Ostrom's Institutional Analysis and Development framework17
Fine-tuning transformers: Vocabulary transfer17
Quantifying and alleviating political bias in language models16
Counterfactuals as modal conditionals, and their probability16
Delegated online search16
Ascending-price mechanism for general multi-sided markets16
Predicting winner and estimating margin of victory in elections using sampling15
Levels of explainable artificial intelligence for human-aligned conversational explanations15
A unifying look at sequence submodularity15
Multi-agent pathfinding with continuous time15
Result diversification by multi-objective evolutionary algorithms with theoretical guarantees14
Incremental computation for structured argumentation over dynamic DeLP knowledge bases14
Credibility Dynamics: A belief-revision-based trust model with pairwise comparisons14
A semantics for Hybrid Probabilistic Logic programs with function symbols14
Efficient optimal Kolmogorov approximation of random variables14
Crossover can guarantee exponential speed-ups in evolutionary multi-objective optimisation14
DEED: DEep Evidential Doctor14
SAT Competition 202014
“That's (not) the output I expected!” On the role of end user expectations in creating explanations of AI systems13
On generalized notions of consistency and reinstatement and their preservation in formal argumentation13
Competence-aware systems13
Representing states in iterated belief revision13
Polynomial combined first-order rewritings for linear and guarded existential rules13
Matching papers and reviewers at large conferences12
A k-additive Choquet integral-based approach to approximate the SHAP values for local interpretability in machine learning12
Syntactic reasoning with conditional probabilities in deductive argumentation12
Sim-to-Lab-to-Real: Safe reinforcement learning with shielding and generalization guarantees11
Diagnosis of intermittent faults in Multi-Agent Systems: An SFL approach11
Pairwise symmetry reasoning for multi-agent path finding search11
What do we want from Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)? – A stakeholder perspective on XAI and a conceptual model guiding interdisciplinary XAI research11
Safe multi-agent reinforcement learning for multi-robot control11
Toward personalized XAI: A case study in intelligent tutoring systems10
Transfer learning for collaborative recommendation with biased and unbiased data10
Multiple object tracking: A literature review10
A survey of inverse reinforcement learning: Challenges, methods and progress10
Using ontologies to enhance human understandability of global post-hoc explanations of black-box models10
DivGAN: A diversity enforcing generative adversarial network for mode collapse reduction10
Truthful aggregation of budget proposals with proportionality guarantees9
Online perceptual learning and natural language acquisition for autonomous robots9
Separate but equal: Equality in belief propagation for single-cycle graphs9
Evaluation of argument strength in attack graphs: Foundations and semantics9
The quest of parsimonious XAI: A human-agent architecture for explanation formulation9
Improving logical flow in English-as-a-foreign-language learner essays by reordering sentences9
TeachText: CrossModal text-video retrieval through generalized distillation9
An action language for multi-agent domains9
Search-engine-augmented dialogue response generation with cheaply supervised query production9
Taking into account “who said what” in abstract argumentation: Complexity results9
Online learning in sequential Bayesian persuasion: Handling unknown priors9
Corrigendum to “Separators and adjustment sets in causal graphs: Complete criteria and an algorithmic framework” [Artif. Intell. 270 (2019) 1–40]9
Knowing how to plan about planning: Higher-order and meta-level epistemic planning8
Evaluating local explanation methods on ground truth8
Editorial Board8
Online learning of energy consumption for navigation of electric vehicles8
Multi-objective meta-learning8
Show or suppress? Managing input uncertainty in machine learning model explanations8
CVPR 2020 continual learning in computer vision competition: Approaches, results, current challenges and future directions8
An α-regret analysis of adversarial bilateral trade8
Reward is enough8
Sensitive loss: Improving accuracy and fairness of face representations with discrimination-aware deep learning8
A false sense of security7
Bayesian feature interaction selection for factorization machines7
Fair allocation of indivisible goods: Beyond additive valuations7
Editorial Board7
Editorial Board7
Natural language watermarking via paraphraser-based lexical substitution7
Post-trained convolution networks for single image super-resolution7
Hyper-heuristics for personnel scheduling domains7
Strategic reasoning with a bounded number of resources: The quest for tractability7
Epistemic planning: Perspectives on the special issue6
The distortion of distributed metric social choice6
Editorial Board6
Situated conditional reasoning6
A postulate-driven study of logical argumentation6
A lightweight epistemic logic and its application to planning6
A polynomial reduction of forks into logic programs6
Editorial Board6
Editorial Board6
Editorial Board6
Parameterized complexity of envy-free resource allocation in social networks6
Editorial Board6
Solving infinite-domain CSPs using the patchwork property6
An efficient algorithm for counting Markov equivalent DAGs6
Scheduling with complete multipartite incompatibility graph on parallel machines: Complexity and algorithms6
Editorial Board6
On the noise estimation statistics6
Using state abstractions to compute personalized contrastive explanations for AI agent behavior6
Decidability and complexity of action-based temporal planning over dense time6
Evolving interpretable decision trees for reinforcement learning5
Pre-training and diagnosing knowledge base completion models5
Regret minimization in online Bayesian persuasion: Handling adversarial receiver's types under full and partial feedback models5
Risk-averse policy optimization via risk-neutral policy optimization5
Budget-feasible mechanisms for proportionally selecting agents from groups5
Reasoning about causality in games5
Exploring the psychology of LLMs’ moral and legal reasoning5
Fragility, robustness and antifragility in deep learning5
Editorial Board5
Credulous acceptance in high-order argumentation frameworks with necessities: An incremental approach5
Algorithms and conditional lower bounds for planning problems5
GUBS criterion: Arbitrary trade-offs between cost and probability-to-goal in stochastic planning based on Expected Utility Theory5
Defense coordination in security games: Equilibrium analysis and mechanism design5
Sound and relatively complete belief Hoare logic for statistical hypothesis testing programs5
Saliency-aware regularized graph neural network5
A framework for step-wise explaining how to solve constraint satisfaction problems5
Learning MAX-SAT from contextual examples for combinatorial optimisation5
SensorSCAN: Self-supervised learning and deep clustering for fault diagnosis in chemical processes5
GoSafeOpt: Scalable safe exploration for global optimization of dynamical systems5
Neural probabilistic logic programming in DeepProbLog4
Special issue on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)4
(1+1) genetic programming with functionally complete instruction sets can evolve Boolean conjunctions and disjunctions with arbitrarily small error4
Risk-averse autonomous systems: A brief history and recent developments from the perspective of optimal control4
The distortion of distributed facility location4
Dealing with expert bias in collective decision-making4
Polynomial calculus for optimization4
The complexity landscape of claim-augmented argumentation frameworks4
Temporal inductive path neural network for temporal knowledge graph reasoning4
The complexity of optimizing atomic congestion4
Properties and interrelationships of skeptical, weakly skeptical, and credulous inference induced by classes of minimal models4
Embedding deep networks into visual explanations4
Counterfactual explanations for misclassified images: How human and machine explanations differ4
How to find a good explanation for clustering?4
Manipulation and peer mechanisms: A survey4
Propositional and predicate logics of incomplete information4
Value functions for depth-limited solving in zero-sum imperfect-information games4
Chimeric U-Net – Modifying the standard U-Net towards explainability4
Integrating multi-armed bandit with local search for MaxSAT4
Argumentative explanations for interactive recommendations4
Dissecting scientific explanation in AI (sXAI): A case for medicine and healthcare4
Explaining black-box classifiers using post-hoc explanations-by-example: The effect of explanations and error-rates in XAI user studies4
Reward (Mis)design for autonomous driving4
Explainable AI tools for legal reasoning about cases: A study on the European Court of Human Rights4
Accurate parameter estimation for safety-critical systems with unmodeled dynamics4
AutoSTG+: An automatic framework to discover the optimal network for spatio-temporal graph prediction4
Solving zero-sum one-sided partially observable stochastic games4
Generative models for grid-based and image-based pathfinding4
Multi resource allocation with partial preferences3
Multi-instance learning of pretopological spaces to model complex propagation phenomena: Application to lexical taxonomy learning3
Hybrid planning for challenging construction problems: An Answer Set Programming approach3
Editorial Board3
Differential privacy of hierarchical Census data: An optimization approach3
Game description language and dynamic epistemic logic compared3
Risk verification of stochastic systems with neural network controllers3
An attention model for the formation of collectives in real-world domains3
Editorial Board3
Knowledge-based strategies for multi-agent teams playing against Nature3
Discovering agents3
A domain-independent agent architecture for adaptive operation in evolving open worlds3
Efficient multi-agent epistemic planning: Teaching planners about nested belief3
An integrated approach to solving influence diagrams and finite-horizon partially observable decision processes3
Temporal segmentation in multi agent path finding with applications to explainability3
Editorial Board3
Epistemic GDL: A logic for representing and reasoning about imperfect information games3
Situation calculus for controller synthesis in manufacturing systems with first-order state representation3
Editorial Board3
Simplified Risk-aware Decision Making with Belief-dependent Rewards in Partially Observable Domains3
Making sense of sensory input3
Shedding new light on the foundations of abstract argumentation: Modularization and weak admissibility3
Editorial Board3
Counterfactual state explanations for reinforcement learning agents via generative deep learning3
Automatic generation of dominance breaking nogoods for a class of constraint optimization problems3
Certified reinforcement learning with logic guidance3
Emotion Selectable End-to-End Text-based Speech Editing3
Solving hybrid Boolean constraints in continuous space via multilinear Fourier expansions3
On the impact of the performance metric on efficient algorithm configuration3
Spectral complexity-scaled generalisation bound of complex-valued neural networks3
Datalog rewritability and data complexity of ALCHOIQ with closed predicates3
Distributed optimization for degenerate loss functions arising from over-parameterization3
Time-delayed collective flow diffusion models for inferring latent people flow from aggregated data at limited locations3
A stochastic process approach for multi-agent path finding with non-asymptotic performance guarantees3
On the landscape of one-hidden-layer sparse networks and beyond3
A complete classification of the complexity and rewritability of ontology-mediated queries based on the description logic 3
Picking sequences and monotonicity in weighted fair division3
Fair division of mixed divisible and indivisible goods3
Learning infinite-word automata with loop-index queries3
A tetrachotomy of ontology-mediated queries with a covering axiom3
Memory-limited model-based diagnosis3
Exploration-exploitation in multi-agent learning: Catastrophe theory meets game theory3
SAT encodings for Pseudo-Boolean constraints together with at-most-one constraints3
End-to-end neural event coreference resolution3
Gerrymandering individual fairness3
Acyclic orders, partition schemes and CSPs: Unified hardness proofs and improved algorithms3
Defying catastrophic forgetting via influence function2
Sample-based bounds for coherent risk measures: Applications to policy synthesis and verification2
A simple yet effective self-debiasing framework for transformer models2
Corrigendum to “Accurate parameter estimation for safety-critical systems with unmodeled dynamics” [Artif. Intell. 316 (2023) 103857]2
Editorial Board2
Acceptance in incomplete argumentation frameworks2
Polarized message-passing in graph neural networks2
Bisimulation between base argumentation and premise-conclusion argumentation2
NovPhy: A physical reasoning benchmark for open-world AI systems2
A kinematics principle for iterated revision2
Out-of-distribution detection by regaining lost clues2
Open-world continual learning: Unifying novelty detection and continual learning2
Hedonic diversity games: A complexity picture with more than two colors2
Explainable acceptance in probabilistic and incomplete abstract argumentation frameworks2
The first AI4TSP competition: Learning to solve stochastic routing problems2
Approximating problems in abstract argumentation with graph convolutional networks2
Dynamically improved bounds bidirectional search2
Human performance consequences of normative and contrastive explanations: An experiment in machine learning for reliability maintenance2
Efficient projection algorithms onto the weighted ℓ1 ball2
Spectral clustering with robust self-learning constraints2
Knowledge graphs as tools for explainable machine learning: A survey2
AI-driven transcriptome profile-guided hit molecule generation2